Friday, January 18, 2008

Tapped Out WARNING That The LULL Is Now Formally OVER - As All Hell NOW Breaks Loose & Disintegrates In HORROR So We Can If We Want To Even With ED

So...If you feel sometimes we're falling
Like we're falling away
I would not blame you
While you flow through my veins
Well we pay the price we pay
Kill tomorrow yesterday

Gone now is the tension and anxiety born in the anticipation of disaster, for everyday becomes a disaster from sunup to sunset, and anxiety fades in the struggle for day-to-day survival. And it makes you want to fly



Researchers across the United States have
reported a recent surge of ED across the country.

Doctor Hank Wanker, head of the Institute for ED Research Inc.
has reported that ED is spreading like wild-fire across the USA
and at an incredibly alarming rate.

It's not very surprising , for we had expected these results,"
stated Doctor Wanker. Due to the present environment & the state
of things that have taken place in the past we can only say that
we expect it to get even worse as we head further into the new year.

ED or ELECTORAL DYSFUNCTION is a condition in which a voter
is so unexcited with the choice of dysfunctional candidates
that they are in a horrific state of malaise, apathy, and
a totally non-caring attitude towards voting & the candidates.

"They feel totally unexcited & let down with all the bad choices
that they are left with, stated Doctor Wanker, and that leads
to malaise and feelings of apathy with their choices & with the
system as a whole. Thus leading to this collective ED syndrome"


There's is nothing about any of them that excites me said
one voter in South Carolina, none of them have the innate ability
to make me feel good at all, let alone get a real hard on over.
Every one of them is a total let down, so how can we not all be
getting ED Syndrome by now?

With The present situation as it is, and due to the incredibly bad
choices left for most American voters to choose from, ED has been
on the steady rise for a while now. and will continue to be a real
issue in which we all need to face in the upcoming future says Doctor Wanker.

It's a real burden on my ability to feel good about the whole process
& system as a whole stated one voter in Nevada who claimed to also
have the highly contagious ED Syndrome.
It's real difficult to have to admit that you have this syndrome,
he said, but the truth is the truth and you got to get over it
and thus face it head on, even if that means without a hard on.
There's no hiding it, and if we don't find a cure
I'm afraid that it's going to start spreading like wild-fire.

Well at least folks are now coming to terms with this new syndrome
and facing the fact that its not going to go away anytime soon,
unless there comes a Miracle cure for ED says Doctor Wanker.
Their facing it head on even without a hard on, and thats very
hard to do, so I give them a hell of a lot of credit for that,
said Doctor Wanker.

So someday maybe we can come up with an Electoral Cure All Pill
For ED (ELECTORAL DYSFUNCTION), kind of on the same lines as the
Viagra Pro Pill that helps in the other ED (ERECTILE DYSFUNCTION)

But until there's a cure all I can say is turn On & get a hard On
over something else before your ED Syndrome condition becomes
noticeable worse, stated Doctor Wanker.

One voter in Michigan recently interviewed told us that he realized
that he may of had ED after watching The Democrat & Republican debates.

It was real disgusting What a total turn off...
So in the middle I turned it off & went to bed feeling
totally let down, apathetic and filled with malaise.
The next day I went to see Doctor Wanker & he diagnosed me
as having ED. now I know what I've got, the next question is
can they come up with a cure for this horrible condition
that we find ourselves all in, sadly brought on by this
horrible active complicity ED Syndrome.

(Like it or not, the 800-pound gorilla usually sets the standard)

"The first symptoms start with the realization that they
are in a no-win proposition with the meager choices that
they have been left with. And We all know that competing
with the 800-pound gorilla (remember the old joke?)
is a no-win proposition, said Doctor Wanker."

An 800 pound gorilla in the living room is used figuratively
to represent the issue being avoided. Everyone knows it's there,
but no one feels like talking about it, says Doctor Wanker.
There are a number of reasons why people may have a
figurative 800 pound gorilla at the dining table. As another
popular expression points out, denial is not just a river in Egypt.
But its still a no-win proposition that you still must face & can't
avoid even if you really want to avoid it, like an 800 pound gorilla.

Another depressed voter in Michigan with ED stated it this way...

It's like going on a blind date & hoping for something lovely & good
and finding yourself having dinner with a 800 pound Gorilla who's
sticking their fingers nastily in your plate. A real turn off...
Hopefully though they may find a cure in the near future but until
then, i guess were left having dinner with an ugly 800 pound gorilla.
Until then, he states, its better to stay at home & eat dinner alone,
while flicking the station to Sponge bob or something else that will
not exacerbate the Syndrome even more.

There are those who believe that the best way to get rid of the 800 pound gorilla in the living room is to find out what he wants and give it to him. Perhaps the 800 pound gorilla will choose to leave the house voluntarily once he receives the attention he craves. If people continue to leave a serious issue unresolved because of fear or the risk of social embarrassment, the figurative 800 pound gorilla will only grow larger.

So this translates as always look for the 800 pound gorilla
in front of you first before charging into the jungle on a
blind date that may be a dangerous turn off.

There are also other factors involved here that may further
exacerbate ED syndrome says Doctor Wanker, most noticeably is

The strength of postmodernism is its ability to isolate and quarantine the soul, which leaves only the ego to run things. Ego is a superficial hodgepodge of articulated feelings that is pure fiction. Our essence as human beings rests in that great, silent void that is the soul. Since nobody wants to listen to silence, we prefer to chatter away and believe that in our meaningless chatter we have a firm grip on reality.

Isolation of the soul is crucial if the state is to survive. Out of the soul come all of the viruses that weaken the state such as community, altruism, and morality. The firewalls that seal off the soul promote the self-absorption that makes consumers out of citizens and equates happiness with having lots of “stuff”.

Good advise there Doctor Wanker...
Turn Them Off & Turn On To something Else
that you can get a real exciting turn on too!
Also stop feeling that all there is left is
a passive complicity towards the whole matter.
You must try to stop remaining in a state of flaccid passivity.
For The successful Corporatist State needs an obedient society.
It can only flourish with those who are afraid of participation,
afraid of the dangers and the challenges of it, afraid of the pain.
So until next time stay actively in tuned!

If you think that you may be exhibiting symptoms Of ED
contact Doctor Hank Wanker At The Institute For ED Research.

Kill Tomorrow lyrics

Want to
We can if we want to
Lead you from behind you

Time will takes it's toll re-evaluate
The leeches and the lepers start to salivate
Truth is impaired cannot moderate
Tension escalates you cannot tolerate
Make you want to fly
Blind is the ambition that will navigate
Default by design the virus infiltrates
Corrupted and coerced the silence penetrates
Echoing the void now disintegrate

If you feel sometimes we're falling
Like we're falling away
I would not blame you
While you flow through my veins
Well we pay the price we pay
Kill tomorrow yesterday

Want to
We can if we want to

Leave it all behind it's time to walk away
A predator has a tendency to stalk their prey
With the dawning of the sun awakes another day
Desire that's required to play another game
Make you want to fly
Blame will point it's finger shed some light on fault
Around these memories we will build our wall
Install instant karma start restoring all
Focus on the rise and ignore the fall

If you feel sometimes we're falling
Like we're falling away
I would not blame you
While you flow through my veins
Well we pay the price we pay
Kill tomorrow yesterday

Definition: [n] the act of correcting for your wrongdoing
[n] the act of taking revenge (harming someone in retaliation for something harmful that they have done) especially in the next life; "Vengeance is mine; I will repay, saith the Lord"--Romans 12:19; "For vengeance I would do nothing. This nation is too great to look for mere revenge"--James Garfield; "he swore vengeance on the man who betrayed him"; "the swiftness of divine retribution"
[n] a justly deserved penalty
Synonyms: requital, vengeance

Want to
We can if we want to
Lead you from behind you
Make you want to fly

Time will takes it's toll re-evaluate
The leeches and the lepers start to salivate
Truth is impaired cannot moderate
Tension escalates you cannot tolerate
We can if we want to
Blind is the ambition that will navigate
Default by design the virus infiltrates
Corrupted and coerced the silence penetrates
Echoing the void now disintegrate

Definition: [n] the act of taking revenge (harming someone in retaliation for something harmful that they have done) especially in the next life; "Vengeance is mine; I will repay, saith the Lord"--Romans 12:19; "For vengeance I would do nothing. This nation is too great to look for mere revenge"--James Garfield; "he swore vengeance on the man who betrayed him"; "the swiftness of divine retribution"
Synonyms: retribution
See Also: retaliation, revenge

"Everything I'm telling you now enables me
to feel totally vindicated."

Time to stand up and demand accountability & retribution.
It isn't just about revenge, it is based on principle."

On sweet as candy

Revenge is a bitter pill but once swallowed
it can then taste as sweet as candy.
For once the revenge box of candy is served
up to the many who deserve to taste of it
then can the aftertaste of left over lingering
bitterness be tasted no more, while more sweet
servings are to be served up in Candy Factory style.
Ready then to taste what you have made others taste.

Retaliatory acts, anthropologists have long argued,
help keep people in line where formal laws or enforcement do not exist.
"We've shown many times that expressing anger often escalates and leads to more aggression," said Dr. Brad Bushman, a psychologist at the University of Michigan who conducted the study, "but people express it for the same reason they eat chocolate."

Savoring the taste can be satisfying enough. Revenge can penalizing others to develop an equitable relationship in the future. They are retaliating to enforce the rules that hold the game - and, theoretically, the community - together.

Using brain-wave technology, Dr. Eddie Harmon-Jones, a neuroscientist at the University of Wisconsin, has found that when people are insulted, they show a burst of activity in the left prefrontal cortex, a part of the brain that is also active when people prepare to satisfy hungerand some cravings. This increased activity, Dr. Harmon-Jones said, seems to reflect not the sensation of being angry so much as the preparation to express it, the readiness to hit back.

Vindictive, perhaps, but also fundamentally protective. Revenge may be frowned upon, viewed as morally destitute, papered over with platitudes about living well. But the urge to extract a pound of flesh, researchers find, is primed in the genes.

The player who got burned is hooked up to a brain scan while he's considering whether to retaliate. Fehr found that the part of our brains associated with feeling satisfaction was more strongly activated while players contemplated getting even. "There is a hedonic force behind the punishment," says Fehr. Put simply: Revenge is biologically, scientifically sweet.

Acts of personal vengeance reflect a biologically rooted sense of justice, they say, that functions in the brain something like appetite. Alternately voracious and manageable, it can inspire socially beneficial acts of retaliation and punishment as well as damaging ones. The emerging picture helps explain why many people who think they are above taking revenge find themselves doing nasty, despicable things, and how unconscious biases pervert what is at bottom a socially functional instinct.

"The best way to understand revenge is not as some disease or moral failing or crime but as a deeply human and sometimes very functional behavior," said Dr. Michael McCullough, a psychologist at the University of Miami. "Revenge can be a very good deterrent to bad behavior, and bring feelings of completeness and fulfillment."

In Vengeance & Retribution Doth Death out From The Grave
Return To Extract PAYMENT DUE...While you flow through my veins
Well we pay the price we pay...Thus We...Want to...And...
We can if we want to...Make you want to fly

Artist: Mushroomhead
Album: Savior Sorrow
Title: 12 Hundred

Is there really anyone there
Fall on deaf ears all of my prayers

The mother of nothing
The mother of sin

The father of decadence within us
A brother of suffering inside

Why cant you look at me now
I hope you like what youve done to me

Drown in your misery

We need something new you made up
When you give up its never enough
Or this could be the day we rise

Uneased by the thought of me
Only through your suffering

Will you learn to forget

I wonder why who will survive
When we try

With their life



Lets now Talk Al Sadr Here For A Moment...
He Makes His move Sunday...Got No Choice Now.

For There's too Many 800 pound Gorilla's Just
Hanging Around With More No-Win Propositions


Here is where things get a little tricky. Between the sufficient and the surplus classes, there is the neither/nor class. These people take whatever surplus income they have and convert it into a crushing burden of debt. They are the people who live well as long as they have a credit card they have not maxed out and some home equity left to tap into.

Finally, you have the surplus class who cannot spend their money fast enough. They are the one with the marbled bathrooms and the designer kitchens. They do not watch Home and Garden Television; they live it. They send their wives to gourmet cooking schools and their children to soccer and cheerleading camps. They are the models for the neither/nor class which uses debt to emulate their life style.

The beauty of class denial coupled with the myth of social mobility is that it minimizes class discontent. If the proles in the deficit and sufficient classes think of themselves as middle class, they tend to view their misfortunes as fate rather than class exploitation since there are no classes in America left to exploit. So they accept their lot and hope a lucky break or the right lottery ticket will allow them to move up to the next class. It rarely happens, but they keep on dreaming anyway, and if life gets too rough, which it usually does, there is always booze, drugs or the tube with its glitzy commercials that show them the good life that one day will be theirs.
With no classes to exploit, the surplus class is able to exploit the underclasses with impunity, and nobody is ever the wiser.

REMEMBER THIS...Souls rebel; egos submit.
So You Have To...Want to
We can if we want to
Lead you from behind you
Make you want to fly

For...In the end, it is all make believe everyone thinks is real. This is why people are so receptive to their make-believe. They are busy spinning their own.As the memory of a country that was once free fades, citizenship goes comatose and the public falls face down in the muck where they worship the heel that is pressed down upon their necks.

May The Want To Force That Comes
To Make You Want To Fly Be Visited Upon You

Signed Sadly, Gladly & Tragically
At The PassionSwords Blades Edge
WE Bitter-Sweet OVER BITTER Gladiators
Of the Society of the Sacred PassionsWord

@The Centrist Arena of Green Gladiators 2000-2008,
Are # Of the Society Of The Sacred PassionSword, a
wholly-owned subsidiary of $ Grand Journey Enterprise
Release LTD a privately-held, Investigative Research
Source of Internet Conspiracy Theory%.

"Alone of Angels Death has no love for gifts,
Libation helps you not, nor sacrifice.
He has no altar, and hears no hymns;
From him alone Persuasion stands apart."

Aeschylus (525-465 B.C.) "Niobe"

Fade To Want to...We can if we want to
Lead you from behind you & make you...
want to fly Back In Black