Friday, January 11, 2008

Washed Away On The Sullen Shores Of Desolation Amid World Wide Shameless Corrupt Governments Of Price To Be Paid Special Assets Of Fraud Lies & Murder

For The Only Thing We Have To Fear Is...
Not Fear Itself...But...
Your Own Bloody Corrupt Government &
The Evil Officials Running It...

But Even Then...May Nothing Disturb You...
On Your Journey & Quest For Divine Realization & Awakening.
Then No Fears Shall Ever Be Able To Enter Within...

But through it all stand firm in belief even if
many people believe bad times are upon us, & it
will now descend upon all with ferocious wrath.

No passion so effectually robs the mind of all its powers of
acting and reasoning as fear. ~ Edmund Burke

Enter now within...




Neither a man nor a crowd nor a nation can be trusted to act humanely or to think sanely under the influence of a great fear. ~ Bertrand Russell

Thus We Are way Beyond Fear & Have Now Been...
Washed Away Upon The Endless Sullen Shores Of Desolation...

“No man is an island, entire of itself; every man is a piece of the continent, a part of the main. If a clod be washed away by the sea, Europe is the less, as well as if a promontory were, as well as if a manor of thy friends or of thine own were: any man’s death diminishes me, because I am involved in mankind, and therefore never send to know for whom the bell tolls; it tolls for thee”
(John Donne).

Now Just Take A Good Look Around You...
Look At All The Out Of Control Leaders,
Governments & Politicians, Military Officials,
CEO Big Business Scum Ect. Ect.
There Are World Wide...It's Tragic & Sickening!!

Thus the establishment of a truth commissions
are very important and necessary for all of
our clod survivals.

The Question For You Remains this...
Are you still so willing to be a Bloody wittold,
or cooperative cuckold to any of your own evil
corrupt worldly Governmental Systems & Their...
Sickening Earthly Conceptions. Then will you not
then be judged as the most contemptible of beings.

So What Do They Do Best...Well...Ruin It For Everybody
Else & If Necessary With Brutal Repression... & With
Paid Off Evil Henchmen & Goons That They Use To Do
Their Evil Dirty Work For Them & Then After
The Goons Evil Brutal Work Is done They are considered
Extremely Expendable also... Get It Yet Mr. Brainwashed.
Remember That Henchmen Goon!!Your The Expendable ONE Here!

Don’t take the easy way out.
Work hard to make it better.
So You May Survive It all In The End & Thus
Not be Expendably Terminated Put Away After
Much Use & Abuse! Be Thankful If But Washed Away!

Just Look at All The Corruption Fraud Stealing & Murders
In The USA & Europe, Let alone In Asia, Africa,
South America & The Middle East.

Hell Ol' George Bush Stole His First So Called Election!
What a Sad Evil farce This all Is World Wide

This Is To The Rich & Powerful From The Many...

"They see how ordinary people are living. They have no shame."

Not Only Do They Have no Shame But They Care Not..
Nor Do They Give a damn about Their Own People.

For They Will Continue On Evilly...
Following The Lead International Puppet Master and
Running More Run Away Staged Puppet Shows World Wide.

Illegal Governments, Stolen Elections, Massive corruption,
Immense Fraud On A Massive Scale, Muder & Killings abound.

Thus I make a strong argument against
their evil veneration of material possessions.

So Really Who Can Ya Bloody Trust...
Surely Not Your Government officials World Wide!
It's Always been This Way For Thousands of Years
What Else Is New Under The Bought Off Sun!

Look At Musharriff Bush's buddy
A Military Dictator who took over in A Coup
And Has Been There For 8 years now...Wow
something Wrong with that Blatent FU To democracy
And of Course He is One Of Dictator Bush's favorite Goons..

Then There Is The sadness Of Kenya...Well Look At It Now...
Another Stolen Election... So What else Is new?

Or How about Kurd Mafia Corruption...
Corruption in Iraqi Kurdistan
By Kate Clark
Reporter, Crossing Continents

"Bite of the pie"
But beneath the façade, ordinary Kurds are struggling to survive, while state money gets siphoned off into private pockets.
Inflation adds to the economic problems of ordinary Iraqi Kurds

The state also punishes those who stand out of line. An unpublished report by the United Nations, which we were given access to, said thousands of people are detained each month in Kurdistan, mostly for political crimes.

Most are held without trial or access to lawyers.

Businessmen were generally too frightened to speak openly about the corruption they encountered. But Saman Jaff, a former peshmerga - a guerrilla who fought the Saddam regime from the mountains - did agree to an interview.

Corruption is like a virus. It is killing Kurdistan.

"If you are a relative of one of the political leaders," he said, "you may be given a government job with a budget or a contract worth, for example $2m or $3m to rebuild a road."
He said it was immaterial whether the relative could actually build a road. The contract would be sold on, repeatedly, until it reached a real construction company. By that time, there might only be half of the money left.
"Corruption is like a virus," he said. "It is killing Kurdistan."

A whistleblower within the Ministry of Planning confirmed
that public works were not tendered in a transparent, bidding process.
"Ministers or officials try to give contracts to their own company or their friends' companies," said a senior civil servant, "to gain a bite of the pie."
Even so, for many, there is a fear that the dream of
a free and democratic Kurdistan is slipping away.

Sometimes, says the journalist, Ari Harsin, Kurdistan seems like a mafia state.

"There is no transparency. They are dividing the budget of the Kurdish Regional Government between the PUK and the KDP, 52% for the KDP. 48% for the PUK.
It is a very strange model of democracy."

Beneath the façade
Meanwhile, ordinary Kurds are struggling to get by. People described rampant inflation, high unemployment and erratic water and electricity supplies.
In Sulaimaniya, Iraqi Kurdistan's second city, people said they got running water for four hours every three days and electricity for three-to-four hours a day.

Contaminated water supplies have led to cholera outbreaks.
"Too many times, we have asked the government to help us,"said one woman who had lost her father-in-law and a baby to cholera said. "But it is in vain. They promise and do nothing."
She described the fear of living through an outbreak last September, knowing her water supply was contaminated, but not having the electricity to boil the water.
"When I think of the budget and the millions and see my situation," she said, "I feel like I am dead."

While in Bangladesh
When a state of emergency was declared on 11 January 2007, few people imagined that peoples' basic rights would still be suspended 12 months later.
A caretaker government, made up mainly of retired officials, but backed heavily by the powerful military and important donor countries like the UK, is still in charge

Another Good example Is Uzbekistan & That Karamov Character...

How about This...So who Is Lying Here...Both are!!!
But both Europeans & Americans Must Realize & Admit to
all Their Dirty Deeds & Dealings, Killings & murders Too.
So Who's the Real Colonial Terrorist Here...In Many countries
Around The World You Europeans & Americans are Considered
The Evil Colonial Butchering Terrorist Here...
They Do Got a Good Point!
Look at Your Own Past Evil checkered History...

Now This Comes Out...Well Well, Faking It Like 9-11 again.
Makes You Think who Is The Real Evil Here...More Like Both Are!

It turns out that the warning was added onto the video.
It was a radio recording made separately.
( faked like 9-11 & so Many Other incidents In History)
Sheesh... Our Own Liars calling Liars Like Themselves Liars!

The admission by the US Navy that Iranian speedboats might not have been the source of an apparent threat to attack American ships in the Gulf is a significant move that raises new fears about the chances of unintended clashes in the region.

It has worrying similarities with the incident in 1988 when, in the same Strait of Hormuz, the USS Vincennes shot down an Iranian civilian airliner, having failed to monitor the radio traffic properly.

The crew of the Vincennes became wrongly convinced that the airliner, an Airbus with 290 people on board, all of whom died, was an Iranian fighter jet.
The Iranian government said that the destruction of the plane was done in full knowledge of what it was.
Evil 'Scenario fulfilment'
The US government later suggested that one factor at play on the Vincennes was a condition called "scenario fulfilment" in which military personnel are under such pressure that they expect and then execute a particular scenario, as if in an exercise.
Whether the same expectation was at play in this latest incident is not clear.
What is clear is that there are grave doubts about who uttered the warning picked up by the US ships. A deep voice was heard to say: "I am coming at you. You will explode after a few minutes."
The video released by the US implied that the warning was part of a series of transmissions to the ships from the Iranian craft.
It turns out that the warning was added onto the video.
It was a radio recording made separately.

Onward to Other Corrupt entities...The U.N. Under Criminal BAN!!!

As BUsh The Puppet-TEAR MANIPULATOR HAS Got His Puppet Rat Ban
On The Pulling His Strings At My Command & Wish Well Under Sway...


U.N. probes allegations of corruption, fraud
By Louis Charbonneau

UNITED NATIONS (Reuters) - A U.N. internal investigative unit has found an unexpected amount of fraud and abuse at the United Nations and is currently investigating 250 cases, including alleged sexual and financial offenses.
"Our caseload has been very steady over the last three months, around 250 cases," Inga-Britt Ahlenius, head of the U.N. Office of Internal Oversight Services (OIOS), told reporters. "We found mismanagement and fraud and corruption to an extent we didn't really expect."

Ahlenius said two-thirds of the cases being reviewed related to peacekeeping missions. Around 80 involved possible sexual exploitation and abuse.
The former chief auditor of Sweden held the news conference in response to media reports suggesting that there has been widespread fraud related to U.N. peacekeeping contracts.
She said investigators have already confirmed that contracts worth around $600 million involved fraud at some level. The total U.N. peacekeeping budget for 2007-2008 exceeds $5 billion.
Overall,Ahlenius said that the OIOS and its Procurement Task Force had so far submitted to U.N.'s top management 25 reports detailing mismanagement, fraud and corruption.

Robert (Cover Up)Appleton, head of the Procurement Task Force, a temporary body set up in 2006 after corruption was revealed in the U.N. oil-for-food program in Iraq, said only a minority of U.N. contracts were irregular and many allegations could not be substantiated.
"There's no question that some of the large contracts here have been tainted, but in terms of the number of contracts, it's not anywhere near the majority," Appleton said.
Ahlenius said the OIOS had begun urgently reviewing a $250 million contract the United Nations signed with a unit of U.S. defense firm Lockheed Martin Corp without competitive bidding to build five peacekeeping bases in Sudan's war-torn western region of Darfur.
"We have been mandated by the General Assembly to carry out a review of the circumstances," she said.
U.N. Secretary-General Ban Ki-moon has come under fire for awarding the contract to Lockheed unit Pacific Architects and Engineers Inc without opening the field to competitors.
The OIOS review will be part of a wider review of all such single-source contracts, Ahlenius said.
The U.N. General Assembly passed a resolution in December criticizing Ban for his decision and demanding the OIOS review.
Ban said current U.N. rules allowed him to award such contracts in exceptional cases where only one supplier was considered able to deliver at short notice.

While back On The Home Front...
Economists cited several factors for consumers' gloomy outlook:

--Hiring practically stalled in December, pushing the unemployment rate to 5 percent, a two-year high, the government reported last week.
--The meltdown in the housing market has dragged down home values and made people feel less wealthy.
--Harder-to-get credit has made it difficult for some to make big-ticket purchases.
--High energy prices are squeezing wallets and pocketbooks.
--There has been much hand-wringing on Wall Street and Main Street as to whether all these problems will plunge the country into recession.
"Consumers are gloomy."

As Well As Many More Job Cuts a Coming...
While Wall Street Trys Hard To Keep It Faked Up!

Now Onto The FBI's Unpaid Bills
(makes You all Look Like SHIT)

FBI wiretaps cut for unpaid bills
By Peter Bowes
BBC News, Los Angeles

In one office, the unpaid costs for wire taps came to $66,000
The FBI has had some of its telephone wiretaps disconnected because it failed to pay its bills on time, a US government audit has found.

The Department of Justice said some of the agency's surveillance operations had been jeopardised by late payments and an "antiquated" accounting system.
The audit also revealed an FBI employee had admitted stealing $25,000 (£12,745) intended for undercover phone services.
The FBI said the operations in question had not been significantly affected.

In August, President George W Bush updated the Foreign Intelligence Surveillance Act (FISA) to allow the tapping without warrants of telephone calls and e-mails routed through the US.
Previously the government had to seek approval from a special court in advance.

The audit conducted by the justice department's inspector general, Glenn Fine, concludes that phone lines which were established to eavesdrop on suspected criminals were disconnected because of late payments.
In some cases it caused evidence to be lost.

In one office the unpaid costs for wire taps from one phone company
came to $66,000 (£33,640).
The audit blamed the lost connections on the FBI's lax oversight
of money used in undercover investigations.
The FBI has acknowledged a few instances in which late phone bills led to surveillance disruptions.
Assistant FBI Director John Miller said wire taps were dropped only a few times because of backed up billing which he said did not significantly set back investigations which were under way.
The American Civil Liberties Union said the report highlighted hypocrisy from telephone companies that want Congress to give them immunity from law suits or co-operating in certain wiretaps on the grounds that they were acting only as responsible corporate citizens.

For They Follow Like Corporate Rats The God Almighty...$$$

Is There Something Very Wrong Here World Wide... With
& Within All These Lousy Systems Of Fraudulent Corrupt
so Called Governing Bodies Of Evil Body Snatchers...

And These Are Only a very Few examples...
Hell It would Take all Of next week To give Ya all More
w-xamples but Ya get The Drift...World Wide!!!
Hell Just all The corruption In The USA would take
all month and more to Document & Show as examples...

Main Point Is This...Evil Has Taken Over As Usual
Everywhere...& So What The F... Else Is New Or News
They Doth ask... & Who The Hell Are You anyway...


For if a clod be washed away by the sea, Europe is the less”
(John Donne)

A clod, a little piece of dirt, washed away by the sea, can lessen all of Europe. As a man, one little man, you can influence, can touch, can affect all of mankind. It is a beautiful idea, it gives man purpose; it gives him meaning, a reason for being. You are not only you, but part of a whole, part of something greater, part of God.

But They Believe Only In Satan's Big Cash In Hand & Murder Wins Out
Not In God or God's Goodness Or Grace...
For They Are Truly Evil - Corrupt & Shameless!

Sadly So many Clods in So Many Places World Wide
Being Washed Away By Evil Systems Of Governance!

talk About Washed Away Profits...
investurds Off The wall street Better
sell Off Before losing a Lot More Later
As It Gets Washed Away In A River Of Blood Letting!

But Fear Not...

And Thus Ready Thyselves With Shovel In Hand to Dig Up Some
New Treasures Washed Away On Some Distant Sullen Shores Of
Desolation Found Upon New Treasure Islands Of Grander Adventures.

Though The Mistakes of The Innocent Will Be Washed Away!
The Evil Sins Of The Shameless Will Never Be Washed Away.

Washed Away By Ficus

Thus When Their Old Evil Thoughts Are Finally Washed Away
Then Can Dynamic New Thoughts Develop Onward Towards
Distant Horizons Be Dreamed & Realized.

But until That divine Day Remember "May nothing disturb you"

Nada te turbe
(Letrilla que llevaba por registro en su breviario)

Nada te turbe;
nada te espante;todo se pasa;
Dios no se muda,

la paciencia,todo lo alcanza.
Quien a Dios tiene,nada le falta.
Solo Dios basta

May nothing disturb you!
(St. Teresa of Avila had these verses written in her breviary)

May nothing disturb you.
May nothing astonish you.
Everything passes.

God does not go away.
Patience can attain anything.
He who has God within, does not lack anything.
God is everything!*

In the final analysis, it is between you and God.
It was never between you and them anyway.

Electric Light Orchestra - Cant' get it out of my head

Midnight, on the water,
I saw, the ocean's daughter,
Walking on a wave's chicane,
Staring as she called my name.

and I can't get it out of my head,
No I can't get it out of my head.
Now my old world is gone for dead,
'Cos I can't get it out of my head.

Breakdown, on the shoreline,
Can't move, it's an ebbtide,
Morning don't get here tonight,
Searching for her silver light.

Bank job, in the city,
Robin Hood and William Tell and Ivanhoe and Lancelot,
They don't envy me,
Sitting til the sun goes down,
In dreams the world keeps going round and round.

and I can't get it out of my head,
No I can't get it out of my head.
Now my old world is gone for dead,
'Cos I can't get it out of my head.

(In Tribute To ELO)

Thus May The Force To Be Washed Away Be With You

Signed Gladly Sadly & Tragically
At The Sacred PassionSword Blades Edge
We Bitter Over Bitter-Sweet Arena Gladiators
Of The Society Of The Sacred PassionsWord

Fear no more the heat o' the sun
By William Shakespeare

FEAR no more the heat o' the sun,
Nor the furious winter's rages;
Thou thy worldly task hast done,
Home art gone, and ta'en thy wages:
Golden lads and girls all must,
As chimney-sweepers, come to dust.

Fear no more the frown o' the great,
Thou art past the tyrant's stroke;
Care no more to clothe and eat;
To thee the reed is as the oak:
The sceptre, learning, physic, must
All follow this, and come to dust.

Fear no more the lightning-flash,
Nor the all-dreaded thunder-stone;
Fear not slander, censure rash;
Thou hast finish'd joy and moan:
All lovers young, all lovers must
Consign to thee, and come to dust.

No exorciser harm thee!
Nor no witchcraft charm thee!
Ghost unlaid forbear thee!
Nothing ill come near thee!
Quiet consummation have;
And renowned be thy grave!

The Bhagavad-Gita
Again Fear Not... as you now...

Fade Now Once Again To Washed Away On The
Sullen Shores Of Desolation Amid World Wide
Shameless Corrupt Governments Of Price To Be
Paid Special Assets Of Fraud Lies & Murder Black