Friday, March 04, 2005

A Grand Italian Red Rose Memoriam To- Nicola Calipari - A Truly Brave-Noble Soul: Thus All Italia Mourns & Will Now Leave Iraq

The way of a fool is right in his own eyes:

but he that hearkeneth unto counsel is wise.
(Proverbs 23:15)

Thus Aristotle counseled countless readers for many centuries, his wisdom holding true today just as in past millennia. For a corporation cannot survive without constantly seeking out wisdom from "continent", morally-qualified, experienced persons of character, an outcome clearly understood from the earliest times of recorded history.

Hesiod, a Greek poet of the 7th century B.C., summed up this notion succinctly of heeding good advice: "Best is he who makes his own discussion; good is he who listens to the wise; but he who, knowing not, rejects another's wisdom is a plain fool."

Proverbs 26:3 A whip for the horse, a bridle for the ass,
and a rod for the fool's back.
4 Answer not a fool according to his folly, lest thou also be like unto him.
6 He that sendeth a message by the hand of a fool cutteth off the feet,
and drinketh damage.
8 As he that bindeth a stone in a sling, so is he that giveth honour to a fool.
11 As a dog returneth to his vomit, so a fool returneth to his folly.

Thus Italiani Shall But Any Longer follow Americani Fools Into Mistaken Wars Or Never Ending Losing Battles For The Inglese-Americani's Own Foolish Selfish Selves...Enough Chances have been Given Them....

Thus In Dedication & Memoriam To Nicola Calipari- May He R.I.P.
A Truly Noble & Brave Warrior & Nobler Continent Heroic Soul-

The intelligence agent who was killed when he threw himself over Giuliana Sgrena to protect her from U.S. fire, Apcom quoted Gabriele Polo, the editor of the leftist Italian newspaper Il Manifesto, as saying. Sgrena works for Il Manifesto.

Berlusconi identified the dead intelligence officer as Nicola Calipari and said he had been at the forefront of negotiations with the kidnappers. The prime minister said Calipari had been involved in the release of other Italian hostages in Iraq in the past. What a Brave & Noble act. His Brave works , Grand Memory & Noble Spirit will Be Remembered and Honored Eternally. Grazie , Nicola Calipari!

Italia Like the smart Spainish Did Before Now Must & Will Leave Iraq & Berlusconi Now will Redeem Himself & Italia!!! Americans look Really like Shit Now!! They don't Know What Their Doing at all... In Iraq Or Other Places as Well...Bush & His Boys Look Like Shit Internationally Now!! For Do They Get It Now that there are...
Dark Maneuvers & Extreme and dangerous power games going on Sotto Sotto just as....

Black bug's blood.
Crisp crusts crackle and crunch.

A flea and a fly flew up in a flue.
Said the flea, "Let us fly!"
Said the fly, "Let us flee!"
So they flew through a flap in the flue....
Now what To Do...

Italia who is a True Symbol of Victory Now Leaves This
Shitty Bush Fart For Money Clowns War Immediately , thus we do!!
So as The Ol' Nursey Rhyme states with Iraq instead of Mexico...

I don't want to go to Iraq

----------------------------Bottom Death Laden Dotted Line...
I don't want to go to Iraq

No more, more, more.
There's a big fat policeman

At my door, door, door.
He grabbed me by the collar,

He made me pay a dollar,
I don't want to go to Iraq

No more, more, more.

"It's a shame that the joy we all felt was turned into tragedy," Berlusconi said.

The shooting came as a blow to Berlusconi, who has kept 3,000 troops in Iraq despite strong opposition in Italy. The shooting was likely to set off new protests in Italy, where tens of thousands have regularly turned out on the streets to protest the Iraq war. Sgrena's newspaper was a loud opponent of the war.

"Another victim of an absurd war," Alfonso Pecoraro Scanio, leader of the Green Party, told Apcom.

"It's incredible that a man who was busying himself with the difficult task of saving a life was killed by those who say they are in Iraq to safeguard the life of civilians," said Piero Fassino, leader of the Democratic Party of the Left.

Iraqis have reported numerous incidents where confusion at U.S. checkpoints has led to U.S. soldiers killing innocent civilians.

In a 2003 friendly-fire incident involving Italians, American soldiers in northern Iraq shot at a car carrying the Italian official heading up U.S. efforts to recover Iraq's looted antiquities. Pietro Cordone, the top Italian diplomat in Iraq, was unhurt, but his Iraqi translator was killed.

Cordone, also the senior adviser for cultural affairs of the U.S. provisional authority, was traveling on the road between Mosul and Tikrit when his car was fired on at a U.S. roadblock, according to an Italian Foreign Ministry official.

Incredibile...Incredible How Foolish The Foolish
Want To Be , will Continue To Be & Want To Remain

Thus To The Selfish Bunny Fool Fool
"Turned Now Into The Big Goon Americani"
A Big Lesson Now To Be Learned...

Remember The Nusery Rhyme...
Little Bunny Foo Foo & It's Lesson On
"How many Chances Given"

Little Bunny Foo Foo
hoppin' through the forest,
scoopin' up the field mice
and boppin' em on the head.
And down came the Blue Fairy, and she said:

Little Bunny FooFoo
I don't want to see you
scoopin' up the field mice
and boppin' em on the head.
And now I'll give you three chances,
and if you keep it up, I'll turn you into a goon.

Little Bunny Foo Foo
kept hoppin' through the forest,
kept scoopin' up the field mice
and boppin' em on the head.
And down came the Blue Fairy, and she said:

Little Bunny FooFoo
I don't want to see you
scoopin' up the field mice
and boppin' em on the head.
And now I'll give you two more chances,
and if you do that again, I'll turn you into a goon.

Little Bunny Foo Foo
kept hoppin' through the forest,
kept scoopin' up the field mice
and boppin' em on the head.
And down came the Blue Fairy, and she said:

Little Bunny FooFoo
I don't want to see you
scoopin' up the field mice
and boppin' em on the head.
And now I'll give you one more chance,
and if you keep it up,
I'll turn you into a goon.

Little Bunny Foo Foo
kept hoppin' through the forest,
kept scoopin' up the field mice
and boppin' em on the head.
And down came the Blue Fairy, and she said:

Little Bunny FooFoo
I don't want to see you
scoopin' up the field mice
and boppin' em on the head.
You disobeyed me three times,
so now I'm gonna turn you into a GOON!

And the moral of this story is:
Always remember, Hare today, Goon tomorrow!

Now Italia will Be-Gone Tommorrow From This Turned Into A...
Foolish Goon-Americani Evil War getting eviler by the day!!!
So Enough Chances Were Already Given & Like Spain
Enough is Enough Of This Foolish Goons War For Oily $$$$...

Signore Berlusconi Will Now Pull All Italians Out Of Iraq Like we Did In Lebanon In The 1980's To Fanfare Triumph as Being The Only True Peacekeepers Then & Now...

For as usual We Italiani must not & will not "Take No Sides" Now and Like Smart Spain & "Were the Ones with The True Bitch against The Arabs" Greece Want To Be Left Alone...We Mediterranean People say Screw Both Middle Eastern Muslims & Northern European White Boy Americani...Va Fan Culo a Tutti!

Italia Begone Away Way Away From An Evil Dirty Scummy Purpose Idiot's affairs..

Elsewhere, Bulgarian Defense Minister Nikolai Svinarov said in Sophia that a Bulgarian soldier killed last week in Iraq was likely shot by friendly fire from troops of the U.S.-led coalition.

Thus Both A-Hole Arabs & Idiot American Goons-- Begone From Both Of Them Now...Both Have Screwed Up Mediterranean Peoples in the past & Now Also Here In The Here & Now!!! Begone From This Bad Premise Evil Stated War... Both Italia & Bulgaria Together as One Along With The Greeks & Spainish... The French & Germans Were At Least Smart To Stay Out Of It From The Get Go... Spain Was Smart By Pulling Their Troops Out a while ago...Now Bulgaria & Italia Mut Leave This Evil Goons War!

Reader Says Emperor's Clothes Wrong on bin Laden, 9-11
[Posted 28 September 2001]
(This discussion refers to 'The Creation Called Osama' at )

You say, "You make it sound like the US is this evil country that gets what it deserves."
We don't believe that, period. Ordinary people in this country - the people who were killed and terrorized September 11 - are innocent. They did not "get what they deserve." They deserve to be alive, with their loved ones. New York did not deserve to be trashed.

The 200 murdered firemen did not bomb Yugoslavia. The porters and janitors and cleaning ladies and rest of the army of workers at the Towers did not starve the children of Iraq.

The small number of people responsible for crimes that have been committed in America's name did not suffer on 9-11. And now these powerful forces are using the tragic deaths for their own gain, to create a cloud of anger to justify strategic military moves under the guise of a phony "infinite war against terror."

By pushing the comic book notion of the Evil Genius bin Laden, the Clinton and Bush administrations have hidden the amazing fact that the US Establishment has created a giant terrorist apparatus throughout the Balkans and Central Asia. It has even involved the UN in creating a front group for the terrorists in Kosovo - the Kosovo protection Corps. Terrorists attacking Macedonia are paid members of this UN group, this "Protection Corp". True, some of these people are Islamists who - paradoxically - hate the U.S.

This apparatus has been used to smash groups inclined to resist the U.S. drive to conquer the former Soviet Union. That is why the terrorists are especially active in the geo-strategic Balkans and Central Asia. If they aren't planning to attack Russia, why have the U.S. elite got Russia surrounded?

The third region strategic for attacking Russia is the Baltic area. The U.S. has pushed for the active active involvement of the Baltic states of Estonia, Latvia and Lithuania in NATO. Lithuania was the staging ground for recent maneuvers by 14 countries including Germany and the U.S.

This is clearly meant as a military threat to Belarus, a former Soviet state between Lithuania and Russia, whose government has disdained Washington control. The U.S. is sponsoring some 300 organizations in Belarus. One for every 30,000 inhabitants. If you want to know the purpose of these organizations, the U.S. Ambassador to Belarus recently made it perfectly clear.

Ambassador Michael Kozak announced that his government has a 'Nicaraguan"-type policy towards Belarus. The Ambassador was referring to Washington's creation and sponsorship of the Contra drug-gangsters (remember Iran/Contra?) whom Washington organized to terrorize Nicaragua during the 1980s. The goal was to destroy the left-nationalist Sandanista government. Kozak was himself a U.S. operative in that terror campaign, so his outrageous threat should be taken seriously. (3b)
Thus, again, terror as a political weapon.

The U.S. attack on Belarus clearly violates international law - for instance, the Helsinki Final Act, which the U.S., by the way, signed. Perhaps Mr. Bush is unaware that the Helsinki Final Act exists. Perhaps his understanding of international law is: 'We do what we want and you do what we want or we kill you.' [An excerpt from the Helsinki Final Act is posted near the end of this discussion.]

Why is there no uproar in the U.S. Congress about the violent, illegal attack on Belarus which risks nuclear war? Belarus is allied with Russia and is nuclear-armed. Why is the U.S. government doing these things if it wants peace and is uninterested in seizing control of the former Soviet Union?

The Washington-created terrorist apparatus has been used to crush secular and multiethnic regimes. The victims - especially Serbia and Macedonia - are then slandered in the Western media. "Human Rights Groups" (4) controlled by the U.S. foreign policy establishment are dispatched to victim countries and 'discover' that these places (e.g., Serbia and Macedonia) are cruel and abusive in fighting the terrorists that the same U.S. foreign policy elite has sent to attack them. It's a nightmare.

The American people do not support Imperial aggression. But if they feel they are being attacked, they support extreme actions. The powers-that-be can use Islamist terrorists to stage seeming 'outside attacks' to whip up a war fever. Given the complex web the CIA has woven in creating and nurturing terrorism, it is perfectly possible for the CIA to motivate a group of these people to do something to attack ordinary American people (whom they loathe) without the terrorists knowing the real origin of the orders or even the full plan of the attack.

Attorney JB responds: You're Going Too Far!
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Thanks for your thoughtful reply.
While I can see the apparent plausibility of many of your arguments, I do not see how you make the leap to the following statement:
"It is perfectly possible for the CIA to motivate a > group of these people to > do something to attack ordinary American people > without the terrorists knowing > the real origin of the orders or even the full plan > of the attack".

I grant that this is POSSIBLE, but you seem to be suggesting that it may have happened. Yes, we helped to create the monster attack dog, and we can see that the dog bit us hard; but are you suggesting that the CIA directed these guys to conduct the 9-11-01 attacks? If so, what would the reason be for such an outrage? You may consider this a naive view, but I cannot consider as remotely possible the suggestion that our own government was directly involved in actively launching these attacks.
- Peace, JB
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Jared Israel responds: You 'Underestimate' Our Exalted Leaders
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I don't think you're naïve. I think you're smart and sane. Therefore you make the mistake of thinking those on top are like you. You have trouble believing they are mad with lust for power. Their God is money. They view ordinary Americans the way an agribusiness views chickens.

The U.S. Establishment has been staging fake incidents to justify wars for a hundred years. US operatives blew up the Maine, a second class battleship in Havana Harbor in 1898, killing 266 U.S. sailors. Why? To justify the War with Spain which netted the U.S. elite the control of Cuba, Guam, Puerto Rico and the Philippines. In the process, a million Filipinos were slaughtered. The tactics used in the Philippines were just like those employed later in Vietnam, as described by Colin Powell:
"In his 1995 autobiography, My American Journey, Powell describes burning [Vietnamese] peasants out of their huts in 1963, 'starting the blaze with Ronson and Zippo lighters.'

"'Why were we torching homes and destroying crops?' Powell asks rhetorically. 'Ho Chi Minh had said the people were like the sea in which his guerillas swam. We tried to solve the problem by making the whole sea uninhabitable.'" (Quoted in "Nobody's hero," at
If this man could commit such war crimes as a soldier, imagine what he is capable of as an exalted leader.

The bombing of North Vietnm was "legalized" by the Congressional passage of the Gulf of Tonkin Resolution. This was pushed through based on the lie that North Vietnamese boats fired on US destroyers. (See former Washington Post editor Ben Bradlee's comments, at the end, after 'Further Reading.')

Another example - former El Salvador death Squad organizer William Walker staged the phony Racak incident to justify the bombing of Serbia.
More - there could not have been massive and consistent media lies about Yugoslavia - for a decade - without top level "conspiracy." Just check out our article "KLA Attacks Everyone, Media Attacks...Miloshevich" which proves the American people have been sold a mound of cow pie concerning that Yugoslav leader.

Are we wrong? Here's a thought: We'll soon be posting a list of 50 key articles on Emperor's Clothes. Arranged by subject. Take the Emperor's Clothes challenge. Read any or all and show us where we're wrong. We'll post the most convincing criticisms, with replies.
- Jared Israel
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Attorney JB Responds: How Can You Say The US Gains?
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One further thought. Regarding your point about who gained, I don't see how the USA has gained by 9-11-01: our economy has been at least temporarily hammered; and our people have suffered and live with a new level of fear. We will perhaps use bases in some former Soviet republics; but I don't see how this benefits us--after all, that is an exceedingly poor part of the world, and I do not think that we will establish major long-term presences there because of recent events.

I think peaceful coexistence with Russia is much more in our national interests than pissing them off by de facto surrounding them. Putin would not put up with that. You state that money is the God of our most powerful elements. Maybe so, but this whole venture costs a lot more than it repays, as far as I can see.
-- Attorney J.B.
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To which editor Jared Israel responds:
Not the whole U.S. Just a few.
= = = = = = = = = = = = = == = = = = = =
The US as a whole did not gain. Part of the US - a very small part - gained. Most people lost. The difference between you and me is you see one America; I see two. One part, very small, unbelievably rich, very powerful, along with their untouchable flunkies in the covert and semi-covert apparatus that dominates U.S. foreign adventures - that part is using 9-11 to carry forward their very dangerous plans.
You say "I think peaceful coexistence with Russia is much more in our national interests than pissing them off by de facto surrounding them."

For you, and for millions of other decent Americans, yes.
But not for the rulers of this land.
If you say we are wrong about this then you must explain: why HAS the US government pushed NATO - a military machine - right to Russia's borders? For fun?
Why is U.S. Ambassador to Belarus saying the U.S. is using terror to break that independent country?

Why the devastation of Yugoslavia? Why the assault on Macedonia? Why the declaration, just a few days ago, by the U.S. Ambassador to England, that the Balkans will be a "prominent theater of operations and training" for NATO. Operations against whom? Why all this aggressive action when there is no enemy? Unless the goal is the penetration and conquest of Russia.

You say the former Soviet Union is poor. This is half-true. It has been impoverished by the aggressive policies of the International Monetary fund which, if applied in the US, would wipe out the economy. Nevertheless it is one of the richest storehouses of natural wealth in the world. In addition, it has the capacity, if reunited, to resist U.S. expansion.

If this explanation is wrong, what does explain the actions summarized above? How can the U.S. engage in coordinated and aggressive international action by accident?

Further Reading:
1) ''Taliban Camps U.S. bombed in Afghanistan Were Built by NATO' Can be read at
1a) 'Credible Deception' Can be read at
2) 'Why Washington Wants Afghanistan,' at
2a) On involvement of CIA: 'Washington's Backing of Afghan Terrorists: Deliberate Policy'. This includes an article from the "Washington Post' with an introductory note from 'Emperor's Clothes'. Can be read at
On $43 million aid: "The Bush administration has not been deterred [by talk of Taliban atrocities]. Last week it pledged another $ 43 million in assistance to Afghanistan, raising total aid this year to $ 124 million and making the United States the largest humanitarian donor to the country." ('The Washington Post,' 25 May 2001)
3) 'Washington's Pakistani Allies: Drug Dealers, Killers' Can be read at
3a) 'How will you plead at the trial, Mr.Annan? 'Can be read at
3b) 'For Nicaragua, Read Belarus' Can be read at
5) 'The Racak Incident' Can be read at
5a) 'KLA Attacks Everyone. Media Attacks...Miloshevich?' Can be read at
6) 'Tough Measures Needed in Belarus!' Can be read at
Regarding the U.S. making the Balkans a "Prominent theater of operations" see 'NATO Buildup in the Balkans: Part of a Deadly Game ' at
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Excerpt from Helsinki Final Act
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The following is from the Helsinki Final Act, considered a centerpiece of modern International Law, and which the U.S. signed:

"The participating States will refrain in their mutual relations, as well as in their international relations in general, from the threat or use of force against the territorial integrity or political independence of any State, or in any other manner inconsistent with the purposes of the United Nations and with the present Declaration. No consideration may be invoked to serve to warrant resort to the threat or use of force in contravention of this principle.

"Accordingly, the participating States will refrain from any acts constituting a threat of force or direct or indirect use of force against another participating State. Likewise they will refrain from any manifestation of force for the purpose of inducing another participating State to renounce the full exercise of its sovereign rights. Likewise they will also refrain in their mutual relations from any act of reprisal by force."

Note from All citizens of the U.S. can benefit from reading the Final Act for it gives a perspective from which to view the U.S. government's actions. It can be read in full at

Now lets go back a little further in history For...

I would like to talk about government lying. Calculated
lies. The willful deception of the public for political
end, especially under the disguise of national security,
and what an awful price we pay for such lies under any
name: misinformation, disinformation, deceit, deception,
or just plain dishonesty. Ben Bradlee's Speech on Tonkin Bay

Some of his 1987 remarks about the lie that sold the Vietnam War.

The Guardian (London) April 29, 1987

HEADLINE: Deceit and dishonesty

I would like to talk about government lying. Calculated lies. The wilful deception of the public for political end, especially under the disguise of national security, and what an awful price we pay for such lies under any name: misinformation, disinformation, deceit, deception, or just plain dishonesty.

In America, the press is curiously shy, even embarrassed when faced with the need to use some form of the verb 'to lie' even now when public tolerance for the unexplained and for the unbelievable explanation is wearing thin. We seem to drop quickly into a defensive crouch, when even, as now, we are accused of abusing our power by not accepting explanations which often defy acceptance. We are, too often, close enough to the Establishment ourselves to be [un]comfortable in calling a lie, a lie. I am not talking about little lies as in Vice-Admiral Poindexter asked to give up his job as National Security Adviser to return to active duty in the Navy. Little lies as in we did not trade the Soviet spy TK Sakharov for the American journalist Nick Danilov. Little lies like Margaret Heckler has been promoted from Secretary of Health and Human Services to be Ambassador to Ireland. Little lies like that take forever to damage the bonds of confidence that link the people and the press and public policy.

Let us talk about the big lies, lies that change history. Two of them have to do with Vietnam, that war that so outraged Jimmy Cameron. Let me take you back to December 1963 and Tansonhut airport in Saigon. At the end of his first fact finding trip to Vietnam for the New American President Lyndon Johnson, the Defence Secretary Robert McNamara was holding a press conference. He told reporters that he was 'optimistic as to the progress that had been made and could be made during the coming year' in the fight against the Vietcong. This was duly reported to an anxious world on that night's television and in next day's newspapers.

In case the Vietnam years have blurred in your minds, or even disappeared from your screens, may I remind you that this so-called Battle of Tonkin Gulf was the sole basis of the Tonkin Gulf Resolution, which was the entire justification for the United States' war against Vietnam. This non-event happened on August 4, 1964. President Johnson went on television that very night to ask the country to support a Congressional resolution. The resolution went to Congress the next day. Two days later it was approved unanimously by the House and 88-2 by the Senate.

The 'facts' behind this critically important resolution were quite simply wrong. Misinformation? Disinformation? Deceit? Whatever! Lies.

Now Onto the Politics , Organizzation & Employment of the Masses...

There were no unemployed because there were too many identical professions which competed less because they were exercised in more countries. There was no necessity for socialism (another totalitarian notion), because the economic life of a small country could be supervised from any church tower without the interpretations (brilliant though they be) of a Marx or Schacht.

There was the development of the arts in the many capitals which excelled in the creation of universities, theater and in the production of poets, philosophers and architects. And there were no more taxes than we have now, in the age of rationalization, where people and enterprises have been "economized" for economic reasons and the phenomenon of unemployment has come into existence.

We have done away done away with what we thought was the waste of courts and kings and have created thereby the splendor of the dictators' marching millions. We have ridiculed the many little states; now we are terrorized by their few successors. Not only history but also our own experience has taught us that true democracy in Europe can only be achieved in little states. Only there the individual can retain his place and dignity.

And if democracy is a worthwhile idea, we have to create again the conditions for its development, the small state, and give the glory of sovereignty (instead of curtailing an institution from which no one wants to depart) to the smallest community and to as many people as possible. It will be easy to unite small states under one continental federal system and thus also satisfy, secondarily, those who want to live on universal terms. Such a Europe is like a fertile inspiration and a grandiose picture, although not a modern one which you paint in one dull line. It will be like a mosaic with fascinating variations and diversity, but also with the harmony of the organic and living whole.

This is a ridiculous scheme, conceived for man as a witty, vivacious and individualistic reality. Unionism, on the other hand, is a deadly serious scheme without humor, meant for men as a collectivity and as social animals of lower order; and it reminds me constantly, in all its earnest elaborateness of the German professor who submitted to Satan a new plan for organizing Hell. Whereupon Satan answered with rock-shaking laughter: "Organize Hell? My dear Professor, organization, that is Hell." -------- Note: Originally published in The Commonweal (September 26, 1941) under the pseudonym Hans Kohr. Republished in German in Die Zeit no. 43 (October 25, 1991), p. 19

And, therefore, thither in purpose we pass,
Still Hoping at London to find the Golden Ass.
We'll away, We'll away, We'll away, We'll no longer stay.

Anonymous (c.1624)
A Song Bewailing the Time of Christmas,
So Much Decayed in England
Christmas is my name, for have I gone, have I gone, have I gone,
Have I gone without regard;
Whereas great men by flocks they be flown to Londonward
Where in pomp and pleasure do waste
That which Christmas had wont to feast,
Houses where music was wonted to ring,
Nothing but bats and owls now do sing.
Welladay, welladay, welladay, where should I stay?

Christmas bread and beef is turned into stones, into stones, into stones,
Into stones and silken rags.
And Lady Money, it doth sleep, it doth sleep, it doth sleep,
It doth sleep in misers' bags.
Where many gallants once abound,
Nought but a dog and shepherd is found,
Places where Christmas revels did keep
Are now become habitations for sheep.
Welladay, welladay, welladay, where should I stay?

Pan, the shepherds' god, doth deface, doth deface, doth deface,
Doth deface Lady Ceres' crown;
And tillages doth decay, doth decay, doth decay,
Doth decay in every town;
Landlords their rents so highly enhance
That Piers the ploughman barefoot doth dance,
Farmers that Christmas would entertain
Hath scarcely withal themselves to maintain.
Welladay, welladay, welladay, where should I stay?

Go to the Protestant, he'll protest, he'll protest, he'll protest,
He will protest and boldly boast;
And to the Puritan, he is so hot, he is so hot, he is so hot,
He is so hot he will burn the roast.
The Catholic good deeds will not scorn,
Nor will he see poor Christmas forlorn,
Since holiness no good deeds will do,
Protestants had best turn Papists too.
Welladay, welladay, welladay, where should I stay?

Pride and luxury doth devour, doth devour, doth devour,
Doth devour housekeeping quite,
And beggary doth beget, doth beget, doth beget,
Doth beget in many a knight.
Madam, forsooth, in coach must she reel
Although she wear her hose out at heel,
And on her back were that for her weed
That would both me and many other feed,
Welladay, welladay, welladay, where should I stay?

Briefly for to end, here I find, here I find, here I find,
Here I find such great vacation
That some great houses do seem to have, seem to have, seem to have,
For to have some great purgation:
With purging pills such effects they have showed
That out of doors their owners they have spewed.
And when Christmas goes by and calls,
Nothing but solitude and naked walls.
Welladay, welladay, welladay, where should I stay?

Philomel's cottages are turned into gold, into gold,
Into gold for harboring Joan;
And great men's houses up for to hold, up for to hold,
Up for to hold, make great men moan;
But in the city they say they do live
Where gold by handfuls away they do give,
And, therefore, thither I purpose to pass,
Hoping at London to find the Golden Ass.
I'll away, I'll away, I'll away, I'll no longer stay.

For The Continent Person now will go his own way..
Right Berlusconi & tutti l'italiani...For That which is...

Concerning Virtues and Vices

Concerning virtues and vices it ought to be known that the Philosopher, in the first chapter of book seven of the Ethics assigns three grades [gradus] in the acquisition of virtue and similarly three opposing grades in the acquisition of vicious habits. The former three are continence, temperance, and heroic virtue, and are distinguished as follows. According to the Philosopher, the continent person is one who, although he has evil desires, nevertheless does not follow these desires but rather follows right reason. By this I understand that the continent person is he who: 1) apprehends certain desirable objects and strives for them by means of the sensitive appetite, but 2) right reason dictates the contrary of the object which is desired by the sensitive appetite, and then 3) the will, of its own freedom, does not will that object which the sensitive appetite desires, but rather wills that which is dictated by right reason, so that, in regard to that volition, right reason is a partial object of the will (as was shown elsewhere).

Moreover, having been frequently elicited, there follows from this sort of volition a single habit in the will in which the will is inclined to willing that which is dictated by right reason: this habit is called "continence" by the Philosopher. This habit stands with temperance and heroic virtue just as any virtue stands with another, as was shown elsewhere. For to whatever degree someone is temperate or heroic in her will, if she were to have an evil desire in the manner mentioned above, and if she were to have a habit inclining her will toward following right reason, then to that same extent she would be said to be continent. And it is in this way that "continence" signifies principally that inclining habit in the will, and also connotes an act of desiring in the sensitive appetite. Hence, when such acts of desiring occur, it is said that someone is continent; when such acts are absent the person is not called continent according to the intention of the Philosopher, however much the aforementioned habit of the will, which really is virtuous, remains.

As Continence's Sweet Bitter Sweet Lost hopes
are Re-Kindled in Hope Within & without concerning a
Big Goon American Foolish Welcome Back To…
Anew Iraq Massacre Willed & On The Way
Which Will Be An Inside Job as more Pre Warned Bl-pow In*Outs To ocCUR
As More Mutiny's & Massacres Are On The Way…Sey Hey… where’s the MUSTard!
For Now An Untold Tale of tales Be Yet To Be Told! Thus also....

Temperance in this sense [the second sense, i.e., in the sense of always willing to avoid the opportunities for evil desires to arise] is an ongoing act of will, and is rightly called "temperance" whether the sensible passions occur or not; however, when taken in the first sense described above, the habit is not called "temperance" when evil desires do occur. Perseverance is in no way distinguished from continence, because a perseverant person is one who sustains the will in a virtuous act according to right reason and who continues such a virtuous act of will.

It is in the first sense [i.e., sense a)] that the Philosopher speaks of heroic virtue. According to the Philosopher, this is because she is perfectly heroic who has some habit in the will inclining to an act willing or nilling to exceed the common state of man, either by the nature of the act or by the circumstances (in the manner spoken of above), and who together with this is prepared to make an exterior work in conformity to an interior act -- say someone willed, by a volition elicited from a habit, to burn for the purpose of saving the Faith and, sometime later, but before her resolve failed her, voluntarily upheld such a burning in actuality -- this person, I say, is perfect heroic according to the intention of the Philosopher. Alternatively, if someone were to have a habit inclining him to nill fornicating for some cause against which no objection of right reason can be brought, and if right reason were then to dictate that the will ought quickly to undergo blows and whips in actuality, rather than fornicate, and if he himself voluntarily undergoes these things, then he is perfectly heroic.

The second way of speaking of heroic virtue [either 1b or 2b above] concerns a habit inclining toward an interior act alone, without the consequence of an exterior act. Under these circumstances, that virtue is called complete virtue but not properly heroic virtue according to the intention of the Philosopher and [emending et for est, with no authority from the apparatus] according to the common way of speaking, because heroic virtue signifies principally that habit in the will and connotes the concomitant exterior act when it is appropriate, etc. And hence if someone were to have this kind habit in the will, through which he was inclined to willing or nilling something which exceeded the common state of man by its nature or by some circumstance (and therefore were neither striving for nor prepared to make an exterior action in conformity to that volition), then he would most perfectly own that habit which is heroic virtue, granting that it be strictly called heroic only when the exterior action follows.

You might ask the following. "Suppose that, 1) a nilling in accord with universal right reason exists in the will in regard to fornication -- for example, nilling to fornicate for a cause contrary to right reason -- and further suppose that, while this act of will remains, 2) the intellect dictates that incarceration ought to be quickly inflicted rather than fornicating or willing to fornicate. Would then an act of will willing incarceration follow necessarily?" I respond that it would, as long as the aforementioned acts of intellect and will remain.

Signed Sadly and Tragically
At the Sacred Passionswords Blades Edge!!
WE Bitter OVER BITTER Gladiators
Of the Society of the Sacred Sword

"Alone of Angels Death has no love for gifts,
Libation helps you not, nor sacrifice.
He has no altar, and hears no hymns;
From him alone Persuasion stands apart."

Aeschylus (525-465 B.C.) "Niobe"

Again in Dedication & Memoriam To Nicola Calipari-
A Truly Brave Continent Temperant Noble Heroic Figure
Who We All Will Remember In Fondness Grace & Thanks Eternally
As You All Now Collectively Gather Once Again...
Within PassionSword's Divine Grand Journey Enterprise Release
Arena-Round Tables Grim "Tale Of Tales" Collective Gathering
Of Divine Time & Space MatriX VorteX Souls...
within each & every Shadow within The Shades of Shadows...

That Shall Now Sadly-Angrily-& Dutifully
Fade Now InTo Pale Death's Kingdom Of...
Deep Italian Sorrowful Red Rose Laden Funeral Black