Wednesday, May 12, 2004

Enter Ulysses in the Divine Anachronistic Arena Of Divine Transformations

Enter Ulysses In The Divine
Anachronistic Arena Of Divine Transformations

The domestic and multinational corporations fully exploit this disregard for health and safety of workers. In addition to making super profits on the back of the working class they haphazardly dump massive amounts of toxic substances doing long-term damage to the environment and public at large. This barbarity will be ended only when production is subordinated to the well-being of workers rather than workers’ health and livelihoods being subordinated to the profits of big business.

Oh thank heaven for 7-11 (english)
finally someone gets the Masonic # connection 8:39am Sat Aug 3 '02

Finally someone understood my past comment posts on 7-11 concerning 711, well well a person with some brains! Hail thee with brains on numerology!
Fade into the Arena of
Shiva’s AnnihilatriX VorteX Equation ( SAVE)

And There was a War in Heaven
Michael and his Angels
fought against the Dragon,
And the Dragon & his Angels fought back.
But he was not strong enough
and they lost their place in heaven.
The great Dragon was hurled down_____
The Ancient serpent called the devil & satan,
who leads the whole world astray.
Revelations 12: 7-9

Hey Proffr1, how ya been there Mate!
We gladly salute you once again as usual
with your Real Deal Profrv TerminatriX Speal
Taking On The Pent-Dragon & his Beasty Boyz within his Octopus’s
TerninatriX VorteX under The Shade Of The Shadows of
Deception, Hate, Lies, Iniquity, Murder, Greed and Sin.

Now Enter The LateX AnnihilatriX VorteX Arena of
Women & Children, & Good males trying to survive a mist
( like in Liberia, Afghanistan, IraQ, Amwerica ect)all
the Hunters Targeters Liquidators & Terminators
that are running amuck everywhere.

Annihilators coming to help the Terminators from Terminating by getting them to finally Terminate themselves ( Like finally Arnold did in his last Terminator flick) by The Annihilation of Self Through the divine help of the little boy Annihilator.

The Annihilation Of Self Through The Termination of Selfishness.

That’s why the Women and the Boy loved him in the End...
He became an Annihilator of self rather than continue to be a Programmed Brainwashed Terminator and then after the Job was done, promptly annihilated himself because of the Terminator that he once was and sadly will forever be connected too must be TERMINATED for The Good Of The others, like it or not!
That is life That is Destiny!

But another more deadly game is now being played out on the World’s Stage

Can You Say MORE BIG....
KA................................................_________who Really done it_______ BOOOOOOOOOMMMMMMMSSSs
along The upcoming future Event Horizon, planned by The Governments
To Help The Ever continuing War On Terror continue.

The Liquidation, Termination And Annihilation Of Humans on Planet at this moment in time & Space, a Polluted by her inhabitants Back water (Galactic speaking) ShitHole called Earth...

As the Scorpions of The Earth will Sting...amist The...

They Had as King Over Them The Angel of The abyss,
Whose name in Hebrew is Abaddon
( A BAD DON) another bad Mafia Boss Right Godfather MR. Big daddy 0
Don I Am I am with green eggs and Spam, running an evil roll over you if I can
And in Greek Apollyon


They will trample on the holy city for 42 months.

Enter The Modern Roundtable Arena of

King Arthur's AnnihilatriX Matrix Collective GatherRING of Souls vs.

The Pent-Dragon's 5 headed Serpent of TerminatriX Matrix VorteXors..

An Arena is really needed for some of These Blood Sport Hunters
Our Glad Arena Of Blood Sport is just for These Blood Sport Hunters
Can you say the words…

Killers Liquidators Terminators….
and now the Women & Children Annihilators
within The TerminatriX
must now AnnihilatriX Their Bestial TerminatriX.

That’s why Women & Children as well as the nice Gentlemen had too for Survival become Annihilators and get the Job Done any way they could and survive The Killers Hunters Liquidators and Terminators in their Survival Arena of Life & Death…

For They have shed the Blood of your saints and prophets
And you have given them back blood to drink as they deserve.

Ah yes to That their sweet angel of the waters…

(who they murdered in cold blood)

(May they all finally R.I.P)
But they shall do so only after
the full cup of Vengeance is drunk dry.

1st, 2nd, 3rd 4th & 5th..ect BLOOD FIRST)
{For now they are trying to kill us off too}


We At Sweet Liberty's Arena Have Spoken!!
AND THUS SHALL RETURN OUT FROM THE GRAVE...Do you think they really deserve it ??? (english)
by Project Guillotine 10:16am Mon Aug 13 '01

Fare Thee Well...

Turning and turning in the widening gyre
The falcon cannot hear the falconer;
Things fall apart; the center cannot hold;
Mere anarchy is loosed upon the world...
--W. B. Yeats, "The Second Coming"

May The Force Of Annihilatrix VorteXBe With You

As Always...
Signed Sadly and Tragically
At the Swords Edge
We Bitter Over Bitter Gladiators
Of The Society Of The Sacred Sword

"Alone of Angels Death has no love for gifts,
Libation helps you not, nor sacrifice.
He has no altar, and hears no hymns;
From him alone Persuasion stands apart."

Aeschylus (525-465 B.C.) "Niobe"

The Annihilatrix VorteX vengeance out from the grave
just for those TerminatriX VorteXor Dragons and Beasts
who not only Deserve it but who have truly earned it!

Fade out From SAVE Arena
go Now in peace with the Divine Annihilators dutiful call
“to try and save the World from total wholesale destruction”
by the Terminatrix VorteXors…

'As The World Turns" once more the round about Gand Glad Arena Glad Tale of Tales within Imc’s grand Spectacles of Kick them on Back Spectacles is still rolling since the there and then of a day and a memory of the days before 9-11 here at IMC..
You win THE GLAD LAURAL THERE Mark, WAY TO GO, finally someone who gets it!

Oh thank heaven for 7-11 (english)
Arena of Thankfulness 8:20pm Wed Jul 10 '02

At times a few good leaders can minimize it for the whole
group!! Saving you a lot of heat in the future!! You all need to
organize a little more!! This is what we gladiators have done out of
necessity for we are all liberty lovers who choose to do too (your
own thing man when and how you want to do it within reason of course)
but mitigated with divine reason!!! And be able then to bring forth
people to explain the reasoning behind the deal!! Hey noone is the
leader amongst us too but we believe in this………….. A king of clowns
and fools is our leader!!! A madman with a heart of gold!! The
craziest of crazies who will rip your fucken heart out if you fuck
with him!! But only if messed with!! Normally we are the greatest of
guys!! We chose the lead gladiator amongst us because he was the
most selfless, the most daring in his risks to help others, for the
deep love within his heart which his so passionately shared and for
the strength of his convictions. And we knew he was our leader
because when we chose him he said he was not worthy of the honor nor
did he seek it and stated to please chose someone else, then we all
truly knew he was THE ONE!! And when we ask if it was he who put in
the blank vote he stated he had done so because he did not want to
show favoritism and he felt each one of us was worthy to lead on any
given day and the leadership would be a Revolving Door for in which
we all shall share in!! All of us share in the leadership!! One day
its one person the next day another and so on...and so (om)... And so
om and om !! But all the rest of us knew he was what we all stand
for!! Selfless service to Humanity and goodness to your fellow
brothers and sisters!!!!! Then he wrote a poem about what a true
leader is all about and here it is!!


A true king never on his head surrounds
The crown for which the kingdom abounds
But places the crown upon his lap
Awaiting to place it upon every sap
Who might be slow but faith filled still
And who gives as honestly as the faith doth will
For in a good kingdom shall all wear the crown
>From top to bottom up or down
And so a true king shall place it daily
Upon a new faith filled head so gaily
That each face in the kingdom shall smile
For each shall get their day in style
Thus forget not this piece of Wisdom in Thy head
For The Boughs Must Stay Green and the Blood Must Remain RED!

The boughs must stay green was a way to say he not only that we must
be environmentalist but also to vote GREEN!!!
The Blood remaining red is a way of saying watch out for the human Dr.
FREAKENSTEIN Experimentations and biological and chemical testing!!

To him everyone he meets he treats like a king or Queen while
pretending to be the happy clown or fool but then if you are not a
true blue person and you show him that you are a selfish self serving
evil rotten backstabbing Asshole who mistreats others and who thinks
he's the big man!! Then watch out!!! He will tear you a new
ASSHOLE!!ASSHOLE!! for he believes all wear a crown of peace if your
willing to do so!! If not then lets teach em a lesson or take them
down if they refuse see the light of peace love sharing, caring,
honor & respect!! This is who we Gladiators ARE!!
By the way we are Death Devotees under sacred obligation
We who are about to Die salute You
Gladiators 1-12

By the way all you buding glad g;ladiators out there in Cyber Terror Land
the lead gladiator is Gladiator 0......he's way too
selfless to be #1!!!! So lets forge ahead a mutual pact between us
and with the peace lovers for if we don’t they will destroy us
all...Peace!!!! and if you can't get any (peace that is) and they
sure aren't giving us our liberty either from fascist gov pigs well
lets use a little force together so both of us can get our peace and
restored!!! Force my brothers lets not use the word violence any more
unless talking about the fascist gov pigs!! For LIBERTY CALLS!! May
Louis Proyect, on 07/29/2001

Marxism list:

1. portland imc - 2003.08.18 - The Great Leftist Set Up & Backstab ...
2. The Voice Of Anarchy :: :: Memes are Mind Viruses
3. UK Indymedia Evil Doers Gonna Get Your Mama
4. Inner Sight & Sound Reason vs. Viewing Blindly & Noisily^ : LA ...
6. DC Indymedia: newswire
7. logbriefer for piet's netperusals
8. Off-Road D European T Quattro Ra Breast Str Clean Rive Books, ...
9. Head &lit;& gt;on 4 & ##267hh lt;head> </ ...
10. Coins & Gambling$G1?IMC+Arena+Gladiators

Right on its truly We the Peoples News Arena
Arena of We the People

Enter the Arena of Right On You...
You hit the nail right on the proverbial head!
Time when they Come to our pissing ground that
they get Pissed upon if they've come in bad intent
to shit all over our we the peoples Shit Box.
Lately they started the heavy duty Spam to coincide
with their Nazi Storm Troopers Iron Hammer Front over seas.

No Nazi the Arena is Calvin's pubic property (english)
Arena of Calvin's pubic Property 1:45am Wed Nov 26 '03

Pissing all over Nazi scum liar trolls diatribes and rants.
notice that the Arena above was the only one with something worth a shit to say.
Save the Trolls its all garbage crap.
We like Calvin piss on their Nazi numbskull attempts.

thus like Calvin above in pic we piss on all your
Euronazi, islamanazi and zionazi graves...
R.I.P. Rest In Piss

... 7-11 Facts. 7-Eleven was founded in 1927 in Dallas, Texas. It's the world's largest
operator, franchisor and lisensor of convenient stores.
There are over 21,000 stores worldwide
The name 7-Eleven originated in 1946 when the stores were open from 7 a.m. to 11 p.m.

About This Latest Rumpsfelt Fiasco with Barking dogs biting Off Muslims Privates9sic)
And Nobody Gave The Orders Lake Of orders Than Fire Them all, Impeachment then Indictment will now be the Ordered Course Of The Day In The Times Of times In This Fairy Tale passionsword Passion Play Of Divine ORDER FAIRIES Giving Orders...Did ya think we are all Children There Bushites...Lying Pieces Of ... That Ya all are on this one big International MessUp.... Kerry Time To again Save The Day.... Hail John Kerry!!!Will The Order Fairy Then Give Some REAL ORDERs In Which To FOLLOW YOU DOWN>>>

Liberty's Death Gladiator speaks out 
... The boughs must stay green was a way to say he not only that we must be environmentalist
but also to vote GREEN!!! ... This is who we Gladiators ARE!! ... - 11k
Liberty's Death Gladiator speaks out

From: Louis Proyect
Subject: Liberty's Death Gladiator speaks out
Date: Sun, 29 Jul 2001 06:10:57 -0700

We are not the only people on the left reviewing the lessons of
Genoa. At, the premier anarchist website, there is a
statement by a black bloc member:
again on 9-11
One man's Terrorist is anotherĂ¢€™s Freedom Fighter (english)
Arena of Forces 4:12pm Wed Aug 29 '01

Notice all the numbers below added in deferent combos=9-11

Who's the Real Terrorist Here (english)
by Arena of Forces 6:14am Thu Sep 6 '01

And the rotten Spanish Gov Bastards call ETA the Terrorist,
We say they are Freedom Fighters and the Real terrorists are The Government!
One man's freedom fighter is another man's terrorist!
But the gov bastards are just Terrorist!
They started this Terror Crap first!

Hey Pr Issy and the rest... rough times ahead, here we go head long into WAR! by god's 88 is set the target date.
We now you'll all find a way to the remnant that shall remain and find the way and
as always may the force be with you.

For there is no rest until
the cup of vengeance is drunk dry!
Seek us back here if you can find the way
but find us ye shall so but check each day.

Spes mea in Deo est!

Aug.*.go 8-8 j--32j 32 32-99iy32- -j-99**99hh hnngn7440-63wtrbvb64bv b64036v b60g4
b7 nv8432ujgtmgb;g0f9-8-53535ron gobs hyy43w9qqqq rquct9-7qq sots(p) q875b393-9q0q0q0v03
0tvv747-77hh10888188h 81v78t10 71v 1v 00v 844thrqbq 8-45309

Dollar on pr!
Kevin your a Brainwashed Braindead Dim Wit
by Arena of Truth 1:54pm Wed Aug 6 '03

Bottom Line... Kevin your full of shit...
Told Of The Du Du Hitting the Fan.

And to those like Kevin=
LIARS and henchmen to the puppetmasters,
all you EXCUSE ARTIST and Nay sayers
you all are so pathethic.
Paid off to lie for the puppetmasters!

the First ones that finds us here will be of wizard 1 status... or gov pig wrought.. as
For time is running out for both... See how many shall but find the way before double ** D-day!

Here we go into the wild blue yonder...
Enter The Arena Of Microchip Identification Systems starting in 2005, the International Association for Identification will require a four-year degree for ID specialists.

Fade into The The Coming Global Dictatorship and Control System

What about properties and positions in the DNA chip arena ...

The Mark of the Beast
The Apocalypse

1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12.
9. Microchip—Mark of the Beast?

And he causeth all, both small and great, rich and poor, free and bond, to receive a mark in their right hand, or in their foreheads: And that no man might buy or sell, save he that had the mark, or the name of the beast, or the number of his name. Here is wisdom. Let him that hath understanding count the number of the beast: for it is the number of a man; and his number is Six hundred threescore and six. (Revelation 13:16—18)

This device is an implantable microchip. It contains an electromagnetic coil and a microchip enclosed in a glass capsule the size of a grain of rice. It is currently being implanted in animals and its more advanced successors are being tested on human victims around the globe.

The implantable microchip may soon replace all credit, identification and other cards. Inserted under the skin, the microchip will enable the surveillance and possibly the mind control of its recipient. This diabolical device may very well be the mark of the beast prophesied in the Book of Revelation to be placed either in the forehead or in the right hand during the Apocalypse. The Bible warns that accepting the mark of the beast may save your life temporarily, but later doom you to be tormented with "fire and brimstone" (for related Bible passages see 1. Bible Prophecies About the Mark of the Beast).

Implantable Microchips Overview

The simplest implantable microchip is a miniature passive transponder without any power source. It stores a permanent, unique identification number which can only be read but not modified: this is a read-only device. External readers or scanners activate the transponder by transmitting low frequency radio waves. The transponder then responds by emitting the stored number. This device is also called implantable transponder or RFID tag, RFID meaning Radio Frequency Identification.

Other implantable microchips are read-write devices: the information stored in them can be updated from a distance. More advanced implantable microchips are not only read-write, but they can also emit an identifying radio signal which can be tracked, thus the tagged individual or animal can be constantly monitored. These devices have a built-in a power supply.

The newest implantable microchips hold several microprocessors and a miniature digital transceiver. They are powered electromechanically through the movement of muscles. They may remain implanted and functional for years. These devices are tiny computers capable of receiving and sending data to remote sensors and can be continuously tracked by the Global Positioning System (GPS). "The same computing power that once required an entire building to harness now can be inserted in your left arm." ("Professor Warwick chips in", Computerworld, Jan. 11,1999)

"Microchipping" Objects and Animals

To track and monitor animals and objects, like vehicles, spare parts, etc., microchips are attached to them. People usually are not aware of microchips being attached to objects and they may not object to it, since nowadays so many products contain embedded electronics. Implanting electronic devices into living beings is different. It seems repugnant, and not only for Christians. But people are slowly brainwashed to accept implants into animals.

"Chipping" is advertised as a good way to find lost pets. An implantable microchip is injected under the skin of the animal by a veterinarian using a special syringe. This passive transponder doesn't need a power supply and it lasts for decades. The chip contains a unique identification number which can be matched to the owner's name, address and phone number in a national pet database. Lost pets are scanned with hand held readers at animal shelters and returned to their owners. This technology is mostly used in Western countries for domestic pets, like dogs, cats, birds, reptiles. Chips are also being implanted into horses, livestock and wild animals—even fish—to monitor them and track their migration by satellite.

The British Ministry of Defence has introduced the "microchip identification system for use in all British military service animals throughout the world". Microchipping of all newborn puppies in the U.S. has been compulsory since July 1, 1999!

Are Remote-Controlled Animals an Experiment for Remote-Controlled Humans?

The following is just one of the new "inventions", and who knows what other experiments are being conducted in secret places?

In the winter of 1997, American and Canadian newspapers and tabloids reported about mind-control experiments carried out on cockroaches. The picture is from an American weekly tabloid and the title of the article is "ROBO ROACH". We are informed that,

This high-tech cockroach isn't just another pretty face in the insect world. Its body has been implanted with a mini-electrode backpack that allows all movements to be manipulated by remote control. And if researchers have their way, it won't be long before similarly-equipped bugs are crawling through earthquake rubble to search for victims or slipping under doors on espionage missions.
This is a mind-control experiment, but we are reassured that it has been done for "our own good". We think this is another step toward the Mark of the Beast.

Linking Humans to Computers for Surveillance and Control

Implantable Microchips
If a microchip with a miniature digital transceiver is implanted into a person, he can be followed around the earth everywhere he goes via satellites, ground sensors and computer networks. This fact alone should be enough for us to prevent any device or electronic tattoo being put on us and on our family. With the advancement of computer technology, computers are getting as small as a dot, and they can be embedded in very small objects.

As most people have no idea what's going on, and those who do are usually the "bad guys", do not believe anyone who tells you these devices are harmless.

The main goal is not the tracking of animals, but the identification, surveillance and control of human beings. This is of course hidden from us, lest we wake up:

Even as I wrote Mega Forces, I was becoming aware of super-secret experiments by government and corporate laboratories in which human subjects—usually unwilling and unsuspecting guinea pigs—were having computer chips and transmitting devices implanted into their cerebral hemispheres (e.g. their brains), auditory (ear) organs, and elsewhere in their bodies. (Texe Marrs, Project L.U.C.I.D.)
Different excuses are found to slowly force microchips on us. Here are a few examples.
Millions may be carrying microchips in their bodies worldwide. The Safe Medical Devices Act, which became a law in 1990, requires USA manufacturers of implants and medical devices, to adopt a method for identifying and tracking their products permanently implanted in humans, and to keep track of the recipients, in case malfunctions arise. Breast implants, pacemakers, replacement heart valves and prosthetic devices implanted in millions worldwide are all to be tracked. And one of the methods used to track these devices is implanting microchips which store data about the manufacturer, the surgeon, the date of implant, etc.
Bracelets containing microchips were given to more than 50,000 Cuban and Haitian refugees interned at a USA naval base to identify and track them. Small children had the wristband attached to their ankle. Some of the refugees tried to remove the bracelets. To prevent the removal, metal strips were embedded in the bands.
To monitor and get precise results in races, runners and swimmers are given transponders in a wristband, and bike racers have them mounted on their bikes.
It has been suggested to use the microchip as a universal identification device, replacing credit cards, passports. People would pay in shops by passing their hands with implanted microchips over store scanners which would automatically debit their bank accounts.

Digital Fallen Angels

U.S. Patent Number 5,629,678 was granted on May 13 (they chose a peculiar date!), 1997 , for a "personal tracking and recovery system". The device to achieve this would be an implantable microchip containing a miniature digital transceiver, powered electromechanically through the movement of the person's muscles. Applied Digital Solutions (ADS) has acquired the patent rights to this technology, which they call Digital Angel. According to ADS, this technology can be used for "widespread tracking, recovery and identification of people". The device sends and receives data and can be continuously tracked by Global Positioning Satellite technology. Many were shocked by this new step toward the mark of the beast and the name adopted by the company for their product, which is referred to by some as Digital Devil.
So now lets all get to the Nexus of the Big Buissness of....
Mind Control

In the Nexus magazine article entitled "The Microchip and the Mark of the Beast", Dr. Carl Sanders tells about the project which lead to the invention of the microchip which may be the mark of the beast. Sanders became the leader of the project in 1968. They were told the microchip served medical purposes, but they found out later that the real reason for developing it was human identification. The microchip is recharged by body temperature changes. The scary thing is that it "can also be used for migraine headaches, behavior modification, upper/downer, sexual stimulant and sexual depressant", in other words for mind control. He is now concerned the chip will be misused, and he believes it "is going to be the positive identification and mark of the beast."

Direct man-computer communication is not fiction, it does exist. According to newspapers, the U.S. military is testing electronic devices placed on, or near a subject's head to detect his brain waves. Experiments were conducted on fighter jet pilots. When the pilot thinks about arming and firing an air-to-air missile, the device executes the task: it arms and fires the missile. Now what if this process becomes reversible, and the device tells the pilot what to do?

Microchips are under development which can tie into the brain's neuronetwork when implanted into the human brain. Through them the thoughts and actions of individuals can be controlled externally. Even researchers and government officials call this technology a "horrific", "Frankenstein-type weapon".

Microchip—Mark of the Beast?

Digital Fallen Angels
U.S. Patent Number 5,629,678 was granted on May 13 (they chose a peculiar date!), 1997 , for a "personal tracking and recovery system". The device to achieve this would be an implantable microchip containing a miniature digital transceiver, powered electromechanically through the movement of the person's muscles. Applied Digital Solutions (ADS) has acquired the patent rights to this technology, which they call Digital Angel. According to ADS, this technology can be used for "widespread tracking, recovery and identification of people". The device sends and receives data and can be continuously tracked by Global Positioning Satellite technology. Many were shocked by this new step toward the mark of the beast and the name adopted by the company for their product, which is referred to by some as Digital Devil.

What if...
... these inventions from the Devil's laboratory are used for some diabolical purposes, American authors are pondering:

It also contains the seeds of unimaginable evil: the actual control of human minds by other humans. Not brainwashing. Not propaganda. Not any of the ancient and well-proven means of mentally or physically imposing one person's will by police action or torture. But the actual control of the human mind. (G. Harry Stine)

They will not tell you what is incorporated into the tiny chip. They will not tell you that through the microchip they may track you, monitor your actions, speech, and even control your mind.

To remove people's fear from and aversion to carrying electronic devices and being connected with computers, our "masters" are working feverishly on the miniaturization of computers and the development of wireless communication.

Of Leftist Weenies and Rightist Wankers (english)
by Arena that see's through you both 9:32am Fri Aug 10 '01

Who shall Target will in turn be Targeted (english)
by Arena of Truth 10:09am Thu Aug 9 '01

But there may be good guys at work, too. In the final "Chronology", we find:
"At Casolaro's funeral, two unknown figures appear. One of them places a medal on Casolaro's casket and saluted, although Casolaro never served in the military."
Your mission, gentle readers, if you care to accept it, is to finish the work Danny started. But along the way, just make sure it is the bad guys who commit "suicide".

Then Get XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX-ed once again out from the Underground-X in....

Our case in point (english)
by Arena of no time for LITTLE BRAINS 5:30pm Thu Aug 23 '01

He's just pulling you along by your weenie!!

They are Planning to do many dirty nasties (english)
by Arena of Forces 5:50pm Thu Aug 23 '01

FVA and Triple T vs. TTT and Big C Double H (english)
by Arena of Activatism 10:14pm Thu Aug 23 '01
Daisey Daisey give me your answer true
I'm going Crazy over the thought of you
It wont be a fancy marriage
I can't afford a carriage
But you'd look sweet upon a seat
Of a By cicle built for two!

The Target Pulpit of Propaganda (english)
Bottom Line to those who target others 6:14am Sat Sep 14 '02

Enter the Propaganda Target Pulpit.
Can you say hit the Bulls Eye!
paid off to target and lie, get ready to be targeted back to die!

Helping the puppet masters to bring forth their evil brain washing and programmed propaganda! One sided paid off mouth piece front men to try and brainwash the masses for their evil bosses agenda.

Since they promote targeting others they in turn shall now be targeted big time, maybe then they will be more fair and knock off being the puppet masters paid off brainwashers of propaganda that they are!

Keep promoting the targeting and liquidation of others and they will target you in return! BOTTOM LINE!

What if we launch many stations at once all over the country (not just in DC) as soon as the protests begin. Such a matrix would give a voice for countering propaganda and illuminating the justification for change. It would also throw off the authorities. It would be an unexpected offensive that could mobilize a thousand other actions and facilitate a dialoge with "non radicals".

They're used to shutting down our communications in advance. They'd be scrambling to stop the ripple if they find a new communications matrix the day the protests begin. And once stations are up, they become an effective tool for sustainable revolution, outreach and the creation of alternatives.

Here are sites that offer resources for the relatively simple set up of a radio station.

Fallen! Fallen is Babylon the Great... (english)
Arena of the fall of Modern Babylon 10:39pm Fri Feb 7 '03

So it was written, so shall it be.
Pride goes before the fall...

Revelations 18:8
Therefore in one day her plagues will overtake her:
death, mourning and famine
She will be consumed by fire
for mighty is the Lord God who judges her.

Revelations 18:10
Terrified at her Torment,
they will stand far off and cry:

Woe! Woe, O great city
O Babylon city of power!
In one hour your doom has come!

THE Evil TOWER's fall shall bring...

Thus those sudden crises are life's way of telling you to wake up. Something's wrong, and you're not responding. Are you too full of pride? Expect a blow to your ego. Are you holding back your anger? Expect the dam to burst. Are you stuck in a rut? Expect a surprise. And Remember that pride goes before the fall.


going through sudden change
experiencing upheaval
having plans disrupted
being surprised
undergoing a crisis
having routines shaken up
being in chaos

having an emotional outburst
erupting in anger
crashing through ego defenses
breaking through pretense
letting everything go

falling down
being humbled
experiencing a crash
toppling from the heights
having a downturn in fortune
suffering a blow to the ego

having a revelation
suddenly realizing the truth
exposing what was hidden
having a burst of insight
seeing through illusions
getting the answer
seeing everything in a flash

For the Shadow knows that prophesy
is reality in the here and now as you now...

Fade to Black
in your Ivory Towers of
haughty False Pride before
the impending prophesized Fall... and than now....

You say you want a Revolution!! (english)
by Arena of Endless Stratagems 8:07am Thu Aug 9 '01

You got to free your mind instead!!

Four failures from the Glads point of view !!
Next time we don't want to see these failures happen again!!
But you all want to do it only your way, without getting down with some gladiator Strategies , Tactics and stratagems
Then as we are tired of trying to get through to thick as a brick Anarchist, go fuck yourselves!!

#1 when you had the pigs outnumbered with Ya Basta, and both of you didn't take them out or take them hostage!! FUCKING FAILURE #1

#2 Got near the prison raising hopes and then dashed them by not taking the station!! FUCKING FAILURE #2
No Planning = BAD STRATEGY

#3 That some groups would fight against one another!!
Giving the Pigs Time and Incentive!! FUCKING FAILURE #3

#4 That the peaceniks are such assholes sometime this FUCKING FAILURE #4 is on Them!!


Without Centrist Revolutionaries
you fucking left wingers would fuck up a WET DREAM!!
Can't you leftist do anything right that's how the right stays in!! IDIOT JACKASSES!
Hey don't laugh right wingers for your just everybody’s fucking rotten nightmare!! AND ALL NIGHTMARES DO HAVE THEIR END TOO ASSHOLES!!

Ready to learn from the ones who can do the Job Correctly!!
Or do you want to continue to get almost there!!
Your dealing with people who have been
at this struggle a lot longer than you fucking seem to realize!!
Anarchist are a medium problem for the pigs and authorities
Guerrillas , Terrorists and Tactical Revolutionaries are their BIGGEST WORRY!!
You are a weenie problem for them!!
They might start using live ammo on your asses next time!!
And by the way some Rapist ,Murders still deserve to stay in prison until they are brought to the Gladiator's Arena !!
Letting child molesters rapist and murders back out in the general population will indeed piss off to the max we CENTRIST!! We Gladiators and other centrist believe that if you touch a child or rape a women YOU DIE!!
Opening up the prisons to us is what we want for some not all !!
Some are too violent to let out!!
Just like certain pigs and politicians are to rotten & violent to be let go!!
They all need a one way trip to our Gladiator’s ARENA !!
Druggies need to be released!! And Political Prisoners!!
But others need to be taken into the ARENA OF JUSTICE!!
And the higher up so called elite criminals (POLITICIANS AND BUISSNESS CEO'S) need to be Guillotined!! Also unmitigated undisciplined full blown left of left anarchy
really pisses us Glads off almost as much as
the fucken brainwashed asshole gov pigs do
and the fucken rotten right of right NAZI'S do too!!
A world full of rotten Wankers and Weenies!!
What a Sickening Display of humanity!!
Again without us you will lose!!
The clowns are laughing and mocking you now ,the dwarfs are giving you the finger and sticking out their tongues at you, the jesters are leering and jeering at you and the gladiators are telling you what rotten nasty evil dumb fucks you all are!! Thick as fucking Bricks!!

And if you go carrying pictures a Chairman Mao
You ain't going to make it with anyone anyhow!!

and if not because your a dumb fuck asshole
who won't listen may it then
kick your fucking stupid ass!!

Signed Sadly and tragically,
At the Swords Edge
We Bitter OVER BITTER Gladiators
Of the Society of the Sacred Sword

You owe us DEATH DEVOTEES AN APOLOGY (english)
by ARENA OF DEATH 3:42am Sun Jul 29 '01

Still some of you anarchist won't see the light !! WEll you are truely ruining the hard work of many people who have been fighting for a lot longer than your little punk asses have!! We think the guy above is a fascist infilitrator so this is for him!!!

You don't know us and too make blatently false statements like that will in the end only make you look like an idiot and a infiltrator right winger yourself!! You don't know our lifestyle but you comment on it!! We don't own CARS ASSHOLE!!!!!! You are the type of assholes that scare away the middle of the road people with your rotten ignorance!!But we know you are an infiltrator and you didn't really do your job for we see through YOU!! DID WOOD PAY YOU OR WOODS BOSSES OR IS THIS REALLY WOOD HIMSELF WHO WROTE THAT CRAP!!
For those who don't get the fight between us and Wood Go back to past POSTS!!
Smarter Anarchist will see a new road of different tactics of FORCE NOT VIOLENCE!! WELL PLANED AND TIMED and coordinated TO THE SECOND!!! We have a base in all capital cities of the world assholes!! You anarchist couldn't believe how many there are of us out here if you tried!!

Most poor and average would follow death so they could live in peace than some ultra right wing fascist or some ultra left wing anarchist!! They respect death and with him shall danse in a dansa macabra inrespect to the dead and through this selfless act shall live longer than most of the rest.

But you extremist get everyone worked up and scared beyond death that's why death must take the extremest out first!! So the more middle of the road people can live longer without having both of your extreme asses in their way!! And DEATH will move both out of the fucken way... So The others can live in PEACE and make the right deals to acheive balance and harmony!!!! Those centered enough to do so!!
If you don't get certain people on your side they are going to wipe your asses out!!! The pigs will not play with you any more !!! The average people are getting more sick of you all thah they are with the pigs and they are not to happy with them either!!! Be careful in D.C. this time !!!

Your antics are driving average people away from the moviment because you target the wrong things and are not only too easily infiltrated but give the right lots of ideological ammunition to use against the moviment as a whole!!!!!! they want to come and protest with their kids and mothers but don't not out of fear of the cops but you all starting shit with the cops and getting them all pissed off!! You really until lately knew nothing about us at all, or until recently that we even existed. But we've always been there watching and waiting in the shadows seeing through and into all sides!! We are all those silent faces watching both sides going at it in the streets and at each others throats like demonic morons!! We call for a gladiator's arena !!You never mentioned that in your piece above or that we are involved in the fight against the prison industrial complex like we stated before or that we are involved in the de brainwashing and deprogramming of people!! Or that we fight against the Mortuary industrial Complex like we've stated in past post!!But he states and writes Nothing on who we are and what we do in the underground!! Just made up CRAP!! Nothing complimentary!! He's a right winger in disguise!! Cant you all tell by what and how he wrote!!! DAMN we see through your infiltrators quicker than you see your own infiltrators!! Damn are you all that thick as a brick!!
Put the bricks down get a little more brains and better tatics and clean out your infiltraTors~~~
Some of you did read our deal on force vs VIOLENCE!!! And some of you showed us that it was worth thinking about!! Remember the real aggitators in your groups are doing you wrong some are paid by the right and like the guy above they are the ones driving the white SUV's!!
Send us a Reprsentative and you'll see who we really are !! You can meet us face to face and then you all will know!! We are the masses of dead tired average people who are sick of both the too far right and the too far left!!

To the infiltrator ABOVE~~~
You are the Most stupid Infiltrator disinformationalist we have run into yet!! We see right through your right wing infiltrator wanker crap!! NOW YOU but open your big mouth with your disinformation!! Everybody knows about the ANARCHIST and you fascist pigs!! But we on the other hand they don't know of us too well or do they!! The middle of the road people know of us its you extremist who dont because you never take the time to find out!!! YOUR ALL Too busy yelling for your own shit all the time to take the time out and hear what someone else has to say or thinks on the matter!!! As we stated we are REVOLUTIONARIES and transformationalist with a direction in which to meet the event horizon for a future awakening!! BUT YOU ANARCHIST seem to be WITHOUT TRUE DIRECTION!! Wanton destruction is a mindless act without much forethought !!! But what we do is much deeper and more lasting!! Anarchist are not revolutionaries, all true revolutionaries will agree you are fly by night hole in the wall destructionalist!! You haven't even truely read our postings for if you had you would be forming an allience with us!! perhaps??? But we think in this case the jerk who wrote that is a infiltrator right winger himself and he knows if we gladiators can get through to the true brains of the anarchist moviment that
it would be truely dangerous to them!!! This is why we will not talk to you all again until you get some leardership with some brains so others can deal with you better!!
We have seen glints of wonderous brains coming from what we think are the true movers of the Anarchist moviment!!
Hey we Gladiators have not caused any trouble for the moviment they barely know of us themselves!!! But the peaceful Protesters know only too well of what you have done and are doing to the moviment!! Hey we are 10,000
times more Violent than you Anarchist can imagine!!
As we have stated we don't destoy with bricks thrown at a MacDONALD's window, big deal if we wanted too we could take down the whole fucken city block!! Get that through your thick as a brick head!!
But that's not what we are about either!! We are in contact with Terrorist groups around the globe as well as the military and police guys and the mafia's worldwide!!! We see an alternative way to all this Violence!! you anarchist are the lowest form of them all and all three are getting pretty fed up with all of you!! The Terrorist The military and the mafia all have some bit of respect for the peaceful protesters and they don't want or feel the need to really hurt or terrorize them for they know they are the salt of the earth but you anarchist get them all real pissed off!!

Thats why the peaceful ones mistrust you too look at italy
your group was totally infiltrated!! certain people who were leaning towards the peaceful protesters way of protesting the evil G8 are now backing away because of you anarchist, they don't want to get involved with people like you so your doing exactly what the right wingers want!!! I think who wrote that about us is really a right winger in disguise trying to fuel trouble between us!!
And we could give you the reasons but we will see who has the brains to come up with it first!!

As we have stated we are not terrorist nor mafiosi nor military or cops. we are truely revolutionary REALISTIC DREAMERS..Average people basically!!. Most of us during some stage of our lives have been in the military did it and left most have worked for mafiosi and terrorist organizations in the past !! Then we got sick of them all grew up, quit being used for their dirty work and went deep to the UNDERGROUND!! You all know nothing of us for we have lived in the shadows from within a grave for a very long time!!! We now deem this time as the time to come out from our graves!! We are LIBERTY (MATRIARCHAL WORSHIPPERS OF AND FROM OUR SWWET MOTHERS) AND Death Devotees (SHIVA DEVOTEES) SKELTONS FROM THE GRAVE!! WE don't need ASSHOLES like YOU TO TELL US SQUAT!! DON'T YOU TELL US WHAT WE ARE AND ARE NOT!! How we live our lives and what we are all about you don't even know and what you state is as bad and inflamitory as asshole Woods statements!! MAYBE YOU ARE A FRIEND OF WOOD WELL YOU JUST GOT HIM IN MORE DOGGIE DO DO!! You must be a fascist infiltrator in disguise for the truely smart anarchists do have plans beyond some of the others!!! Some of you Anarchist are OK but the jerk who wrote that above about us must be an infiltrator!! THE SMART ANARCHIST HAVE BEEN PRETTY CHILLED WITH US DEATH DEVOTEES!! You asshole (probably connected to WOOD) above who wrote about us has offended DEATH and death devotees by your words but we know you must be an infiltrator asshole who talks a lot of bullshiT !!!! And you owe us DEATH WORSHIPPERS AN APOLOGY!! if none comes we will pray for death himself to come and pay you a personal visit soon enough!!If You don't go and talk with Mr.Woods and see if he's not worried about offending death either!! Some just never learn!! Hey WOOD IT WOULD BE BETTER TO COME OUT WITH A STATEMENT APOLOGIZING TO THE ITALIAN PEOPLE !! MARK MY WORDS!! E MEGGHIU!!

"Alone of gods Death has no love for gifts,
Libation helps you not, nor sacrifice.
He has no altar, and hears no hymns;
From him alone Persuasion stands apart."

Aeschylus (525-465 B.C.) "Niobe"

Mac Thornberry
Texas-13th, Republican
2457 Rayburn HOB
Washington, DC 20515-4313
Phone: (202) 225-3706

Committee on Armed Services
Committee on the Budget
Select Committee on Homeland Security
Cybersecurity, Science, and Research and Development (HM0)
Emergency Preparedness and Response (HM0)
Intelligence and Counterterrorism (HM0)
Strategic Forces (Armed Services)
Terrorism, Unconventional Threats and Capabilities (Armed Services)

This guy promotes War than go over and stand guard in an Iraq street then. all these neo Con Job Liars got to go. His lying is legendary. also is all the rest in peace pace maker old farts.....

Mac Thornberry
Texas-13th, Republican
2457 Rayburn HOB
Washington, DC 20515-4313
Phone: (202) 225-3706

Committee on Armed Services
Committee on the Budget
Select Committee on Homeland Security

Cybersecurity, Science, and Research and Development (HM0)
Emergency Preparedness and Response (HM0)
Intelligence and Counterterrorism (HM0)
Strategic Forces (Armed Services)
Terrorism, Unconventional Threats and Capabilities (Armed Services)

2001-2002 Total Receipts: $578,848
2001-2002 Total Spent: $441,738
Cash on Hand: $289,181
Debts: $0
Date of last report: December 31, 2002
First elected 1994
Next election 2004

Don't forget some of his buddies
Mac Thornberry , TX, Chairman
Pete Sessions , TX, Vice Chairman
Sherwood Boehlert , NY
Lamar S. Smith , TX
Curt Weldon , PA
Dave Camp , MI
Bob Goodlatte , VA
Peter T. King , NY
John Linder , GA
Mark E. Souder , IN
Jim Gibbons , NV
Kay Granger , TX

Jim Saxton , NJ, Chairman
Joe Wilson , SC
Frank A. LoBiondo , NJ
John Kline , MN
Jeff Miller , FL
Roscoe G. Bartlett , MD
Mac Thornberry , TX
Jim Gibbons , NV
Robin Hayes , NC
Jo Ann Davis , VA
W. Todd Akin , MO
Joel Hefley , CO
Jim Gibbons , NV, Chairman
John E. Sweeney , NY, Vice Chair
Jennifer Dunn , WA
Don Young , AK
Harold Rogers , KY
Christopher Shays , CT
Lamar S. Smith , TX
Porter J. Goss , FL
Peter T. King , NY
John Linder , GA
John B. Shadegg , AZ

William M. "Mac" Thornberry, House Republican from the 13th District of Texas since January 4, 1995, "has become known as one of the leading authorities on homeland defense, nuclear security, and transforming the military so America is prepared for future threats.

"He is the founder and Co-Chair of the Defense Study Group, a bipartisan group of House Members who meet each month to discuss issues relating to America“s national and homeland security....

"He has introduced a number of bills to boost domestic production and reduce U.S. dependence on foreign sources of fuel including a measure to provide small and mid sized producers with a tax credit for marginal oil and gas wells when prices are low."

Taken from official bio.
Mac Thornberry was born July 15, 1958, at Clarendon, Texas. A rancher in the family business at Donley County, TX, from 1989-present, Thornberry was a practicing attorney with the firm of Peterson, Farris, Doores and Jones of Amarillo, TX, from 1989-1994.
Before being elected to Congress, Thornberry served as Legislative Counsel to U.S. Rep. Tom Loeffler (R TX), 1983-85; Chief of Staff to U.S. Rep. Larry Combest (R TX), 1985-88; and as Deputy Assistant Secretary of State for Legislative Affairs, U.S. Dept. of State, 1988-89.[1]

He received his BA from Texas Tech University summa cum laude in 1980 and his JD from the University of Texas School of Law in 1983.

This guys an arrogant nasty mess who needs to rethink his position on Iraq as well as other issues. With guys like this no wonder its failed policy in Iraq. But he still promotes his garbage.


Without us on your side you LOSE!!
"I am become death, the destroyer of worlds."
- Bhagavad Gita



"The End of Birth is Death;
The End of Death is Birth;
This is Ordained."
-The Bhagavad-Gita

Did you really but read and understand our hints of who we are from previous post!! Now its been stated directly!!Like Mr. WOOD whoever offends the Angel of DEATH AND THE DEAD!! without making persuasive retitution and apology... DEATH WILL SOON COME TO OVER TAKE YOU !! If your not scared of us like most are( SMART PERSUASIVE ONES Never FEAR Us)man do we love heartfelt intelligence and want to grasp hands in mutual respect and unionship then we who go to die salute you but if you are not true and faithfilled....BEWARE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


Signed at the swords edge!!
WE Bitter OVER BITTER Gladiators
Of the Society of the Sacred Sword

The glories of our Blood and state
Are Shadows,not substantial things;
There is no Armour against Fate;
Death lays His icy Hand on Kings:
Scepter and Crown
Must tumble down,
And in the Dust be equals made
With the Poor crooked Scythe and Spade.
Some men with Swords may Reap the field,
And plant fresh Laurels where they kill:
But their strong nerves at last must yield;
They tame but one another still:
Early or Late
They stoop to Fate,
And must give up their murmuring breath
When they,pale captives,creep to Death.
The Garlands wither on your brow;
Then boast no more your mighty deeds;
Upon Death's purple Alter now
See where the Victor-Victim bleeds:
Your Heads must come
To the cold Tomb;
Only the actions of the Just
Smell sweet,and Blossoms in their Dust.
-James Shirley (1596-1666)

P.S. This is the test for if you lefties don't except us on your side and be as good and true to us as we would be to you then do it without us and your left on your own !!Just what the right once you to do!!
You lefties in a way have offended us more than the right has !!!Sad but true!!
The right can only divide you moviment by your own stupidity!! Anarchists are way too easily infiltrated and few in the moviment are anarchist anyway and you all have been getting way to much attention in comparison to the real movers and shakers of the moviment!! Sounds like you all want to take over the moviment and radicalize it so we will never get average joe blow on the side of the moviment!!!

The True Bloc vs. The Fake Bloc (english)
by Arena of Spectators 10:29pm Mon Aug 6 '01

Final Yellowstone Warning Installment #5 (english)
by Arena of Yellow Burst Installment #% 12:03pm Wed Mar 6 '02

Keep Yellowstone Nuclear Free

More yellowstone links below

Wake up Yellowstone! Great Yellow post to jump start our Mello Yellow Morning Installment #5 warning for this month!
But in reality lets just say, Yellow burst-Installment Period #5 about to come upon all in a sudden...

Here is the Arena's last and final march 6 (waited a day to post from 3-5)hidden post comment #3 on the up & coming Yellow burst-Installment Period #5...
Happy Birthday to all you March 6 Arena Fan Babies out there! So here is the Third & final hidden Warning Warning!
Again Good Morning to all you Glowing Mello Yellow head Mr. Smiths out there!
So it's high time to attack & breech the cracked, crumbling yellow walls, and win.For The Passing of the Old Guard is upon us!
Be there! See ya in one Arena or another Arena Yellowstone fans!

Bottom line it will be here soon enough!

I come not to bring peace but a Sword!
May the Force Liberty's ARENA be with you!

As Always...
Signed Sadly and Tragically
At the Swords Edge
We Bitter Over Bitter Gladiators
Of The Society Of The Sacred Sword

#1 Warning
Welcome to MelloYellow Installment Period #5 (english)
by Arena of Infinite Installments 10:08am Wed Mar 6 '02

#2 Warning
Mello-Yellow Flash-Installment Period #5 (english)
by Arena of Infinite Installments 11:06am Wed Mar 6 '02

Earthquake Magnitude and Intensity

The Passing of the Old Guard
Thunder mumbled over fields, echoed
Dry, warm whispers up Hollow Crick, and died.
It wasn't thunder--Dynamite burrowed
In the old stone chapel rattled granite,

Burst sound to Tower Rock, and curled back
To wade among bleak saw-toothed ruins hung
Black with a century's long breath. Pine planks
From stands three day away, floors pieced by hand...,

Now dust. Delayed roar.... The spire collapsed
Into its guts. The end. I remember
The roar, and the stone steeple as it tipped.

The new brick chapel stood fifteen years.
Today I drove by, watched steel ball and crane
Attack cracked, crumbling yellow walls, and win.

Continue to 'Bury My Heart at Wounded Knee' (english)
Arena of Native Americans 11:08pm Mon Feb 3 '03

Enter The Arena In the Spirit of Crazy Horse...

"Crazy Horse rides the circle of his peopleĂ¢€™s sleep, from Little Big Horn to Wounded Knee, Black Hills, their shadows are his only robe dark breast feathers of a future storm."

Continue to eat white mans food and take white mans vaccines and you will continue to die! STOP and LIVE!

Sad you whites have really used abused and murdered these Noble Native Peoples ++ the Evil Casinos Injuns and The Ray hal-bite-mers Sell outs that sell out their own natives down the river just as the Judenrods and Uncle Toms and others who also sell their own people down the perverbial and literal river also do...Certain elder Natives are selling out the future of their people! what else is new...

Bury my Heart at Wounded knee!

Fade into the Arena of the
then and there of Black Elk...&...

The Wounded Knee Massacre
December 29, 1890

"I did not know then how much was ended. When I look back now from this high hill of my old age, I can still see the butchered women and children lying heaped and scattered all along the crooked gulch as plain as when I saw them with eyes still young. And I can see that something else died there in the bloody mud, and was buried in the blizzard.

A people's dream died there. It was a beautiful dream ... the nation's hoop is broken and scattered. There is no center any longer, and the sacred tree is dead."

Black Elk
* * *
* * *
Wakan Tanka (Great Mystery)

Have mercy on us
That our people may live!
They say a herd of buffalo is coming;
It is here now!
Their blessings will come to us.
It is with us now!

A prayer chant of the Oglala Sioux

In Memorium to Dee Brown

'Bury My Heart at Wounded Knee'
writer Dee Brown dies at 94
Dec. 12, 2002

Brown was a librarian by training and a historian and novelist by avocation who wrote or co-authored more than 30 books about the American West over a six-decade career.

Exit out from the 1890's Arena nightmare of Black Elk Big Foot, Sitting Bull and Crazy Horse in The There and Then and Enter back into the modern 1990's Arena nightmare for the natives of the Here and Now...

As you Continue in the here and now to 'Bury My Heart at Wounded Knee'

Our AIM at Wounded Knee was to force the U.S. government to live up to its own laws.

But what of America? If the Indians at Wounded Knee represented Cohen's canary, then the federal-government attack on the Waco compound in 1993 proves the canary has died. One does not have to embrace the ideologies of the Branch Davidians or those of the Freemen to realize the willingness of the U.S. government to kill its own dissenting citizens, and to see a society operating without a moral compass.

American Indian peoples are walking down the corridors of the international community and have brought the rest of our indigenous families from all around our sacred Grandmother, the Earth, to join in the struggle for human dignity and peace on Earth. It's sad that the United Nations recognizes legitimate Indian organizations while the United States will not listen to any Indian voices but its puppet tribal governments.

Again Thanks rag baby for the above...

In Memorium To Crazy Horse (protector of his people)

Crazy Horse

Celebrated for his ferocity in battle, Crazy Horse was recognized among his own people as a visionary leader committed to preserving the traditions and values of the Lakota way of life.

*Crazy Horse was a Lakota leader who led his people in the battle of Little Big Horn and the battle of Wounded Knee, which were both included in the battle for the Black Hills.

"Crazy Horse rides the circle of his peopleĂ¢€™s sleep, from Little Big Horn to Wounded Knee, Black Hills, their shadows are his only robe dark breast feathers of a future storm."


Then exit back out from the grave
and thus fade into

To the modern Arena of the modern Crazy Horse
Returned back out from the grave once again in divine vengeance..
Come, enter the Arena
and get your just due as is more than justly due you.
Peace Dear Brother but keep giving them vengeance out from the grave returned!
We are watching closely on how they will treat you, sellouts from within are we know making it difficult,
we will be there at the appointed destined moment in both time and Space in the There and Then!

And Lets Not Forget the sufferings of the living
and their thirst for Justice

Free Peltier!

I thank you for caring. Were it not for the compassionate people, all hope for the future would be lost.

Link to painting of Crazy Horse above

In the Spirit of Crazy Horse.
Out From the grave once again...

Fade To Black then reEnter
the matrix vortex collective gathering of souls glad arena of...
we couldn't find the little old white ladies either...
are they really out there in Nebraska and which little old white ladies are you speaking of, they have names out there don't they,and if they didn't they will now!
signing them up out there as we speak.
or is that also a little old white ladies lie too.

Do you think we need a flashlight!

Oh and by the way are you sure those
little old Nebraska white Republican ladies
arn't dangerous especially if fluffed & fluffied...
Do they contribute to the SPCA too..

Nebraska Online Pet Resources - ... HUMANE SOCIETY / SPCA. Capitol Humane Society (Lincoln) Nebraska Humane Society (Omaha). ANIMAL RESCUE. Hearts United for Animals (Auburn). CATS. Cat Breed Rescues. ...

HSUS - Programs - Companion Animals - Animal Sheltering Online - ... Nebraska: Capital Humane Society, Lincoln; Nebraska Humane Society, Omaha. ... New Hampshire SPCA, Stratham; Upper Valley Humane Society, Lebanon. ... search within this site
SPCA - ... SPCA of Monterey County, PO Box 3058, Monterey 93942. Valley Oak SPCA , 29016 Hwy. 99, Visalia 93277. COLORADO. ... NEBRASKA. Panhandle Humane Society, Rt. ... search within this site

SPCA Road Ahead - ... our architect took a cross-country tour (financed in full by SPCA Board members ... The Nebraska Humane Society was especially helpful in providing ideas to emulate ...

Pennsylvania Animal Shelters - ... Blue Bell, Spayed Club. Bradford, Mckean County SPCA. Brodheadsville, SAD (Save A Dog). ... Chester, Chester County SPCA. Chester, City Of Chester. ... search within this site - ... county area is the state's way of further protecting Nebraska's swine industry. ... dogs are," says Craig Daniell, Director of Investigations for the Ontario SPCA. ... search within this site

Robin's FYI - Animal Rescue, Shelters, Society Sites - Find the best deals on a new pet! Animal shelters, rescue groups, and humane socities. Over 500 listed. search within this site

The SF/SPCA - ... of Nebraska and likes to travel, but is always happy to get back to Sassy and her home in San Francisco. Yvonne is certainly an asset to The SF/SPCA with her ...

CoolestDog Protection, Rescue, and Adoption - ... Nebraska Humane Society NEW HAMPSHIRE. Humane Society of New England New Hampshire SPCA - Home Page http ... - $7 million palace to pamper potential pets - Sep. 30, ... - ... The Richmond SPCA borrowed ideas from nearly a dozen different shelters. The Nebraska Humane Society in Omaha, Nebraska, was the inspiration for a carwash-like ...

Muslim Body Parts used in Iraq after their liquidations...

Dog Rescue - ... Animals Homepage Nebraska Humane Society Back to top New Hampshire Humane Society of New England Monadnock Region Humane Society New Hampshire SPCA - Home Page ...

State Troopers Association of Nebraska - The Ultimate Sacrifice - ... - ... Wagers be made to the local Sacramento SPCA, 6201 Florin-Perkins Road, Sacramento ... External pages are not endorsed by State Troopers Association of Nebraska. ...

Exit the arena of little old Nebraska white Republican ladies lies...

Fade To Black

R.I.P Fluffy
As Republicans use every excuse to duck white wash and cover up by even using the erxcuse it would put our troops in danger, hell it was you all that put them in danger in the first place and its you who will put them in more danger if you don't come clean and release all the video and photos PRONTO!!

Enter The Arena Of Wolfmans "Better Than You" Ajax Arena Of Wolf blitZers and Try not To fall On your own swords There Big Boyz Vs.The Arena Of Ulysses "many noname-nomans' Arena of the collective gathering Of souls in Liberty's Grand Arena of Truth and Justice!... Right There Wolf man..

At least you would but give Me that final Fair One On One Fight to the Finish in A grand Final in The center Of sweet liberty's Arena of a fair One On One better Than You show of shows! Got to at least give Ya credit for That There Wolf! Many Others would not even th(u)ink about it!

But still Wolf The question as well as the memory remains Better than WEwho in which aspect there Big BOY and inwhich Arena of life or Death you Find Yourself In right there wolf!

Again Better Than who and in Which MetallicArena there Wolf?

Yes There Is a Real wolf and a Real Twilight shadow dancer out there Folks@! Come See A show Of shows a grand Spectacle of Spectacles... Colosseum 2003 The Return...

Better Than You

I look at you, then you me
Hungry and thirsty are we
Holding the lion's share
Holding the key
Holding me back cause I'm striving to be....

Better than you
Better than you

Lock horns I push, and I strive
Somehow I feel more alive
Bury the need for it
Bury the seed
Bury me deep when there's no will to be

Better than you
Better than you

Oh, can't stop this train from rolling
No, nothing brings me down
No, can't stop this train from rolling, on and on and on
On, forever on and on...

Oh, can't stop this train from rolling
Oh, you can't take it down
No, can't stop this locomotion, on and on and on
No, you can't bring it down cause I'm

Better than you
Better than you
Oh better than you
Better than you
Much Better than you

Better than you
Oh better than you
Better than you
Better than
Better than
Better than
Better than you

Can't stop this train from rolling

Forever and on and on and on
Forever and on and on and on

Better than you
Better than you...

Still until that Grand final passion play is finished day at least we Liberty's Centrist Green anarch bahai TM Arena Gladiators salute ya Wolf BliZCrEg Boyz For wanting To Go One On One to Fill ya Sic Fun! So Be It!

This is No Mans War But everMans Howling From Within Troubled Feeling! The Demons Of Jealousy Hate Bigotry
Greed Selfishness, and That Big Pride Before falling On that Big Ajax Sword There Big Boy!

catch Me If You can'bL*

Catch Me If You Can
Oh Come and try to catch me
Oh Catch me if you can!
Oh Come and try to catch me
Oh Catch me if you can!

Look out it's time the world is finding for a
New thing, it's time I got a head
Keep thinking nothing is going to stop me
and I won't quit till I'm sitting on the top!

Never give up when the going gets rough
I know I'm going to make it through
To just try will never be enough
I'll show you there's nothing that I can't do!

Oh Come and try to catch me
Oh Catch me if you can!
Oh Come and try to catch me
Oh Catch me if you can!

(Come on Come on Catch me now! Catch me Pokemon!
Can you come and catch me can you now, you can't catch
me anyhow!)

Get up let's see what you're made of!
Bring it on, you know I'm not afraid
There's no way that you can slow me down now!
It's time to show you what I'm all about!

Never give up when the going gets rough
I know I'm going to make it through
To just try will never be enough
I'll show you there's nothing that I can't do!

Oh Come and try to catch me
Oh Catch me if you can!
Oh Come and try to catch me
Oh Catch me if you can!

Oh Come and try to catch me
Oh Catch me if you can!
Oh Come and try to catch me
Oh Catch me if you can!

It's so close I can almost taste it!
There's no way I'll ever look back!
It's so hard but stopping's not an option
I'm going to keep on, keep on cuz I belive in me!

(Come on Come on Catch me now! Catch me Pokemon!
Can you come and catch me can you now, you can't catch me
(Come on Come on Catch me now! Catch me Pokemon!
Can you come and catch me can you now, you can't catch me
(Come on Come on Catch me now! Catch me Pokemon!
Can you come and catch me can you now, you can't catch me
(Come on Come on Catch me now! Catch me Pokemon!
Can you come and catch me can you now)

Catch me, if you can!

Oh Come and try to catch me
Oh Catch me if you can!
Oh Come and try to catch me
if you can as ...

The kick shall return to thee a thousand kicks (english)
by Arena of a Thousand boots 9:06am Wed Aug 8 '01

No Mr. Wiston Smith you are sadly mistaken and at
this period in our history way of mark with your espousal!!
For our use of Force against the Violence of their sick
sordid evil oppression is (A Moral means of the oppressed)
and is of sanctioned moral indignation and a sacred moral
defience against a Violent oppressor!!

For as Nostadamus wrote in Quatrain XII-65
Le coup de pied mille pied se rendra.
The Kick shall return to thee a thousand kicks...

Thus Rendering the Image Anachronistic...

Exit Ulysses in the Divine Anachronistic Arena of
Divine Transformations & Fade To Passionsword Return
To Back In Black

The Round about Gand Glad Circus Spectacles of Spectacles Arena Of Divine Glad Gladiators

"The World Is But A Stage & We But Merely Players"

Thus Enter Now Within The Round about Gand
Glad Circus Spectacles of Spectacles
Arena Of Divine Glad Gladiators.

The Arena Circus Of Circus Show will go on (english)
Arena Circus of Circuses 8:06am Sun May 18 '03

These Minor Irritations can never stop
The Glad Circus from starring in its own noble light.

We Gladiators are always pissed off cause they always seem to want to f-duck with The Round about Gand Glad Circus Spectacles of Spectacles, as well as try to f-duck the starring cast of Clowns, Dwarfs, Puppeteers, Jesters Jugglers, Acrobats, ect ect! Well they must know that The Show must go on AND WILL! Bottom Line! a Glad hand Now Will Descend upon those trying to F-duck The Round about Gand Glad Circus Spectacles of Spectacles.
This Stops Nothing Just Heightens our resolve that The Really Big Show must go On and On and On and On and on!@.

We Glads are gladly watching the treatment of our Divine Entertainers! So Beware to treat them with care.

Better an alive Bunny than and an F-duck'targeted as the Smuck Dead Duck! time For A back Up To Their back up!

Thus the Ancient Fairy Tale begins once more
upon the World's Stage...
The Curtain has now been lifted.
Enter the New Enigma Paradigm Power Vortex Shift.

X-ed back out from The UNderground_X.

We have Spoken!

Signed Sadly and Tragically
At The Swords Edge
We bitter-sweet but still Over Bitter Gladiators
Of The Society Of the Sacred Sword

Thus an Eternal Endless Infinite Cosmic Karmic Struggle for understanding and enlightenment!

Exit now from Sweet Lady Libertys Divine Arena Of...
The New Matriarchal Aquarian Millennium Reign
Of The Great Reign Reigning.

For The Shadow Knows as Does Bugs what the Bottom Brown Roasted f-ducked line is...
as You Now Fade To Pretty In Pink Hued In F-duck roasted Brown... so Bugsy Brown clown-round about Gand grab bag it!

ha ha ha ha ha ha ha haha ha ha ha ha ha ah ha ha ha ha ha

Hi Ho Silver Away- A Lone RangerSilver Summer (english)
Arena Of Silver Bullets 8:47am Sun May 18 '03

Remember Us YES were Back out From The Back fading Into The Pink Hued with silver...
Time to get x-ed deep from out of the underground-X

As you Now Fade Into The Pink-Silver Arena Of...
Wilhelm Tell
Comandante Eva Goldman
Robin Hood
Peter Pan
Princess Leia and the Ewoks
Osama ("Sasha") Bin-Leiden
The Hawaiian Bloc
Baron Munchausen
...and a bunch of real people who LOVE IT..

We Green Anarcho-Centrist-Bahai-TM-One World Citizen Arena Gladiators salute you all and A Great IMC Collective Gathering Of Souls Divine Post. Silver Bullet Time You say HI Ho SILVER AWAY!

Great Post For A Lone Ranger Hi Ho Silver Away Entrance Paradigm Matrix Vortex Shift For The coming Brown Summer 2003 Lone Ranger "Hi-Ho Silver Away" Silver Bullet Installment Period #10!

More Lone Ranger Silver Bullet Hitting Its Targeted Mark in the next Coming Arena Attractions....

Enter The arena Of Pink Paybacks, Silver Bullets and Brown shirts.

thus all lies & Crimes will be Quenched
by the weight of their own Iniquities Guilt that

Fade To BlackĂ¢€¦.For a TimeĂ¢€¦ But still Someday somewhere somehow
¦ SEE The Light Of truth always Returns to Shine forth Truth
even from out of The darkness of The Shadows and Graves
As you Fade back into The Divine Light Of Truth and Balance¦

then exit now into The Round About Gand Circus Of Circuses Grand Journey Enterprise Arena Release...

while Fading into #9 Pretty Pink Stink hued In Silver For a Onrushing Brown Town Lone Ranger Summer 2003 Installment Period #10.

Enter The Octapus's Garden in the Shade! (english)
by Arena's Octapus's Garden in the Shade 8:26pm Tue Mar 19 '02
address: Octapus's Garden New Zealand

The Octapus's Underground Banking Fraud Garden (english)
by Arena of Recognition 9:53pm Wed Mar 20 '02

Time to nail them from the above underground (english)
by Arena of Truth 4:23am Fri Mar 22 '02

Enter Now into The New Age of Cyber Terror
Seen in The Magic Mirror of Reflected Truth... so...
Will be seeing ya in one Arena or another, there Arena Fans! Be There, for in every Arena there awaits...a Magic Mirror of Reflected Truth At the Truth that lies within.
See Ya Weenies and Wankers

in one Octopus's Garden Arena in the Shade or Anorher@

There are many ways and many Arenas (english)
by Arena's Arena 1:50am Thu Aug 2 '01

Of Leftist Weenies and Rightist Wankers (english)
by Arena that see's through you both 9:32am Fri Aug 10 '01

Who shall Target will in turn be Targeted (english)
by Arena of Truth 10:09am Thu Aug 9 '01

But there may be good guys at work, too. In the final "Chronology", we find:
"At Casolaro's funeral, two unknown figures appear. One of them places a medal on Casolaro's casket and saluted, although Casolaro never served in the military."
Your mission, gentle readers, if you care to accept it, is to finish the work Danny started. But along the way, just make sure it is the bad guys who commit "suicide".

For The Shadow knows what lies at the Heart
Of Fighting The Octapus


(who they murdered in cold blood)

(May they all finally R.I.P)
But they shall do so only after
the full cup of Vengeance is drunk dry.

1st, 2nd, 3rd 4th & 5th..ect BLOOD FIRST)
{For now they are trying to kill us off too}


Signed Sadly and Tragically
At the Swords Edge
We Bitter Over Bitter Gladiators
Of The Society Of The Sacred Sword

And thus we have Freedom to Live
For the Battlefield is Symbolic of The Field of Life
Where every creature lives on the Death of another
For our Life is bounded by Two Silences
The Silence of Stars and That of Graves

Fade To Pink Hued In an Upcoming Browning

On the road with Murder Inc.

More on Murder Inc. and Mercenaries For Hire later!
Have Gun will Travel, blood rain in the forecast!
XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX-ed out from the Underground-X

Both send Us some Gladiator Represenatives (english)
by Arena of Death 1:27pm Tue Aug 28 '01

Wow We Gladiators believe we need to center all this Violence and Hate and Bigotry Right were it belongs IN AN ARENA OF DEATH (What do you say we put all violent bigots in a Modern COLOSSEUM so we can aleast not only have a fair fight against these bastards for once, but we can get it taken off the streets away from the women and their children
You all want to go at one another , you all want Blood,
Then help us reopen the Colosseum and we will give you not only a Spectacle of Spectacles and a Show of Shows, but all the fucking Blood you all seem to thirst, we don't need the blood or the hate or anything but a fair fight so we can show you what real cold killing face to face without your pussy Guns and Bombs is really all About!! Pussys!!
Not man enough to face each other man to man in an Arena of Death then shut the fuck up !! Either center all this violence or the puppet masters on all sides will continue to get dumb fucks on all sides to kill each other intheir stupid armies out in the steets, also may take care of all this assassination shit too, either back the Arena or stay a Hypocrite asshole back stabber bot licker to the puppet masters. We gladiators want to kill our way for once not you all's way which you all tried to get us to do a long time ago!! Brainwashed Killers and their supports talking a lot of shit, fuck ya both! Lets get on woithv the real man to man one on one killing Deal for once. Oh we forget you all just love killing each other in the streets , both sides are vile! Time to really Rumble fair for once or ya all not man enough for that.

All for the oil tit that feeds (english)
by Arena of Truth 10:27pm Wed Aug 22 '01

All for the oil tit that feeds

They will be in for a big surprise when they start the seismic there it will trigger massive earthquakes.
We shall but see? Check the fault line running deep through there if they disturbed it, it could trigger off some massive big ones!! It’s a seismically sensitive area because of its proximity to the pole!!
What the readings will be will be off too!!
Great article, Mark, enjoyed it!! Glad you got to see it before it’s ruined by greed !!

They are Planning to do many dirty nasties (english)
by Arena of Forces 6:02pm Thu Aug 23 '01

It's true they (the pigs) will fuck shit up and blame it on the movement, they are also paying off people to be Fake Anarchist to try and start trouble!! It's kill or be killed this time around!! Are you all but ready for this scene!!
Oh well the bigger BOOM BOOM's will get them in hindsight!! So be it!!
They Threw the first stone many years ago!!

Signed Sadly and Tragically
At the Swords Edge
We Bitter Over Bitter Gladiators
Of The Society Of The Sacred Sword

See ya Here in D.C. (english)
by Arena of Clowns 5:03pm Thu Aug 23 '01

Right on Anti Capitalist !!
See ya here in D.C
(District of Corruption)
Thanks for mentioning Clowns !!

The Brave and Noble Filippino's (english)
by Arena of Joy 5:16pm Wed Aug 29 '01

I think we can all learn from the Filipinos, wow what a great and noble people they are, when they want to get something done in 5 minutes their are no better people in the whole world!! Time that the action that the brave and noble Filipino’s took be done now in other parts of the world by other people also. Wow we should all here at Indy congratulate and cheer for the brave and noble Filipinos!!
They give us all courage and incentive to be as they!!
Great Work!! Hit em up in 5 minutes before they even knew what hit them, we are jumping up and down cheering wildly their great work!! Monsanto get the hell out of the Philippines, they are islands full of wonderful all natural plants and crops, they don't need your wicked Monsanto stuff polluting their beautiful lands.
Again we all should follow the lead of the brave and wonderful Filipino people!!

One man's Terrorist is anothers Freedom Fight (english)
by Arena of Forces 4:12pm Wed Aug 29 '01

One man's Terrorist is another’s Freedom Fighter

Terrorism is the unlawful use of force or violence against persons or property to intimidate or coerce a government, the civilian population, or any segment thereof, in furtherance of political or social objectives.
--FBI Definition

Doesn't this desribe themselves better than the ones they have deemed Terrorist.They are the Terrorist who staeted all this shit a long time ago and they dare call others Terrorist,who are Freedom Fighters against their Imperialistic and Colonialistic Terror!

So Terrorists, who is the REAL terrorIst thReAt!!
Just ask a Native american or Eskimo who the best Thieves. murders,liars and genocidal terrorist are, not hard to figure out!!
what cloud are you dreaming on, the Cia has killed a shitload of people over the years, some right in America! Who are you trying to cover for!
To the IRA the brits are the terrorists and have been for a long time!! The brits tale another tale !
Many around the world have much less to lose in the terrorist gambit than the ones on top(ie. Brits and Americans) but they will come gunning for them now!!

You yourselves have stated it was taken at gunpoint and you ask it be given back with civility!! What civility, certain Euro's and others have not with civility ever given back the land they through terrorm stole, now it will be taken back the same way it was stolen AT GUNPOINT!! It's the only way!!
Protest didn't stop the war in Vietnam, but the Viet Cong with lots of Chinese help did stop it!! Those bastards didn't stop the war because of the protesters, that's just a fake false illusion feel gooder for the protester, they stopped it because it was a no can doer and body bags were piling up and they were losing on the Ground!!
Now lets talk Ireland, why the IRA would be foolish to disarm and they bloody well know it, who knows the rotten thieving English better than the Irish!!
They stole the land from other Euro Brothers and are still there with their lies of feigned civility!!
Real IRA will never DISARM!! They know how bloody two faced the English and Americans are, they promise you one thing and then turn around and do some dirty rotten just the opposite thing of what they had promised to ya one more time before !! People are sick of their lies and false promises!!
AS an Native American once stated long ago
"They made us many promises
more than I can remember, but they never kept but one;
they promised to take our land and they took it!!

The only way to stop their violence is through the use of FORCE!! BOTTOM LINE!! FORCE will drive out their Violence!
The ones they are most worried about is their own brothers who they have screwed over!! they fear the real IRA more than any other FREEDOM FIGHTER GROUP!! ETA ALSO.
Americans have the sic distinction of killing off with naTIVE HELP MORE PEOPLE THAN ANYONE!! Sounds like murderous Terrorists to us and now they falsely deem others as Terrorist, Their great lie ploy!

For one man's Terrorist is another man's freedom fighter!
Who's right ?? Hell the IMF, WTO ang WB thinks they are right and all the protesters are wrong!!
And we say they (IMF,WTO ang WB) are the Terrorist!

FEAR NOT The Strategic Fear Factor
Arena of Shiva's "Fear Not


No passion so effectually robs the mind of all its powers of acting and reasoning as fear. ~ Edmund Burke

Enter now within...


Only when we are no longer afraid do we begin to live.
Dorothy Thompson:

But their mantra is...


Neither a man nor a crowd nor a nation can be trusted to act humanely or to think sanely under the influence of a great fear. ~ Bertrand Russell


REMEMBER when your filled with fear
you can never be an OverComer!

For Believing is but half the Battle
Overcoming the other half of the Equation!

Enter the Arena of this was a pure fear mongerers post filled with fear and FEAR WARNINGS!

Charles Amsellem and Heidi Werntz you are playing with fire and fears with this post! Shame on both of you!

Don Miguel Ruiz:
Death is not the biggest fear we have; our biggest fear is taking the risk to be alive -- the risk to be alive and express what we really are.

The Right wing & certain left Sell outs propaganda
to bring forth FEAR! We have spoken about this since before 9-11 Remember!

The most destructive element in the human mind is fear. Fear creates aggressiveness

STRATEGY( a plan of action by using stratagem),= TO BRING FORTH FEAR

Bertrand Russell:
Collective fear stimulates herd instinct, and tends to produce ferocity toward those who are not regarded as members of the herd.

STRATAGEM( a trick or deception) By posting up something like this (their POST)

There is nothing to fear except the persistent refusal to find out the truth, the persistent refusal to analyze the causes of happenings.
Dorothy Thompson


You gain strength, courage, and confidence by every experience in which you really stop to look fear in the face. You must do the thing which you think you cannot do.
Eleanor Roosevelt

Enough Bullshit! This post is a strategically well planned propaganda bullshit to bring forth fear!
Certain Leftist Selling out, rights putting guns to your heads!
Go ahead censor my comments! They still stand, we are willing to go out on the limb over this1 So...

Don't be afraid to go out on a limb.
That's where the fruit is.
Jackson Browne

Hey IMC there are other places to post and others monitor us on how you and the gov treats people here in the Nations Capital there are Monitors of the monitors! Fear Mongerers that you are!Welcome back to IMC's Celebrity Fear Factor how far are you willling to go to overcome your fears!

Love is what we were born with. ~ Fear is what we learned here. ~ Marianne Williamson

A list below of your Fear mongering Words to get people to go to there knees in silence!
Learn from Austin's tragic example that a 'binding' agreement from a prosecutor can be thrown out by the judge and a one month sentence today can turn into a year and more come sentencing time if you plead out.

James Thurber:
Let us not look back in anger or forward in fear, but around in awareness.

What a real fear mongerers statement! They did this take it down (Front page article and link) and put this filth up instead cause they are really afraid and FEAR ridden!

If you are distressed by anything external, the pain is not due to the thing itself, but to your estimate of it; and this you have the power to revoke at any moment.
Marcus Aurelius

Bending over for the Nazi's again are you!

The basis of optimism is sheer terror. ~Oscar Wilde

These terrifying proceedings would weigh heavily on anybody as they must on Austin. Yet he remained outwardly calm during sentencing and in the course of this interview by preparing his mind to expect the harshness of the sentencing and jail time.

Ultimately we know deeply that the other side of every fear is a freedom.
Marilyn Ferguson



I have learned over the years that when one's mind is made up, this diminishes fear; knowing what must be done does away with fear.
Rosa Parks


Fear not for the future, weep not for the past.
Percy Bysshe Shelley

If you are a committed activist, in these times, it's a wise policy to squirrel away whatever you can into a defense fund: "It's just obvious that if you don't have a lot of money, you can't buy your way out of things. People are convicted and they cop pleas because they feel like they can't fight the system."

One has fear in front of a goat, in back of a mule, and on every side of a fool. ~ Jewish Proverb

THESE words above are not words of a committed activist but of fear filled Squirrels, liars Infiltrators, SABOTORS and SELLOUTS!

Don't waste life in doubts and fears; spend yourself on the work before you, well assured that the right performance of this hour's duties will be the best preparation for the hours and ages that will follow it.
Ralph Waldo Emerson

Also THE using The Computer Fear Mongering TACTIC!

The meaning I picked, the one that changed my life: Overcome fear, behold wonder. ~ Richard Bach

This was posted on the LA indy YESTERDAY!
They took it down YES! WE knew when we glads came out on this they would pull this shit! FEAR!

So what He had a picture of the president of the United States with a target symbol on his head, and said wanted, dead or alive.

They are even afraid of a bunch of anarchist kids
shish real brave. So what, many right wingers websites during the Clinton years had real nasty stuff towards Clinton, even much worse than what this kid had put up and Clinton didn't have them arrested , he might be a scumbag but he's not an anal retentive, low, nasty. paranoid piece of shit like the right is, & he's was a man who didn't hide unlike Bush who's a scared rat .

Why are they so Nazi, what do they have to hide or fear so much, why are they so paranoid? Well cause they are up too a lot of no good that's why. For they have a lot to hide, even more to fear and much to be paranoid about. When your a bunch of terrorist war criminals like them you better hide in fear.

We warn you of this though right wingers if the left does come back in power after Bush falls next time around they will not be as lenient and forgiving to you as Billy Bop was and they will persecute you triple for persecuting them so horribly, unjustly and unfairly next time around, beware warning given, what comes around goes around . Enjoy your short lived right wing nazi crap while it lasts but remember this waning what you've done to others and the kick given them will return upon thee a thousand kicks.

but the left is basically not like that and are more liberal and they let free speech and expression go, its actions and deeds that count not mouthy words,
but after this and how they've been treated by the right maybe not next time around, maybe the Patient donkey will kick those thousand times for the kicks given them in the here and now.

get your kicks now right wingers while the getting is good for it may not last long and will be real short lived and then we shall see who will be getting their kicks,

Pre-Warning given!

Don’t say nobody ever warned you of things that may come along a future distant event horizon, remember most times the persecutors ended up the persecuted and the persecutors kick was given back to them as the persecuted a thousand times over, so beware!

Your buying into the fears that the right wants you too do!
Either hang together without fear or Hang alone in fear!

That was after we posted this!

As Retribution begins NOW!
by Arena of Death Gladiators • Monday August 11, 2003 06:15 AM

Enter now into Sweet Liberty's Arena of Death Gladiators in solidarity with Sherman Austin, anarchist webmaster. We stand in solidarity with you Brother.

Now all you brother and sisters out there who believe in standing up and being counted do yourselves a favor... Besides forming a Big Protest over this injustice by standing up and doing something...

Check the judges Financial disclosures, as well as the pigs and FBI's financial disclosures you'll be very surprised what you'll find. + what other dirty deals they are into.

The ones who pushed hard for this over a small deal wanted to make an example of him for the ones who could really be a problem for them already know all that silly dinky crap anyway .

But these same government officials are the same people involved in the know on blowing up shit themselves like 9-11 GET REAL!

Now check out the dirty judge.

This Judge ruled on these cases also

U.S. District Judge Stephen Wilson

Judge Rules Parts of Church Land-Use Law Unconstitutional
Adelle M. Banks
Religion News Service

A California district judge has declared a portion of the law aimed at helping houses of worship overcome land-use disputes unconstitutional.
In a little-noticed ruling filed June 24 in the U.S. District Court of the Central District of California, Judge Stephen V. Wilson said Congress "redefined First Amendment rights" by passing the Religious Land Use and Institutionalized Persons Act (RLUIPA) of 2000.

And also This Check it out!

Ruling keeps touch-screen vote system
Federal judge dismisses Palm Desert woman’s suit
By Christine Mahr
The Desert Sun
September 7th, 2002

A federal judge has dismissed a lawsuit challenging the constitutionality of Riverside County’s touch-screen voting system.

Now help Connect The Dots...

The most powerful man in election security (english)
randY 7:52am Sun Aug 10 '03 (Modified on 5:12am Mon Aug 11 '03)

He also presided over this hot issue.
This is the ruling that will get him...ed

Judge in P-to-P case set to consider jurisdiction

Remember they our own government are the same ones who blew up 9-11 and they are planning to blow up some more shit and blame it on the left again.

And they put this small fry young man through all this over a web site, God will punish all of them most severely now. a death curse from god is upon all their evil heads. Railroading all who won't be their bootlicker ass licking Uncle Tom get on your knees goon henchmen.

All the Puppet masters and their goon henchmen
are under a Death Watch & are under a Death curse.

Death Death Death
Comes sweeping Down
Filthy Death The Leering Clown
Death On Wings
Death By Surprise
Failing Evil in worldly Eyes
Death Thats Born
as Life Succumbs
Love and Death Two Kindred Drums
So Keep The Faith Until Judgment Day
An Actor In A passion Play
Without Beginning Without End
Forever More AMEN...

We have Spoken!

Arena of Death Disclaimer

***My Skull Smasher & Leg Breaker Buddies both Gladly advised me that this disclaimer must be posted with each of The Arena's articles***

All The above & past Arena posts are Arena Factual and bears "Total Recall" in relationship to the truth and it always contains some factual statements supportable outside the confines of The Arena Heart & Mind in a Collective Gathering Of Souls.

My primary audience is composed of Indy Media Collective Gathering Of Souls, who have a much higher tolerance for Conspiracy Theory Analysis than the other actual goon Brainwashed-Brain-dead ignorant henchmen.

So Anyone not relying on this information for anything except Horror-Show and Terror- A Go Go purposes is advised to seek immediate assistance from certified professionals with practice caring for the Brain washed and brain-challenged.

@The Centrist Arena of Gladiators 2000-2003, there are
# Of the Society Of The Sacred Sword, a wholly-owned
subsidiary of $ Grand Journey Enterprise Release LTD
a privately-held, Investigative Research Source
of Internet Conspiracy Theory%.

The Arena is not a game. The Arena is not a product. The Arena is not a secret. The Arena is a sacred public ritual and a Munus (a sacred obligation to the dead, a funeral rite) and we have been placed on this earth to perform it for the peoples of the world. So we both have our mission impossible to perform.

Hope you get our clues, riddles, links and connect the ...s

Strange but true for it always seems the most intelligent
are always at the cutting edge of not only dissent but reason.

For Believing is but half the Battle
Overcoming the other half of the Equation!

May the "Connect the dots" Force Be with You

Signed Sadly and Tragically
at the Swords Blades Edge!!
WE Bitter OVER BITTER Gladiators
Of the Society of the Sacred Sword

"Alone of Angels Death has no love for gifts,
Libation helps you not, nor sacrifice.
He has no altar, and hears no hymns;
From him alone Persuasion stands apart."

Aeschylus (525-465 B.C.) "Niobe"

And then again by chance you never really know (or do we) not only whats really the truth or not but where the connect the dots intrigue might lead you to...

Fade To Black

As Retribution Time Now Dawns!

Hang in there Brother, we all know you were railroaded and made an example of...
The Color of your Skin helped
in that sad racist equation.

True Justice though will win out in the End...
Have Faith and Keep The Faith.

NEVER FEAR THOSE WHO are Criminals or you will be full of fear when it comes time to take them down and then you will not be able to get the job done!

Eyebrows were raised when it was discovered that Attorney General John Ashcroft released a memo the same day that Austin's sentencing was rescheduled due to an alleged clerical error in the filing of his sentencing hearing. Ashcroft's memo asks prosecutors to monitor which judges impose lenient sentences and is assailed by advocates of judicial fairness and prison reform for limiting judicial independence in sentencing by putting merciful judges on a watch list. Justice Wilson, who ignored the Justice Dept's recommendation by imposing an even harsher sentence may not have had anything to fear in this particular case but the implications for judicial restraint in general are foreboding nonetheless.



No one loves the man whom he fears. ~Aristotle (384-322 BC)

Thats why besides
Project Guillotine (for the puppetmasters)+
The Arena of Gladiator Justice (for their henchmen)
WE GLADIATORS propose & will now enter within...


The fear is with those who go against DEATH!
Remember That there Charlie FEAR MONGERERS!

Fear no more the heat o' the sun
By William Shakespeare
FEAR no more the heat o' the sun,
Nor the furious winter's rages;
Thou thy worldly task hast done,
Home art gone, and ta'en thy wages:
Golden lads and girls all must,
As chimney-sweepers, come to dust.

Fear no more the frown o' the great,
Thou art past the tyrant's stroke;
Care no more to clothe and eat;
To thee the reed is as the oak:
The sceptre, learning, physic, must
All follow this, and come to dust.

Fear no more the lightning-flash,
Nor the all-dreaded thunder-stone;
Fear not slander, censure rash;
Thou hast finish'd joy and moan:
All lovers young, all lovers must
Consign to thee, and come to dust.

No exorciser harm thee!
Nor no witchcraft charm thee!
Ghost unlaid forbear thee!
Nothing ill come near thee!
Quiet consummation have;
And renowned be thy grave!

The Bhagavad-Gita
Again Fear Not... as you now...

Fear grows in darkness; if you think there's a bogeyman around, turn on the light.
Dorothy Thompson
And then... Re-Enter Into The Light for...

The only thing we have to fear is fear itself.
~Franklin D. Roosevelt


We who about to rock salute you. (english)
by pr(posted as comment) Saturday 12 Jul 2003 (text/plain)

ToProffrX- a RATS-Statement of Accountability (english)
by Arena Of ProffrX's Big Arena RAT Bet Of Bets
(posted as comment) Saturday 12 Jul 2003 (image/jpeg) Bingo Evolution Revolution Guil-lo-tuneTime (english)
by Arena Of Remember Me I'm BACK
(posted as comment) Saturday 12 Jul 2003 (image/jpeg) An OrangeDrop will be given before a Red Pill (english)
by Arena of hueing to Orange + RedPills await
(posted as comment) Saturday 12 Jul 2003 (image/jpeg) Yawn... Hey American Arseholes like you Moron (english)
by Arena Of Not So Bushy
(posted as comment) Saturday 12 Jul 2003 (image/jpeg)

With Polish & Spanish Troops Now Its Welcome to (english)
by Arena of Wayne's World 2
(posted as comment) Saturday 12 Jul 2003
Of Oily Minds & Gaseous Asses (english)
by Arena Of Get The Reconnect
(posted as comment) Saturday 12 Jul 2003
Nuke bloody fuckers killing IraQ boys in Iraq (english)
by Arena Of Not So Bush(posted as comment) Saturday 12 Jul 2003 (text/plain) Or lead them into a sky porn hack it up Site (english)
by Arena of Leading them into danger(posted as comment) Saturday 12 Jul 2003 (text/plain) Tenents Fine this one is on Rice & The NSA (english)
by Arena of wrong person blamed(posted as comment) Saturday 12 Jul 2003 (text/plain) Raise a Brown Bag It Toast by lifting a Glass (english)
by Arena of Reflected Truths Mirrored In Glass
(posted as comment) Friday 11 Jul 2003 (image/jpeg) Yes The #'s Man makes his Point (english)
by Arena of All God's Numbered Creation
(posted as comment) Friday 11 Jul 2003 (image/gif) Is this BRI or theBrian..either way god point (english)
by Arena of "But Consider this"(posted as comment) Friday 11 Jul 2003 (text/plain) With limited options Impeachment is a start (english)
by Arena of Other More Revolutionary Starts(posted as comment) Thursday 10 Jul 2003 (text/plain) Bingo again hits the nail on the head (english)
by Arena of Bingo stars Again(posted as comment) Thursday 10 Jul 2003 (text/plain) The Great Gazoo's Futura Creation (english)
by Arena of Perseus Futura Creation
(posted as comment) Thursday 10 Jul 2003 (image/jpeg) Ready To take The Next Matrix VorteX Step (english)
by Arena withinThe Octapus's Garden MatrixVorteX(posted as comment) Thursday 10 Jul 2003 (text/plain) Todo lo que pasa en el mundo: Lea Panorama Internacional en la web (spanish)
by Estrategia Internacional Thursday 10 Jul 2003 (text/plain) Yes more brown bag it summer IraqY AQmok (english)
by Arena of many faling points of light
(posted as comment) Thursday 10 Jul 2003 (image/gif) Bingo J-o-h-n-n-y - - W-i-z-a-r-d stars again (english)
by Arena of Bingo's Jonny Wizard(posted as comment) Thursday 10 Jul 2003 (text/plain) To a Nasty Cunt Night & the Arsehole Reverend (english)
by Arena of Your both full of Shit!(posted as comment) Thursday 10 Jul 2003 (text/plain) BingoBottomLine Hit the nail right onthe Head (english)
by Arena of Heads will roll
(posted as comment) Thursday 10 Jul 2003 (image/gif) Andy Check our glad UR wave there DUDE (english)
by Arena of Air waves & Octopus waves(posted as comment) Thursday 10 Jul 2003 (text/plain) Bottom Arena Line_____Ray H. must Go (english)
by Arena Of There Coming For you Ray Sell out(posted as comment) Thursday 10 Jul 2003 (text/plain) It's CensoredFiltered & RunBy CIA-Nsa Wankers (english)
by Arena Of Welcome to Satans Hell on Earth(posted as comment) Thursday 10 Jul 2003 (text/plain) Can Mother Jones Fix all those Broken bones (english)
by Arena of Mother Jones's sweet divine liberty
(posted as comment) Thursday 10 Jul 2003 (image/gif) Again on the Hate Issue... Lets Face It (english)
by Arena of Lets Face It Mightily
(posted as comment) Wednesday 09 Jul 2003 (image/gif) Familiar with his kind, he'll target anyone (english)
by Arena of Mighty Mighty Bosstones(posted as comment) Wednesday 09 Jul 2003 (text/plain) You Reap what you Sow... So he sows (english)
by Reapers Sowers Weepers & Freepers
(posted as comment) Wednesday 09 Jul 2003 (image/gif) Bottom Line... time to Impeach the bastard (english)
by Arena of Impeachment(posted as comment) Wednesday 09 Jul 2003 (text/plain) You very Welcome xx- but now we shall list em (english)
by Arena of time to payback theevil fake clergy(posted as comment) Wednesday 09 Jul 2003 (text/plain) Arena Gladiators are watching this carefully (english)
by Arena of Centrist Green Gladiators
(posted as comment) Wednesday 09 Jul 2003 (image/gif) Check out his Nigerian & Congo Interest too (english)
by Arena of xx(posted as comment) Wednesday 09 Jul 2003 (text/plain) Here in The Nations Capital of Chem-Trails (english)
by Arena of too many Chem-Trails
(posted as comment) Wednesday 09 Jul 2003 (image/jpeg) And they accuse the left of always whining (english)
by Arena Of Stop Crying you Wowowow Baby(posted as comment) Wednesday 09 Jul 2003 (text/plain) WowOWow...You've Just Fallen Into My River (english)
by Crocodile Gandhi
(posted as comment) Wednesday 09 Jul 2003 (image/gif) WowOWow...You've Just Fallen Into My River (english)
by Crocodile Gandhi
(posted as comment) Wednesday 09 Jul 2003 (image/jpeg) Todo lo que pasa en el mundo: Lea Panorama Internacional en la web (spanish)
by Estrategia Internacional Wednesday 09 Jul 2003 (text/plain) Wow O Wow What Twisted Humpty Dumpty Pieces (english)
by Arena Of Wows and WAMS
(posted as comment) Wednesday 09 Jul 2003 (image/jpeg) So Be4 ItThe Sad Part Of It All Is (english)
by Arena Of Profound Sadness(posted as comment) Wednesday 09 Jul 2003 (text/plain) The wise & Noble Bri knows the summer FRY (english)
by Arena Of BRI-Brown Summer Heat FRY
(posted as comment) Wednesday 09 Jul 2003 (image/jpeg) Cops under control or cops under flowers. (english)
by Not Tom Alcieri.(pr)(posted as comment) Wednesday 09 Jul 2003 (text/plain) One hell of a thread (english)
by Brian(posted as comment) Wednesday 09 Jul 2003 (text/plain) ah piet reclaims an Arena Glad Suggestion (english)
by Arena of Piets pretty in Pink brown town tune
(posted as comment) Wednesday 09 Jul 2003 (image/gif) Todo lo que pasa en el mundo: Lea Panorama Internacional en la web (spanish)
by Estrategia Internacional Tuesday 08 Jul 2003 (text/plain) Time for a King Arthur Sword Fight Roundtable (english)
by Arena of King Arthur's Grand Return
(posted as comment) Tuesday 08 Jul 2003 (image/gif) So True So True as we enter The Brown Du-Due (english)
by Arena Of Truth or Consequences(posted as comment) Tuesday 08 Jul 2003 (text/plain) Enter A Wild Jokers Warning of Fetid Frenzy (english)
by Arena of The Jokers Wild Fun & Frolic Clues
(posted as comment) Monday 07 Jul 2003 (image/jpeg) If true, they learned it from the MOSSAD (english)
by Cracker Jack(posted as comment) Sunday 06 Jul 2003 (text/plain) Where is the thrid world ? (english)
by World Wide Views Sunday 06 Jul 2003 (text/plain) But Then again...You May Be Right (english)
by Arena of Billy Joel(posted as comment) Sunday 06 Jul 2003 (text/plain) Enter Du Du Brown Installment Period #10 (english)
by Arena Of Brown Bags Everywhere(posted as comment) Sunday 06 Jul 2003 (text/plain) Ask & you shall receive (english)
by Arena Of Rear Admirals(posted as comment) Sunday 06 Jul 2003 (text/plain)

Enter ProffrV's Arena Of Assassinations (english)
by Arena Of Assassins & Assassinations
(posted as comment) Wednesday 02 Jul 2003 (image/jpeg)

Enter ProffrV's Arena Of Assassinations (english)
by Arena Of Assassins & Assassinations
(posted as comment) Wednesday 02 Jul 2003 (image/jpeg) Brown Town Revolts all Summer Long (english)
by Arena Of BrownStudy Installment #10
(posted as comment) Tuesday 01 Jul 2003 (image/jpeg) US Continues Campaign Against FMLN (english)
by nycispes Sunday 29 Jun 2003 (text/plain) BTL:As El Salvador Prepares for 2004 Presidential Election... (english)
by Between the Lines' Melinda Tuhus Friday 27 Jun 2003 (text/plain) French Communist Party elements urge greater radicalization (english)
by Le Monde. Trans. Daneisha L. Wednesday 25 Jun 2003 (text/plain) The Brown handel Shovel can Be Taken Away (english)
by Arena of Many Brown Handeled Shovels
(posted as comment) Wednesday 25 Jun 2003 ) EnterGoldfingers Shitty Du Du BrownTownTruths (english)
by Arena of Goldfinger Truths
(posted as comment) Wednesday 25 Jun 2003 by Arena Of Bugs Bunny Truth
(posted as comment) Wednesday 25 Jun 2003 ) After 2 days in Micro Something Smells Rotten (english)
by Arena of Something Smells Rotten in Denmark
(posted as comment) Tuesday 24 Jun 2003 Actually it was a quite good post there Jerk (english)
by Arena Of Chance
(posted as comment) Monday 23 Jun 2003
We Gladly Hope & Pray Not another Carlo Today (english)
by Arena of countless sorrows(posted as comment) Saturday 21 Jun 2003 (text/plain) Pizza & Wine are Fine In The Arena Of Love to (english)
by Arena Of Amore
(posted as comment) Thursday 19 Jun 2003 (image/jpeg) so when are we Gladsgoing to get our 666Arena (english)
by Arena of Been waiting Many Moons(posted as comment) Thursday 19 Jun 2003 (text/plain) Here Is the correct Link to The Post above (english)
by Arena Of reconnected Links(posted as comment) Thursday 19 Jun 2003 (text/plain) Good Morning Mr. Harris Expect More To Come (english)
by Arena Of Much More Riots To Come
(posted as comment) Thursday 19 Jun 2003 (image/gif) Something Smells Rotten In Denmark as well (english)
by Arena Countdown of endless intrigues
posted as comment) Thursday 19 Jun 2003 (image/jpeg) Hi Ho Silver Away.Towards Shining Mine Paths (english)
by Arena Of the Outer Limits Lone Ranger
posted as comment) Wednesday 18 Jun 2003 (image/jpeg) What to do about Mark Seely (english)
by DR Wednesday 18 Jun 2003 (text/plain) Are Republicans different from Libertarians? (english)
by Doug Patton Monday 16 Jun 2003 (text/plain) Nader and Kucinich in Baltimore June 26th! (english)
by Democracy Rising Thursday 12 Jun 2003 (text/plain) Dixie Chicks laugh in Bush's monkey-face to sell-out crowd! (english)
by The Laughing Democrat Wednesday 11 Jun 2003 (text/plain) IranIranIran cant run past many smart Tenents (english)
by Arena of many smart tenents(posted as comment) Tuesday 10 Jun 2003 (text/plain) Way to Go Joe aglad salute from Arena Toyland (english)
by Arena of Toys in Toyland(posted as comment) Monday 09 Jun 2003 (text/plain) It goes Deeper Than the DogDu-Du of your mind (english)
by Arena of Du Du Brown Fetid Summer Stink(posted as comment) Monday 09 Jun 2003 (text/plain) Enter the lives of Terrorist Nation Building (english)
by Arena of Horrorists vs. Terrorists(posted as comment) Monday 09 Jun 2003 (text/plain) Here's another on for you Kevin Creep (english)
by Kevin's worse Arena Nightmare(posted as comment) Sunday 08 Jun 2003 (text/plain) A Real Humpty Dumpty Modern Nero Final Fall (english)
by Arena of a Modern Nero's Final Fall(posted as comment) Sunday 08 Jun 2003 (text/plain) Muscles just hit the Muscular Nail onthe head (english)
by Arena of Muscles& his Divine Muscular truths(posted as comment) Sunday 08 Jun 2003 (text/plain) It goes Lone Ranger deeper than the #'sShow (english)
by Arena of Think about it deeper
(posted as comment) Sunday 08 Jun 2003 (image/jpeg) Into the center of the Centrist Arena ofUnity (english)
by Arena of center Yourselves for Gods sake(posted as comment) Sunday 08 Jun 2003 (text/plain) Italian Meat balled by new Weenie&Wanker wars (english)
by Arena of much meat balled(posted as comment) Sunday 08 Jun 2003 (text/plain) Holy Shit The Outer Limits Weenies & Wankers (english)
by Arena of the Outer limits awakening
(posted as comment) Sunday 08 Jun 2003 (image/jpeg) god v. spirituality is the turning point (english)
by Censored by sf-imc/infoslop(posted as comment) Thursday 05 Jun 2003 (text/plain) No possibility whatshoever (english)
by Bingo(posted as comment) Thursday 05 Jun 2003 (text/plain) Free speech about to become history (english)
by observer Tuesday 03 Jun 2003 (text/plain) we gladly agree to Smuckly disagree (english)
by Arena of we got your smuck asshole(posted as comment) Saturday 31 May 2003 (text/plain) i disagree (english)
by truth hurts(posted as comment) Wednesday 28 May 2003 (text/plain) Amen Arena, Amen (english)
by john browns daughter(posted as comment) Wednesday 28 May 2003 (text/plain) You Have NowEntered Into IMC's Arena of Souls (english)
by Arena of Libertys Green Gladiators
(posted as comment) Tuesday 27 May 2003 (image/jpeg) Evil is Evil but BRIan has a good BRI-Point (english)
by Arena Of BRI-Points & BRI-Force(posted as comment) Tuesday 27 May 2003 (text/plain) Points of weakness (english)
by Abdel-Alim Mohamed Tuesday 27 May 2003 (text/plain) Hey Arena!!!! (english)
by Brian(posted as comment) Tuesday 27 May 2003 (text/plain) Here We Go Again New Spam Means new Terror (english)
by Arena Of Here We Go Again Boyz & Girlz
(posted as comment) Tuesday 27 May 2003 (image/jpeg) World Domination (english)
by Trix Saturday 24 May 2003 (text/plain) Hey > we got A Real Glad Kiddie Fist For Ya (english)
by Arena Of Glad fisting Fun and Frolic(posted as comment) Thursday 22 May 2003 (text/plain) Arena of bullshit kid stuff (english)
by >(posted as comment) Wednesday 21 May 2003

Here's some More Horse Logic Just For you (english)
by Arena of Wild Wild Horses(posted as comment) Monday 19 May 2003 (text/plain) Hi Ho Silver Away- A Lone RangerSilver Summer (english)
by Arena Of Silver Bullets
(posted as comment) Sunday 18 May 2003 (image/gif) The Arena Circus Of Circus Show will go on (english)
by Arena Circus of Circuses
posted as comment) Sunday 18 May 2003 (image/gif) The Nuclear Powered Pit Bull And The Underdog (english)
by Arab News (Saudi Arabi)
Friday 16 May 2003 (image/jpeg) Everyone can stop Uncle Sam (english)
by MAK(posted as comment) Tuesday 13 May 2003 (text/plain) which is more sad? (english)
by ED(posted as comment) Tuesday 13 May 2003 (text/plain) The GladArena of GladiatorZero is my Shepherd (english)
by Arena Of GladiatorZero TheSheperdof Vengeance(posted as comment) Monday 12 May 2003 (text/plain) Bottom Line Is Our Line Intel Puke (english)
by Arena Of We Get The Last Word & Final say(posted as comment) Monday 12 May 2003 (text/plain) We Gladiators Gladly Salute Fight The Octapus (english)
by Arena Centrists Green Gladiators
(posted as comment) Monday 12 May 2003 (image/gif) arena of pure bullshit, void of intelligence (english)
by the bottom line(posted as comment) Saturday 10 May 2003 (text/plain) the "arena of" is back? (english)
by john browns daughter(posted as comment) Saturday 10 May 2003 (text/plain) Jay hit the head onthe Evil Colonel's DUNail (english)
by Arena Of DU-Pink Stink Installment #9
(posted as comment) Saturday 10 May 2003 (image/jpeg) Have to say a Big Arena Fuck You Asshole Wtf (english)
by aRENA oF clOwNs COMING fOR yA(posted as comment) Saturday 10 May 2003 (text/plain) A real Pink Panther Pink Stink hued in Brown (english)
by Arena Of Truth or ConseQuences
(posted as comment) Saturday 10 May 2003
Enter the Arena Of Grant Stockbridge 1937 style...
and Fade Back into the Arena Of The There & Then...

August 3,1937 - Lou Gehrig Appreciation Day at Yankee Stadium

August 1937 look back
13 - Heavy fighting in Shanghai.
19 - |Spain ?| The anarchist-dominayed Council of AragĂ³n is dissolved by Juan Negrin.
25 - |China ?+| The Imperial Japanese Navy imposes a blockade of Chinese ports.
25 - |Spanish Civil War| Nationalist Army captures the north-coast port of Santander.
28 - |Spanish Civil War| Nationalists bomb Madrid for the first time.
28 - |Spanish Civil War| The Vatican recognise Franco's regime.

Also The Nanking Massacre, 1937

1937 Ford V8
Fordor Sedan

The Spider: Devil's Pawn Brokers by Grant Stockbridge
The Spider: Voyages of the Coffin Ship by Grant Stockbridge
The Spider: The Man Who Ruled In Hell by Grant Stockbridge
The Spider: Machine Guns Over The White House by Grant Stockbridge

The Spider: Machine Guns Over The White House

by Grant Stockbridge

Before the horrified eyes of the Senate's jammed galleries, that revered Senator died by his own hand. And Richard Wentworth, who had reached Washington in response to the newspaper agony column's personal, "In the name of democratic humanity, come to Washington before September 9..." knew that this marked only the beginning of a yogiu-ridden dictator's reign. Behind the welter of machine gun's and storm troops moved the Cobra, striking at the nation's very chief--and the SPIDER was face-to-face with the strangest battle ever fought by man!

Now The Arena's impending STOCK BRIDGE HINTS TO Goat
in the Devil's Pawn Brokers counterfeit-Stock to float

Thus he it is by the Effect Maestro's Grace
in each effectual realm its own pace,

Pay back 19 October coming fast!
Next day will be the Blast.

New Counterfeit Stock Scams about to come to a head!
Massive Embezzlement & $$$$ Laundering BY THE ORGANIZZATION
About To Come To Head And Heel!
Staarrring BLaSSSt Double Up eXit Stage Left Exit

X-ed Out From The Hunger Ground you will now...

Enter A Wild Jokers Warning of Fetid Frenzy (english)
Arena of The Jokers Wild Fun & Frolic Clues 1:59pm Mon Jul 7 '03

Here We Go Again...
Fade Into the Arena of The Jokers Wild Fun & Frolic Clues
So Here We Go Again Without Further A DU DUE!

Enter the Arena of The Martyrs of The Cause & Effect
In which The Shadow shall be Seen Stalking The Elect.

Yes Here We Go Again
Weenies Winkies And Wankers that PEE-Pee
as time Is Flying BYE BYE in a wink of an Fly's EYE-Me!
Thus in A wrinkle in Time & space with which to be meant to Be,
Shall all hold their noises and Stifle Their Poses in which to the Endless

Dark Days Dark Days dark Days come upon The Event Horizon
As you call underneath the shadows on a cell phone Verizon.
So are you now Feeling The Distance
as you Seek Its Repentance...
Out From The Graves you found them Before
Now Heres The Clue Just Like Before...

If Its Meant To Be Set It Free and Its Meant To Be
Found In a FLASH at Dawn and used like a dirty pawn...
Check Meat The Fetid Meat..

Blinded By The Flash That Binds
In A Flash in a the Light Of Dawns Early Light

For Within The Place Were Brown Shit Blends its Fetid Flight
There shall be found a cache in the dead of stinking Night

For near The TELL at a Vivo shall the Stink That binds be also stashed
Near the lying about Shards Of Glass

So Get On It Quick in The Land Of Holier Than Thou
Before Its Brown Bag Stink Finds Its Plow

And Thus If Its Effect Takes Its Place
In a Brown Town Sphere in Time & Space

It shall leave in its wake
a WAKE in which many shall face!

Exit From The Arena Of Find The Dirty Deal And its Deadly Deeds
or many shall be seen abash in a brown FUNK hurt that Bleeds.

Get The Tale Within The Tale Of Tales Clues
Or You won't Know Which Place holds Its awakening DU-DUE

Thus The Jokers Wild is readying
To push society toward the truth
As I know it, feel it, and believe it to sooth.
For Our Lives are a Never ending Tale of Tales
Added to this growing awakening evolution revolution which never fails.

Get On It Quick Or Youll Be Burnt Quick Like The End Of A Candles Wick!

And Don't Forget That kind Loving gracious nurturing Fact of Essence and existence in its stink of Brown town Funk!

and To Those who have ears let them hear
Liberty's Sweet Divine Voice Calling
Out From The Heavens above to all
to come "Follow you down"!

Time for all of us to come out of our living graves!
For The time has finally arrived for The Anagaronic-Revolution to begin!
Solidarity of souls out from the grave!

We will return To Link Back
The Real Deal Speal Track
Left Of right There O'Neil !
Right of left of left of right there Harry.
So quicken in the Quickening but do not tarry

For The Shadow knows
That which lurks within the hearts of man
Dont worry...

Nothing to do with the Pixels with us
its all in name and numbers to trust

So just wait a saic-sec and will be back
To tell a tale of tales
of the next coming attack.

Death Gates have been also left wide open there
Upon each weenie & wankers RIP out off The Grave affair

So listen Up Now For a Coming Closer Beware
Thus each Riddle you know of in heart Wrenching Despair

So come join the party Round About Gand
Of Which place will now get it upon their dear land

Ha Ha Ha Ha Ha Ha hA Ha ha HA hA ha hA ha ha
Ha Ha Ha Ha Ha Ha hA Ha ha HA hA ha hA ha ha

Gloating not along On Linear Lines________ a Gloat.

Linear line_________________
-International Definition =ill defined

Internationally Defined+
three variables equals out with... well defined definitions

Many of you don't even know of them.

Without a better Internationally Defined World you guys look like you want to just blow things up all over the place on each other continuously tisk Tisk.
We are glad yas all our getting fucked both sides, as we stated 2 years ago not doing Nothing, awaiting all of you & your Boom Boom Show who are the ones blowning up each others shit to get it and stop it with

International Definition
Unto a Better defined planet & universe.

These sad bombings of Terror? Horror?
Horrorist or Terrorist Left and Right!

Horrorist vs. Terrorists,
Now Sadly In India Terror reigns supreme
For This day of Carnage within The Boom Boom BOOMBAY SCENE!
For They now are trying for their own self interest to kill Off a better Internationally Defined Planet.

Hindus and Muslims and a Buddhist twist now comes to play in the whole orbit out there east.

Which One Blew it and lets get too it
will be the response battle cry hit.

No One Knows hows its going a go
So keep on your toes, and dont be a smoe
For only The Pied Piper REALLY Knows
Right Of left There Nose of Noses
in the Arena Of In The Know

Still Hiding them still Oh thats not kool
You are the ones that shall now but look like the fool
Theres a reason to save and you hide em to enslave
then all Imc will now dig its own well defined GRAVE!

Some of you over there at IMC just don't seem to get it
The more you play the more youll pay for it.
Get it Yet, This is not helping, not even yourselves
Think about it deeper before they put you on their shelves.

Why we link to Yahoo
was our own reason to Yahoo a Due Doo
in Time & Space season.
Here we go again, bullshit stays up and you take down the real deal x-ed out from the underground- Next X-ed boom boom hit the nail Right on especially with this nail on the head everytime Boom Boom Bombay Blast, even called the Time there slim. There are ####'s seely we are working in Die-lineal aspect here. Our #####'s add up his do but with a nazi screwed racist twist of the #'s people who are in the in.

And then throw in a Jew Twist
all alls in your midst

twas but another called that the other day on our post little number that called out to those with Thunder most
Sending the Markets into a Due Due Splits Asunder

Some one the other day asked if we are gloating
Within The Graves which you'll be floating.
Both Left and right will be left to float
Within Their Most evil constructed Moat

We say no but it twas your alls pick
Now in the Grave will many stick

Some of you over there at IMC are kool and rad
But some other pricks just MAKE US MAD...

Still trying to get in peoples way
Then will bring others booms (Double 0-7)
that will end your day

A lot of you especially older ones who make these decision MAKES US VOMIT right back in their Faces As USUAL and We want To DU DU EVERY WHERE ALL OVER YOU!
Backstabbing BITCHES & BASTARDS that you just dont seem to get It!
But they Got The Dollars

So shut up you cant hollars your deal!
In the Know or in the speal

For we are giving hints for the Next Upcoming Blast
That will clean your clock as the Die is cast.

Bottom line____ There is a screw you too.
Your Just a mouth scene from the scene view

Getting no true Justice For We the People
Or even With a Guillotine To Free We the Sheeple.

Words words that are bound all around
Telling of bullshit that abounds

The problem is that the coming Play
Will eat you alive in the words that you say.

IMc is just a mouth attack soundboard of endless opinions attached with some facts about a premise they believe in in minions.
For us all? Bogus me this There Bat man?

The Arena Family Riddle Is much Bigger Than IMC.
You got just half the equations there as we can surly see
For under the Arena Umbrella it covers Both Left and Right
Hiding wont help your matter In Centrist Boom Boom Delight

Hiding is not better especially now That others are now going to Go Off.
Any one asking us questions or OHHHH We Forgot you all think you know it all, wow we forgot, sorry@!

Gladiators are many many dudes so your silencing a certain Gladiator Group Today!
Not One a Whole Group There WEEEENIES!

Large groups of Gladiators Not Individual ones, though all those individuals make up THEIR GREATER GLAD GROUP #!
Still Hiding them thats kool dig it deep
Arena Of their still not getting it yet
This is a TEst OF YOU and Of US BUT MOTRE OF YOUR FAKE FAKERies Crust.
Again Good Morning Mr & Mrs Smith Censorship of mentor ship out there, but the bidder bombs are about to go off and ya just get too well.!

Ha Ha Ha ha ha ha ha ha....

That’s it see all during the real Orange Glow time that will Flow In Fall 2003
real nowhere man post script..

4 weeks to The Coming Oranging Blasts Out From The past Shadows mask..

Exit from the Arena ALL Doors Closed
Time To Fight in Marian Delight

Ha Ha Ha Ha Ha Ha Ha Ha hA Ha ha HA hA ha hA
Ha Ha Ha Ha Ha Ha hA Ha ha HA hA ha hA ha ha
Ha Ha Ha Ha Ha Ha hA Ha ha HA hA ha hA ha ha
Ha Ha Ha Ha Ha Ha hA Ha ha HA hA ha hA ha ha

Laughs always been on us now its back on you all
Bottom line in time all will fall and weep
As ashes of Ashes dust to dust
into the time & Space Vortex Grand Dustpins eternal swweep within each souls everlasting Grand Journeys sleep

Sad But True doth winds of War ascue
Back into your graves we say Adue

Boom Boom Boom Boom Boom Boom Boom Boom Boom Boom Boom
One winter long last Blast period to see our dirty Dozens 12 Installments Through thats all thats but left counting this upcoming Fall Installment #11s Classic Orange
Glowing Blasts

If you can but find this ill hidden sad hidden riddle
then you shall see into what glows in each onrushing
orange piddle

See ya wouldnt want to be ya as each other now begins to Blastya! Enter Mars HOLE DOWN.
b68* 665 68b 9)*b^ 665b8%( (00^ Bb^%t5bON86n6^b7B b &66bn679nN690960n ^n79N67n 6nm970MN 097 0n m609nm mn^)Gn
9-6= a go go 9-6)730 hr Mtn 730 0M*-- mm87MU*&um7YM67^M 08-m 7- M-- :;;m 66578bn6%586 79 697 97676 67g75759e 976e65

Hey from certain Glads middle finger on the hide then scene Ream, but you typical, we test you and you fail almost every time, and then when you weenies do get it its too late.

The Wild Joker calls forth to One and All
To His...
Riddles of Perception held in Rhymes of Direction

The Wild Joker says the games have now begun
Away away has yesterdays security now been spun.
From out of a web of deception spins a new deal
so listen carefully to it's wonderfilled speal.
For a new game now will begin to start
to where and when the next installment will depart
upon it's merry fanciful way,
to make a point in which will stay
deep within the mind and soul,
to all it will effect it's toll

So if you think the networks deep,
then unto it's magic mirror you will peak.
at something within yourelves you'll but peep
within the knowledge that you seek.

For the next installment shall but be a blast
and upon the worlds stage it shall then but cast
it's dark shadow of despair in which it shall make
all the world quake within its wake.
so understand like before the clues shall be given
in this lifes passion play so driven
by need and want and of heartache too
so out from its sadness it shall but give forth a clue.
for within these riddles will ye but find
the answers to the questions in mind.

So here we go with a resounding clue
which shall now be given without further adue
What finishes last but sets the pace
is slow but fast but takes first place
within its hands you'll surely find
those things for which you'll surely bind.
Hidden within is the where and when of this place
in the wisdom of which you'll surely face.
Get the knowledge from within this riddle
and the Jokers wild will know your but worth a piddle.
the day draws near so get on it quick
before time flys in a slickety lick

For you didn't quite get it the time before
so within a rhyme it shall be brought to your door.
Thus to the wild jokers it's all but a game
just a story to be told all the same
of endless riddles and tricky rhyme
If you but seemingly find the time
To see within these marveled verses
Through your bitterness and curses
To see the riddle as a test at best
Like doves of peace they shall but make their nest.
So ready thyselves for the quest
For hope springs eternal from the chest,
For if you ignore these lines like before
Another failure awaits in store.

Thus the final curtain call doth call
out to one and one unto all
So hurry to put upon your thinking caps
For unto the chase will bring out the maps.
Thus will you all begin to know
that what you reap is but what you'll sow.
thus within this test you'll hopefully begin to see
More clearly the moments that doth flee.
So there it is, hope you but like its case
For it's something which you all must face.
So hold on now to inspirations test
for it offers to liberty it's most cherished quest.
So you Better get on it lickety split
Before there's no more time to enter the pit.
Figure it out and you'll but win the prize
And be the surprise Hero in every ones eyes.


The Doubt of the Terror within or the Terror withOut (english)
by Wild Joker 2:31am Thu Sep 20 '01

Thus you Morons, Fools and Dolts still but guess,
Alas the riddle is still unknown, I confess
So try harder still to see into the plans
Reposted below for all those riddle fans!
Thus it is clear that the games under way
Seeking out each rhythmic rhyme in it's passion play.

Ha Ha, To all those Disaster Fortune Seekers
and Prophets of Daily Doom, please give it up;
For you have posted in guessing
without drinking from wisdom's cup.
For Many have posted warnings wrought,
Sadly given forth without very much thought
So the question still lingers
as each day you but count on your fingers...

Where, When, Who and How!
This is the riddle for you know!

All these pompous self prophetic try's
That brings a laugh as a tear slowly dry's

Still Guessing away, guessing away
trying to at least get the right day
Even at this you may fail the test
As the riddle entices all to their best
But a Bigger Question still but remains
The Time and Place in which it sadly reigns
Amist the Terror in which all shall flee
So seek out the place in time it shall be!

So here it is again without further adue
So stop wildly guessing and look for a clue.
Thus you may find the answer indeed
But will the Authorities you but heed?
For they were warned before the last blast
And didn't not but listen to the shadow that before hand was cast.
So thus they may look at this as a silly prank
Until it hits once more and leaves again a stank!

Here's but yesterdays post reposted if you please
So either figure it out or get on your knees.

The Wild Joker calls forth to One and All (english)
by The Wild Joker 1:18am Wed Sep 19 '01

The Wild Joker calls forth to One and All
To His...
Riddles of Perception held in Rhymes of Direction

The Wild Joker says the games have now begun
Away away has yesterdays security now been spun.
From out of a web of deception spins a new deal
so listen carefully to it's wonderfilled speal.
For a new game now will begin to start
to where and when the next installment will depart
upon it's merry fanciful way,
to make a point in which will stay
deep within the mind and soul,
to all it will effect it's toll

So if you think the networks deep,
then unto it's magic mirror you will peak.
at something within yourelves you'll but peep
within the knowledge that you seek.

For the next installment shall but be a blast
and upon the worlds stage it shall then but cast
it's dark shadow of despair in which it shall make
all the world quake within its wake.
so understand like before the clues shall be given
in this lifes passion play so driven
by need and want and of heartache too
so out from its sadness it shall but give forth a clue.
for within these riddles will ye but find
the answers to the questions in mind.

So here we go with a resounding clue
which shall now be given without further adue
What finishes last but sets the pace
is slow but fast but takes first place
within its hands you'll surely find
those things for which you'll surely bind.
Hidden within is the where and when of this place
in the wisdom of which you'll surely face.
Get the knowledge from within this riddle
and the Jokers wild will know your but worth a piddle.
the day draws near so get on it quick
before time flys in a slickety lick

For you didn't quite get it the time before
so within a rhyme it shall be brought to your door.
Thus to the wild jokers it's all but a game
just a story to be told all the same
of endless riddles and tricky rhyme
If you but seemingly find the time
To see within these marveled verses
Through your bitterness and curses
To see the riddle as a test at best
Like doves of peace they shall but make their nest.
So ready thyselves for the quest
For hope springs eternal from the chest,
For if you ignore these lines like before
Another failure awaits in store.

Thus the final curtain call doth call
out to one and one unto all
So hurry to put upon your thinking caps
For unto the chase will bring out the maps.
Thus will you all begin to know
that what you reap is but what you'll sow.
thus within this test you'll hopefully begin to see
More clearly the moments that doth flee.
So there it is, hope you but like its case
For it's something which you all must face.
So hold on now to inspirations test
for it offers to liberty it's most cherished quest.
So you Better get on it lickety split
Before there's no more time to enter the pit.
Figure it out and you'll but win the prize
And be the surprise Hero in every ones eyes.


P.S.( Here's a little hint to hoax
your spinning mind will doth likely coax.)

The Terror within or the terror without
which is the most deadly without a doubt!
Thus Working away feverishly working away
Trying to pin down the place, time and day!
While the riddle thus ready's to have some fun
Basking itself in the glowing afternoon's sun.

As You Once Again Enter the Arena Of Next In Coming Whoms BOOM!
Right There Daddy 0,
+ a little bird a churping in the Know.

And then theres Harry One And Two
To but give ya both but a further fancyful clue

So without further A Do
We give you now all the Due Doo.

So heres The Poop and The scoop

Written in lines within MatriX ryhme.
Within the Time Space VorteX line.
You'll find all the answers awaiting within
Even the sinful numbers add up in a win.

Get it yet you weenies of sin
The doors have been opened & the devils within

Nothing to do with the Pixels with us
its all in name and numbers to trust

So just wait a saic-sec and will be back
To tell a tale of tales
of the next coming attack.

Ha Ha Ha Ha Ha Ha hA Ha ha HA hA ha hA ha ha
Ha Ha Ha Ha Ha Ha hA Ha ha HA hA ha hA ha ha
Ha Ha Ha Ha Ha Ha hA Ha ha HA hA ha hA ha ha
Ha Ha Ha Ha Ha Ha hA Ha ha HA hA ha hA ha ha

Death Gates have been also left wide open there
Upon each weenie & wnkers RIP out off The Grave affair

So listen Up Now For a Coming Closer Beware
Thus each Riddle you know of in heart Wrenching Despair

So come join the party Round About Gand
Of Which place will now get it upon their dear land

Ha Ha Ha Ha Ha Ha hA Ha ha HA hA ha hA ha ha
Why we laugh cause you all are funny

We will return To Link Back
The Real Deal Speal
Left Of right There O'Neil!
Right of left of left of right there Harry.
So quicken in the Quickening but do not tarry

For The Shadow knows
That which lurks within the hearts of man
Dont worry...

Gloating not along On Linear Lines________ a Gloat.

Linear line_________________
-International Definition =ill defined

Internationally Defined+
three variables equals out with... well defined defintions

Many of you don't even know of them.

Whitout a better Internationally Defined World you guys look like you want to just blow things up all over the place on each other continuously tisk Tisk.
We are gladelyas we stated 2 years ago not doing Nothing, awaiting all of you & your bom Boom Show who are the ones blowning up each others shit to get it and stop it with

International Definition
Unto a Better defind planet & universe.

These sad bombings of Terror? Horror?
Horrorist or Terrorist Left and Right!

Horrorist vs. Terrorists,
Now Sadly In India Terror reigns supreme
For This day of Carnage within The Boom Boom BOOMBAY SCENE!
For They now are trying for their own self interest to kill Off a better Internationally Defined Planet.

Hindus and Muslims and a Buddist twist now comes to play in the whole orbit out there east.

Which One Blew it and lets get too it
will be the response battle cry hit.

No One Knows hows its going a go
So keep on your toes, and dont be a smoe
For only The Pied Piper REALLY Knows
Rightb Of left There Nose of Noses
in the Arena Of In The Know

Still Hiding them still Oh thats not kool
You are the ones that shall now but look like the fool
Theres a reason to save and you hide em to enslave
then all Imc will now dig its own well defined GRAVE!

Some of you over there at IMC just don't seem to get it
The more you play the more youll pay for it.
Get it Yet, This is not helping, not even yourselves
Think about it deeper before they put you on their shelves.

Why we link to Yahoo
was our own reason to Yahoo a Due Doo
in Time & Space season.
Here we go again, bullshit stays up and you take down the real deal x-ed out from the underground- Next X-ed boom boom hit the nail Right on especially with this nail on the head everytime Boom Boom Bombay Blast, even called the Time there slim. There are ####'s seely we are working in lineal aspect here. Our #####'s add up his do but with a nazi screwed racist twist of the #'s people who are in the in.

And then rhrow in a Jew Twist
all alls in your midst

twas but another called that the other day on our post little number that called out to those with Thunder
Sending the Markets into a Due Due Splits Asunder

Some one the other day asked if we are gloating
Within The Graves which you'll be floating.
Both Left and right will be left to float
Within Their Most evil constructed Moat

We say no but it twas your alls pick
Now in the Grave will many stick

Some of you over there at IMC are kool and rad
But some other pricks just MAKE US MAD...

Still trying to get in peoples way
Then will bring others booms (Double 0-7)
that will end your day

A lot of you especially older ones who make these decision MAKES US VOMIT right back in their Faces As USUAL and We want To DU DU EVERY WHERE ALL OVER YOU! Backstabbing FUCKING BITCHES & BASTARDS that you just dont seem to get It!
But they Got The Dollars

So shut up you cant hollars your deal!
In the Know or in the speal

For we are giving hints for the Next Upcoming Blast
That will clean your clock as the Die is cast.

Bottom line____ There is F... you too.
Your Just a mouth scene from the scene view

Getting no true Justice For We the People
Or even With a Guillotine To Free We the Sheeple.

Words words that are bound all around
Telling of bullshit that abounds

The problem is that the coming Play
Will eat you alive in the words that you say.

IMc is just a mouth attack soundboard of endless opinions attached with sonme facts about a premise they believe in in minions.
For us all? Bogus me this There Bat man?

The Arena Family Riddle Is much Bigger Than IMC.
You got just half the equations there as we can surly see
For under the Arena Umbrella it covers Both Left and Right
Hiding wont help your matter In Centrist Boom Boom Delight

Hiding is not better especially now That others are now going to Go Off.
Any one asking us questions or OHHHH We Forgot you all think you know it all, wow we forgot, sorry@!

Gladiators are many many dudes so your silencing a certain Gladiator Group Today!
Not One a Whole Group There WEEEENIES!

Large groups of Gladiators Not Individual ones, though all those individuals make up THEIR GREATER GLAD GROUP #!
Still Hiding them thats kool dig it deep
Arena Of their still not getting it yet
This is a TEst OF YOU and Of US BUT MOTRE OF YOUR FAKE FAKERies Crust.
Again Good Morning Mr & Mrs Smith Censorship of mentor ship out there, but the bidder bombs are about to go off and ya just get too well.!

Ha Ha Ha ha ha ha ha ha....

Thats it see all during thr real Orange Glow time that will Flow In Fall 2003real nowhere man post script..

4 weeks to The Coming Oranging Blaasts Out From The past Shadows mask..

Exit from the Arena ALL Doors Closed
Time To Fight in Marian Delight

Ha Ha Ha Ha Ha Ha Ha Ha hA Ha ha HA hA ha hA
Ha Ha Ha Ha Ha Ha hA Ha ha HA hA ha hA ha ha
Ha Ha Ha Ha Ha Ha hA Ha ha HA hA ha hA ha ha
Ha Ha Ha Ha Ha Ha hA Ha ha HA hA ha hA ha ha

Laughs always been on us now its back on you all
Bottom line in time all will fall and weep
As ashes of Ashes dust to dust
into the time & Space Vortex Grand Dustpins eternal swweep within each souls everlasting Grand Journeys sleep

Sad But True doth winds of War ascue
Back into your graves we say Adue

Still Hiding them still Oh thats not kool
You are the ones that shall now look like the fool
Theres a reason to save and you hide it to enslave
then all Imc will now dig its own GRAVE!

Some of you over there at IMC just don't seem to get it
The more you play the more youll pay for it.
Get it Yet, This is not helping, not even yourselves
Think about it deeper before they put you on their shelves.

Why we link to Yahoo
was our own reason to Yahoo a Due Doo
Here we go again, bullshit stays up and you take down the real deal x-ed out from the underground- Next X-ed boom boom hit the nail on the head everytime Boom Boom Bombay Blast,
twas but another called that the other day on our post little number that called out to those with Thunder

Sending the Markets into a Due Due Splits

Some one the other day asked if we are gloating
Within The Graves which you'll be floating.

We say no but it twas your alls pick
Now in the Grave will many stick

Some of you over there at IMC are kool and rad
But some other pricks just MAKE US MAD...

Still trying to get in peoples way
Then will bring others booms (Double 0-7)
that will end your day

A lot of you especially older ones who make these decision MAKES US VOMIT right back in their Faces As USUAL and We want To DU DU EVERY WHERE ALL OVER YOU! Backstabbing BITCHES & BASTARDS that you just dont seem to get It!
But they Got The Dollars

So shut up you cant hollars your deal!
In the Know or in the speal

For we are giving hints for the Next Upcoming Blast
That will clean your clock as the Die is cast.

Bottom line____ There is fuck you too.
Your Just a mouth scene from the scene view

Getting no true Justice For We the People
Or even With a Guillotine To Free We the Sheeple.

Words words that are bound all around
Telling of bullshit that abounds

The problem is that the coming Play
Will eat you alive in the words that you say.

IMc is just a mouth attack soundboard of endless opinions attached with some facts about a premise they believe in in minions.
For us all? Bogus me this There Bat man?

The Arena Family Riddle Is much Bigger Than IMC.
You got just half the equations there as we can surly see
For under the Arena Umbrella it covers Both Left and Right
Hiding wont help your matter In Centrist Boom Boom Delight

Hiding is not better especially now That others are now going to Go Off.
Any one asking us questions or OHHHH We Forgot you all think you know it all, wow we forgot, sorry@!

Gladiators are many many dudes so your silencing a certain Gladiator Group Today!
Not One a Whole Group There WEEEENIES!

Large groups of Gladiators Not Individual ones, though all those individuals make up THEIR GREATER GLAD GROUP #!

Again Good Morning Mr & Mrs Smith Censors out there!

Ha Ha Ha ha ha ha ha ha....

That’s it see all during the real Orange Glow time that will Flow In Fall 2003.

The twelve corps of the master seraphim (angels) of planetary supervision are functional on Earth as follows:

1. The epochal angels. These are the angels of the current age, the dispensational group. These celestial ministers are intrusted with the oversight and direction of the affairs of each generation as they are designed to fit into the mosaic of the age in which they occur. The present corps of epochal angels serving on Earth is the third group assigned to the planet during the current dispensation.

2. The progress angels. These seraphim are entrusted with the task of initiating the evolutionary progress of the successive social ages. They foster the development of the inherent progressive trend of evolutionary creatures; they labor incessantly to make things what they ought to be. The group now on duty is the second to be assigned to the planet.

3. The religious guardians. These are the "angels of the churches," the earnest contenders for that which is and has been. They endeavor to maintain the ideals of that which has survived for the sake of the safe transit of moral values from one epoch to another. They are the checkmates of the angels of progress, all the while seeking to translate from one generation to another the imperishable values of the old and passing forms into the new and therefore less stabilized patterns of thought and conduct. These angels do contend for spiritual forms, but they are not the source of ultrasectarianism and meaningless controversial divisions of professed religionists. The corps now functioning on Earth is the fifth thus to serve.

4. The angels of nation life. These are the "angels of the trumpets," directors of the political performances of human national life. The group now functioning in the overcontrol of international relations is the fourth corps to serve on the planet. It is particularly through the ministry of this seraphic division that "the Most Highs rule in the kingdoms of men."

5. The angels of the races. Those who work for the conservation of the evolutionary races of time, regardless of their political entanglements and religious groupings. On Earth there are remnants of nine human races which have commingled and combined into the people of modern times. These seraphim are closely associated with the ministry of the race commissioners, and the group now on Earth is the original corps assigned to the planet soon after the day of Pentecost.

6. The angels of the future. These are the projection angels, who forecast a future age and plan for the realization of the better things of a new and advancing dispensation; they are the architects of the successive eras. The group now on the planet has thus functioned since the beginning of the current dispensation.

7. The angels of enlightenment. Your world is now receiving the help of the third corps of seraphim dedicated to the fostering of planetary education. These angels are occupied with mental and moral training as it concerns individuals, families, groups, schools, communities, nations, and whole races.

8. The angels of health. These are the seraphic ministers assigned to the assistance of those mortal agencies dedicated to the promotion of health and the prevention of disease. The present corps is the sixth group to serve during this dispensation.

9. The home seraphim. Your planet now enjoys the services of the fifth group of angelic ministers dedicated to the preservation and advancement of the home, the basic institution of human civilization.

10. The angels of industry. This seraphic group is concerned with fostering industrial development and improving economic conditions among the peoples of your world. This corps has been seven times changed since the bestowal of Michael.

11. The angels of diversion. These are the seraphim who foster the values of play, humor, and rest. They ever seek to uplift man's recreational diversions and thus to promote the more profitable utilization of human leisure. The present corps is the third of that order to minister on Earth.

12. The angels of superhuman ministry. These are the angels of the angels, those seraphim who are assigned to the ministry of all other superhuman life on the planet, temporary or permanent. This corps has served since the beginning of the current dispensation.

Yo Big Muslim Unkool Dude
( as well as big western unkool dudes)
What about us kool dude infidels let alone your own kool dude Arabs. Soooooooo….
Hey kool dudes, isn’t it about kool dudes vs. unkool dudes
that’s it.
what about us kool dudes infidels that just want to be left alone there big Muslim Dude?
Are you going to kill us off too or can we just live with you all in peace for once, is that kool?
We don't do nothing to you all and we don't back our own unkool western liars, then what about us?
Do we die too with a death sentence also against us too for just being western. I think not, the kool muslims and the kool westerners always get along, dude, its just the unkool dudes on both sides that need to kill each other off.

AHH Then there would be peace for both of us kool dudes, right there kool dudes from any country.
Time to try being a kool dude, there Dude, from whatever country, culture, race or religion you are from there Dude!
a kool Human dude is a kool human dude, period there dude, and an unkool asshole is an unkool dude from wherever and is just not a kool dude, there dude, get it, a kool dude is a kool dude, Dude!

So lets all try and be Kool dudes there dude and if you don't want to be a kool dude there dude, there are these arena gladiator dudes who probably would love to take the heads off of all their own unkool dudes there dude in their arena of death against unkool dudes there dude.

Now they sound like Kool dudes who really just can't stand unkool dudes there dude, so we say those kool glad dudes should get their arena of death against all unkool dudes there dude. So why not try and be a kool dude for once, it really isnt that hard, maybe for some of you unkool dudes it is that hard so i say let the kool gladiator dudes take the heads off of all unkool dudes within their own groups, thus freeing their own kool dudes from all the ones in their group who are just unkool dudes, sound kool there dude. Sounds like a kool dude deal tp me there unkool dudes, right all you kool dudes out there.
Thanks kool dudes for reading my
Kool Dudes vs. Unkool Dudes Scenario,
there kool dudes. Stay kool dudes or just remain an unkool dude and well DIE there unkool dudes who seem to love to hurt and kill off kool dudes all the time.
So try being a kool dude for a while, it really isn’t that hard to be a kool dude there dude.
Try it sometime you just may well like it.
Written in the hopr for peace on Earth for all Peaceful kool dudes there Kool Dudes.
So try PEACE for once all you Kool and especially you Unkool dudes who should learn how to be Kool dudes there Dude.

To Late Now Or Not? Its a Question to You (english)
Arena of Deaths Call 11:00pm Sat Aug 23 '03

Enter The Arena Of Death

The Question we Death Devotees pose back to you is this,
Do they mindlessly not join up to kill or be killed?
Did he not die the way he wanted or did he not know?

Serve your country, we had asked before those like your son to serve their country better by not mindlessly and with a lot of brainwashed help join up and go off to kill others at evil old men’s orders, but he did it anyway, if he had come home in one piece would you now be whining and bitching about it all or did it take DEATH for you also to finally see the light?

We have no tears left to shed with you or for anyone else for that matter, as long as people do not see the light before hand then they must see it after the horrible fact has occurred, is this not folly, is this not missing the boat and then be left standing upon the desolate shore
alone with just empty tears to be but your only solace.

Thus in the final tally and in the end is it not those who but listened before hand to the ship of peace’s horn to sail that are now sailing on to a better future horizon, while others are now left upon those horrid shores of desolation & death. He made his choice to go over to another mans country and to kill on orders, he made his death bed and now he’s lying in it. Sorry t0o be so cold, but DEATH is an icy COLD calling all to the grave with a smile cause it was your right & destiny to chose to live your life as you appointed to do so, and it is also his right to take you out in the manner that was destined and appointed for you.

Miss the warm boat of life and then seek death upon those foreign shores of desolation, then you will reap the cold sad tears of folly that follow that ill gotten decision.
He got his reward for his ill gotten service, A COLD GRAVE OF DEATH in deaths cold grip of NO TOMORROWS.

But at least you see now the light through the folly of that ill gotten horrid decision. So we thank you for your enlightened post, a little late but better late than never.
You can't save him but by your noble enlightened post you can possibly save other young men though, hopefully.
In all good hope and best wishes.

We will all pray though for his soul to be at rest
May he R.I.P

We Have Spoken!

Signed Sadly & Tragically
At The Sword Blades Edge
We Bitter Over Bitter Gladiators
Of The Society Of The Sacred Sword

Death Death Death
Comes sweeping Down
Filthy Death
The Leering Clown
Death On Wings
Death By Surprise
Falling Evil in Worldly Eyes
Death That’s Born as Life Succumbs
Love and Death Two kindred Drums
So Keep The Faith Till Judgment Day
An Actor In a passion play
Without Beginning Without End
Forever More AMEN!

Within the Hall of Mirrors

Mirror, Mirror On The Wall
Tell The Tale To One And All
Let It Be Known Far And Wide
That Truth Be Cast From Deep Inside
Then All Shall Come To Gaze And See
The Reflection Of Truth That None Can Flee
Forever Held Within
A Tale Of Tales
Within A Hope That Never Fails
And Thus The Dream Shall Come To Pass
In A Story Book Tale That Reflects In Glass

Good Morning Mr. Smith
Seeing into A Thousand points of light yet within an Octopus’s Garden Matrix-Vortex in the Shade!"

Exit Out From The Jokers-Wild X-ed UndergroundX Arena Matrix VorteX....
for a real death march
comes as a bigger unfolding vortex that will now occur as destined in this endless passion play of life and death.

Thus the Ancient Fairy Tale begins once more
upon the World's Stage...
The Curtain has now been lifted.
Enter the New Enigma Paradigm Power Vortex Shift.

Welcome to my World Wont you come on in!
Miracles I guess happen now and then!

Target Retarget Death Devotional Black Installment #8

But senior Conservative MPs joined Labour and Liberal Democrats in expressing caution. Charles Kennedy, the Liberal Democrat leader, said he was worried about the concept of "regime change", warning that it would "create a dangerous precedent in international affairs".

"warning that it would "create a dangerous precedent in international affairs!!" It already has! American Cowboys starting up shit full bloody Imperialistic-Colonialist inspired madness!
This means any body and everybody is FAIR GAME after you topple Saddamn's IraQ!
Target Retarget
in Death's Black Installment Period "Eight Ball" #8
coming around now in full swing,
high gear and GOoD TO GO! Hound Chase Hunt and target Out Terror warfare groping to go to the next intoxicating level....
Welcome To LEVEL #8.

This has all been pre seen and prescreened and has been deemed and destined as the next ineluctable inferno step!

Quite calculated really!

Of Weenie-Wanker Wars at The early Millennium
Bombs away Boyz and Girls! The Rush to be the First!
And how the Centrist Winkies tried to stop it!
Can we Gladly not bring you all another solution!

For sadly and tragically
Left wing and right wing fanaticism in full HIGH GEAR!
Makes us Centrists Independent Green Glads ready to BARFF all over you both!

What the hells wrong with both of you!
You both need to center yourselves a little more!

Check Mate to both of you Extremist Weenies and Wankers!

Mirror Mirror on The Wall
Who is The Biggest Terrorist of them all!
If the truth reflect in glass
The merry truth must then be cast

Mirror Mirror on The Wall
Tell of The King Of Terror to all
Raise a toast Lift a Glass
For the Merry Truth will then be cast!

As We all shall now enter the Coming New Mellenium
Looney Tune Time & Space Jamming Taking a ride to the SteerBeefars
Vortexing Through The Matrix
Of The Whore and The Beast awakening!Container Space Jerking...

Go take a Bloody Look in the Magic Mirror of Reflected Truth
and see the real-truths that lie within!

We have spoken...

May The Force Of “The Wild Jokers Raw Truth” Be With You

Signed Sadly & Tragically
At The Swords Edge
We Bitter Over Bitter Gladiators
Of The Society Of The Sacred Sword

Benedetto Croce Tribute
Audioslave - Like A Stone
On a cobweb afternoon
In a room of emptiness
By a freeway I confess
I was lost in the pages
Of a book full of death
Reading how we'll die alone
And if we're good we'll lay to rest
Anywhere we want to go
In your house I long to be
Room by room patiently
I'll wait for you there
Like a stone I'll wait for you there
On my deathbed I will pray
To the gods and the angels
Like a pagan to anyone
Who will take me to heaven
To a place I recall
I was there so long ago
The sky was bruised
The wine was bled
And there you led me on
In your house I long to be
Room by room patiently
I'll wait for you there
Like a stone I'll wait for you there
And on I read
Until the day was gone
And I sat in regret
Of all the things I've done
For all that I've blessed
And all that I've wronged
In dreams until my death
I will wonder on….

Forever Roaming Between The Gardens & Graves…
Outside Looking In once I Hear it From You…
Carpe Diem Baby!!!!

Thus Fate Has Us All Playing Our Parts...Eternally
Even Now That The Stage Is Bare...&
Emptyness Fills In All Around
So Now Then, They Can Bring The Curtain Down...