Monday, January 05, 2009

Dedicated "Out From The Grave" & In Memoriam To My Dear Friend & Mentor Danny Casolaro ~ May You Finally R.I.P

Thus trying to bring the truth closer to...
the surface of the murky waters in which we swim
within the matrix-vortex of a rapidly changing world...

Danny had told his brother that he had been receiving threatening phone calls and he told Tony, "If anything happens to me, don't believe it was an accident".

But listen! And understand!
The Terminator is out there.
It can't be bargained with!
It can't be reasoned with!
It doesn't feel pity, or remorse, or fear.
And it absolutely will not stop, ever,
until you are dead!

"We will meet again, but not yet, not yet. "

That is why we
Arena Annhilatrix- Matrix Centrist Green Gladiators
Call forth out from the Shades of The Shadows of the Grave.

LET The Truth Be Known!

The sheriff belongs in a prison cell
Keep your mouth shut that's what we're gonna do
Unless you wanna wind up in the wishin' well too.

I know a secret down at Uncle Tom's cabin
I know a secret that I just can't tell
I know a secret down at Uncle Tom's cabin
Know a secret that I just can't tell
I know a secret down at Uncle Tom's cabin
Know who put the bodies, know who put the bodies in the wishin' well

Momento Mori
by Arena of Vengeance 7:32pm Fri Aug 3 '01

by Arena of Never Forgotten Memories 12:16pm Wed Feb 20 '02

On August 9, 1991, Danny Casolaro had arranged to meet with a source regarding the trading of documents revolving around the INSLAW case. Casolaro secured room 517 at a motel in Martinsburg, Virginia and was found on August 10, 1991 deceased.

Casolaro died from multiple large contusions, including one to the head, and wounds to the wrists, which included eight slashes on one wrist in which tendons were cut through to the bone, the slashes on the wrists were unhesitant which is rare in self-inflicted wounds.

Casolaro's papers, notes and other personal records he had brought with him to Martinsburg were missing.

authors note: Casolaro's main contention was that there existed 8 members of the Reagan administration that was operating according to their own rules, Casolaro called these 8 men 'The Octopus'.

But there may be good guys at work, too. In the final "Chronology", we find:
"At Casolaro's funeral, two unknown figures appear. One of them places a medal on Casolaro's casket and saluted, although Casolaro never served in the military."
Your mission, gentle readers, if you care to accept it, is to finish the work Danny started. But along the way, just make sure it is the bad guys who commit "suicide".

Even though a number of mainstream outlets carried the news of Danny Casolaro's death, no outlet did a serious investigation. The story was forgotten, as is the case with many controversial stories.That the mass media did not take this apparent murder more seriously is one more indication that this nation's press corps has abandoned its role as the public watchdog. For the public needs to know by the major media outlets when reporters have been killed because of their work.

Also Too... (Part Two = a federal investigation)
But will there be one? So why has the FBI all these years
treated Danny's as well as so many others deaths so lightly.
According to a spokesman in the Pittsburgh office, which has
jurisdiction over West Virginia, "There is no federal investigative
interest in the matter. ( Starting to wonder about your FBI also).
Maybe its high time Directurd Mueller steps down and a great agent like
John Raucci takes over the helm!!! Time for a much needed FBI change over!

Let alone all the high placed criminals at the Justice Department

Signed Gladly, Sadly & Tragically
At The PassionSword Blades Edge...
We Bitter Over Bitter Sweet Gladiators
Of The Society Of The Sacred PassionsWord

Signed Your Eternal Friend ~ Gladiator Zero ~