Thursday, February 16, 2006

For I Am Not Ashamed Of The U.N. & Amnesty International & Many Others Who Condemn The Bushwacker-GOP Nightmare Of Evil Tortures & Illegal Abuses

Correct Action & Right Reaction Vs.
Wrong Actions & Over-reactions That
My Friends Is the Divine Question

Thus We Death Devotees Here At...
Sweet Lady Liberty's Passionsword Arena of
Independent Centrist Green Gladiators Will Once
Again Remind You All Of Your Supposed So Called
True Christian Believers Duties That You Should
Not Be Ashamed Of Performing To Their Upmost.

But Sadly They Thus Have Much To Be Ashamed Of...
For They Are Systematically, Shamelessly & Evily Destroying
Every Fiber Of This Great Nation From Within To Its Very Core.

Thus They have given themselves license to "do what thou wilt". But In dealings with such entities as the Angel of Death, one must adopt a new law, a law of reverence and purity of spirit. Divine love is the "law", and nothing less be the purpose of thy will.

Mr 8:38 -
"For whoever is ashamed of Me and My words in this adulterous and sinful generation, the Son of Man will also be ashamed of him when He comes in the glory of His Father with the holy angels ."

(2Ti 1:12) For the which cause I also suffer these things:
nevertheless I am not ashamed: for I know whom I have believed,
and am persuaded that he is able to keep that which I have
committed unto him against that day.

Lu 9:26 -
"For whoever is ashamed of Me and My words, the Son of Man will be ashamed of him when He comes in His glory, and the glory of the Father and of the holy angels.

Jesus, The Son Of Man Is Thus... Very Ashamed Of Them...

For They Would Dare Call Themselves A Christian Nation.

Better Start A Watching Your Own Fake Christian
Back Door Arse There Signor Roberts...Tisk Tisk Tisk...
But Remember This There All You Mr. Roberts Out There...

Romans 1:16a “For I am not ashamed of the Gospel”
Stoned at Lystra and beaten , whipped, shipwrecked, and abandoned, he understood the cost of the Gospel, and he said “I am not ashamed!” He didn’t care. He was fearless. You could not rattle him. He was out of his mind for the Gospel, a fool for Christ. His life was in Christ, Christ in him. Paul was even accused of being an atheist because he believed in one God, and accused of being a cannibal because of the ordinance of the Lord’s supper. Paul knew that the Gospel offended, and that it was a foolish thing to unbelievers. But he knew the power of the Gospel.

People don’t want to hear the Gospel because it exposes weakness, sin, depravity, and man’s inability to achieve salvation. People don’t want to be called these things. It is offensive to hear. The Gospel offends because it reveals truth. We should never be judgmental in the way we represent Christ, but the truth is that if I live my life according to the Gospel of Christ, then my life will often be offensive to the person who has rejected Christ.

For Even If They Are Incountering EVIL TERRORIST...
You Don't Treat People In Such A Manner. How Utterly Barbaric!
You All Have Proven Your Just As Low & Evil As They All Are!
America Is Supposed To Be The Nation Of Higher Principals Here
in Comparison To Others Around The World.

Thus We Are Supposed To Keep To Higher Standards Of
Dealing Even With The Lowest Of Terroristic Scum Bags!

For These GOP's Would Be The First To Yell, Bitch Rant & Rave
If It Was Done To Them Or Against Them By Others But
Its O.K. For Them To Go On Right Ahead & Do It On Others...

Anyone Who Does These Things-Anywhere WorldWide Is Satanistic & Evil & Rotten Shameless To The CXore-BotOOm-X-ed Out From The UnderGround LInE!

What Dirty Rotten Two Faced Hypocritical Lying Evil Bastards!

Strange but true for it always seems the most intelligent
are always at the cutting edge of not only dissent but reason.

So Don't Go & Get Yourselves Too Carried Away For
Even Stranger Things Are Going To Start Happening Now,

As You...
Enter Once Again Sweet Lady Liberty's
Passionsword Arena of Independent Centrist
Green Gladiators Who Are Glad To Relighten
Sweet Lady Liberty's Divine Sacred Flame...

GENEVA - The United States must close its detention facility at Guantanamo Bay because it is effectively a torture camp where prisoners have no access to justice, a U.N. report released Thursday concluded. Five U.N. experts accused the United States of practices that "amount to torture" and demanded detainees be allowed a fair trial or freed.

The U.N. investigators said photographic evidence — corroborated by testimony of former prisoners — showed detainees shackled, chained and hooded. Prisoners were beaten, stripped and shaved if they resisted, they said.

The report's findings were based on interviews with former detainees, public documents, media reports, lawyers and questions answered by the U.S. government, which detailed the number of prisoners held but did not give their names or the status of charges against them.

Some of the interrogation techniques — particularly the use of dogs, exposure to extreme temperatures, sleep deprivation and prolonged isolation — caused extreme suffering.

"Such treatment amounts to torture, as it inflicts severe pain or suffering on the victims for the purpose of intimidation and/or punishment," the report said

Thus Enter The Evil & Illegal Satan White House That
Has Of Course In Sin rejected the recommendation.

"Those people should be released or brought before an independent court," Manfred Nowak, the U.N. investigator for torture, told The Associated Press. "That should not be done in Guantanamo Bay, but before ordinary U.S. courts, or courts in their countries of origin or perhaps an international tribunal."

The United States should allow "a full and independent investigation" at Guantanamo and also give the United Nations access to other detention centers, including secret ones, in Iraq, Afghanistan and elsewhere, Nowak said by telephone from his office in Vienna, Austria.

"We want to have all information about secret places of detention because whenever there is a secret place of detention, there is also a higher risk that people are subjected to torture," he said.

The United States is holding about 490 men at the military detention center. They are accused of links to Afghanistan's ousted Taliban regime or to al-Qaida, but only a handful have been charged.Although his statement did not address specific allegations, the Pentagon has acknowledged 10 cases of abuse or mistreatment at Guantanamo, including a female interrogator climbing onto a detainee's lap and a detainee whose knees were bruised from being forced to kneel repeatedly.

In Strasbourg, France, the European Parliament condemned the treatment of prisoners at Guantanamo and renewed its calls for the detention center to be closed.

Human rights activists also supported the investigators' findings.

Amnesty International said the report was only the "tip of the iceberg."

"The United States also operates detention facilities at Bagram Airbase in Afghanistan, Abu Ghraib and elsewhere in Iraq and has been implicated in the use of secret detention facilities in other countries," an Amnesty statement said.

Disgusting & Despicable...
There Is No Shame For The Evil Shameless...

Cover-Ups from The Ultra Secretive Underhanded
Ex Tricky Dick Nixon's Shameless Phoney Dickster Trickster BoyZ...
No Way! Never On Your Shamless ArseLickers Lives

How About Shamless Phoney Peter King-R-New York Talking About
The Biggest Phonies In The Nation-The White House Press Corps...
So It's High Time To Investigate Peter KING Up There In Grease Town...
Also The New York Times Who He Doesn't Care Who Talks To Them Also Needs To Investigate Peter King's Dirty Deeds Done Dirt Cheap...
Wow Talk About A Shamless Phoney Republican cover-Up Front Man Liar.
Likes To Lick Clinton Butt Though...

What some Say about The IRA-MOB KINGSTER...

I seriously doubt that it will do any good, but here's my email to him:
Rep. King,
I noticed your recent remark, "Not one person has come up to me and said we have too much spending," in a New York Times article. Here's a link:

I hope this will not spoil your fun, but here's me saying, "We have too much spending!"

As a conservative and fellow Republican, I urge you to do everything in your power to reduce federal spending. Those of us out here in "flyover country" are enraged when we see Republicans not standing up to horrible waste like "The Bridge to Nowhere" in Alaska. That bridge is such a flagrant abuse of your fiscal responsibility that it made it into a recent Reader's Digest story on wasteful spending.

At the current level of budgeting, I suspect there are hundreds of billions of dollars in waste and pork that can easily be cut by folks with sufficient steel and backbone. I ask that you get busy on this.
Thank you!
Aiken, SC

Not one person has come up to me and said we have too much spending," said Representative Peter T. King, Republican of New York.
Someone needs to muster New Yorkers on him for a heckuva FREEP
4 posted on 11/02/2005 3:18:16 AM PST by The Red Zone

Not one person has come up to me and said we have too much spending," said Representative Peter T. King, Republican of New York
This is exactly why we have to get these people out of Washington and back home among their constituents - They are so out of touch with America they can't feel their own fingertips.
8 posted on 11/02/2005 4:56:53 AM PST by DustyMoment

I think when King refers to "not one person" he is referring to his fellow Congressmen.
11 posted on 11/02/2005 5:31:52 AM PST by MarxSux

Here's the letter I wrote to this gangster.....
Mr. King:

Though I’m not a constituent of yours, I write to take issue with a comment I saw attributed to you in The NY Times. "Not one person has come up to me and said we have too much spending," said Representative Peter T. King, Republican of New York.” I beg to differ Congressman; you and your partners in crime are raping the American public with spending measures that are not just “too much”, but positively disgusting. $250 million for a bridge servicing 50 people? Are you people insane, or just trying to get reelected? I cannot see the way in which a moral, sane person could consider such spending as appropriate. Hang your head in shame for that comment and reassess your position, keeping the American taxpayer in mind instead of the special interest groups that fund your campaigns.
5 posted on 11/02/2005 3:35:01 AM PST by the tongue

About King's Buddies The Clintons
That was certainly one of the final nails in his coffin. But does anyone imagine that the clintons would have let such a piddling little detail stand in their way? The clintons who ordered Vince Foster's computer drive to be taken out and destroyed, and ordered his body to be removed from the White House rolled up in a carpet? The clintons who admitted to stealing 900 FBI files on their political enemies?

After all his offenses, and after being impeached, clinton could still count on his senate friends to defend him. And they did it, not to save his sorry *ss but because they didn't want to relinquish power. frankiep
I am disgusted and ashamed that this KING toad is my congressman. Reason number 127,453,216 that I will NEVER live in the People's Republic of New York again. PBRSTREETGANG
Ignoring, for a moment, that King is a clueless jerk, Hillary has done absolutely jack---- for New York!

King is the lapdog for Senator Al D'Amato and Mike Long of New York's Conservative patronage party. Another lapdog is George Marlin. These are the people behind blocking Rudy's bid for Governor. They helped Hillary get the senate seat.
(By Wideawake)

At the time I thought perhaps his FBI file was a factor and now I'm convinced more than ever.
LOL......can you imagine what King's FBI files contain.Peter King is absolute sucking scum.
He is a long time supporter and fundraiser for IRA terrorists.
he is a complete RINO and he is now attempting to sabotage the NY GOP
posted on 04/20/2005 6:58:26 AM PDT by wideawake

But Just In From...
WASHINGTON - A federal judge ordered the Bush administration on Thursday to release documents about its warrantless surveillance program or spell out what it is withholding, a setback to efforts to keep the program under wraps.

U.S. District Judge Henry Kennedy ruled that a private group, the Electronic Privacy Information Center, will suffer irreparable harm if the documents it has been seeking since December are not processed promptly under the Freedom of Information Act. He gave the Justice Department 20 days to respond to the group's request.

Senate Judiciary Chairman Arlen Specter, R-Pa., told a forum at Georgetown University Law School Thursday night, "You cannot have domestic search and seizure without a warrant." He is drafting legislation to require the foreign surveillance court to review Bush's program and determine if it is constitutional.

California Rep. Jane Harman, ranking Democrat on the House Intelligence Committee, told the Georgetown audience the surveillance "can and must comply" with the law requiring warrants from the special court

Plus This Just In On Oily Deals & Our Evil Madman In The White House...

WASHINGTON - The House Energy chairman said Thursday he suspects politics, not charity, is behind the Venezeulan offer to provide cheap heating oil to poor Americans.

House Energy and Commerce Committee Chairman Joe Barton, R-Texas, and Rep. Ed Whitfield, R-Ky., chairman of the subcommittee for oversight and investigations, wrote to Houston-based Citgo Petroleum Corp., a subsidiary of Venezuela's state-owned oil company, on Wednesday asking officials to provide them with all records pertaining to the program by Feb. 23.

They said they are concerned the oil deals are "part of an unfriendly government's increasingly belligerent and hostile foreign policy toward" the United States.

The letter came as the U.S. and Venezuelan ambassadors began talking after a diplomatic rift marked by expulsions and threats to cut off oil supplies.

Citgo spokesman David McCollum declined comment Thursday, saying company officials were still studying the request.

The letter drew a mocking response from some Northeast lawmakers, who have been supportive of the deal to help low-income families, particularly given this winter's high fuel prices.

"It's transparent, it's petty, it's political," said Rep. William Delahunt (news, bio, voting record), D-Mass., who helped broker the original deal for cut-rate oil between Venezuelan officials and Massachusetts last year. "Obviously, this is an effort to politicize a program that's really making a difference in the lives of people."

Tensions have run high between the Bush administration and Chavez, a self-styled socialist who has been a sharp critic of American-style capitalism and has branded President Bush a "madman."

Delahunt said he is pushing to extend the current agreement with Citgo for five years in Massachusetts.

Citgo this week extended its discounted heating oil sales to Delaware and the Philadelphia area. Massachusetts, New York, Maine, Rhode Island, Vermont and Connecticut are also participating in Citgo's program

Now More Oily Dealings On The Way...
For Time has come for many military Revolts World wide
and its High Time We the People Back This Coming Trend.

Ambush scenario.. just a Scenario (english)
by Arena of Scenarios 3:08pm Wed Aug 1 '01

Watch the Watchers
Target the Targeters
Control the Controllers
Displace the Displacers

Chase the Chasers
Track the Trackers
Hound the Hounders
Hunt Down the Hunters
Liquidate the Liquidators

Tactically take down the Tacticians of War and Greed
Strategically pin point the strategists of evil and selfishness!

The prophet asks again:
Why are your garments red,
like those of one treading the winepress? {Isa 63:2 NIV}

The warrior replies,
"I have trodden the winepress alone;
from the nations no one was with me.
I trampled them in my anger
and trod them down in my wrath;
their blood spattered my garments,
and I stained all my clothing.
For the day of vengeance was in my heart,
and the year of my redemption has come." {Isa 63:3-4 NIV}


(Who they murdered in cold blood)

(May they all finally R.I.P)
But they shall do so only after
the full cup of Vengeance is drunk dry.

1st, 2nd, 3rd 4th & 5th..ect BLOOD FIRST)
{For now they are trying to kill us off too}


Signed Gladly Sadly and Tragically
At The Divine PassionSword Blades Edge
We Bitter-Sweet Over Bitter Gladiators
Of The Society Of The Sacred PassionsWord

Psa 25:2 O my God, I trust in thee:
let me not be ashamed, let not mine enemies triumph over me.

Psa 25:20 O keep my soul, and deliver me:
let me not be ashamed; for I put my trust in thee.

So your support for a fight to expose a possible plot in the CIA to take down a sitting president will be based on whether or not the president gives you what you want? Some damn principles you have.

Tell me this--would you fight harder for a politician that is clearly on your side and has done his best to support your causes, or one who has undercut you and repeatedly handed victories to your worst enemies?

You GOP party hacks have got to get over the idea that the "principle" of party loyalty trumps everything else. In the minds of most people who aren't democrats, it ain't even close

They Though Should Be Ashamed Of Themselves
Even Though There is No Shame For The Shameless.

But Just Because The Evil Satanistic Luciferian Devil Boy Westerners
Are A Bunch Of Evil Bastards And Burn In Hell...
This Is To You Islamic Arab Bastards...

For Again I Am Not Ashamed Of The U.N. & Amnesty International
And Many Others Who Condemn The Bushwacker-GOP Nightmare
Of Evil Tortures & Illegal Abuses...

Ro 6:21 -
What fruit had ye then in those things whereof
ye are now ashamed? for the end of those things is death

So Fade Now Once Again To “I am not ashamed of the Gospel”
... But Jesus Is Thus...Very Ashamed Of Them...Black