Monday, September 04, 2006

"Just" Coping With Their "Boy Who Cried Wolf" Evil Disgusting Horror Wars On Terror, So Ready To Scream That It's All JUST A DAMN ALARMIST SHAME

Every Man's Got A Devil &
You Can't Rest Until You Find Him.

These people have proven –every single day– that they are good at only one type of talent: smearing and negative marketing. They seem absolutely sure that our media will report only their spin, or report their lies as the final say, repeated over and over. I think that’s their only strategy, to use the simple-minded push-over corporate media to echo their lies. They can’t effectively govern, they can’t effectively set or administer policy. They can’t do anything but spin lies.

MAYBE we’ve proven now in Connecticut we can counter the lies, and maybe the American people now have the wisdom to not only demand the truth, but be able to discern the truth, and then have the courage to vote for the truth tellers.

I may sound a bit like Chicken Little, but about a month to six weeks from now, BushCo is going to realize that the fearmongering isn’t working. As I said yesterday, 60 % of the people probably REALLY resent being called Traitors.

It will be about then that BushCo will pull something to make the fear a little more tangible. It’s the same pathology that is exhibited by abusive spouses. And it ususlly happens just before their victim/object attempts to break free and get help.

And these folks have already demonstrated that they don’t give a rat’s ass about losing a major American city if it suits their purposes.

There is no way these Gopers will submit to the 50 investigations sitting on Henry Waxman’s desk. No way will they be called before John Conyers. I’m just wondering what the lame pretext for Martial Law will look like.

We should be stocking up on Velvet.

It May Be rumor mongering, or just plain boy-who-cried-wolf-ing,
but it's been revealed that...

There once was a shepherd boy who was bored as he sat on the hillside watching the village sheep. To amuse himself he took a great breath and sang out, "Wolf! Wolf! The Wolf is chasing the sheep!"

The villagers came running up the hill to help the boy drive the wolf away. But when they arrived at the top of the hill, they found no wolf. The boy laughed at the sight of their angry faces.

"Don't cry 'wolf', shepherd boy," said the villagers, "when there's no wolf!" They went grumbling back down the hill.

Later, the boy sang out again, "Wolf! Wolf! The wolf is chasing the sheep!" To his naughty delight, he watched the villagers run up the hill to help him drive the wolf away.

When the villagers saw no wolf they sternly said, "Save your frightened song for when there is really something wrong! Don't cry 'wolf' when there is NO wolf!"

But the boy just grinned and watched them go grumbling down the hill once more.

Later, he saw a REAL wolf prowling about his flock. Alarmed, he leaped to his feet and sang out as loudly as he could, "Wolf! Wolf!"

But the villagers thought he was trying to fool them again, and so they didn't come.

At sunset, everyone wondered why the shepherd boy hadn't returned to the village with their sheep. They went up the hill to find the boy. They found him weeping.

"There really was a wolf here! The flock has scattered! I cried out, "Wolf!" Why didn't you come?"

An old man tried to comfort the boy as they walked back to the village.

"We'll help you look for the lost sheep in the morning," he said, putting his arm around the youth, "Nobody believes a liar...even when he is telling the truth!"

So Enter Bored Master Georgy Porgy Bush = The Boy Who Cried Wolf!
Now Finally All These Years Later People Are Finally Starting To Wake Up & Realize That They've Been Good & Dooped By The Master Wanker Yanker Doopers...
It's Classic Boy Who Cried Wolf Dooping...All The Idiots...Morons...dumbArses...
BrainWashed BrainChallenged Or Just BrainDead Jerks Out There In Want To BelieveLand

Thus To All You Fake Arsed Wanker Yanker Republican Lying Alarmist
Out There In Liar Land...You Damn Fake Liar Republican Yankers Are
Just Like The BOY WHO CRIED WOLF...Who Believes Ya All anymore!
Until Ya Blow Something Else Up AGain & Blame It On So Called Terrorist!
Thus What A Gain...For They Sure Gained A Lot Out Of It all...

Any Of Ya All GEtting It Now!!!!

Remember Us Gladly, We Were The Ones Who Warned You & The Dumb Arsed Fake Demo-Weenies About 9-11 & Other Things Months In Advance! And You Let It All Happen & Did Nothing About It Cause You Knew & Wanted It To Happen To Gain The Upper Hand Advantage By Letting It happen & Then Sounding Off All These Fake Arsd Alarms!

From Day One, From Time Immortal There Have Always Been
Horror & Horrorist & Terror & Terrorist...What Else Is New!
But You Don't Make Your Who;Le Domestic & Foreign Policies Based On It!
Only Fools Follow That On Down! & They Did That Wrong Too...Sheesh!

Thus Their Grand Fall For The Coming Fall Is Imminent.
Even While These Horrid Republican ALARMIST Set Off The Alarm Bells.
Alarm Bells A Ringing Always In Their Forlorn Favor...

And They Want To Talk About The Islamo-Facists & Their Lies!
What About Their Republo-Facist Alarmist Muderers-Lies-Intimidations-
Rape Overs-Out Right Thievings-Cohersions-Bribes-Ill Fated Policies
Nasty Agendas-Strong Arm Tactics Themselves, Since They Are Masters At It...
Hell They Could Teach The God Damn Muslims A Thing Or Two About It!
For The English American Right wing Repudlickans Should Be The Last In Line
To Open Their Lying Filthy Mouths & Talk About Anybody Else!

So Ready To Scream That It's All JUST A DAMN SHAME!
And Shame On Many Of You Too Along With it...Damn...

Especially When Your Watching A Lying Two-Faced
Bushwacker Enima-Boy Like Senaturd Rick SanTurd'Em Talk
His Crap On T.V. & Doesn't Even Know How The Hell To LIE Well!
The Great People Of Pennsylvania Should Throw Ol'Rick SanTurd'em
To The Meat Grinder & Throw Him The Hell Out Of Office!
Time To Get Rid Of Rick! So Hold Your Nose & Vote Casey To Bat!
Like BeruluScummy In Italia It's Time To Get Rid Of Ol'Rickster!
The Jerk That Voted With Bush 100% Of The Time In 2004 & 98%
of The Time Last Year...It's High Time He Hears The Sound Of PA Voters
Getting Him As Well As Many Others Out Of Office! High Time! BONG!
Time For New People, New Faces, New Ideas, New Agendas, New Policies!

As You Re-Enter Once Again Sweet Lady Liberty's Passionsword Arena of
Independent Centrist Green Gladiators & "We Be Seeing" That You're
"Just" Coping With Their Evil Disgusting Horror Wars On Terror...

While Their Lies About Their Ill-Fated & Ill Timed Mess Of An
Operation Medusa Goes From Real Bad To Worse, As It Will Now
Only Create More Hard Core Feelings & Bigger Troubles Looming
Along The Coming Event Horizon On The Eastern War Front.

The weekend's fatalities increased the total of foreign troops killed in Afghanistan so far this year beyond the 130 who died during all of 2005 — an indication of the escalation in violence stemming from the surge in Taliban attacks.

The casualty counts — which if confirmed represent one of the deadliest combat actions since U.S.-led forces ousted the Taliban regime five years ago — could not be independently verified.

Authorities have barred citizens from traveling on all but the main road running through this part of Kandahar province, and reporters could not reach the battlefield.

A Taliban leader in south and southeastern Afghanistan rejected NATO's claims as propaganda and warned that his fighters would "target" journalists who reported "wrong information" given by the U.S.-led coalition or NATO.

"They are saying that they have killed 200 Taliban but they did not kill even 10," Mullah Dadullah told The Associated Press in a satellite phone call from an undisclosed location. The AP reporter has spoken to the Taliban leader in the past and recognized his voice.

Dadullah also claimed that the Taliban had registered 500 Afghans ready to be used as suicide bombers and that Mullah Omar — the Taliban's fugitive leader — was still the movement's supreme commander.

In neighboring Helmand province, suspected Taliban militants attacked a district headquarters in the town of Garmser early Monday, setting off fighting that killed 16 militants and three police, said provincial police chief Ghulam Nadi Malakhel.

In Parwan province north of Kabul, militants shot dead two police including a senior officer, in the third killing of a top district official here in as many days, an official said Monday.

Britain's top army officer, meanwhile, said his forces were only just able to cope with the burden of operations in Afghanistan and Iraq.

"We are running hot, certainly running hot. Can we cope? I pause. I say, 'Just,'" Gen. Richard Dannatt, appointed Britain's chief of general staff last week, told Britain's The Guardian newspaper.

His comments echo warnings from other senior defense officials, who said earlier this year that the twin commitments in Afghanistan and Iraq had left Britain's forces badly stretched. Thirty-seven British troops have been killed in Afghanistan since November 2001.

RePudlickans Have Been Lying Through Their Teeth All These Bushwacker Years.
What Can You Expect From A Bunch Of Nixon-Ex-Cronies...Both Wars Are Going Bad...
JUST Straight Down The Tubes, and Much More Horror On The Way.

JUST Sickening & Disgusting To Hear Them Talk Their Big LIES!
Nothings Going Well Over There & Back At Home One In Every Eight Americans
Lives Below The So Called Just Poverty Line...One In Every Four African Americans
Does According To The Latest Study...JUST A DAMN SHAME!
So It's Force Vs. Violence Time!

Force vs. Violence
Forceful Resistance vs. Violent Oppression

When is force acceptable?

Force is acceptable when the will of the oppressed arises
up after so long living under the Violence and the abuse
of Oppressors and their oppressive Violent Henchmen.
Moral Indignation is the gauge of the people for which a well planed use of acceptable Force becomes….

When is Force necessary?

Force is necessary when the will of the people is
violently opposed by the oppressor. Thus it becomes necessary
in Moral defense to use force
to protect the will of the people against
those who would Violently oppress their will.
Thus the necessary use of Force Becomes…..

When is Force Inevitable?

Force is Inevitable when Violent oppressors without
Caring about the Moral Indignation of the people
And without any Moral Defense of their own continue to violently oppress the will of the people.
Thus the use of Force becomes Inevitable!

With Moral Indignation and in Moral Defense the Forces of Liberty and Justice
must and will combat their evil oppressive violence!!

Thus those of us "FORCE BEARERS" armed with Outraged Truth as our shield and Liberty's guiding Torch of Enlightened Knowledge in which to light our way and Moral Indignation as our Creed must try never to falter in this great endeavor in which we must journey upon in Moral Defense against the immoral use of Violent Oppression!! For we Force Bearers of Outrage must shoulder the burden with caring in our hearts, force in our hands, and sharing as our creed and thus must stand up to those minions of Violence who have hate in their hearts, blood stained Violence upon their hands, and greed and bigotry as their creed!!

Look at the company they keep, who are full of hatred themselves, and they have used violent tactics. Look at the blood stains on the walls in Italy. The blood is of those who stand up to their violence and intimidation. They are the ones who have promoted their use of violence, hatred and intimidation, and then accuse others of the same thing. On the issue of the occasional glint of intelligence, if they had but a glint of intelligence, they wouldn't have written that filth in the first place. About ideological posturing, their writings as well as their right wing buddies are filled with hateful, violent and intimidating ideological posturing. their articles are full of mindless rants, but they state that others have given forth a lot of mindless ranting. About the "Companies" and "Complexes" they keep, they have gone around the world using other people's hard labor, making millions while throwing them peanuts, then using mindless goons of hatred, violence and intimidation to put under their boots anyone who would try and rise up against their VIOLENCE!!

The Force of Outrage vs. The Violence of Hatred

Remember when we finally get to put their "snobby snotty nose in the air" arrogant elitist HEADS upon the guillotine it must not be in hate but in sheer "Outrage" at their sickening rotten selfish way in which they have illegally and haughtily ruled!!! To hell with their false rule!! Now a new REIGN must step forth !!

A New Reign of Force must return to Forcibly Terrorize back the rich in payment due for their Terrorazation of the poor all these years and for nonpayment of their hard labor and for the countless abuses towards them!! They stole all our tax $$$$$$$$$$, spent it on themselves, paid us peanuts or not at all !! And they bitched all the while not even pay us well
or do anything worth a damn for society in general all the while they were living it up high on the hog!! Hogging it all! Then they used their brainwashed Henchmen to jail or liquidate all who would stand up against them!! Murderers!!
Now it's payment due Time!! Let Project Guillotine be our symbol once more!!!
Off with their lousy rotten HEADS!!
That’s what we Arena Gladiators call for!
Sadly or Gladly (depends on how ya look at it), but about every 200 years or so we need to do this all over again (REVOLUTION) and bring the Guillotine back out from the closet!!

For when they say the Guillotine is a VIOLENT symbol.… WE will say your tyrannical rule that was horrid and Violent … it's just a Symbol of the "FORCE" of the people's will,we will say!!

Our will to change and transform our destinies and those of our children!!! Enough has been done against the will of "we the people!!"

Now we want their HEADS!!! The rich have not only stole all the money but stole years of our lives spent in poverty and bitterness!!! To the Guillotine with them! Show them the sheer power of what We the people truly is!! And when they say "see you hate us"….. we will state back to their rotten nasty twisted selves.….
This isn't HATE !! We will say it’s not hate… This is just the peoples "OUTRAGE"!! Your the ones who started and made this mess not us and you are the ones who have HATED us first and tryed to kill us off as fodder !!

We are just are OUTRAGED by their hateful greedy actions and Horrid oppressive rule, now with an OUTRAGEOUS USE OF FORCE we want their heads placed upon the Guillotine for their CRIMES AGAINST HUMANITY!! Long Live The Revolution!

And after it's necessary to keep the Guillotine out in front of every senate and house of reps buildings to remind always what they will get if they go against the will of the people, steal all the money and do crimes against humanity!!
Then It's Project Guillotine Time Again People!! Ready to Revolt!
Long Live The Revolution!

A little Force can go a long way against the VIOLENT actions of the guilty!! And the Politicians, The Judges, The corporations and all their bootlicking back stabbing henchmen are GUILTY AS CHARGED!! To the Guillotine with all of those who oppose Liberty, Freedom, Independence, Tuth, Peace, And Justice !!

The Force of Liberty vs. The Violence of Oppression

In the words of the great Italian writer, Benedetto Croce:
"In making an historical judgment it is necessary to keep firm hold of this criterion of distinction between force and violence. The former is liberty or prepares for liberty, while the latter does not work for liberty, unless, indeed, it does so negatively, by exciting liberty's opposite or rousing or resuscitating the thing which liberty wished or believed that she had crushed and extinguished. The most serious sanctions of war, the most vigorous states of siege and similar events show themselves to be intrinsically events of liberty or in the service of liberty, when directed towards vigorous resistance to attacks upon the vital necessities of a people or upon the order of a state, yet restrained from encroachments on the life liberty, or from destruction of its seeds; but rather, indeed, favoring liberty in her recovery and development."

R.A.T.S Statement on Accountability

The Revolutionary Assembly of Tactical Sentencing (RATS)

Believes it's high time we hold the Evil Politicians, the Dirty Judges, the Rotten Cops, and the Thieving Rich CEO’s accountable like they hold us accountable.
What an ugly evil double standard they have set up!! Either they clean it up immediately or there will be
guerrilla hits and revolutionary actions taken to not only insure our continued freedom but that Justice can again be served correctly. Higher level people must be held accountable and as persons in positions of authority when they do crimes must get triple the sentence of a poor and middle classes. When they are not given harsh penalties for their high level criminality then "we the people" must seek out another form of Justice!!

To the peaceful protesters:
The protesters who are so called violent and believe in Forceful revolution and are the force of liberty that comes to fight against the violence of a violent state. Stop calling them violent. They are a force to be recognized and to be embraced by the peaceful protesters as protectors of liberty and freedom in which we both are striving to achieve. Let us come together in solidarity and let each fight against the evil system in the way that is meant for them to fight against the system. Let the force do its job against the violent. Without a Force to stop it, their violence against all of us will continue!! Sadly and Tragically Nail must Drive out Nail!!
You Target and you in turn will be Targeted, you terrorize and a Force of Collective Terror out from the underground will bring about just payment to the piper!!
Payment Due and first installment will now hit home!

Installments 2,3, 4 and 5 on the way!
Your not laughing and snickering no more! Yeah we are just to be ignored!!
First imnstallment just childs play!! Right!!
London Bridge is falling Down, Falling Down, Falling down, London Bridge is Falling Down, My Fail Lady!! Bet your not sayin we at the Arena are just carton watchers and video game players now!! Read it and weep!!

As Alarmist Bells Ring & Ring Out To Those Who Believe In Making It Happen!

Talk with ya soon!- Glad Zero

May the Force Out From The Grave Be with You

Signed Just Sadly, Gladly and Tragically
At the PassionSwords Blades Edge!
WE Bitter Over Bitter-Sweet Gladiators
Of the Society of the Sacred PassionsWord

"Alone of Angels Death has no love for gifts,
Libation helps you not, nor sacrifice.
He has no altar, and hears no hymns;
From him alone Persuasion stands apart."

Aeschylus (525-465 B.C.) "Niobe"

@The Centrist Arena of Gladiators 2000-2006, are
# Of the Society Of The Sacred Sword, a wholly-owned
subsidiary of $ Grand Journey Enterprise Release LTD
a privately-held, Investigative Research Source
of Internet Conspiracy Theory%.

Thus we are Resigned but never broken,
As we calmly strode to the arena to meet our fate.

P.S. By The Way It Wasn't The Filthy Arsed God Damn Islamo-Muslim Freaks
That F...'d People Over Here In The Western World...
It Was Fake Arsed So Called Christian
Lying Thieving Two Faced Murdering God Damn Western Bastards Thats Done That To Their Own Fellow Christian Westerners...Bottom God Damn LINE!
Thus Truth Is A Real Eye Opener BIatch!But Still...
"Nobody believes a liar...even when he is telling the truth!"
A cynical interpretation is also possible: Do not lie too often, and do not tell lies just for your own amusement; save lies for when they are urgently required.
THus A Real Red Wolf Alert!

Or How About Another Boy Who Cried Wolf

A young boy, wanting a profession, joined a team of shepherds. His first solo assignment was to guard the flock while the senior shepherds slept. He did so for a few nights, but quickly became bored.
“I think I'll have some fun tonight,” he promised himself. He waited until the other shepherds were sound asleep. As loud as he could, he cried, “Wolf! Wolf!” The older men quickly roused themselves, and hurried up the hill to the flock. “Where is the wolf?” they asked the boy. He tried to shake his head to show there was no wolf, but he was laughing too hard.
The shepherds were angry. They berated the boy for a very long time and extracted his promise never again to falsely cry wolf. What neither the shepherds nor the boy realized was that their commotion had attracted the interest of a wolf.
The wolf, after carefully observing the situation, made a plan. As soon as the shepherds were all fast asleep, the wolf hid behind a tree and shouted, “Wolf! Wolf!” At least it sounded like “Wolf” You see, the wolf had learned to mimic his canine relatives. The sound he made was actually “Woof,” but the trick worked.
The shepherds again hurried up the hill to the flock. Since they had made it very plain to the boy they would not put up with any more foolishness, they were sure this alarm was real. Seeing no wolf, they pounced upon the boy. Although they were very tired, they were also very angry. The boy was soundly beaten.
While he moaned softly in pain, the shepherds went back to their rest. Soon they were once again fast asleep. At which point, the wolf appeared. The boy did not even think about crying, “Wolf!” He quietly licked his wounds, and thought to himself, “Ah, this is sweet revenge on those shepherds.”
As the wolf feasted, the boy gathered his belongings. Then they each went their own way. The boy left to search for another profession. And the satisfied wolf? Well, as he wandered off he wondered if he could find another bored shepherd boy.

MORAL(S): 1. The clever wolf recognizes opportunity.
2. Violence begets violence.
3. Bored boys are dangerous.

As Like always The Wolf, however, did truly come at last. The Shepherd-boy, now really alarmed, shouted in an agony of terror: "Pray, do come and help me; the Wolf is killing the sheep"; but no one paid any heed to his cries, nor rendered any assistance. The Wolf, having no cause of fear, at his leisure lacerated or destroyed the whole flock.
There is no believing a liar, even when he speaks the truth.

Maybe the American people need to stop being manipulated by fear and look at the world situation with clear, unprejudiced eyes. Just like with the cowboys and Indians, this isn't a case of one side being the good guys and the other side the bad guys. It's just not that simple.

The neocons and the Bush administration have used that fear to the greatest possible advantage, to convince the American people that almost anything the government decides to do is just another avenue to fight those SOBs that did that to us. So we have given up numerous civil rights under the so-called "Patriot Act" (this administration has been extra good at non sequitur names). We've complacently allowed the government to spy on the communications and financial transactions of American citizens with no accountability or oversight. After signing laws passed by Congress, the president has issued over 700 signing statements , stating that he will not necessarily uphold those laws. We entered into a pre-emptive war using twisted and even totally false claims.

Here's a sampling...

Subway Serenade says:

August 12th, 2006 at 8:28 am *

I hate to say this about anyone, but I have more trepidation about the current mis-administration than I do of Ossama bin Buggin’. BushCo has done far more damage tho this country than any terrist ever will
rwcole says:

August 12th, 2006 at 8:29 am *

Great post Redd- Yep this election will be about fear and whether goopers can get people afraid enough to overlook the obvious bankruptcy of the gooper track record. They are the original CGS party- Can’t Govern Shit!

The arrests in the UK are too far away from the election to have any lasting effect- but I won’t be surprised if GW Clusterfuck arrests a gang a month between now and november. They may never go to trial- but the arrests will help fan the fear factor

6 The Nefarious Leslie says:

August 12th, 2006 at 8:30 am *

Excellent post, Christy. The GOP are clutching their sippy cups and trembling in their fuzzy little booties, because they know the public is fed. up. with their fearmongering failure do anything but play politics while ignoring the issues that really matter. And their time of reckoning is fast approaching.

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