Sunday, January 29, 2006

The Bushwackers Evil Legacy Of Fraud-Corruption & Out Right Plundering Plus Horribly Bad Managment Of American Tax Dollars, Katrina & The War In Iraq

Now...Enter Sandman & Thus
Your All Welcome To Get Off To...

Exit: Light...Enter: Night
Take My Hand... We're Off To Never-Never Land

For It's Time Once Again To But Finally...
Wake Up There All You BrainDead, BrainChallanged
& Brainwashed Moron Henchmen Freaks & Drone Goons
Out There In Never Never Land Of...
(GOP=Gone Overboard Plundering) Mania...For...

"We The People" Don't Really
Exist For These People...So...

Don't Be Deceived...For...
Their Reality Is On A Different
Plane From That Of The Living Host...

Still But Believing In...
The Result Of The Marketplace Big LIE!

Thus After Billy Bop On Clinton & BushWacker
Is There But A Shred Of Decency Left...
Talk About What An Evil Decandent Lying
Hypocritical Plagued & Cursed "homo incurvatus"
Generation That Will Now Be So Judged...

But Before History Is Written Down in Books,
It Is Written In The Acts & Deeds Of Those
Who Have Perpetrated Those Acts & Deeds...
It's Being Written Down On A Daily Basis...
Right Here In The Here & Now...

So...What An...
Evil Legacy Of Fraud-Corruption-Out Right Plundering
And Big Time Bad Management Abounds Everwhere.

Truly The (GOP=Gone Overboard Plundering)-Bushwacker Gang
Gives The Ugly American A Whole New Evil Greedy Lying
Demonic Depressive Despicable Dimension...
Even More Hated Than Ever Before WorldWide!

Of Their "My Generation" Lybrian-(1944-45 to 1954-55)
Full Of HYPE-O-Crite Lies Generation
They Will Go Down In History As Some Of...
The Most Blatently Evil, Nasty, Rotten, Greedy,
Back-Stabbing, Ideologically Moronic, Plastic,
Fake, Fraudulent, Upitty, Pretencious, Snotty
Self Absorbed, Slimy, Imbalanced, Dirty, Rotten,
Pie In The Sky, Mind In The Clouds That Are Clouded
By Their Own Selfish One Way Know It All Attitide,
Lying, Dispicable Two Faced Sickening Hypocritical Bull Shitters...
That Ever Put Their Evil Rotten Arses On Planet Shit Hole...

BOTTOM REAL DEAL LINE... Now Go & Look Deep Within The
Magic Mirror Of Reflected Truth At The Truths That LIE Within.
Plus Filled To The Brim With Eroded Nerve, Some Nerve They Got...
And Their So PROUD Of It...(Sic)...VOMITOUS Of Vomitousness!

But To The Non Evil Good Ones Of That Lybrian Generation You
Are Everything Opposite Of That Which Is Stated Above...Kool!
Man This Generation...Race...Religion horse shit Garbage Is
Getting Real Old To Have To Listen Too anyMore...Enough.
Good People vs. Evil People... Thats It!

But If You Want To Get Generational-
Lets Calculate It Astrologically By The Stars...
(By The Plant Neptune From Aspect To Earth)
Like Neptune In Scorpio (1957-1969)
1956 & 1970 were Switch over Years...
Thus Supposedly Makes The Stinging Scorpion
Generation Of Late Fifties To Late Sixties Babies...
Who Are Now in Their Late 30's To Late 40's.

By The Way There Is No Boomer Generation...
After The Hippie Crite Lybrian Generation
Their Starts A Whole New Generation Of Scorpions (1957-1969)
Then Comes The Sagittarian Generation (1970-1984)...
Shear Numbers Of Babies Born Doesn't Make
Nor Dictate A Generation...
Sorry To Burst-y Your Bubble...
But The Boomer Generation Doesn't Exist...
(Only In The Minds Of Stupid Fools Counting Numbers
Of Babies Born In Those Years...What A Stupid Way
To Calculate A Generation...FOOLS!

Generational Talk Is About As Foolish As Race Or Religious Talk...
It's Bullshit That Only Helps Divide People On Earth...
Played Up & Into By Those Manipulators Who Have An Adgenda To Reap Evil Benefits By Fermenting Such Talk & Divisions... And The Fools By Into It and Get Manipulated By This Bull Crap...What Brain Dead, Brain Challanged & BrainWashed Henchmen-Freaks & Drone-Goons That By Into The Manipulators BullCrap...Wake The Hell UP!

We The Over Taxed, Heavily County Assessmented People
That Are Represented By Evil Satanistic Liars & Who
Are Also Resented By Them...Who Have Much Taxation
Without Any Decent Representation In A False democracy
Of High-archial Capitalistic Fraudulence...
They Say They Represent We The People MY ARSE!

There Is None More corrupt & Idiotic Than...
The Big BushWacking Moron Liar In The White House Who States..
That The Big Wind Fall Profits His Big Oily Buddies At Exxon- Mobil & The Like Have Made Off Of All Our Hard Earned Monies Was Only Made & Not Fraudulently Gauged Out Of Every Consumer Is Just The Result Of The Marketplace Big LIE!

But They Say...
“There is one neurosis, many manifestations
and one cure — feeling.”

And We're "Feeling" It's High Time To
Throw All The Bastards Out!

As You Now...
Enter The Arena Of The Bushwackers Evil Legacy Of
Fraud-Corruption & Out Right Plundering Of Iraq
& American Tax Dollars...
Payback-Payment Long Over Due!

Plus It's High Time Not only To Audit All This
Fraud & Outright Stealing Better...
But To Truly CONNECT THE DOTS...& Reign In Our Politicians, Elected Officials,
bid Buissy-Mess Men & The Like...Plus It's Way Past Over Due To Make The oil companies share in our sacrifice and return some of their record-breaking excess profits...while All The while They State...
That Our faith and values teach us that there is
no higher calling than serving others...That's All Big B.S.
Servering Others My Arse! Looks Like They...while All While They've Been Serving Themselves To A Much Much More Healthier & A Really Bigger Portion Of The Wealth, Gauged Out Record Profits & Our TAX DOLLARS Ect Ect Ect...Who's OverLooking All Them...

They Inspect, OverSight, & Inquistor All Of Us Servant drones Who They Ae Supposed To Be servering...Yeah Right...But Isn't It Our Job Also To Audit, Inspect, OverSight, & Inquistor All Of Them...Damn Right It Is...
Throw Most Of The Bastards Out! Time to Get people Who Not Only Know How To Serve But also How To Share, How To Inspect, Direct Better, Lead Better, & Audit Before It Gets To This...

Audit: U.S.-Led Occupation Squandered Aid
By JIM KRANE, Associated Press Writer

DUBAI, United Arab Emirates - Iraqi money gambled away in the Philippines. Thousands spent on a swimming pool that was never used. An elevator repaired so poorly that it crashed, killing people.

A U.S. government audit found American-led occupation authorities squandered tens of millions of dollars that were supposed to be used to rebuild Iraq through undocumented spending and outright fraud.

In some cases, auditors recommend criminal charges be filed against the perpetrators. In others, it asks the U.S. ambassador to Iraq to recoup the money.

Dryly written audit reports describe the Coalition Provisional Authority's offices in the south-central city of Hillah being awash in bricks of $100 bills taken from a central vault without documentation.

It describes one agent who kept almost $700,000 in cash in an unlocked footlocker and mentions a U.S. soldier who gambled away as much as $60,000 in reconstruction funds in the Philippines.

"Tens of millions of dollars in cash had gone in and out of the South-Central Region vault without any tracking of who deposited or withdrew the money, and why it was taken out," says a report by the Special Inspector General for Iraq Reconstruction, which is in the midst of a series of audits for the Pentagon and State Department.

Much of the first audit reports deal with contracting in south-central Iraq, one of the country's least-hostile regions. Audits have yet to be released for the occupation authority's spending in the rest of Iraq.

The audits offer a window into the chaotic U.S.-led occupation of Iraq of 2003-04, when inexperienced American officials — including workers from President Bush's election campaign — organized a cash-intensive "hearts and minds" mission to rebuild Iraq's devastated economy.

But the corruption and incompetence documented in the reports reveal that much of the effort, however well-intentioned, was wasted.

The failure of the rebuilding effort has been borne out most vividly by the rise of a virulent anti-American insurgency that has claimed most of the 2,237 U.S. military lives lost since the war began.

In some cases, auditors could find no trace of cash, much of which came from Iraqi oil revenues overseen by the occupation authority.

"Those deficiencies were so significant that we were precluded from accomplishing our stated objectives," the auditors said of U.S. officials in Hillah being unable to account for $97 million of the $120 million in Iraqi oil revenues earmarked for rebuilding projects.

An October 2005 audit found documentation for the spending of just $8 million of that money.

Negligence proved deadly in at least one case. Three Iraqis plummeted to their deaths in an elevator in the Hillah General Hospital that was certified to have been replaced by a contractor who received $662,800.

Also in Hillah, occupation officials spent $108,140 to replace pumps and fix the city's Olympic swimming pool. But the contractor merely polished the old plumbing to make it look new and collected his money.

When the pool was filled, the water came out a murky brown and the pool's reopening had to be canceled. The reports did not identify the contractors involved.

Auditors have asked the U.S. ambassador to recover a total of $571,823 that the reports describe as overpaid funds.

In some cases, cash simply disappeared.

Two occupation authority field agents responsible for paying contractors left Iraq without accounting for more than $700,000 each. When auditors confronted their manager and asked where the money was, the manger tried to clear one of the agents through false paperwork.

"This appears to be an attempt to remove outstanding balances by simply washing accounts," the auditor said. The two agents were not identified and there was no word on whether the pair were referred for prosecution.

One report describes mismanagement of more than 2,000 small contracts in south-central Iraq worth $88 million. Occupation staffers or those they supervised handed out millions to companies that never submitted required competitive bids or that were paid for unfinished work.

Other examples cited in the reports:

_Only a quarter of $23 million entrusted to civilian and military project and contracting officers to pay contractors ever found its way to those contractors.

_One contractor was paid $14,000 on four separate occasions for the same job.

_Of $7.3 million spent on a police academy near Hillah, auditors could account for just $4 million. They said $1.3 million was wasted on overpriced or duplicate construction or equipment not delivered. More than $2 million was missing.

_U.S. personnel "needlessly disbursed more than $1.8 million" of the estimated $2.3 million spent for renovating the library in the Shiite holy city of Karbala.

_The library contractor delivered only 18 of 68 personal computers called for and did not install Internet wiring or software. The computers worked only as stand-alones.

_The U.S.-led security transition command spent $945,000 for seven armored Mercedes-Benzes that were too lightly armored for Iraq. Auditors were able to account for only six of the cars.

_At one point, several paying agents kept cash inside the same filing cabinet in the Hillah vault. One agent took $100,000 from another's stack of cash to clear his own balance. "This was only discovered because the other paying agent had to make a disbursement that day and realized that he was short cash," the report says.

Well Well How Horrible...Tragic & Totally Bogus & Dishonest
OutRight NixonEsk -Bushwacker LIES!!
So Indicative Of Nixon's BoyZ Corrupt
"No Bid Contracts for Themselves Only" Criminal Liar Crooks...
Talk About A Right Wing GOP MAFIA MOBSTERS!


Is This Not The Face Of A Bumbling Mumbling Humpty Dumpty
Bad Luck Plagued & Cursed BushWacker Fool Of Donkey Assed
Idiot Moron DumBells Or What!

They Have Incurred All This Upon Their Own Evil Fraudulent Lying Heads!
Look The Fraudulent Lying Corrupt GOP GIG Is UP...GIVE IT UP...
Only The BrainWashed BrainChallanged Or BrainDead Will Believe
In You Or Anything You All Have To Say Ever Again...

Introspection...Hell What About The Buck Stops Here Oversight...
Get These Lying Thieving Asshole Corrupt Criminal Losers Out Of Here!
Alito Will Be Confirmed BUT...How About Inspection Time!
Bush Cheney-RumpsFart & Others Should Be IMPEACHED & INDICTED!
— including workers from President Bush's election campaign —


Only Wat To Try & Save Their Corrupt Satanistic Arses Now And Divert Public Attention Away From All This As Well As Away From Delay-Liddy-Rove Scandals, Domestic Spying Scandals, Failure War Scandals, Katrina Scandals & Failures, Ect Ect Ect...Is To Create Another 9-11 Scenario Scene To Get An "We Told You So" Effect Deal Going On... But If They Try & Create Another 9-11 Like They DID CREATE THE FIRST ONE... BELIEVE YOU ME THEY ALL DID...It Won't Work This Time Around And Will BackFire Either Way On Them Big Time...Their Times Up...Time To Try A Redirectional Transformational Real Deal Change Time Ahead...Or They Are Putting Us All Way Behind For The Future Event Horizon's Shining Light!

For They Will Say With All This Time Wasted & Billions Spent...
"You All Still Can't Protect Us...Now Can You Now,
You Hypocritical Lying Losers Of Plagued Cursed BAD LUCK"...

People Are Getting Not Only Real Fed Up With These Bastards But Also Getting a Little More Savey & A Bit Wiser Now...Not All But Many Now See The Light & See Through All Their DARK EVIL LIES!

And Too Those Who Don't Who Are Either Too BrainWashed, BrainChallanged Or BrainDead To See Through All Their Evil & See The Light...Who Cares About Your Crap & Evil Fermented Satanitic Bushwackers Blue Tongued Lying Arrogant Nasty Two Faced Dispicable Crap Mouth Anymore Either...A Big VA FAN CULO TO ALL OF YOU TOO...

Thus All Clinton & Bush's & All Their
Evil Henchmen Drone ArseLickers Are To Be All BOO'D

What Appears Next Before The Next Big One Hits
Will Be Like Before 9-11 A Pre Warned Of Computer Virus
That Will Be A Pre Curser Red Alert Form Within The
Worm Hole VorteX MatriX Of Again Something That
Looms Larger & Has Been In The Planning Wood Work
For a While Now... Ready & Steady Thyselves For Whats
Up & Coming In This 2006 Year Of The Big Fire Dog.
Just Like Before 9-11 Happened Right Before That
Red Alert Computer Hit In August 2001, Thus A Big
Pre Warning Warning Now Given...Now Go & Connect The Dots...
Before Signing On The Dotted Line There Vernon!
Plus a "Big Kiev Warning" To Go Along With It!

For These Are...

The seven laws or principles of the Demons' State.

The first demonic principle: Create disorder, noise, structures of power and outer forms The adversary has also reversed the seven basic powers of God for himself and his purposes - Order, Will, Wisdom, Earnestness, Patience, Love and Mercy. With this, he wants to set up his own domain and abolish the Kingdom of God.

Correspondingly, the reversed principle of the Demons' State, of its accomplices and victims, also has seven laws or principles. The first principle of the demons reads: Create disorder, in people as well as on earth, so that God can no longer be perceived by people. Make noise, so that man will orient himself more and more externally and forget God, the innermost. Create institutions and high officials, who put themselves over the people and govern, who allow themselves to be respected and honored as rulers and gods. Create many ceremonies and rituals, so that man will always have reason to submit to outer rites and ceremonies, having to constantly be on guard so as not to forget any rite or any ceremony. Therefore, he stays turned without. Recruit accomplices, so that the demonic structure will expand. This is how the Demons' State created its sphere of influence on earth, with its direct and indirect accomplices and its victims. It gives the power to rule to its direct and indirect accomplices, according to their abilities and the degree of their externalization. These rule over those people who bow to the darkness, to the negative, and who allow themselves to be subjugated. The Demons' State succeeds in doing this with many people. In the name of God, the Most High, the critics who denounce this form of regime are given a bad conscience under threat of punishment of hell & eternal damnation, Out of fear, more and more people become victims, slaves and thus & yes-men.& So that people would turn to the outer more and more and forget the innermost being, the stillness, the sublime, the Being, God, a rigid system of outer forms was created. It is a system of sacred observances with compulsory robes and movements, requiring a certain behavior from the victims. By carrying out such outer forms, many people are distracted and separated from their innermost being, the true life, the eternal Being. From infancy on, the children of the victims are already programmed accordingly, with baptism, rituals and teachings; raised to be victims, so that as adults they will join the ranks of the like-minded. If a victim develops certain abilities and emits massive material wishes, and if this person has the strength to dominate his neighbor, to subjugate him and perhaps enslave him, then he will be made an accomplice. For the accomplices ally with those of like mind again and again, in order to find more victims and raise, in turn, able victims to be accomplices.

The accomplices impose laws on the victims, under which the victims often have to suffer severely, and under whose pressure they then have to think, speak and act. The accomplices turned many of the victims into serfs and & slaves,&; who had to do hard, even the most difficult, work for them. Others have to fulfill the most difficult obligations in order to meet the demanded requirements. In spite of the greatest efforts by the demons, God cannot be defeated, for the adversary cannot penetrate the Kingdom of God, because his radiation-that is, his consciousness - does not reach so far.

On the other hand, the radiation of God, the unlimited life, penetrates everything that is-including matter and the spheres of influence of the adversary. The causal clock, the principle of God that has been reversed into its opposite, is still ticking - but with the rebellion of the negative principle, it received other numerals and a higher speed. And so, the causal clock, the wheel of reincarnation, is turning faster and faster. Conditions on the earth are worsening; people are becoming more ill, more aggressive and more power-hungry. The screw, the human ego, is turning right out of its own thread. For this reason, the causal clock which runs for the incarnation of base souls will stop one day.

Then, this "nightmare" will be over. Recognize: Through all these externalizations, people are distracted from God more and more. Some institutions and governments of this world abuse the name of the Eternal and Mine, Christ, in order to bind the victims to the accomplices. From the constraint imposed on people often by force and under threat of severest punishment, hatred grows against the oppressors. Envy and enmity grow out of this hatred. Envy, which is a root of the world of one's human sensations, thoughts and wishes, still produces shoots.

Everyone wishes and desires the same or similar things as the so-called powerful, the rich and the distinguished ones. These demands push man to climb higher and higher on the ladder to success, the ladder of wanting to be, to possess and to have. Through all these negative waves of energy, unimaginably great concentrated powers of negative energy are formed. These negative energies, which rise like clouds from the earth, are taken by the Demons' State in return for rendering its services, thus expanding its territory on this earth.

This means that it takes the energies of the accomplices and victims and uses a part of them to incite senders-that is, people who feel, think, speak and act negatively-to more offences. With this, it entices them into ever graver causes. The demons may also apply the same energies again to the energy-suppliers, in order to kindle even more what is already taking place in and around them like, for example, spite, envy, animosity and strife. They steer their accomplices and victims in such a way that these always feel, think, speak and do the same or the like. Thus, the principle of sending and receiving is maintained and extended. Through the reversed principle of ;sending and receiving negative communications flow uninterruptedly. The network of these countless communication lines goes as follows: Negative energies flow from the Demons' State to the accomplices, from the accomplices to their victims, from the victims to other people who think, live and strive in a similar way.

Communications flow, in turn, from the accomplices and victims, to energy fields and souls and to the Demons' State. Out of this develops what for man is an unimaginably tremendous negative energy potential, triggered by countless negatively-oriented people. This is used, in turn, by the Demons' State for further enticements. In the flow of these communications, the demons undertake so-called injections,& that is, they fortify these communications with the negative energies that they took from their accomplices and victims. By means of injections into the subcommunications, they fortify the negative world of sensations and thoughts of the individual. Thus, they encourage their accomplices and victims to feel, to think and to speak the same or the like again and again, and to behave accordingly.

But it is always the energies of such people who, through their negative behavior, make themselves available; that is, they deliver themselves up as accomplices and victims, and thus energy can be drawn from them. I, Christ, repeat: The demons would have no energy of their own to entice people, if they did not have energy-suppliers at their disposal, that is, people who, without examining their thoughts, blindly apply the negative principle of sending and receiving.; The demons also stimulate the individual's world of desires, in order to encourage his passions. Or they stimulate thoughts of envy, letting them turn into hatred and enmity. They enter thoughts of destruction, of plundering, of war and devastation into the already agitated minds of the people.

All of this first begins with injections into the negative subcommunications, into the individual's world of sensations, thoughts and desires, into the passions, the communications of envy and hatred. In this way, the Demons' State created for itself a mighty source of energy on the earth through all those people who serve the demons knowingly or unknowingly - either directly as accomplices or indirectly as victims. Thus, it created disorder in the world and among people, in the institutions and governments, in enterprises, at work, in the families, among relatives and in the circles of friends. People distanced themselves more and more from each other; they became alienated from one another. Through this, the lord and the servant, the ruler and the subordinate, came into being. The second demonic principle: Promote self-will and discord among the people With injections into the negative subcommunications of people, into their world of sensations and thoughts,
the demons stimulate egoism.

Earth-bound souls, too, influence people in this way. This results in dissension and discord among the accomplices, who have been provided with honors, names, titles and means by the demons. The demon wants discord - through which power struggles emerge. A power struggle among the accomplices is a power struggle of giants. Each one wants to be still greater, to acquire still more prestige, to bear still more honors, and to be given still more titles.

And so, each one wants to be the greatest, and each one wants to rule over all the others. Thus, one rises against the other; for each one wants to subjugate and dominate all the others, since every one is against every other one. The unscrupulous and violent one, the one without a conscience, who is capable of forcing his neighbor under his domination, will be supplied with still more energy by the demons. This means that the more egocentric and brutal the person is, the better use he is to the Demons' State. The weaker ones will be enticed and steered-also by way of their subcommunications - in such a way that they bind themselves to the accomplices, let themselves be coerced by them, thus joining the ranks of the victims. The Demons' State knows how to control its own. It allows the great ones of this world to pass on to each other the good and desirable things, the big pieces, such as land, money and goods. Even if they are divided among themselves, the Demons' State knows how to control them. For a considerable part of the great cake called earth, they fulfill their demonic obligation: the will of the Demons' State. So that the gears of negativity mesh well, the victims are also used accordingly; they give their services, often blindly. In order to gain more and more prestige and power, the accomplices step all over the victims, and induce them to more offences, for example, by giving them promises which they do not keep, or paying them lip service, while thinking and acting differently. Demons and accomplices always strive toward the one goal: To gain energy, to acquire prestige and power, in order to maintain and expand their territory, their sphere of influence on earth. In the course of this exploitation of people and of the earth, the gap between the accomplices, between the rich and high-ranking people of the earth, and the victims becomes ever greater. As a result, envy grows in the victims, because they want to live in the same or like way as the high-ranking, the distinguished and the rich. The victims likewise want possessions, prestige and wealth; they also want a piece of land from the great cake earth so that they can set up their house, their parcel, their property on it-like the great and the rich. In order to attain what is in their world of desires, they work for the powerful of this world. They work as subordinates to their superiors. They cower and, in turn, step on others in order to attain the object of their entire longing and confirm themselves: a piece of earth. In order to build their own nest, to gain their own property, they save and do without. The little ego wants more and more.

Therefore, it imitates its idols, the distinguished and rich of this world. Few of those who are oriented towards the world know about inner values. For many, the whole reason of life is to gain outer things. Pleasure and lust are close together, especially when it concerns winning the wife or husband of one's neighbor or having several men or women for oneself simultaneously. These are then kept in bondage for the benefit of one's body. All this increases egotism and willfulness, which is binding. This means that what belongs to me is mine, and I tie it to myself using every means and possibility available. However, it also forces me to defend it, even with battle-cries and weapons. The victims, too, were infected by this; they do the same. People tie themselves to people according to the principle: This is mine and that is thine. People bind themselves to money and goods, to the acquired piece of land according to the principle: This is mine and that is thine. These bindings to people and things lead to resentment, envy, strife and hatred.

In this way, dissension builds up again and again, which can even lead to wars. In hostility and strife, much is felt, thought and spoken negatively - that is, negativity is sent and received in return. Through this, further negative subcommunications emerge, which, in turn, offer themselves to becoming injected. The intention has always been that the person who rules the material world should receive adequate energy in order to introduce new possibilities for enticing people more and more, thus maintaining and expanding his territory. And so, the accomplices and the victims are thus the sources of energy for the demons. The disorder in and around the person, the strife in marriage and between couples, in the family and at work, as well as among nations, supply the corresponding negative energies.

In the same way, excesses foster willfulness through desires, through passions, through wanting to possess, to be and to have, thus setting free more and more negative energies. With many people, the demons have accomplished what they wanted: Many created for themselves their little world, which consists of human sensations, thoughts, words and deeds, of desires, longings and passions, of stubbornness, envy, strife, hatred and enmity. Each one has spun himself into his little egoworld and only circles around himself - in his own world of thoughts and wishes. He thinks only of and for himself. He wants everything only for himself. He works only for himself and, in the end, also speaks only himself. This is then his little, base, ego-world. Spun into this negative cocoon, such a person lives and just ekes out his existence.

In this, he has forgotten his neighbor, his fellow man - unless this one is to render services to him, that is, do for him what he, himself, does not want to do. If his neighbor is not willing, he is insulted, put down and, in the end, forgotten. The one who makes demands is interested in his neighbor only as long as the latter fulfills his will; otherwise, he is hardly noticed. This is how the principle of the demons, ÷, bind and rule works. The arrangement of the fall-realms In the beginning of these activities, that is, in the beginning of the Fall, the fall-beings did not recognize that through their negative behavior each soul and each human being would one day create his own world for himself. They also did not realize that, in the end, the sum of all wrong behavior would result in a mighty causal computer, which is made up of the four planes of purification. The four planes of purification are followed by the three planes of unfoldment. They are the spheres of preparation to the Absoluteness. As in heaven, so is it outside of the eternal Being, too: Each plane is contained in the other.

Therefore, seven times seven planes exist outside of the eternal Being, the Absoluteness. They include countless coarse material stars and countless different types of vibration of fine-material stars which, however, do not yet have the absolute degree of vibration of the heavens. The causal computer, the four planes of purification, stores everything negative that takes place on earth and in each individual person. I, Christ, repeat for better understanding: The eternal Being consists of seven times seven heavens, the fall-realms of seven times seven planes.

They are the four planes of purification and the three planes of preparation; and in each plane all others are contained as a sub-region. The planes of purification are Order, Will, Wisdom and Earnestness and the three planes of unfoldment are Patience, Love and Mercy. The discarnate souls live in the four planes of purification. According to its degree of burdening, a soul is attracted by that plane and planet which correspond to the respective vibration of the soul, because like always attracts like again and again. The spiritually developed souls live in the three planes of preparation to Absoluteness.

There, they learn to be able to apply the law of love again in a comprehensive way. Recognize: The one who does not fulfill the will of God lives in willfulness and fulfills the will of the demons. The third demonic principle: Forget ethical principles-Strive for knowledge Make the earth subject to you The third principle of the demons says: Strive for intellectual knowledge, for the intellect. Forget feelings and ethical principles. School your intellect, so that your life will be successful. Pay attention only to the outer, for there is only matter. Man's inner being, too, consists only of nerves, muscles, bones, tendons, ligaments, blood vessels, organs, and so, all in all - of cells. For the world-oriented person, only what is to be seen, weighed and measured counts. The demons are ingenious: They inspire - and their accomplices and victims dance. They dance around the golden calf,& the human ego. They strive for money, property and prestige. Other injections of the demons into the subcommunications of people say: You will acquire money, property and prestige most quickly, if, for the benefit of mankind, you study, analyze and improve the external things which your ancestors have already explored and dug up as an earthly treasure.

The servile obey. They believe that they are thinking, themselves-yet it is thought through them. All this requires energy. The demons have input the idea to make the earth subject to you-and the servile obey. Even the victims, who still think in terms of small parcels, have their ambition and likewise aim high. They want to do the same as the so-called great ones. Often, therefore, at least one member of the family has to go to college, so that he will be the pride of the family. The servile began to research, to study, to analyze and they had their success.

For what was once the ox-drawn and horse-drawn carriage is now the so-called train, the automobile, the airplane and the oceanliner. The demons input the idea and many people obey: In order to do credit to your ancestors and also to yourself, go to places of learning, so-called universities. Acquire the basic intellectual knowledge and technical know-how, so that you become an inventor, a scientist, a theologian or much more - a head-thinker, who is able to analyze everything in order to discover the deepest mysteries of the earth and of the universe. Then make the earth subject to you, discover and explore the other mysteries of the earth and its still hidden treasures, and invent the necessary machines to dig up and transport the treasures.

Thus, drilling rigs and large conveyor systems were developed to dig up the treasures of the earth, the natural resources. Big manufacturing plants, that is, factories, developed where the mineral resources are manufactured into many unlawful things. Nuclear power plants and incineration plants developed. For that, big machinery-complexes and the corresponding amounts of raw materials and energy were needed. So the idea came from the sources of energy of the demons that one could also conquer the stars and make the universe subject to oneself. The inventors and the scientists once more began to dance around the golden calf and around the demons who supplied the impulses and the energies for this. And so, airplanes and missiles, satellites, space-shuttles and space stations developed. Extensive research centers developed where those who cling to the world continue to strain their brain cells and program their minds with concepts, in order to take the next steps toward conquering the universe.

The demons input these ideas and much more, and people fall for it. Even the victims are excited about the achievements of the inventors and scientists and zealously make their financial contribution, so that the intellectuals, the head-thinkers, can expand their works. The head-thinkers become respected and rich and are honored by people and even praised as benefactors of mankind.

They do research and are always inventing something new which should make life on earth more comfortable and beautiful - at the same time they are inventing means of warfare with which life on earth can be destroyed. And so, the demons seek their corresponding tools among the people and enter into them the reversed principle which is against God:

Be intellectual and strive towards outer things, instead of being wise, prudent and turned within. In all this, the principle of God is reversed. God spoke to His own: & Make the earth subject to you and He, the great All-One, meant: Respect and treasure the life of the earth, for it is a living organism, which nourishes you, O man. Respect and treasure the life in and on the earth, for the animals, the plants and the minerals want to serve you, the noble, the pure, in you.

For this reason, be for and with the great organism earth! Every form of life senses and feels-and you bear in you the essence of all forms, of all Being. And so, respect the mighty organism earth and, as a human being, you will possess everything you need and things will go well for you on earth. This is the principle of God. The following words of God were also reversed by the demons. God speaks to His own:

The wealth of infinity, the fullness of the All, is in your innermost being. When your soul has attained the degree of purity of the inner life, then it radiates purity, richness and fullness. Then you will possess everything you need on earth-however, not only for your personal well-being, but for the good of all, because you are a child of infinity and heir to all Being. You need nothing for your self-interest, in order to affirm your base ego - you possess everything, because you are all in all things.& The demon speaks and thereby uses the truth, the words of the Eternal: ;God wants you to be rich and respected, to live in the fullness and to prosper.

Therefore, enter your desires as pictures: wealth, prestige, power and well-being. The more you can get for yourself personally from the great cake, earth, the better things will go for you. Just as you input, that is, as you emit, so will you also receive. Emit and emit again and again, and intensify your desires in your sensations and thoughts. The world of desires that you carry in your sensations and thoughts will be fulfilled for you. I will give it to you, because it is due to you, since you are a child of the All.& I, Christ, explain:

The one who lets himself be enticed in this and similar ways will receive from the Demons' State what he emits and what he bears in his sensations and thoughts; but through this, he will become servile and dependent. These injections take place almost imperceptibly, for the demon speaks ;sweetly, but thinks only of himself, I will give you all the treasures of this world, if you fall at my feet and adore me as god and giver.

And God is the impersonal God and also gives impersonally to His own, that is, according to the degree of purity of the soul.

However, He does not give to an individual person for his self-interest's sake, but, through him, to all others - impersonally. Each one receives from God as much as he is able to take in and pass on, in accordance with his opened spiritual consciousness. No person is allowed to tie wealth, money and property to himself. That is demonic and not divine. One cannot study God The demons exploit even the longing of the still alert soul. And so, into those people who seek God with their intellect, the demons enter the notion that, for example, they have to study God.

Many a person believes that by studying theology he can fathom God and experience who He truly is. God cannot be studied. Therefore, the question becomes, which God is studied? Not the eternal, all-kind and wise Father, the Creator of heaven and earth-the eternal Father who does not encourage His children to study Him and to learn what people have thought up about Him with their concepts for 2000 years. He wants to guide His children to stillness and to turning within, to prudence and to selfless love, to Order and to selfless Will, to divine Wisdom and to the Being, which is in all things-and thus to the unity with all men, animals, plants and minerals, yes, with the entire All. God speaks to His own: Be the wisdom out of Me.

May the greatest among you be the least. God speaks to His own: Equip yourself with virtue and with divine ethics and morals, and be a brother, a sister, among brothers and sisters. God speaks to His own: Live with nature, and you live in Me, and things will truly go well for you on earth and also as a soul beyond the earth. God speaks to His own: After this earthly existence, you will enter heaven, the Being in Me, God, according to your spiritual unfoldment. What do these words of the Eternal have to do with theology? God cannot be explored and studied. What is studied is never God, but corresponds to the reversed principle: wanting to be like God or wanting to be His representative or substitute. The truly wise one is not the intellectual, instead, truly wise is the one who rests in God. God cannot be studied, He can only be experienced. The person who wants to experience God, the Eternal, has to walk the path through self-recognition to the God-experience.

These steps take place from without to within. And the one who wants to follow the Good Shepherd has to distance himself from the frenzy of this world and to go within, seeing himself as a temple of God. And the one who keeps his own temple pure needs no outer temple, nor dogmas, rites or ceremonies. He dwells in the innermost sanctum, in God, and will also be guided by God. His sensations are noble and pure; his thoughts enter more and more into the stream of God and become pearls in the ocean, God, which are then His impulses, His words.

The fourth demonic principle: Be unyielding-Keep the upper hand-Defend your ego with stubbornness The fourth principle of the demons says: Be unyielding, keep the upper hand, defend your ego with stubbornness. The demon emits into his territory-and his own receive and obey: Impose your wishes and your will forcibly and harshly, and be aware that what you have studied and acquired throughout the years is the truth. Therefore, remain consistent towards your fellow man, for you know better. Stand up for your interests and fight - if possible with weapons - to defend yourself and your personal possessions.

Fight against all your enemies and when you think your fatherland is threatened, go to war to defend it, too. But with fatherland; the demon means the territory of the darkness. Recognize: Whoever lends his ear and his mouth to the adversary for a long time, perhaps over years, delivers himself up to him and becomes a tool of the darkness. The more often the person is beside himself through aggressions, through passions and passionate desires, or is dominated by arrogance, by the rejection of his neighbor or by his need for recognition and the drive to possess, the more quickly he will be besieged or possessed by base, earth-bound souls. Such a person is then no longer himself. It is then no longer his soul which acts through him; it is then other souls, earth-bound souls, in whom perhaps demonic traits are effective. They penetrate the person and they go in and out of him, & of his house - just as they please.

Thus, the person has become the plaything of the negative powers. He is then influenced through his world of sensations, thoughts and wishes, through his arrogance, his spite, his passions, through envy, enmity and strife, through what has not been cleared up with his neighbor. These communications are then influenced or possessed by souls. In the course of the fall-event the base ego got and gets carried away: The one who is beside himself is no longer in himself, and the one who is beside himself opens his house, his body, for other forces. Driven by the hunger for power and ambition, by envy, greed and the wanting to be and to have, many therefore fight in order to gain prestige, wealth and power.

Thus, many people who are no longer masters of themselves reach the top of a nation. Many of them are actually convinced they are doing good, even when they call to war against other nations, invade neighboring nations, plunder them, take people prisoners, inflict punishment on them or even murder them - with cries of war accusing them of being their enemies. Power-hungry people of another category are still taking the right to Christianize their fellow men by force, or, with the baptism of a newborn, to forcefully imprint the stamp of a church institution, with everything associated with it. Many of these blinded leaders, who are at the top of nations or religious institutions, do not shy away from talking about peace in order to assert their warlike intentions. This loud noise about peace is dangerous, when man has peace neither in his inner being nor in his surroundings, when he lives in discord with his fellow men, yes, with whole nations. For then he has some thing else in mind - or those who possess him plan to do something else through him.

The demons give further impulses to their accomplices and victims: You must push through your intentions stubbornly and consistently and tie your fellow men down with obligations through so-called rental and leasing contracts and the like for many years. Only in this way will you create security for yourself and for your family, too. Recognize: The Demons' State will rule its servile ones until these renounce it through self-recognition or until the accomplices and the victims are prompted to reflection by means of an illness or a blow of fate. When the accomplice or the victim has become unproductive or the abused human body has fallen victim to an illness, then the Demons' State gives this person no more energy. It abandons him to his fate. In so doing, it does not consider the fact that its accomplices or victims once served it. There are many tools of the darkness. When the physical body of one of these tools passes away, the soul still belongs to the Demons' State for the time being. For the latter had helped the former human being to attain power, prestige, fame, wealth or success.

This means for the soul that it is in the hands of the demons and their accomplices. One of the many rules of the Demons' State says: I have lent you energy; now give it back to me, by working for me in a future incarnation. A soul which clings to the world and is bound to the Demons' State is then directed by the demons to another incarnation with a certain satanic assignment. The person then has to carry out this assignment in this world, starting from the age in which he is able to distinguish between good and evil. He is then a tool of the darkness and has to serve the demons twenty, thirty, forty or even more earthly years - if he does not uncompromisingly turn back and does not transform again the satanic principle, "divide, bind and rule" with My power, the power of Christ. When the person turns to Me, Christ, he gradually reaches the Inner Path to the true life, and applies the eternal principle, "unite and be." The Demons' State and its accomplices do not respect the divine principles of kindness, forbearance and patience.

The fifth demonic principle: Be discontent - Stay hectic, drive yourself and others to overactivity -See the bad side of your fellow man The fifth principle of the demons says: Be constantly discontent - be hectic, chase and persecute your fellow man with negative sensations and thoughts. Drive them persistently to overactivity, so that they, too, remain under permanent tension, in hectic activity and stress-and are impatient with their fellow man as well. The demons send their impulses into this world and those servile to them obey: Drive yourself to overactivity, as well as your subordinates, and all those whom you have bound to yourself, for the time is limited in which you can acquire what you consider desirable now and for your old age. If you have acquired enough for yourself personally, then, in your old age, you can also safely enjoy what you have created for yourself. The demons emit into this world, and many obey: Look only at the bad side of your fellow man, for they all are up to only one thing: to oppress you, exploit you and perhaps rob you of your hard-earned possessions.

Therefore, do not tolerate the weakness of kindness, forbearance and patience. So don't be a weakling, but be manful; fight for your advantage and the prestige of your person. The demons continue to emit: And when a credulous person who lives kindness, forbearance and patience crosses your path, treat him with your schooled and polished mind, by speaking ;sweetly and thinking ;sourly; in order to deceive him, for he does not know or hear or see your thoughts. The intensified irradiation of the Primordial Central Sun An act of grace of God Recognize that My adversary works with such and similar methods. But the arms of the eternal Father, and also My arms, those of the Christ, reach farther. They reach into this world in order to lead out all those of good will. But the arms of the demons do not reach into the heavens, nor into the planes of preparation, where the spiritually unfolded souls live in order to prepare themselves for the heavens, for the eternal Being. The arms of the demons still reach into the third and fourth planes of purification here and there - but no farther. The four planes of purification form the wheel of reincarnation. The demons have their arms in its spokes.

However, their grip on souls and men will be very gradually denied to them, because the earth is cleansing itself of the negative, of the demonic principle. As a result of this, ever fewer heavily-burdened souls will be able to incarnate. Since the primordial power irradiates more strongly, the wheel of reincarnation is still turning very quickly, in order to give the many heavily and most heavily-burdened souls the opportunity to more quickly cleanse themselves as human beings.

This, in turn, is an act of grace of the Eternal for His children whether they are demons, accomplices or victims. This more intensive irradiation of the primordial power and the fast turning wheel of reincarnation enable the souls and the human beings - including the demons-to turn back to God in a short time. However, for the Demons' State this means that it can operate only in a limited way to control its accomplices and victims. Through the fast turning wheel of reincarnation, the causes become effective in short cycles; this is why more and more people fall ill. Through illness and suffering many a person comes to his senses and is prompted to change his way of thinking and living. This intensified irradiation of the Primordial Central Sun allows more and more men and souls to awaken to a spiritual, divine life. They recognize that they have to break with the adversary through a life that is pleasing to God and through the fulfillment of the seven basic powers of the law of God, from Order to Mercy.

Therefore, more and more people walk the path within. With My power, the Christ-power, they endeavor to again change back the reversed seven basic principles, in order to come nearer to the source, to the seven basic powers of the heavens. Very gradually, the pilgrims on the Inner Path discontinue the negative sending and therefore no longer receive the satanic. The materialistic world thinks it is approaching its culmination point, the unification of all nations. But this gigantic outrage of the darkness is just a last attempt to get the world-ship back on its course.

This undertaking concerns external things and is not based on the inner foundation, the basis of inner peace and of true togetherness. But meanwhile, the causal computer irradiates the data, the causes, and the wheel of reincarnation leads yet many to incarnation, who find their way to self-recognition and a turning back. This stronger irradiation of the primordial power is the kindness, the gentleness, the love and the patience of the Eternal in Me, the Christ, in order to enable all souls and men to turn back into the freedom and beauty of God-right up to the last moment. The love, goodness, forbearance and patience of God are without limit. Everything pure gives itself and bows in love to the still impure, so that it may become pure, selfless and kind and may find its way back to its origin, to the selfless love.

The sixth demonic principle: Self-love brings happiness The sixth principle of the demons says: Self-love brings you a feeling of well-being and happiness. The more you are loved by people in a personal way, the happier you become. The demons emit the following impulses into this world: Self-love should be your strongest personal desire-magnet. With it you tie the people whom you attract to yourself. They then love you in the way you want. In physical union you find what you need, love. In your sexual love-life, you attain the climax of love. The more you intensify the physical love, the happier you will become. Do not believe the emotional people, who speak of a selfless love. The love that gives itself selflessly is deceptive. Only the weak fall for it. Therefore, don't be a weakling. Help yourself to love; you need it for your earthly well-being.

With their injections into the subcommunications of disorder, self-will, intellect, self-aggrandizement, impatience, stress, hostility, hatred or envy, the demons stretch man's nervous system like a bow. In every failure of a person, the demon intensifies the fears of failure, and in every victory over one of his fellow men, he strengthens the feelings of greatness, heroism, bravery and pride. Whether a weakness or apparent strength in a person, whether victory, heroism or hostility, strife, stress, envy or belittlement, the demon takes advantage of everything to stretch man's nervous system more and more, so that he relaxes more and more frequently in lust. Among other things, this leads to egoistic physical love: The man takes a woman to gratify his lusts and the woman takes a man to gratify her lusts. They then call this gratification love.

This egoistic love degenerates in turn into wanting to possess, to be and to have. Egoistic love may be very sweet, because the person attains what serves his egoistic love, his ego-love. Many people crave being confirmed and being dependent on their fellow man. The person who fulfills their wish is loved by them as far as their ego-love is capable: They tell the person what he wants to hear and do what he demands of them. This is the egoistic love or love as an end in itself, but not selfless love, God's love.

What kind of love is it that seeks only its kind and casts out all those who do not selfishly blow on the horn of self-love? This can never be the love of God and of neighbor, but again the reversed principle: If you love me, I will love you. If you do not love me, I will not love you either, then you are uninteresting to me; you can go. The one who does not pay tribute to the self-love of his fellow man comes automatically before the tribunal of the human ego: With sensations, thoughts and words, this neighbor is then judged, put down and cast out. This is self-love, selfishness, which knows no mercy nor meekness. It knows no tolerance, no understanding and no benevolence either. In the sequence from disorder, via self-will, intellect, hard-heartedness, impatience and self-love, the seventh basic power of God was also reversed.

The seventh demonic principle: Be without mercy - Kill and murder for your rights-The one who keeps his right is stronger The seventh principle of the demons says: Be without mercy and unyielding with people, animals, plants and minerals. Be and remain a butcher and avenger. Kill, murder for your rights, for you should have your right. The demons emit, and the accomplices and their victims receive: Justice is weakness. The just one is lenient and therefore the weaker one and a weakling. For this reason, right before justice. Be unmerciful, be unyielding, be a know-it-all-then you are the stronger one. For this reason, kill people and animals for the right cause. Kill others in war when they attack you with a weapon, and sacrifice them first, before they make a victim of you.

Recognize: In reality, the person who thinks and acts in this way has already been a victim for a long time, for he is the favorite child of the demons and their accomplices. Such a person does not hesitate to sacrifice animals, for he, the unfree victim, does not respect the freedom of all those who cross his path either. He crosses swords not only with people like him, but uses the sword on innocent animals, too. He kills them and enriches himself with their cadavers, which he sells for consumption or from which he prepares for himself a good cadaver-meal.

In manifold ways, he exploits nature and also kills it. In this way, he has made the earth infertile to a large extent. Everything that does not seem useful to him any longer he leaves thoughtlessly on the ground. Toxic chemicals and nuclear waste are also fed into the waters; exhaust fumes from vehicles and factories pollute the atmosphere. The demons and their accomplices have explained the mercy of the Samaritan in the following way: Among the countless hospitals of this world, they also established ones in which people are treated like machines. This is where they deliver their ill and-when a demon is incarnated - also themselves. The doctors see to it that the sick body is restored. After it is repaired, the person will continue to sin; because the fact that all causes of illness lie in the soul is seldom thought about. In reality, illness should be a means for slowing down the person: He should be prompted to stop and think and be moved to change his way of thinking and acting. But many doctors have only a scalpel for their neighbor and so, what happens on some operating tables is similar to what happens on slaughtering tables, where animals are prepared for consumption, or in a laboratory where animals serve as experimental objects. On the operating table, what seems to be ill or has seemingly led to the illness is cut out of the patient, depending on the symptoms. The difference between the animal on the slaughtering table and the person on the operating table is that the person is stitched back up again and kept alive if possible and is not consumed like the animal. Yet not only the animal, but in a figurative sense also the person is consumed: The consumption of the person continues in other ways, depending on the illness. Because the cause of the illness in the soul was not removed, the illness continues to drain the person and it finally consumes him. When the person, the covering of flesh, has passed away, neither the operation nor the medicines have helped. Since the physicians did not learn in their studies that the causes of all illness lie in the soul, they could not really help the patient, despite the operation and medicine. In reality, the patient received only the professional knowledge of the physician, which the latter had acquired in his medical studies and perhaps broadened with some professional experience. The decayable shell is buried. In time, what used to exist disappears from daily life; the former person is forgotten.

As Bush-Cheney-Rumpsfart & Their Well Oiled Oily Mob Buddies
Reap Record Profits Off The Average Consumers Miseries...
IRVING, Texas - Exxon Mobil Corp. posted record profits for any U.S. company on Monday — $10.71 billion for the fourth quarter and $36.13 billion for the year — as the world's biggest publicly traded oil company benefited from high oil and gas prices and demand for refined products.

The Gig Is Up & The Rigging Gig On The Rigs Also
It Must Finally Be Publicly Admitted To &
Thus All Their Dirty Little Secrets Behind
Kayfabe In Their Evil Bogus War On Terror
Will Be Eventually Unmasked.

Now It's Time To Exit But We Leave You
With This Entrance Of...

Enter Sandman

Say your prayers, little one
Don't forget, my son,
To include everyone

Tuck you in, warm within
Keep you free from sin
Till the sandman he comes

Sleep with one eye open
Gripping your pillow tight

Exit: light
Enter: night
Take my hand
We're off to never-never land

Something's wrong, shut the light
Heavy thoughts tonight
And they aren't of Snow White

Dreams of war, dreams of liars
Dreams of dragon's fire
And of things that will bite

Sleep with one eye open
Gripping your pillow tight

Exit: light
Enter: night
Take my hand
We're off to never-never land

Now I lay me down to sleep
Pray the Lord my soul to keep
If I die before I wake
Pray the Lord my soul to take

Hush little baby, don't say a word
And never mind that noise you heard
It's just the beasts under your bed
In your closet, in your head

Exit: light
Enter: night
Grain of sand

Exit: light
Enter: night
Take my hand
We're off to never-never land

Words and Music by James Hetfield, Lars Ulrich and Kirk Hammett
Copyright © 1991 Creeping Death Music (ASCAP)

Thus May The Force To See The Light Be With You...
Once Again As Always...

Signed Happily Gladly Tragically & Sadly
At The Silent PassionSword Blades Edge
We Bitter Sweet Over Bitter Gladiators
Of The Society Of The Sacred PassionsWord

Fade Now Once Again Out From...Told You So Long Ago
About These Bushwackers Evil Legacy Of Fraud-Corruption
& Out Right Plundering Of Iraq & American Tax Dollars
To "We The People" Of Never Never Land Black

Friday, January 27, 2006

Fear The ReLoaded Echo Within A On-Rushing Chain Reaction Passionsword Arena Of Both Causes & Effects In Both Time & Space Of The Weeping Of The Lambs

“There is one neurosis, many manifestations
and one cure — feeling.”

Once Again Can You But Hear...Under The Killing Moon
The Never Forgotten Weeping & Screaming Of
Lost Lambs In Limbo Ready For The Slaughter
As The Echo's Of The Past Again Call Out From The Night...
While The Divine Scent Of Fear Closely Follows Along
In Dreaded Remembrance Of...

Little Bo Peep has lost her sheep
And doesn't know where to find them
Leave them alone, And they'll come home,
Wagging their tails behind them...

Little Bo peep fell fast asleep
And dreamt she heard them bleating;
But when she awoke, she found it a joke,
For they were still a-fleeting.

Then up she took her little crook,
Determined her to find them;
She found them indeed, but it made her heart bleed,
For they'd left their tails behind them.
It happened one day, as Bo peep did stray
Into a meadow hard by,

There she espied their tails side by side,
All hung on a tree to dry.
She heaved a sigh and wiped her eye,
And over the hillocks went rambling,
And tried what she could, as a sheperdess should,
To tack each again to its lambkin.

1. Formalist
In a formalist mode, we observe first how we are plunged into the narrative by the omniscient third-person narrator who knows everything--not only what has been happening to Little Bo Peep but also what is going on in her mind, what she knows (that she has lost her sheep) and what she doesn't know (where to Þnd them). Surprisingly, then, we hear in the third line another voice, addressing Bo Peep, from a position of authority and control. This voice can tell her what to do, or rather, what not to do, in a manner so authoritative that, for all we can tell, Bo Peep has nothing further to do or to think. She doesn't answer the voice, she adopts the voice's view as her own.
Whose is the voice of wisdom or authority? It must be someone who knows more about sheep than Bo Peep does. Compared with her loss of conÞdence, the speaker has no doubts about the future of the sheep. Not only are they at this moment safe, they will find their own way safely home. What kind of a person could it be who would know this? Only another shepherd. But is it a male or a female shepherd? The voice is the voice of experience, of someone who knows what she or he is talking about only because she or he has had the same thing happen to her or him. My suggestion is that we have here the voice of an older and wiser shepherdess, who can speak both assuredly and assuringly to Bo Peep because she has been in just the same position.

2. Intertextuality
This text reeks with intertextuality, of course. It is referring to an old topos in shepherd literature, of the shepherd who is not a shepherd, the shepherd who fails to herd the sheep but loses them. This is an identity question, of course, viewed psychologically; but in the history of the topos there is no automatic judgment against sheep-losing shepherds. It is an occupational hazard that afþicts all shepherds, good, bad and indifferent. What sorts out the good shepherds from the bad ones is what they do about the lost sheep once they discover they have gone missing. The Good Shepherd sets off at once to Þnd the lost sheep, even if it is only one among ninety-nine. In our text, we observe, we have the very antithesis of the Good Shepherd, not so much in the figure of Bo Peep, who is--at first at any rate--the victim of the loss of sheep, and not personally culpable. No, the Bad Shepherd, or rather, as I think, the Bad Shepherdess, recommends ignoring the lost sheep completely and letting them Þnd their own way home. The Bad Shepherdess will not advise Bo Peep to go looking for the sheep, even though she has lost not one in a hundred, but all 100% of her sheep. And Bo Peep is taken in by the advice of the Bad Shepherdess, and becomes in her turn and in her own right a Bad Shepherdess herself.

3. Genre
So, from the point of view of genre, the Bo Peep story has to be viewed as a tragedy. It is the tale of the downfall of one who is originally a merely unfortunate shepherd but who soon becomes a wilful and deliberate loser of sheep, an unshepherdly shepherd. The circumstances are against her: her sheep have gone missing. But that of itself does not make her a tragic Þgure; it is how she responds to the blow of fate that determines whether she will be a truly tragic hero. By some þaw of character, or perhaps through some over-riding pressure from outside herself (the familiar distinction between the tragedy of fate and the tragedy of þaw breaks down in this case), she falls into the role of the Bad Shepherdess, and, with her silent acquiescence in the advice of the Tempter Þgure she, in the one moment, abandons her sheep to their destiny and, in so doing, loses her own identity. For what is a shepherd without sheep? What is the raison d'être of a sheepless shepherdess?

The morale of the words and lyrics is that one must take
responsibility or face the consequences...

Also in the Shakespeare play: King Lear, there is a reference to "Bo-Peep" by the court fool, this is to dramatize the relationship between Lear and his division of the court which leads to the impending fleeting of the sheep.

So But Remember...

"It is not because things are difficult that we do not dare;
it is because we do not dare that they are difficult."
-- Lucius Annaeus Seneca (4BC?-AD 65),
[The Younger] Roman Stoic philosopher

Thus In The End...
Nothing Save The Scent & The Echo
Will But Truly Matter Anyway..

But For Now I Will...

Close my eyes
Let the whole thing pass me by
There is no time
To waste, Asking why

So Many Are...
Still So Scared To Look Within...For It's All There...
Within...Still Confused By The Principals Within
The Simple Aspect Of The Principals Divine Simplicity..
Breath Deep Now Take An Even Deeper Breath...For...
Ready When You Are There General!

As All Those Things Thy Covet Are But
Right There Before You...Lights , Camera ...ACtIoN..
Will You But Listen Now To All Those Screams In The Night?
It's But So Heavy All Those Endless Cursed Burdens
Versed In Horror...& Thus...
Torn Apart By The Tragic-Terror From Within...

Will You All But Listen Now To The Endless Awe-Full
Screaming Of All Those Lost Lambs In Limbo...
It's All There Within...Some Predicted Pattern...
Not Random At All...But Taken & Gripped By
The Simplicity Of FEAR...Held In A Scent Of Fear...
As You Wish All Those Poor Innocent Lambs To But
Stop Their Terror Filled Weeping & Screaming...
Until You But Finally Hear The Echo's Of...

Baa, baa, black sheep,
Have you any wool?
Yes sir, yes sir,
Three bags full.
One for the master,
One for the dame,
And one for the little boy
Who lives down the lane.

Their Voices & Cries Out From The Shadows
Within The Shades Of Darkness Don't Really
Matter To Those With The Mind Set Of...
"It's Either Take Their Shit Or Make Them Shit"!
And The Others Sheepish Silence Is All They Care To Hear
& Their Cries But A Faint Echo In The Silent Night
It's Only Their Own Demonic Voices & Thoughts That
They are But Interested In...Not The Cries Of The Lambs!

What Arrogant Pride Before Their
Grand Up & Coming Big Fall...

Thus Ask Once Again & Ye Shall Be But Once Again Denied.

Sheep history-
There are a number of different theories regarding the origins of domestic sheep. However, most sources agree that they originated from mouflon. There are two wild populations of mouflons still in existence: the Asiatic mouflon which is still found in the mountains of Asia Minor and southern Iran and the European mouflon of which the only existing members are on the islands of Sardinia and Corsica. These two species are closely related with the only difference being the redder coloration and different horn configuration of the Asiatic mouflon.A sheep is any of member of the eight wooly quadruped species that comprise the genus Ovis, part of the goat antelope subfamily. The domestic sheep is thought to be descended from the wild moufflon of central and southwest Asia. Male sheep are called rams or wethers if castrated, females ewes, and young lambs. Members of the genus are highly gregarious bovids (members of the family Bovidae) and ruminants, meaning they chew cud.

Sheep are usually stockier than other bovines, and some have horns which are more divergent than those of goats. Sheep have scent glands on the face and hind feet. Communication through the scent glands is not well understood but is thought to be important for sexual signaling. Males can smell females which are fertile and ready to mate, and rams mark their territories by rubbing scent on to rocks. They have a four-chambered stomach which play a vital role in digesting, regurgitating, and redigesting food.

Sheep were among the first animals domesticated. An archeological site in Iran produced a statuette of a wooled sheep which suggests that selection for woolly sheep had begun to occur over 6000 years ago. The common features of today's sheep were already appearing in Mesopotamian and Babylonian art and books by 3000 B.C

As You Begin Once Again By...
Smelling The Foul Scent Of All These Liars &
Their Endless B.S. Lies That Abound All Around &
The Horrid Foul Smelling Scent Of Their Evil Actions.
Thus Their Corruption & Fraudulence Can Also Be Still
Heard Echoing Forth Within Their So Called Sacred Halls Of Justice...

Satanistically Appearing in Mesopotamia & Babylonia in 3000 B.C
Unto These So Called Sacred American Halls Of Falsehood Fraudulence
In The Modern Super Power Hood Unto The Here & Now...
Been To Baltimore Lately...Don't Forget To Count Your Sheep!

Some Supreme Lying Justice...Checked Out The
Supremes Financial Disclosures Lately... We Have...Much Blacked Out...
Goes Deep Up Up Up Up In Ya In There!!!Handed So Much Rights To Run ROLL!!
With There Endless False Promises Of Monsterously Scandalous Proportions Of Fermented Sewer Ridden CRAP-OLA!!!Thoughts amongst The Sheep To The Slaughter
Hello Hello, OLa Out There In Well Scented Shit For Brains Land...
Is There AnyBody out There...That Are Also Scenting Smelling & Echoing All This Evil Shit That abounds & So-urrounds All Around Us...With The Damned Echoing Of Their Evil Sound Bites Of Fermented Shitty Lies & Fraudulent Come On's & Cover Up's.
Come On Now A big Ten-$ To ya All Out There In Meenie weenie & Wanker Yanker Lands That Echo Their LIES & The Scent Of Their Evil Fetid Horrors...

And To Fred Barnes The Rotten Two Faced Evil Horrid
Hypocritical Lying Bastard That He Is Should Just
Shut Up His Rotten Crap Trap Of Fermented Trash...
Thus Feeling The UpComing Barnes A Burning...
And All The Bleated Sheep A Screaming.
Ahhh The Scent & Fetid Smell Of LIES...
On A One Way Ticket Straight To The Bowels Of Hell...
Right There Freddy BoY! What A True Sheep's A-hole Ya Are!
Seen Any Wolves In Sheeps Skins Lately...

Can We But Hear The Endless Echoing Of All Their
Well Oiled Lies & Way To Go Covered Up In Falked
Civilty Filled With Horrid Froathings At The Mouth
Over Fermented Corruptions & Fraudulence!

Thus Now...
Commencing The Re-Load Within The On Rushing Chain Reaction
Passionsword Arena Of Both Causes & Effects In Both Time & Space.

While Being x-ed Back Within
The UnderGround's-X-Out Policies...
That Breed The Faint Scent...

Of The Upcoming Events Held Within The Wishing Wells
Of Divine Wish Full-Fillment & RainBowed Hopes...&...
Of All Those Left Over Dreams Awakening Again To But
Be Un-Altered Within That Centimeters Of Chance That
Breeds Of The Inevitable, As Enviable Survival Creeps
Slowly Within The Grand MatriX VorteXs Of Existence.

Lay down
your sweet and weary head
Night is falling,
you have come to journey's end.
Sleep now,
and dream of the ones who came before.
They are calling
from across the distant shore.

Why do weep?
What are these tears upon your face?
Soon you will see
all of your fears will pass away,
safe in my arms
you're only sleeping.

What can you see
on the horizon?
Why do the white gulls call?
Across the sea
a pale moon rises --
The ships have come to carry you home.

Dawn will turn
to silver glass
A light on the water
All souls pass.

Hope fades
into the world of night
through shadows falling
out of memory and time.
Don't say,
"We have come now to the end."
White shores are calling
you and I will meet again.

And you'll be here in my arms
Just sleeping.

What can can you see
on the horizon?
Why do the white gulls call?
Across the sea
a pale moon rises --
The ships have come to carry you home.

And all will turn
to silver glass
A light on the water
Grey ships pass
Into the west

So Shall They Now Look Deep Within...Yourselves...
In Delve Into All Those High Powered Perceptions Of All
Your High Foul-Loot-Tin Selves In All Those Wonder0us
Self Absorbed & Indulgent High Places Of Decadent Sin & Sordid Evils.

Former intelligence officer Russ Tice wants to tell Congress about what he believes were illegal actions undertaken by the National Security Agency in its highly sophisticated eavesdropping programs.

But he can't. He's been warned by the NSA that the information is so highly classified that even members of the House and Senate Intelligence Committees - who are charged with overseeing the work of the intelligence community - don't have clearance to hear about them. If Mr. Tice talks at the hearings early next month, he could face criminal prosecution...

Then There Is No Congressional OverSight Within A
So Called Checks & Balances System.
So What Are They Good For Then.
All Of This Smells Of...
Typical Sordid Right Wing Military Dictatorship.
Within The Endless Silence Of The Lambs...

Thus Begins The Destined Fate Of All Within...
Each & Every Non-Existent Realities So Called Choices,
That Was Made In A Rush Ruse Beheld In False Premises
To All The Up-Coming Strategic Battles In The Making...

A Terrible Thing To Live In Fear...If You Have Fear At All.
But Rejoice For Some Birds Are not Meant To Be Caged Within
Your Rotten Decadent System Of Systemic Corruption & Fraud,
For Their Feathers Are Just Too Bright...
Ah The Divine Scent Of Salvation Within The Echos Of Redemption...
Inspiring All The Desires Of Retribution & Vengeance Out From The Grave.

But Good Gripes All Are Gripped Once More In The Freeze...
Adding Up The Connect The Dots 2+2...Just Drifting Away.
As The Load Will Be Boarded Up To Be Reloaded...In Each
Military Passionsword Pay-Off Play-Off From Within The
Old Vanguard Lay_Off, As The Real Deal Heavy Duty Pay Load
About To Be Un LOaded Screams For The Upcoming
Wagging The Dog's Tail Coming Fire Dog New Year Floods
To Be Re-Loaded At The Hair Of The Dog's Breath In Snatch.

But As Be Reeling For The On Coming...
Bluetongue disease (also called catarrhal fever)...
A More Potent Viral Cros sStrain On The Way...
Careful With Your All's Blue Tongued Disease
A Fermenting & A Frothing At The Mouth...
The pathogenic virus is a member of the Reoviridae.
It is transmitted by a midge, Culicoides imicola
& other culicoid species...There is no efficient treatment.
Prevention is effected via quarantine, inoculation with
live modified virus vaccine and control of the midge vector,
including inspection of aircraft...
So What Is a Midge You Ask...Gnat Me This There Bat Freak!
Midges are certain small, spotted, two-winged flying insects. More precisely, the members of several families of Diptera are known as midges, including especially the Chironomidae, or non-biting midges, and the Ceratopogonidae or biting midges (also known as noseeums in North America). They are considered by entomologists to be distinct from the very similar looking mosquitoes.
Midges are a subgroup of gnats.
The orange wheat blossom midge is a pest in cereal grains.
Blue Tongued Disease has been spreading northward since 1999...
No reports of human transmission As Yet...But Wait...

Still Feel Controlled & Bank Rolled By Private Internet Sewage...
As Under Under Accounting Schemes Still Must Be Re-Accounted For
Somewhere Down The Lying Line...But Again Red Lined In Reserve Of Course.
OverPopulation Plus A Large Dose Of Satanism Equates To Big Problems
On Planet Sheepish-Hole...Thus The Evil Conundrum Effect Of Demonic Satanism & Reptilianism Continues On Unabated...Until It's Final Curtain Call...

But To Off Course We Go...
With More To Come In The "Sowing It Up"
Coming Echo Cycle.

Artist: Trapt
Song Title: Echo

Close my eyes
Let the whole thing pass me by
There is no time
To waste, Asking why

I'll run away with you, by my side
I'll run away with you, by my side
I need to let go, let go,
let go, let go of this pride

I think about your face
And how I fall into your eyes
The outline that I trace
Around the one that I call mine
Time that called for space
Unclear where you drew the line
I don't need to solve this case
And I don't need to look behind

Close my eyes
Let the whole thing pass me by
There is no time
To waste, Asking why

I'll run away with you, by my side
I'll run away with you, by my side
I need to let go, let go,
let go, let go of this pride

Do I expect to change
The past I hold inside
With all the words I say
Repeating over in my mind
Some things you can't erase
No matter how hard you try
An exit to escape
Is all there is left to find

Close my eyes
Let the whole thing pass me by
There is no time
To waste, Asking why

I'll run away with you, by my side
I'll run away with you, by my side
I need to let go, let go,
let go, let go of this pride
Until this echo, echo, echo, echo in my mind
Until this echo, echo, echo, echo can subside

So I close my eyes
Let the whole thing pass me by
There is no time
To waste, Asking why

I'll run away with you, by my side
I'll run away with you, by my side
I need to let go, let go,
let go, let go of this pride
Until this echo, echo, echo, echo in my mind
Until this echo, echo, echo, echo can subside

So Remember Somewhere Out There Beyond The On Rushing
Horizon's New Quickening MatriX VorteX Grand Journey
Enterprise Release That Lies In The Dust Of Faded Hopes
& In The Sands Of Lost Dreams In Both Time & Space...
An Enchanted Reason To Be Within An Enraptured Reasoning
To But Begin Again To Re-Load All That’s Been So Far Loaded
Upon The Heavily Burdened Shoulders Of So Many...Thus...
Within The Arena Space Out...

"Falsehood is easy, truth so difficult."
-- George Eliot (1819-80)

But Reciprocated Love Still Conquers All...
Right There Auntie Mary

Mary had a little lamb its fleece was white as snow;
And everywhere that Mary went, the lamb was sure to go.
It followed her to school one day, which was against the rule;
It made the children laugh and play, to see a lamb at school.
And so the teacher turned it out, but still it lingered near,
And waited patiently about till Mary did appear.
"Why does the lamb love Mary so?" the eager children cry;
"Why, Mary loves the lamb, you know" the teacher did reply.

The words also convey the morale that love is reciprocated!

Signed Gladly , Sadly & Tragically
At The Silent PassionSword Blades Edge
We Bitter Over Bitter Sweet Gladiators
Of The Society Of The Sacred PassionsWord

@The Centrist Arena of Gladiators 1981-2005, are # Of
The Society Of The Sacred Sword,a wholly-owned subsidiary
Of $ Grand Journey Enterprise Release LTD a privately-held,
Investigative Research Source of Internet Conspiracy Theory%

So May The Force Be With You Always As You...

Fade Now Once Again & Re-Load To The Scent &
The Echo Within The Simplicity Of Fear From
Within The On-Rushing Chain Reaction
Passionsword Arena Of Both Causes & Effects
Under The Killing Moon Was Still Heard...

The Never Forgotten Weeping & Screaming Of
Lost Lambs In Limbo Ready For The Slaughter
As The Echo's Of The Past Again Call Out From The Night...
While The Divine Scent Of Fear Closely Follows Along
In Dreaded Remembrance In Both Time & Space Of...
The Weeping Of The Lost Lambs In Limbo Blackened Out

Sunday, January 22, 2006

Re-ENTER INTO THE ARENA'S "Code Flaming Red" Warning Alert Within the OnComing Circus Of Death With A Bottom Line Black Mask Of Revenge Like A Stone

As The Bull Fighters Say...
The Moment Of Truth Has Arrived...But...

"First we must confront a surprising spectacle: the striptease of our humanism. Here it is, naked, and not at all pretty to behold; it was just a deceiving ideology, the exquisite justification for looting. Its tender turns of phrase and its preciosity justified our aggression. How pretty it is to preach non-violence!: Neither victims nor executioners! Oh come on now! If you are not victims--when the government you have elected and the army in which your younger brothers have served, have initiated a “genocide” with no trace of hesitation or remorse--then you are undoubtedly executioners. You should understand this once and for all: if violence has just started; if exploitation and oppression never existed on the face of the earth, then maybe the much-vaunted “non-violence” could put an end to the dispute. But if the entire regime, and even its ideas about non-violence, are conditioned by a thousand-year-old oppression, your passivity is useless except to alienate you on the side of the oppressors". There are victims and there are oppressors. And those who deny, those who silence, those who lie, those who make excuses, those who qualify things--from their column or from their government--have chosen the side of the oppressors.

As You Now Enter... Sweet Lady Liberty's
Passionsword Arena of Independent Centrist
Green Gladiators Who Believe That Like A Stone...
"we will then be able to fight in the shade"
But Not For Bad Luck Born Losers... Bottom Line Black.

So Thus If You Are Truly Wise & Not Just
Brain Challanged, BrainWashed Or Plain Brain Dead
You Might Just Listen To The Wisdom Found In
Certain Nonsensical Rumblings...

For A Little Nonsense Now & Then Is Thus
Relished By The Wisest Of Men.

A Hard Core Gutted Gated Gatting Straight
Out From The Inner Gates Of Hell Right Bill!

And Thus What Now Rims the Horizon?
Please Go On & Continue To Gladly...


For We Just Love It....Relish In It...
So...Tweetily dee Tweetily DUMB
Ready Dumb Dumbs To Have Some Fun...

Dum-Dum Dum Dumb So Shall It Be...
Following Bad Luck Born Losers
In Battle Is Not For Thee...
But If You Are Brainwashed Or BrainDead & Thus You Do...
We'll Laugh In Your Face & Piss On Your Rotten Grave Too...

Ha Ha-He He-Ha Ha Ha...
Tell Us Who's The Real Stupid Arse-Licker Henchmen Drone Fool Now!
Thus A Divine Perception Thusly Perceived For The Future Security,
Protection & Well Being Of All Those Arse Licking Drone Henchman
Lost Sheep In Limbo Ready For The Slaughter Out There In...
Meenie Weenie & Wanker Yanker Land.

For To Stupidly Follow President Humpty Dumpty Bush's
soaring rhetoric that the United States will promote the growth of democratic movements and institutions worldwide is at odds with the administration's increasingly close relations with repressive governments in every corner of the world. For...
Some of the administration's allies in the war against terrorism -- including Egypt, Saudi Arabia, Pakistan and Uzbekistan -- are ranked by the State Department as among the worst human rights abusers in the world!
WOW-Wa!Hummmmm...Some Fiendy-Friends...With Friends As These Who Needs Enemies!

Plus Watch India Turn... As well As Many Others On
Evil Cursed & Plagued Bad Luck Bushwacking...
For Their own Self Absorbed INTERests Of Course...

"India must not allow itself to be dragooned into joining the Washington-led nuclear lynch mob against Iran," The Hindu, one of India's most influential newspapers, cautioned Thursday. "Aside from the lack of any legal basis for threatening Iran with sanctions, India should consider what the U.S. pressure on Tehran will do to international oil prices as well as to the overall security scenario in West Asia.

Plus What Shia Friends...
"The Mahdi Army is beyond the Iraqi army.
It was established to defend Islam."
A message that Tehran has allies who could make
things difficult for U.S. forces in the region
if Iran's nuclear facilities are attacked...

Anyone not relying on this information for anything except
Horror-Show and Terror- A Go Go purposes is advised to seek out
immediate assistance from certified professionals with practice caring
for the Brain Dead, Brain washed and brain-challenged.
For Those who are not...Remember...

The Arena is not a game. The Arena is not a product.
The Arena is not a secret. The Arena is a sacred public ritual and
a Munus (a sacred obligation to the dead, a funeral rite) & we have
been placed on this earth to perform it for the peoples of the world.
So we both have our mission impossible to perform.

Hope you get our clues, riddles, hints , links
and connect the ...s .Thus We Here...

@ The Centrist Arena of Gladiators 2000-2005, they are
# Of the Society Of The Sacred Sword, a wholly-owned
subsidiary of $ Grand Journey Enterprise Release LTD.
a privately-held, Investigative Research Source*
of Internet Conspiracy Theory %'s Have Thus Spoken.

But Shall Leave you With This To Mull Over...

In Memoriam & Honor To A True
Gladiatorial Spartan Warrior - Dienekes -

Although extraordinary valor was displayed by the entire corps of vastly outnumbered Spartans and Thespaians, yet bravest of all was declared the Spartan Dienekes. It is said that on the eve of battle, he was told by a native of Trachis that the Persian archers were so numerous that, when they fired their volleys, the mass of arrows blocked out the sun. Dienekes, however, undaunted by this prospect, remarked with a laugh,

"Our friend brings us good news.
If the Persians darken the sun with their arrows,
we will be able to fight in the shade.

The Persians were initially astounded upon seeing the Spartans oiling themselves and performing calisthenics, not understanding its ritual significance, performed by men with the resolution to fight to the death. Meanwhile, the Persian army was growing restless, and Xerxes sent his troops into the pass with hellish results. The Persians, with arrows and short spears, could not break through the long spears of the Greek hoplites' phalanx. Enormous casualties were sustained by the Persians as the disciplined Spartans orchestrated a series of feint retreats, followed by a quick turn back into formation. Greek morale was high.

The Greeks defending the pass slew the Persians in a similar manner on the second day of battle, fighting in a relay manner. After watching his troops fall before the Greeks, Xerxes decided to send his legendary Immortals, so named for their fierce fighting and impenetrable line. Whenever one would fall, another would quickly fill the gap in the ranks. However, even the Immortals lacked the power to break the Spartan phalanx. Thus the enormous casualties caused by a few thousand Greeks was a significant blow to the Persian army.

Likewise, it significantly boosted the resolve of the Greeks to face the Persian onslaught. Thus By__September the Greeks defeated the Persians at the naval Battle of Salamis, which led to the rapid retreat of Xerxes. The remaining Persian army, left under the charge of Mardonius, was defeated at Plataea by a combined Greek army again led by the Spartans, under the regent Pausanias. The Persians, never to return to Greece, were soon themselves to fall under the shadow of Alexander the Great.

Don't Fret For More's On The Way...

Enter The Brave New Bad Luck Bushwacker Fake Patriotism
Flag Beating Lynch Mob World Of The Braindead & Brain Washed.
(The Bush Mob-Consters Con Game Of Blackmail & Black Ops)

We Hate You rotten Evil Bastards...For Being As Such Plus...
Because You All Have Failed...Believe It Or Not...
For Bad Luck Plagued & Cursed Born To Lose In Battle
Are Not The Battlers We Want To Come Follow You Dowm...
For As Stated A Long Time Ago -Hundreds Of Times Now...
All Your Best Laid Ill Gotten Plans, Horrid Strategems,
Wronged Premise For Battle, Terrible Strategies,
Rotten Tortures & Shitty Arsed Decapitations that
Have Just Fueled Their Terror Movement Itself," Was
From The Get Go Start As Stated Right From The Beginning To Ya...

Filled With Holes, Bursting Bubbles, False Pretense & Premises Plus
Lets Not Forget Outright LIes & Just For Their Own Ill Gotten Gains
That Was Horridly Born & Bred Out Of Plagued Cursed Evil Bad Luck!
Bottom Bad Luck Bushwacker Liars Line Lined With Sorrows & Bad Luck!
Plus remember Jerk Ab-ran=Off With The Loot was declared
a Bush "pioneer" for raising at least $100,000 for the
Bush-Cheney '04 re-election campaign...What A Buddy...
For...Mr. Abramoff admitted being involved in outrageous wrongdoing,"

While All The While...
Humpty Dumpty Sits On A Shaky Wall
& humpty Dumpty Will Have A Big Fall
And all The Dumb Dumb's Drone Henchmen A Lickers
Won't Be Able To Put The DumbTy Back Together Again!

We Thus Believe That Right Now...
For many Over There & Here Too That...

Sorry But We Green Glads are on CODE
"Here is your word for ya" FLAMING RED!!
Wait to ya but see what but happens next!!

For It's Not If It Will Occur But when & Where Is The question...
It Will Thus Cause widespread death and destruction,
And Will stagger the world economy and thrust
tens of millions of people into dire poverty."

We have thus Spoken... Vorte-X-ed back out from the Underground- Matri-X Watch and Beware for the crossing over is occurring as we speak its happening to us all the question though remains who will be able to resist now the onslaught of The Pente-Goon'Dragon’s Fury and his pet Octopus’s Frenzy Garden Traducianism.

Thus Following Blindly the call from within the Greater Traducian Body with which to become one with without choice or reason, all logical perceptions will be voided within The Webs of Deception Spun By The Octopus's Great Black Widow of endlessly spun webs within webs of lies, iniquities and deceit...

It will make the Traducianism of Hitler and "The One Body" of Nazi Germany look like child’s play. sadly now their is no Exit, no escape only submittence as we will all now begin to cross over that Shape Shifter Paradigm Threshold Traducian Cross-over within the Octopus's Garden MatriX VorteX within the Shades of the Shadows.

But Remember our Glad post the night before the big one hit...
well here we go again...So...As The Bull Crap Flys...
So Talk About A Bunch Of Bull Shit As Well As Bull Feathers...
For YOU all definitely missed we the peoples glad point
Terror will be used against all sides...In This Horrid Equation...
So We Here At Sweet Lady Liberty's Passionsword Arena of
Independent Centrist Green Gladiators Await All Of You Patiently...

Like a stone

On a cold wet
No room for love and emptiness
By a freeway
I confess I was lost in the pages
Of a book
Full of death
Reading how we’ll die alone
And if a God will lay to rest
Anywhere we want to go
In your house
I long to be
Room by room
I’ll wait for you there
Like a stone
I’ll wait for you there

And on my death bed
I will prey
To the gods and the angels
Like a pagan
To anyone who will take me to heaven
To a place
I would recall
I was there so long ago
The sky was bruised
The world was black
And there you led me on

In your house
I long to be
Room by room
I’ll wait for you there
Like a stone
I’ll wait for you there

In all I read
Till the day was gone
And I sat in regret
In all the things I’ve done
For all that I’ve blessed
And all that I’ve wronged
In dreams till my death
I will wonder on

In your house
I long to be
Room by room
I’ll wait for you there
Like a stone
I’ll wait for you there

As You Exit Now Out From The Arena of PassionsPlays...
& Re-ENTER INTO THE ARENA'S "Code Flaming Red" Warning Alert
While EnteRING thus also into the Circus Of Death
in The Hunter And The Hunted with a Black Mask Of Revenge
in the Valley Of The Dead-Forest Of Death.


For Is Not regretting to Live still Not
Better than Living To Regret It...

Because We Know Things That You All Don't &
Couldn't Even But Fathom Let Alone Imagine...
Its Really For Your Alls Own Good In The End Anyway...

Thus there are victims and there are oppressors. And those who deny, those who silence, those who lie, those who make excuses, those who qualify things--from their column or from their government--have chosen the side of the oppressors.

In Or Out Of The Bull Shit Slingers Arena

Signed Sadly and Tragically
At the PassionSword Blades Edge
We Bitter OVER BITTER Gladiators
Of the Society of the Sacred PassionsWord

As You Now Fade To... Sweet Lady Liberty's
Passionsword Arena of Independent Centrist
Green Gladiators Who Believe That Like A Stone...
"we will then be able to fight in the shade"
But Not For Bad Luck Born Losers... Bottom Line Black.