Wednesday, December 12, 2007

Come On Lets Go Party Within The Invisible Crystal City Behind Closed Doors In A Ken & Barbie Fantastic Adventure World Of Their Own "Life In Plastic"

So...Come jump in, bimbo friend, let us do it again,
hit the "Crystal city" town, fool around, let's go partyNow Onto A Ken & Barbie Adventure World Of All Their
Own Hanky Panky "Life In Plastic" Within The Invisible
Crystal City Behind Closed Doors.

KEN & BARBIE Just "US" & To Hell With "THEM" YEARS...

But Ken we have been through this before with you!
When are you all going to admit you've been wrong about everything?

Enter the Arena Of Brain Dead Ken Doll wanker and
his mindless mouth of nonsense diatribes.

Bimbo Barbies Bimbo Brain Dead Ken Doll (english)
Arena of Come on barbie lets go party 9:57am Fri Aug 22 '03
(Posted during The Code Pretty In Pink Stink Installment Period)

Enter the Arena of the adventures of
Ken and Barbie

Todays Barbie and Ken adventure starts in Ken's new Car
driving right into an intersection with "THEM"
slim ball left wing weenie Protesters all around.

Lets just see what transpires.

Hi Barbie!
Hi Ken!
Want to go for a ride?
Sure Ken!

Jump In, There Barbie, Lets Go Party!

I'm a barbie girl, in the barbie world
Life in plastic, it's fantastic!
you can brush my hair, undress me everywhere
Imagination, life is your creation
Come on Barbie, let's go party!

On No Ken, We were cruising along just fine
There Ken... What's the hold up?

Those damn Protesters There Barbie Doll,
Don't They Know To Get...
Out of the way, its a busy day and
I've got things on my mind, states Ken.

Oh Ken, just look at all these protesters in our way,
I just may be late to get my hair done and nails polished.
That would make me just so sad there Ken.

I sure wouldn't want "My Barbie" to ever be sad,
For that would then make "US" both so sad there Barbie,
And I'm Not going to allow "THEM" to make "US" sad.
So no problem there Barbie, hold on now for I'll just
ram it right on down into fourth gear and run right
through those lousy slim ball protesters.

Oh Ken I knew you would come through,
but now there are pieces of "Them" slimy protesters
still on the windshield, so Gross!

No problem there Barbie, I'll take care of that right away
for you, with just a little wind shield wiper action.
Get's rid of "pieces Of Them" Like "Them" quite quickly.

By the way Ken I really could care less, but what are they protesting?

The presidents in town there Barbie and these lousy
leftist weenies are out Protesting our Great Commander In Thief.
I hope the cops use all the force necessary there Barbie
and that includes tear gas, CS gas, batons, shields, riot armor,
and high pressure water cannons against those leftist slim balls.

Wow Ken that makes me feel a whole lot better after seeing all that blood and human body parts from those slimy protesters all over your nice new car there Ken.
Your nice new car doesn't need that treatment.

That’s great Barbie, im so happy you feeling better,
now you will make your appointment on time.

Thank you so much Ken, I just Love you.

I love you too Barbie, and After Lets go party,
what do you say to that there Barbie?

That sounds great Ken but do we have to drive back the same way
and right through those slimy weenie protesters again Ken?

Why not Barbie, That was so Fun... No?

Sure Ken whatever you say, ya I guess your right, it was kind of fun watching you drive through all those protesters like that Ken with such a big smile on your Face, I haven't seen you smile that much in a while.

Ahh it was so fun Barbie, all these leftist everywhere have put me in a bad mood lately There Barbie. But that made me feel so good again, I can't wait to pick you up and drive right back on through "Them" again. So Lets go do it again, just For "Us" There Barbie.

Oh Ken you always know how to make me feel so good about "US".

I've always tried hard to Barbie,
For It's truly "Us & Them" &
I'm all for "Us" There Barbie.
Were just getting started.
So Come On Barbie Lets Go Party!

I'm a blond bimbo girl, in the fantasy world
Dress me up, make it tight, I'm your dolly
You're my doll, rock'n'roll, feel the glamour in pink,
kiss me here, touch me there, hanky panky...
You can touch, you can play, if you say: "I'm always yours"

Come on Barbie, let's go party!
Come on Barbie, let's go party!
Come on Barbie, let's go party!
Come on Barbie, let's go party!

I really do love you so Ken.
Especially If You Say... "I'm Always Yours".

Love you too there Barbie.
And Yes There Barbie 'I'm all yours".

Oh Ken, I'm having so much Fun!

Well Barbie, were just getting started.

Oh i love you so, Ken.

So then there is the Braindead Bimbo Ken Doll solution.
It's fine with me says Barbie, they've been asking for it,
anybody who would make me late to my hair appointment
deserves what Ken gives them.

That's Right Barbie, i'm Just For Us, So
why do These Left wing weenies Think That's such a Big Crime
Now How Is that being an Accessory To Any Crime.
It's do It Up For Us or Give It up to "Them" &
As I've Stated many many Times Before, I'm all about
Just "Us" There Barbie...Screw All Of "Them".

Oh Ken It truly is just about "Us" Isn't It!
Your right about that there Ken, Screw "Them" All.
You always know how to make me feel so good about "US"!

End Of Barbie and Ken's "US & THEM" Tale
ON The Way to The Hair Dresser Adventure.

Final "parties are advised to chill." Ruling
Concerning the "Barbie Girl" song by Aqua.

The lawsuit filed by Mattel against Danish-pop group Aqua was dismissed by the lower courts, and this dismissal was upheld, though Mattel took their case up to the Supreme Court of the United States (Mattel's appeal was later rejected). In 2002, Judge Alex Kozinski ruled the song was protected as a parody under the First Amendment to the United States Constitution, and also threw out the defamation lawsuit that Aqua's record company filed against Mattel. Kozinski concluded his ruling by saying, "The parties are advised to chill." The case was dismissed, and in the process, it garnered lots of media attention for the song and the band.

This controversy was used by journalist Naomi Klein to make a political point in her book No Logo, where she stated that the monopolies created by copyrights and trademarks are unfairly and differently enforced based on the legal budgets of the conflicting parties and their ability to defend their expressions by hiring lawyers.

P.S. It might not be great to use molotov cocktails,
broken bottles and rocks but is it any better to use
tear gas, CS gas, batons, shields, riot armor,
and high pressure water cannons against your own people either.
Come On Lets Go Party In A Ken & Barbie Fantastic
Adventure World Of Their Own "Life In Plastic" within...

The Invisible Crystal City Behind Closed Doors (english)
by Arena of Invisibility 7:12am Wed Aug 8 '01
( Originally Posted on IMC - Indy Media collective as a
Code Red Installment Post Wednesday August 8, 2001 by Gladiator Zero )

The Invisible Crystal City Behind Closed Doors.

They say to come to D.C. is Just a Roll of the Dice,
in the Power Broker Las Vegas of Politics.

Have any of you who live beyond the Beltway
been to Crystal City, Alexandria lately
Come in and just but try rolling the
Political dice of power and wealth.
Or better yet try protesting against it.
It has nothing to do with race creed or color,
it has to do with money and power here in D.C.!!
It's D.C. itself ,you must live here for a long time
to understand the inner workings of this place.

The people here are System Players and if you are not, well
then come and talk to the few of us who are not. It's a living hell!
System Players come from around the country and the world to be here. Nobody talks all that you all talk like here or few anyway. Go to the D.C. Indy media few comments and not at all hopping!

For you can wind up missing or in an accident very easily here in D.C. (look at Mrs. Levy) just one new recent case and point. This is a power broker place, ?quiet please? and don't get too radical, and don't ruffle to many feathers and please stop trying to rock the boat and quit trying to get us fired or in trouble.

Here in D.C. the liberals and their liberal law firms are conservative and the conservatives are always liberally more conservative, all the while both of them liberally stealing all our tax dollars while conserving all the power and wealth in their filthy dirty hands. All come here to gain power, wealth and prestige. Some collage students do their part and protest and that's all good and fine, but its all these System Player workers and their affiliated Services Players who are the bulk of the many residents here. It's not a place to mess around in too much, they will ban you, that's why the people here (Of all races) are so non committal, don't want to get involved, didn't see a thing, we will check it out and get back to you.

That's the deal here and it's best to keep your mouth shut and if you do open it up you leave yourself open for all sorts of rotten things to happen!! It's better to just do your job and don't make waves or the big man might bring the Hammer down hard on you with all sorts of reprisals!!

So after 25 years or more and for some of us all our lives here, here is how it works here in our Nations Capital . It's a strange place to live and every time we leave and come back home to the D.C. area it's a feeling you can only know and describe if you've been here a long time!! To ask African Americans to stick their necks on the line here may or may not work, its worth a try. But in the end it will be their decision by themselves of what will be in their own best interest. Remember many African Americans here in the District are just as much System Players as the Anglo American or Chinese American are !!
All of them are basically into it for themselves ,
most couldn’t care less about their fellow man!!

Many tell us here in D.C. when we mention protesting , most we have encountered have snottily shot back in a nasty matter of fact way that they ?really couldn’t care less and they are sick of all these protest and protesters and are happy to see them come in and then go Home! We see all the different and diverse groups come in and then go home, good when they finally leave, they say!? But one thing over the years has been a surety and that is nothing really changes, it’s always business as usual! Yes it's always business as usual and getting up for the next covert work day, hell they are just happy after a long day to get a seat on the metro. The people hear are so called highly educated, they are also the so called elite that come in here from around America and the world, they even send their rich snot kids as interns here( can you say rich girl Shandra Levy). Let alone to have to look at the rotten lying filthy Rep. Condit. It's a covert place, filled with workaholics, intrigues, keep it close to the vest, subterfuge, and never disclose fully anything type people and place! Be straight up ,the only thing straight up here in D.C. is the pole which the new rapidly clicking Lockheed Martin IMS camera is sitting on, which have now been newly installed here in the District and will give you a straight up ticket of between $30 to $200.

But at least the book stores are always filled with people ,
for they believe they ( sic) do know what’s really going on in the world ,)
but they don't necessarily feel the need or want to protest against all this so called terrible injustice!!

For they also love to whitewash everything in sight here.
They know and then don't know, they want to hear all about it and then they don't want to hear about it anymore at all!! To them some matters are ?DEAD ISSUES? and ?we must go on to the next issue at hand if you please.? They discuss everything to death pretentiously , feigning that they are truly listening or really do care, all the while thinking that they just can’t wait for this conversation to finish up so they can go on with their own pressing business at hand, always only caring for their selfish selves and their self important pompous selfish needs. It’s filled to the brim here with fakery put out on display for show in the open and then the real deal is quietly taken away from the center stage to be power brokered behind closed doors! D.C. is the Invisible Crystal City Behind Closed Doors.
Where no one sees nothing. (Like in junior Dylan’s song)

Getting the D.C. metro area people to protest is like pulling teeth, GOOD LUCK!!
We have tried for well lets just say since the bicentennial year of '76. Twenty five years later still no dice!!
For D.C. rolls to the sound of it's own power brokered Roll of the Dice!!
And all 6 sides have 6's.

They also have two other pair of dice in their deep pockets for the middle class and for the poor , but this pair has no numbers on all 6 sides and the other one has all Zeros on all sides. That?s what they get on their roll of the dice, Double Zero’s , Blank, Nada, Zip, Zilch!!

The only way the elite can lose here is if they don't roll their dice, but their not going to do that, for they all just love to continuously roll them. And just go ahead and try to bring in a fair pair of dice for once!! They warn you that you'll end up chocking on them!! It's a horribly unfair place, but as buddies of ours here we were born and raised here will tell you "THAT'S JUST THE WAY IT IS, AND IF YOU DON'T LIKE IT YOUR BEST OFF LEAVING IT ALONE OR YOUR BEST OFF LEAVING!"

Another favorite D.C. tune is "It's best to keep quite and mind your own business,
and by the way we will not be discussing this again in the future ever, PERIOD!"
That's why certain people flee here when they get the chance, and why others flock here when they get their chance to come and roll the dice of fraudulence and try to get what they want.

The only way in this fake city to get these yuppie two faced brats and government rats to Protest is to take away Starbucks coffee, Borders Books, and their watering holes and even then they probably wouldn’t protest!! The average D.C. individual only thinks about themselves and what’s in it for them!!
The Capital Beltway folk are some of the most selfish, pretentious, stuck up, nose in the air, look at my position, don't have time to be bothered with that or with you at all for that matter, people in the world!! No different than Rome, London, or many other power broker capitals around the globe. Just worse!!

As they keep reminding me still after 25 years ?That’s just the way it is here, you know that why do you keep asking and bothering us with that all the time!? So Good luck in trying to get the many here to go along with all you enlightened protesters and your protests. We the few are worn down and tired of trying to get through to people who only get defensive and say to us ?are you all trying to start trouble for us or what!? Thus when it comes down to it most of the D.C. system player workaholics as they have for the last 25 years or more won’t pay much mind to it at all. Just like what they say about us to others who maybe be interested in what we are saying and interested in a change ?Pay no mind to them, or you’ll just end up getting yourself in a whole lot of hot water, we are warning you that it’s better to stay away from those guys.? So to the many D.C. brainwashed , ?WE LIKE IT HERE ON OUR KNEES ? Beltway Bandits it’s just another dumb protest in D.C. and just another for the time being "FEEL GOODER" for the trouble makers like those guys. Then they will say as always once it's over, it’s over and it's just business as usual again at their Law Firms or Government Offices within the Invisible Crystal City Behind Closed Doors.

P.S. By the way the talk here is they (we) are going to War very very soon and that they must and are going to shut you all down and charge all the leftist protesters as ?. You can imagine what they are planning!! Some Democrats will sell out the more vocal and radical of the protest movement to help save their own asses? They are doing it right as we write!! But we still will continue to try in reaching out to the good people in D.C.

(Did the Arena know something that many of you didn't)

Yes We knew The 9-11 pretext That They were planning
would then Lead To War In afganistan & IraQ...
( We Knew back In July & August Told Through Our Posts.
Why Didn't any of you all...Perhaps your not in The Know!

But Hey like Danny Casolaro, another A.C. D.C boy...
Its Always Known In The A.C. D.C. Invisible Crystal City
Behind Closed Door Within The Beltway Know Deal...
Especially When You Come From Here!
But your suppose to "Just Keep Your Mouth Shut"...
& Don't Forget To close The door behind you!

Return Now to Ken & Barbie On Their Way Home
After a Long Day Of Adventure Outside In The
Octopus's Garden In The Shade...

Now let's not forget to close the door behind "US"
& then we can forget all about it & all about "Them"
what do ya say to that there Barbie Doll?

Oh Ken, that sounds so fantastic... You sure
know how to make me feel so secure behind these
safe & sound closed "Crystal City" doors.

I'm glad to hear that you feel safe & secure There Barbie
Because for "Us" nothing else really truly matters.
For it's really all about "Us" behind these closed
"Crystal City" Doors now isn't it there Barbie Girl!

Oh Ken I Love You so!
Now that were finally behind closed doors again...
Make me walk, make me talk, do whatever you please
I can act like a star, I can beg on my knees.
Oh, I'm having so much fun!

Well Barbie, we're just getting started!

Oh, I love you Ken!
As The "Invisible Crystal City" Door
Closes & Shuts Out All Behind Them.

Signed Gladly Sadly & Tragically
At The Sacred PassionSword Blades Edge
We Bitter Over Bitter-Sweet Arena Gladiators
Of The Society Of The Sacred PassionsWord

Fade Now Once Again To Come On Lets Go Party
Within The Invisible Crystal City Behind Closed Doors
In A Ken & Barbie Fantastic Adventure World Of Their Own
"Life In Plastic" Never Back In Black...