Sunday, March 27, 2005

No Right is Right & Wrong is Wrong:Time To Take A Stand:Impeachment Time

So They Think with the demise of the independent counsel statute,
this President thinks he has advantages his predecessors did not.
Clinton Should have Been Impeached As well as Many More Before Him...
This One Should Also Be Impeached & Stand Trail Like Everyone Else...
We Say Bring Back A New independent counsel statute,
with a Guillotine Time & Space Twist!

ReEnter Now Sweet Lady Liberty's Passionsword Arena of
No...Right is Right & Wrong is Wrong:
It's High Time To Take A Stand: Impeachment Time
As We Have Been Gladly Saying Now For a While...
These Guys are making America Look Like Crap World Wide...
Enough Is Enough...

Wrong Is Wrong It Be The truth...Plain & Simple...
You Can Go ahead & Try &
Put A Spin On It Any Way You Like...In Plain Truth'
In Front Of The Magic Mirror Of Reflected Truth...
Its Still Wrong!

But These Guys In Dan Murphy's Excellent Article Below
Are The True Blood & Guts Of America
These Reservists we are truly Proud Of...
It's The Politicians that are The Ones Making America look like crap...
Not These Brave Guys...They are What America is Proud Of!

In Iraq with 'reservists that fight'

Expecting to pull security duty, the reservists of Bravo Company became battle-hardened marines.

By Dan Murphy | Staff writer of The Christian Science Monitor

They're among the tens of thousands of reservists who have fought in Iraq, a consequence of the country's insurgency and an active-duty military understaffed for long-term occupation. In the process they've become the epitome of the "citizen soldier."
Many in Bravo said they once foresaw a successful outcome in Iraq. But after six months of hard fighting, in which they saw towns overrun by insurgents and a flaccid response by Iraqi units, most are not optimistic. "I just hope that all that we risked here, the people who have died'' wasn't for nothing, says Sgt. Bob Grandfield, who lives in Boston. "But I'm not leaving with a lot of optimism."

Where's the outrage on torture?
By Jeff Jacoby, Globe Columnist | March 17, 2005

The Bush administration and the military insist that any abuse of detainees is a violation of policy and that abusers are being punished. If so, why does it refuse to allow a genuinely independent commission to investigate without fear or favor? Why do Republican leaders on Capitol Hill refuse to launch a proper congressional investigation? And why do my fellow conservatives -- those who support the war for all the right reasons -- continue to keep silent about a scandal that should have them up in arms?

Report: U.S. Weighs Changes in Handling Terror Suspects

NEW YORK (Reuters) - The Defense Department is considering major changes to the military tribunals that the Bush administration established to prosecute foreign terror suspects at Guantanamo Bay in Cuba, The New York Times reported in Sunday editions.

Citing military and administration officials, the newspaper said the proposed changes were detailed in a more than 200-page draft manual for the tribunals that has been circulating among Pentagon lawyers.

However, there are reservations about effecting the changes because of the opposition of Vice President Dick Cheney ,the newspaper said.

The changes, in the wake of widespread criticism from the federal courts, foreign governments and human rights groups, include strengthening the rights of defendants, establishing more independent judges to lead the panels and barring confessions obtained by torture, the Times said.

Military officials said the draft, modeled after the Manual for Courts-Martial, was written under the auspices of the Pentagon official in charge of the tribunals, Maj.-Gen. John Altenburg, now retired, the Times said.

Officials said the changes would generally move the tribunals, or "military commissions," more into line with the judicial standards applied to members of the U.S. military in traditional courts-martial, the newspaper reported.

Convoy Unprepared for Last, Fatal Run
By T. Christian Miller Times Staff Writer

From the moment it left the gate, the convoy may have been doomed by a series of errors that escalated into disaster.

The documents and interviews show:

• Military bungling and poor communications sent the men onto an active battlefield on a road that was supposed to be closed. A U.S. soldier who approved the route changed his mind minutes later and sent an e-mail advising that the road was closed. He accidentally sent the e-mail to himself, and it never reached the convoy.

• Halliburton agreed to drive the route despite warnings from its own personnel. Another Halliburton convoy traveling the route was hit earlier the same day, losing several vehicles. The leader of that convoy told colleagues that he had e-mailed his superiors about the danger.

• Neither the truckers nor their escorts had prepared for the mission. The destination was changed 15 minutes before the convoy headed out. None of them were familiar with the exact route.

• The military did not follow its own recommendations. An order issued on the morning of the convoy's departure recommended a minimum ratio of one Army soldier to accompany every two Halliburton trucks. The April 9 convoy had six soldiers among 19 trucks.

• Halliburton let its men drive unarmored military vehicles rather than their customary white civilian trucks, making the truckers appear as a military target.

The toll would have been worse if not for the actions of some U.S. soldiers and truckers, survivors said. Contractors and soldiers alike returned fire, and one soldier was awarded the Silver Star for bravery.
Details of the incident raise questions about the nation's expectations of private contractors in war zones — expectations that have reached unprecedented heights in Iraq. They also raise questions about the obligations of their employers

About Time The Military Covers Its Arses...& The Politicians who did all This Need To Be Tried Themselves... A Call For Impeachment Now Abounds...
Also A Call For Project Guillotine Now Once again Goes Out...
Two Stolen Elections & all These Messes They have Made ^& More On The Way...
Time To Get Rid Of These Evil Bastards... Bottom Line!!!
They are making America As We've Been Saying For Years
Now LOOK LIKE SHIT WORLD WIDE...Europe called Us American Gladiators The Other Day To Say All Of Europe Hates Bush-Cheney , & They are All Against Their Evil Wars!!!
What Does That Tell Ya!!! Time Is Up...IMPEACHMENT TIME>>> BOTTOM LINE!!!
Mr. Haliburton Cheney needs To Be Impeached & Stand Trial...

Hell Even Texas Realizes Now What
Hypocritical Two Faced Lying Bad Luck Evil Back Stabbing a-Holes They are...

Texas Accuses Bush of Trampling Its Autonomy in Death Penalty Case
By Charles LaneWashington Post Staff Writer
Monday, March 28, 2005; Page A02

As a presidential candidate in 2000, then-Gov. George W. Bush had a ready reply for those who would criticize the governance of his state: "Don't mess with Texas."
Yet, five years later, as president, Bush stands accused of doing just that. And the accuser is none other than the State of Texas, which says Bush is attempting to impose on a sovereign state not only his will, but also the will of an international court that has no authority over criminal justice in the United States.

"What's odd is that the president is saying we'll discharge the obligation by action in state courts. That's a twist."

Richard A. Samp, chief counsel of the conservative Washington Legal Foundation, who wrote a friend-of-the-court brief supporting Texas on behalf of Sandra and Randy Ertman, parents of Jennifer Ertman, one of the murdered teenagers, said there is no reason to prefer the ICJ ruling over a 1996 federal law that limits post-conviction appeals such as Medellin's.

"What I find unfortunate is that we're 12 years after the murder," Samp said, "and the parents of the victims have had to go through this for 12 years, and as a result of what President Bush has done, it could be three to four more years."

Oh The Chemical Weapons Shipped In The 1980's to Sadamn came right out of Abeerdeen Maryland... Hows that for Hypocrisy...At Least The Europeans know how to mitigate their hypocrisy...America seems to Be Out Right and Full Blown.. Sorry The Truth Hurts BoyZ!

Plus a whole lot of righteous Indignation

Leave Ya all with an Aesop's Fable...

The Eagle & The Man

A MAN caught an eagle in a snare. He cut his wings
close and kept him chained to a stump in his yard.
A kind-hearted Fowler, seeing the melancholy-looking
bird, took pity on him and bought him. He was now well
treated and his wings were allowed to grow. When
they had grown again sufficiently for him to fly, the
Fowler gave him his liberty. The first thing the bird
caught was a fine fat Hare, which he brought and gratefully
laid at the feet of his benefactor. A Fox, looking
on, said that he would have done better to try to make
friends with the first Man who had caught him, and who
might perhaps catch him again, rather than with the
second from whom he had nothing to fear.
"Your advice may do very well for a Fox," replied the Eagle;
"but it is my nature to serve those who have been kind to me,
and to let those who choose be governed by fear."

So Which Do Americans now choose to Be... American Eagles as some do...
& Which Choose to Still Be Lying American Foxes governed by fear & hypocrisy...
For Two Wrongs Don't make a Right...We Thought That Doing The Right Thing Though Others World Wide May Not Is What Makes Us American Eagles Soar Higher Than The Rest... God Bless America & The American Eagles...Impeachment Time For The Foxes though...these are all creepy oily messed up bad luck Nixon Boyz...Bottom Line...
To Save The Union They Must Go...Let The Impeachment Process Begin...

& These Boyz are In Bed With The Biggest Human Rights Abusers In The World...
The Creepy Oily Saudi Arabian Regime...Time Some Of These Really Old Men In Congress Retire Like Other Americans must do at a Certain Age...Oh we forgot they are above it all...Like Tom Daschle leaving after 26 years with 5 million dollars plus in his demo-weenie back pocket...You should see what they all got...including the Supreme Court Judges...Right Mr.Supreme Court Derivitives King CLOPIN ReinQuest!
Let The Big corporate Criminals go & The Poor innocent Hang...

The Court of Miracles
From: The Hunchback of Notre Dame
Lyrics: Stephen Schwartz

[Clopin and Gypsies]
Maybe you've heard of a terrible place
Where the scoundrels of Paris
Collect in a lair
Maybe you've heard of that mythical place
Called the Court of Miracles
Hello, you're there!
Where the lame can walk
And the blind can see
But the dead don't walk
So you won't be around
To reveal what you've found
We have method for spies and intruders
Rather like hornets protecting their hive
Where it's a miracle if you get out alive

Justice is swift in the Court of Miracles
I am the lawyer and judge all in one
We like to get the trial over with quickly
Because it's the sentence that's really the fun!

Now that we've seen all the evidence...

Wait! I object!


I object!



We find you totally innocent...
Which is the worst crime of all...

So you're going to hang!

More On The Way... Stay Tuned In & Tuned Up...
As You all Now Collectively Gather Together For MAJOR CHANGES NEEDED & A COMING...
Thus Now Begin Once Again By Fading To Black...