Friday, September 03, 2004

The Crows Cries out The Onrushing Cock's Crow Balance

Welcome to My World:won't you come on in....

  • & May the Force of Passionsword's Tale of Tales be with you always
  • While SadlY Now As The Poisoning Plagues Curses
  • & Great Wet wheat Winds Abound...
  • + with A " Mandy Inspired" Grim Reapers Big Smile to...Audit Maudit All & To

Welcome All To A Grand Pycho Tropic-"Bring It On" through September

There willing & Awaiting Arena Fans...AlligeAnce To Life Love & Liberty...

Even Through This On RusHing

Hot & HotLy Contested Lybrian "Paradigm Shift" Balance A Coming...

And Now The Return Inspecter General Audit Maudit..
Maudit Lyrics
By Litfiba

Di notte voglio entrare nei segreti tuoi

E voglio costruire una fortezza senza inganni

Saro` il corto circuito nella stanza dei bottoni

E sciogliero` i veleni delle tue decisioni

Di notte voglio ballare nella televisione

Truccarmi da pallone e poi raccontarvi tutto

Tutto tutto sulla mafia

Tutto tutto sulla P2

E l' Europa che ci fa "Ciao"

Pizze pazze e corruzione

Euromafia da esportazione

Tutto tutto sul mio fegato

Tutto tutto, tutto e niente...

Je suis maudit maudit maudit

maudit, maudit, maudit

Je suis maudit, maudit, maudit

Maudit, maudit, Maudit

E via il guinzaglio

Di notte voglio entrare nei segreti tuoi

E li voglio raccontare alla gente che s' inganna

Di notte voglio ballare nella stanza dei bottoni

staccare tutti i fili delle tue decisioni

Staccare tutti i fili con la tua benedizione

Tutto sulla chiesa in Africa,Tutto tutto sull' obiezione,

E le stragi senza nome,Tutte passano da Roma

Pizze pazze e corruzione

Tutto tutto sul mio fegato

tutto tutto, tutto e niente...

Jo soi maudit, maudit, maudit

Maudit, maudit, maudit

Jo soi maudit, maudit, maudit

Maudit, maudit, maudit

E via il guinzaglio

Je suis maudit, maudit, maudit

Maudit, maudit, Maudit

Je suis maudit, maudit, maudit

Maudit, maudit, Maudit

E non e` tutto!

DirtiTutto tutto sui veleni

E i segreti del Vaticano,

Tutto tutto sulle elezioni,Tutto tutto su noi coglioni

Tutto tutto, tutto e niente...Autoelogi e insabbiamenti,

Funerali, tutti presentiI politici e la malavita,

i politici e la bella vita

Tutto tutto, tutto e niente...Je suis maudit,

Maudit, maudit Je suis maudit,Ma-ma-ma-maudit

Je suis maudit, Ma-ma-ma-maudit

Maudit, maudit, Demode` Dirti tutto tutto

Onward & Wet & West Im-pact Windward...

As Frances is as big as the state of Texas...

Now Back LeeWard East WArded

As In The Likes of Like Certain Others like also Americans ...a;so In Afganistan....
Dawari, the prosecutor, said he believed Idema's motives were good,

but that his methods were ``extreme.''
``I believe he was against terror and against al-Qaida,'' Dawari said.

``But the methods he used were not good ... What he did was wrong and he should be punished.''

+++ The SNIPERS CASE++++ Muhammad, Malvo & Moose & The Sniper Case Arena Of Many Smoking Mirrors & Snipers Guns Now a sniper returns to West Virginia Another well staged CIA ploy just like the first one. The Great Leftist Set Up & Backstab Final Abandonment

The Great Leftist Set Up & Backstab Final Abandonment (english) Arena of "I am an Arena Gladiator" 7:30am Mon Aug 18 '03 Enter The Arena Of Batman & Robin and The Arena Of Glad Gladiators BOOM POP goes The Weasel within The Webs of deception! Batman Whats going on now? Sounds as if The Arena is calling all to War for this coming Mars Closness to Earth. Mars Close To Earth Means Big Wars a looming Right Batman? Thats Cor4rect there Robin, the Arena knows what happening Under Under within The Shades Of The Shadow There Robin and also Knows of The Coming Orange Glow thats about To Blast Off in a Marsy Sort Of way There Robin, I'm Afraid Theres going to be More Bigger Trouble out West there Robin amd Gotham City is still all Numb from That Last Brown out Number there Robin, Big evil deep things are in the planning. When is it going to hit there Batman and Where? Come on Robin The Bat Phone is Ringing I have a feeling it’s the Arena and He’s going to tell us just what your asking there Robin! Batman, this is the Arena Of Gladiators speaking How are You and Robin Doing? Fine Arena Glads Both of us are just fine, How about your Glad Gladiators Doing, we hear your in Wars all Around? That’s Cor4rect for Big $$$$ There Batman and if you’ve been monitoring our Real Deal Speal Its about to get Worse out There In Spiderman’s Territory for the Upcoming Marsy Orange Glow Flow to War there Batman and Real real soon to boot! Just another BOOM POP goes The Weasel within The Webs of deception! Well there is also another Diversion Planned There For Gotham there Batman, you know about that one we Suspect? That we do there Arena Glads and we are gladly getting on it right Away. Good To Here From You again Arena Keep in Touch! Wow Batman it’s going to be in Spidermans Territory do you think the Arena knows the precise day and time? Maybe There Robin but he did Hint Real real Soon to boot and Something Else gave it away there Robin can you Figure It Out? Ummm There Batman I need too think about this a little? No time Now there Robin The Other Diversion Here In Gotham The arena Mentioned is in Need of our attention, we will call Spiderman Tonight and Talk with him about It There Robin But Now To The Bat Mobile! Exit The Arena Of Batman And Robin and The Arena Fade To Bat-cave Black hued in the Orange trailing Exhaust of The Bat mobile! The Great Leftist Set Up & Backstab Final Abandonment (english) Arena of "I am an Arena Gladiator" 7:30am Mon Aug 18 '03 The Great Leftist Set Up & Backstab Final Abandonment Arena of "I am an Arena Gladiator" It will forever always be Remembered as THE GREAT LEFTIST BACKSTAB! Done with the sanction of the neo nazi right that they are dealing with and playing a double standard double indemnity running of roll with back stabbing surety! The Arena didn’t abandon the many here and Many know it including IMC, and many glads gladly backed many here, risking themselves and this is how we are paid back like Spartacus was with The Cross! Not this Time in history leftist its your turn to get NAILED NOW in the here and now this lifetime! +++ The SNIPERS CASE++++ Muhammad, Malvo & Moose & The Sniper Case Arena Of Many Smoking Mirrors & Snipers Guns Now a sniper returns to West Virginia Another well staged CIA ploy just like the first one. The Great Leftist Set Up & Backstab Final Abandonment The beating heart of Rome is not the marble of the Senate. It is the sand of the Coliseum. Gracchus This is a really big warning post to all you Leftist out there So please take it down, so more of you can and will be Terminated without knowing the real inside truth! If this post comes down we will know your involved! It will then be placed on all other IMC’s and in other sites, so better deal with it Face to Face! The Important Post was hidden why… many reasons The Left is off back stabbing again even their own. But Before We Die, We will give the People this final gift. A World at Peace that should not be ruled and tyrannized over by just a few evil humans, but a world governed by the will of the people for the people and by the people. That is why we posted this, one final post in case many of us like Danny was GET MURDERED! And YOU HID THE POST! Shame be upon all the Head Heads at IMC. I am an Arena Gladiator" (english) Arena of "I am an Arena Gladiator" 6:17am Sun Aug 17 '03 The Phone rang, I picked it up, It was a neo-nazi voice that I knew only to well He said "Hey there I am an Arena Gladiator" Better Stop what your doing or I will take my Flaming Hot Swastika Poker (FHSP) and burn it right through your heart, Branding your fucking heart out with the nazi symbol. FEAR Not. But listen! And understand! The Terminator is out there. It can't be bargained with! It can't be reasoned with! It doesn't feel pity, or remorse, or fear. And it absolutely will not stop, ever, until you are dead! Well we posted it and then went to play HEE HAW Volley ball against our neo nazi enemies, came back Post was hidden and now all this crap with someone using our Handle! Whats up with That… well we know Why1 Playing an Evil game That will now back fire In your Leftesticle faces BIG TIME! Now that’s more important than underground wars and gangs and Terminators and the fear Factor and all that was in the Arena Post! Shish! COME ON You all, are really Full Of Shit! Now we Glad Centrist take the Center way away from you Leftesticle pieces of shit and will help Now In Destroying You! BOTTOM FUCKING LINE 1 Sorry Kool Leftist But you never Backed Us up with This IMC garbage Arseholes! But we still love the some of the Kool radical younger ones on the Left though! Most of this rant is against older sell out back stabber leftist, ones who also sold out to Johnson. After The failed assassination Termination on March22 against Gladiator Zero, we are all on High Alert and there is much more to this, to you all it means nothing, to us it’s a big deal, but yours is not our deal and ours is not yours or is it! that’s why Gladiator Zero’s MEGA-post “ I am an Arena Gladiator “, it wasn’t deemed that important But in all reality was really important ( for Hope courage Unity Solidarity wisdom for many reasons) and you hid it ! WOW all you promote is then a BIG IMC LIE. It also tested the left and they failed miserably, IMC did ! Tell us centrist, all you others on the left are you abandoning the centrist, if you are we are now abandoning you. This won’t effect us too much, we really lose nothing, its you all to the left that loses a big voting block next year. It equals 4 more Bush years that’s what it will equal out too. Stabbing us in the back at this critical junction was not wise, did those at IMC who did this not have self Interest or sell out interest to Bush, thats who they helped in all this The neo nazi rightest! This was the Big code orange hueing Test and you all stab us centrist in the Back. There is a lot to this but IMC wants to shelve it, Why! Well for many reasons1 Your selling out to the system cause you all at IMC are The System, the higher ups anyway, selling others out to neo nazi to save yourselves like judenrats ( jews who sold other jews out in Nazi Germany) that you are!! They are also selling us all down the River including and especially other more radical parts of the so called movement! and you took it down hiding it, throwing it away as you would throw us all away and abandon us! That’s not done in unity and solidarity but what will forever always be Remembered as THE GREAT LEFTIST BACKSTAB! Done with the sanction of the neo nazi right that they are dealing with and playing a double standard double indemnity running of roll with! The Arena didn’t abandon the many here and Many know it including IMC, and many glads gladly backed many here, risking themselves and this is how we are paid back like Spartacus was with The Cross! Not this Time in history leftist its your turn to get NAILED NOW in the here and now this lifetime! but now they would (the Left abandon us) after helping So Many that is why the rage and anger now towards certain elements at IMC and towards many on the left for not protesting in favor of us gladiators and hiding our important post on assassination and murder. Not only the great Leftist Back stab But The Great Leftist Abandonment! Now all Centrist will abandon the Left and watch as the right tears them apart after using them against the center and other more radical leftist! Besides abandonment it will also be known as THE BIG LEFTEST Set Up Of The Centrist that has now horribly failed! But we now know that these same middle of the road so called leftist are selling all out to the neo nazi right to save their own arses! Now will you take this down we hope so, so then we will really know, free expression yeah right The Truth & disclosure! Always Hidden1 Just Like Anon and his Evil Types want! This Orange hued Testing Post 1 for The Upcoming Seep Right after all the Left back stabs is just for Your Leaders at IMC and The DNC there Leftesticles! Take it down and hide it it will prove our point soooo well! Shooting yourselves in the feet again Right Great Gazoo! Gazoo says ready to do it right Dumb Dumbs (english) Arena of a Boost for Bustamante 10:49pm Sat Aug 16 '03 Left wanted certain Centrist not to get the post to set them Up! The Right Told us So right at Volleyball net what they (you) are trying against us!! Are Their Infiltrators at IMC causing This Yes! Will They sell out their own mothers YES! Selling out of their own people to the right & Info to foreigners with Big $$$$ + disinfo becomes The Lefts top priority Now! Info selling to Terrorist via $$$$ scams1 How to make lot of money in a matter of one month (english) Noble Armando 10:55pm Sun Aug 17 '03 Now That they set up The Left center to save their own Leftesticle arse That will make a necessary Step To Center Right For Their set Up Back Stabs! Did IMC not only hid them for a reason but tried to use the Handle, Yes! Let The right Go In YEAP! Tried to stop warning News and Listened To The Anon of CIA anal retentive false Info Dies-info Lies! Your Deaths and arrests isn’t news to you there Anon! Oh we forgot your types feel privileged and special like nothing can reach out and touch you not even DEATH right! Hee haw Lets Just NOW find OUT! +++++++ The selling of secrets for Monies +++ Porn Drad DroGasta Queen Scum Scene at Imc highest realms, taking Them Down on her whim of Drogastas fancies, setting up of Annhilatrixers With TerminatriX Rightesticles! Well it Failed Now The Terminators will Terminate YOU Medusa-BITCH and your henchmen weenies! Just Like Hiding all the Arena’s Sensitive Info Post On Termination Why Though! Cause their setting people up from within That’s why and IMC is full of Infiltrators at The Highest Levels Playing CIA games with The Rightesticles Terminatrix neo Nazistas! All post in the past as well as the one yesterday were Hidden for set up reasons and back stab lie ploys Third Time says Three strikes your out Leftesticle Drogasta pornastra Medusa Bitches & Their Henchista Wacko-weenieistas! #1 Nanterrre Post On the Terminating Of Politicians Within The Octopus’s MatriX VorteX TerminatriX1 Triple x of right wing TerminatriX-11!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!111 Big stink over That one Remember That one Arena fans during Yellow Installment Period #6 Spring Summer 2002 ( left tried to set us up at the end of their last Installment period then Too) Then The Kelly Fiasco and the Killing Or going Under Under Of Scientist! Tried to set us up at the End of their pink stink period too) Second Leftesticle Strike with Us! +++++THE TERMINATOR CARROTT POST TAKEN ALL THE WAY DOWN! BASTARDS! PUT up In NYC and LA though! Almost Took our Post Down On Austin Tooo Didn’t Ya ! LIARS AT IMC ! Fucking Bitch you will NOW GET YOURS MEDUSA BITCH NOBODY INDEED THERE Miss SALLY! Time To Revolt at IMC against The Bitch there Boyz Or Your Heads will come off with Hers! Fucking Evil Cunt is setting you Boyz up too, think about That Arsehole Weenies! We got It On all Of You This Is The INTEL CAPITAL OF THE WORLD THERE ANON WASHINGTON D.C. and you Keep saying we are Matt in Australia, go ahead and promote A Big Lie against us Anon Your HEAD will BE RAMMED UP YOUR ARSE! Here We Go1 Can’t You Tell Fuck Wad We are AMERICANS! Any body with a brain can Tell HEEEHAW! Whats you do need there Anon is a good Old Fashioned American Ass wooping! Anon If we ever get our fucking hands on you in an Arena and if we get to you WILL BE BROUGHT PERSONALLY LIKE MANY OTHERS TO Us AND we WILL RIP YOU NOT ONLY A NEW FUCKING ASSHOLE BUT AFTER RIPPING OFF YOUR LOUSEY ROTTEN HEAD we WILL THEN ENJOY WITH GLAD GLEE OPENING UP YOUR ESOPHAGUS WITH A SPECIAL INSTRAMENT CAUSE IT WILL CLOSE UP AFTER YOUR HEAD COMES OFF AND THEN TAKE A FUCKING SHIT RIGHT DOWN YOUR FUCKING NECK! THAT’S A FUCKING PROMISE FROM GLADIATOR ZERO! The Arena Crowd Scream for Anon’s Blood “ Give us Anal-Retent-Anons Death” Bring US Anon Into The Arena Of Justice To Be Judged to be made to fight like a man for his dishonor and lies against us1 You Death Treat Us First Anon! Typical Lefty they Death Threat and Then they Yell at the right Unfair Unfair you want to hurt us, You bet ya they Do, and now we centrist SAY HURT EM &HURT EM BAD! Get It anal retent anon represents the sell out backstabber on the Left, the Old CIA disinfo specialist Arsehole. They are the types who helped set up many on the left with neo nazi right wing backing! This isn’t of importance, So Murder and assassination isn’t important to you all right Anon, that’s because your types have always been in on those murders! But a new Generation has come that knows all you old folks games lies backstabs hypocrisy and MURDERS! Thus when their own doggie Du Du is put back in their own faces, they are the first to cry foul, WEENIES Of Fermenting Crap For Brains WACKO WEENIES!! Anal retentive HYPOCRITES AND LIARS ARE THE LEFTesticle Wacko Meenie weenies Of Falsehoods and deceptive LIES! Come to the Arena we would loves to kick your Wacko weenie Crap for Brains Set Up lying Heads In. SHEER GLAD JOY! We warned you before to stop fucking with us Anon NOW THIS IS ALL OUT WAR AGAINST YOU ! We told you if you had nothing good to say concerning Us then Shut The Fuck Up, you sadly and now with tragic upcoming certitude of counter offensive payback you Did Not! Time to Teach The Left a Big Lesson Right Of right there Gusher of Limpballs! SO THIS IS OPEN WAREFARE ON THE LEFT GET READY BOYZ AND GIRLZ! YOUR DEATH IS OUR GLAD JOY! 1Death to ANON! 2DEATH TO ANON !3 death to anon THE ARENA CROWD STARTS TO CHANT IT over and over again DEATH TO ANON DEATH TO ANON DEATH TO ANON FOR HIS LIES AND BACKSTABS AGAINST US THAT WOULD SET US UP FOR OUR DEATHS HE TRYS TO MURDER US SO DEATH TO ANON DEATH TO ANON DEATH TO Anal-Retent-ANON. The left are such Anal-Retent-anons it makes Us Vomit Right There Rush Limpwanker! THE ARENA CROWD GOES WILD WITH HIS UPCOMING DEATH! Death to ANON Death to ANON WHO IS TRYING TO KILL US WITH HIS SUBTLE DEATH THREATS NOW WE SAY IT OUTRIGHT DEATH TO ANON DEATH TO ANON DEATH TO ANON DEATH TO ANON DEATH TO ANON DEATH TO ANON DEATH TO ANON DEATH TO ANON You promote our Deaths Anon and lie about Us and try and set us Up we now promote YOUR DEATH BACK AT YA! You started This Shit There Anon after we Helped you Leftesticles you would set us up and stab us in the Back! Watch your Own Arse Now1DEATH TO ANON DEATH TO ANON DEATH TO ANON Now This One On The Terminator Neo Nazi’s and The Center Left Helping The Left and Then The Left Tries To Set us Up By hiding The Important Post On Murder Once Again! ( Third Strike Your OUT OF HERE) Now The Center will watch as the right destroys you and your sell out lies and back stabs and subversions+++++++++++++++Disinformation to suite the Likes of Anal Retentanon! Keep Following Those types and the Medusa and see what Termination Truly is all about! Mini Neo Nazi back alley Wars Abounding… but this is no news Right Anon… but other shit is Ok especially your wacko garbage right anon! Now The Right says see the Left tried to back Stab you Center Left as well as all centrists as They are also Giving Up The Left Of Left Radicals and handing them over to the right to try and save their own rotten lying lifestyle of anal Reten-anon hypocrisy as they make bigger Deals with bigger Terrorists. Porn Drug-sa Terror for them That seems so Kool to them….Then They sell all out play all sides against The Middle and yell foul all the way to the BANK! now Terminators must be sent to seal off these Subversive back stabbers Leftesticle arseholes a weenieing about with thoughts of grandeur in the upcoming Presidential Election … They will now Lose big time in a landslide without us Centrist and we centrist say its high time once again to make a sharp dressed man hard right turn away from Leftesticle Anal Retent-anon Street! Sell out the radicals Sell out The Center Left, Sell info to foreigners, sell out their children, sell out their grand mothers for that matter and then hypocritically try to play the right off against us in the Center, trying to erode the center like Clinton did by getting every wacko against us as well as trying to get certain far right wing neo nazis groups against centrist also! Well it won’t Work. Can you arseholes not see the writing on the enlargement-Anon wall for it Just back fired right in your faces and now The Step to The Rights up coming Autumn Orange Glow Flow Begins hueing in Terminator Matrix Vortex On all The Leftestickles! We will, sit back take a step to the right and WATCH! You Left Stabbed tried to stab us centrist Gladiators left in the Back and also tried to set us up against the right but that will not work! We tested your true intentions and they were like usual CLINTON BOGUS! Ain’t These Great lines above just made for you to say right back to The leftesticle weenies there Rush, what do ya say there rush patented lines made just for ya There Rush1 Did IMC make The False Arena Handle or did the Right Play it that way while we were at Play,,, Both we Think… But the Left has stab us in the Back for The last Time Its Open Warfare against them Now! We will now sit back and watch the rightesticles tear you all a new proverbial Arsehole! Is IMC involved You Bet ya they are and now open the Gates, whos about To Get Netscape Naval Fried! Left selling secrets to the Highest Iran and terrorist Bidder, while playing with the right to sell out other Leftesticles who are dissidents but really have no power! Higher Up Leftest pulling Their Strings! The reasons Behind The IMC left reasons… Selling out of the radical left, IMC being run By Whom Do you Know! Ex-Clintonite CIA Mind Busters and former Gov Pigs, think about it! Ex-Clintonite Cia Anals Like Anon, follow his leadto your destruction! He like many are Expendable Now! Selling out both Sides amend The Middle to Boot! Left thinks that it can destroy the middle by setting up more Radical leftist and handing them over to the Right! Why was the post taken Down Well For many Reasons This is a Code Orange Test For The Left big Time, take it down fail the test again and we all move to the Right, end of story and Bush for 4 more years! That’s Because Munster Terminators within The MatriX Vortex are Coming For You! The Left are Pist off Cause of The Upcoming Orange Glow Flow To The Right, Hell you all had The Last Two Installment Periods, real Worried They are going Too… Open Up The Orange FEMA Camps for You subversives helping IRAN subvert… They are Planning a Coming More Men Power Needed Draft as well as a clean TerminatriX Big Orange Broom Sweeof all the Terrorist Subversives here! Mr. Magoo Mangos and Lost In space Orangers about To Get TerminatriX-Peeled For the Up coming Step to The Right Fall Orange Glow Flow to the FRIGHT NIGHT right CODE Orange Installment Period #11. It was also Taken down so the Centrist and certain radical Lefties will get Done in By the TerminatriX Right, same backstab game the judenrats to the left always play, now its your turn to watch your arse! If the right kills some of you they can say it was us Centrist But we will say its certain radical leftist that they sold out and those radical leftist will say its was the neo nazi far right that did it! Possible Sniper Rattles W. Virginia Town Warning given. More on other faked out sniper situation as well as other murdersc on the Way… and other posts are more important Than assassination, murder for hire TerminatriX posts by the Arena Shish! We Write this way for many reasons! Muhammad, Malvo & Moose & The Sniper Case Arena Of Many Smoking Mirrors & Snipers Guns Now a sniper returns to West Virginia Another well staged CIA ploy just like the first one. There is something definitely wrong here, will the real truth win out and be told, for sure not by Moose himself, perhaps by Muhammad & Malvo, or better still perhaps by our own government? Well for sure there is more here than meets the SNIPERS EYE@! But we Arena Gladiators got them all in the Arena’s “Sniper’s Eye” Target Real deal. This is the worst case of smoking Mirrors, lies fraud and cover-ups that we’ve seen in a while, the whole case stinks to High heavens. Will We ever know the real truth. There is something definitely wrong here, will the real truth win out and be told, for sure not by Moose himself, a fraud, money grubber, liar, an truly evil cop. Perhaps by Muhammad & Malvo, or better still perhaps by our own government? Well for sure there is more here than meets the SNIPERS EYE@! Lets start with this Moose Character, a person obviously of well low to no Character. Here’s the got you in the Arena‘s “Snipers Eye” Target real deal. Moose has been a set up artist and used like Powell and Many African Americans to do the White CIA-FBI Puppet Masters Dirty work. This way when it comes all down, its Black folk that take The Uncle Tom fall. They set-up Others only to be in the end set-up themselves. Are Military Guys and FBI agents involved with Moose in many case, you bet ya they are, they are his handlers as they were Mohammad’s Handlers. Moose was Mohammad’s Black Connect. Mohammad was under Moose direction and guidance. “Was it just a coincidence that the publicized spate of shootings began in Moose’s jurisdiction? Moose and Muhammad had served in the Oregon National Guard at the same time but in different units in Portland. Moose claims they never met. Others we’ve spoken too says that’s not true, they knew each other very well and Mose was his handler, that’s why Mohammad did what he did, shot guns at will in his backyard, cause he always stated he had police FBI Cia clearance to do what he wanted, and he did get that ok from guess who The Chief of police Moose, they were using him for a future set-up roll. Can we take that at face value, now that we have proof Moose lied about several important aspects of the case.” <> You Look Like SHITTy Dumb Arses For This Crap! These other Post are good and Ok with us But why not ours.…Our Deadly Deal was it not of importance in its own way! BLAStYA (english) vr[u]S zUz 2K 5:53pm Fri Aug 15 '03FU FUCKTHEM SuPPoRT The BLasTer W(o)rM ... TarGet tHe RiCH AnD PoWERfUL, Who, Make BiLLioNs OuT oF Us, ThE SLAvE WorKerS Of ThE CaPiTaliST cReatED ShtHole EaRth PLC. Fuck BiLLy GateS And HiS BaNk AcCOuNts. FuCk KiNG GeoRge And ThE FuNeralS He CreaTes AnD, AnY Man/WoMaN WhO DoES ThE sAMe. DeaTH TO CapitaliSM and DeAtH TO All AuThoRiTY. Sharp Dressed Man Says, "Let The Free Market Turn The Lights Back On" (english) Sharp Dressed Man 1:22pm Fri Aug 15 '03 (Modified on 3:26am Sat Aug 16 '03) You Take our post of hope, fear not, courage and hidden wisdom and the real deal happening with the underground neo nazi wars here in the USA down and leave this UP! Ahhhhhh you all are hiding something at IMC and your regulars of old school along with you …. RIGHT RALPH NADAR… the PIE was Easy…. sport in Washington, DC (article Canada Caused The Blackout, Let's Invade! (english) Joe Six Pack 9:06am Fri Aug 15 '03 (Modified on 5:28pm Fri Aug 15 '03) Canada is gay and caused the black out. It's an act of war and a plot by the homos to invade our homes. Let's attack before the homos attack us. Let's roll! Let's Invade A Country 9 out of 10 Americans Can't Find On A Map! (english) Joe Six Pack 12:08am Fri Aug 15 '03 (Modified on 5:11am Fri Aug 15 '03) This one on the other hand is kool we glads love to play volley ball too but isn’t what we had to say about underground Terminatrix Neo Nazi wars just as important! Guess NoT1 DC Revolleylution - Saturday, 2pm (english) h 6:32am Fri Aug 15 '03 Put up a game deal over who is about to Murder who and which sides are being drawn up here in the USA in The Underground WOW! No News and Games are More Important Than REAL underground news about which sides are doing what and to bring a message to not Fear we must stand as One in unity is Not important Than, this is a big reason why many in the center will abandon the left now1 FUCK YA WEENIES! A game Of volleyball ain’t going to save your Lives! Marko fascista and ChuckO-Nazi to boot on this right boyz, let you all go but time is Up! Given up others now they will give you both Up! Start Bitching and whining now! Or This post that was left up which was just the Canadian national Anthem words! SHISH! Come on IMC ASSHOLE whats you fucking problem. Oh we know Now you must pay the piper! This was left up and we Glads say sure Why Not we don’t believe in Censorship and we are big believers in Free Expression Even Joe Six Pack Who we Busted as a Joke Back On Him has a right to speak his mind! Even if he was promoting Killing Others overseas now wasn’t he and that stayed Up But a Gladiator arena Of a One On One Fair Fight NO! IMC are LIARS and Hypocrites! It shows only Tooo well has Before ab=nd is now again! And these are just recent posts! Looking back there are so many Left Up and so many deep intrigue Good ones Taken Down WHY? If they seek the open radical Truth! Because they do not! O Canada! (english) O Canada! 12:04am Fri Aug 15 '03 (Modified on 6:41am Fri Aug 15 '03) And self promotionals is Ok too but Arena Self promo’s on Gladiators isn’t! And that’s fine we read her-his-its article and say too each His-Hers-its Own… We want now an interview with Cousin It from The Munsters. No White Gloves on Mirha-Soleil Ross (english) Heze 2:47am Thu Aug 14 '03 Dumb dumb Dumb dumb Dumb Dumb Dumb dumb Dumb do Do Dumb Doo Do Dumb do Do Dumb Do Do Dumb do do Doo Think of Munsters Theme Song! And Were not Americans Right Anon, shiT everything about Our Glad Toons Posts Screams GREW UP RIGHT HERE IN THE GOOD OL U.S. OF A. and we are Americans RIGHT there BRIAN! Hey Brian Tell these morons Like Anon That we Gladiators are not Matt in Australia and he’s trying to start shit with us and His Death Is our Glad Joy Now! and his anarchists Stuff in Australia, but we do respect The Profffr1 and his Core beliefs! But again FUCK YOU ANAL_RETENT_ANON!! That goes for shit for brains Wacko Marco, and That Piece of shit Chuck O too. 7 And Anal3me is just the rectum that these two pieces of shit for brains are found in! all like Geraldo Rivera judenrats that play all CIA neo nazi sides against the middle! You Jews are really something else, right of left fucking bitch! This is about Murder and assassination but you want us to present it in your way of your wording, without emotion and without cursing Right well Screw You all and your Don’t Curse, we area all so weenie anal retentive Got To do it our Weenie way and YOU TALK AGAINST NAZI’S & The Right YOUR as bad as Them Worse! HYPOCRITES TO THE LEFt & Big Shitty LIARS! But its not wtitten well and its angry and full of curses, Big Deal look at what the real deal is and what we are saying to you all, we represent a shit load of people! They don’t want to write like you all do Old School shit, they don’t want to talk like you all do and if They Feel like it will say FUCK YOU TOO LIAR! At least we are straight up and not full of nice pretentious words dripping with Hypocrisy and Lies! Thus we arena gladiators Whisper to them once again in the here & now like once was in the There & then that we live only to see them again.. for all else is dust and air thus While stands the Coliseum, Rome shall stand. When falls the Coliseum, Rome shall fall. And when Rome falls -- the World. But We Arena Gladiators will bring them death, and they the people will love us for it. Morituri te salutant So Whatever comes out of these gates, we've got a better chance of survival if we work together. Do you understand? If we stay together, we survive. Thus "Death smiles at us all. So all a man can do is smile back." For we mortals are but shadows and dust So FEAR NOT But listen! And understand! The Terminator is out there. It can't be bargained with! It can't be reasoned with! It doesn't feel pity, or remorse, or fear. And it absolutely will not stop, ever, until you are dead! "We will meet again, but not yet, not yet. " That is why we Arena Annhilatrix- Matrix Centrist Green Gladiators Call forth out from the Shades of The Shadows of the Grave. LET The Truth Be Known! Uncle Tom's Cabin Warrant Just for the record let's get the story straight Me and Uncle Tom were fishin' it was gettin' Pretty late Out on a cypress limb above the wishin' well Where they say is got no bottom say it take You down to Hell. Over in the bushes and off to the right Come two men talking; in the pale moonlight Sheriff John Brady and Deputiy Hedge Haulin' two limp bodies down to the water's edge I know a secret down at Uncle Tom's cabin oh yea I know a secret that I just can't tell They didn't see me and Tom in the tree Neither one believin' what the other could see Tossed in the bodies let 'em sink on down To the bottom of the well Where'd they never be bound I know a secret down at Uncle Tom's cabin oh yea I know a secret that I just can't tell I know a secret down at Uncle Tom's cabin Know a secret that I just can't tell I know a secret down at Uncle Tom's cabin Know who put the bodies in the wishin' well Soon as they were gone me and Tom got down Prayin' real hard that we wouldn't make a sound Runnin; through the woods back to Uncle Tom' shack Where the full moon shines throught the roof tile cracks Oh my God Tom who re we gonna tell The sheriff belongs in a prison cell Keep your mouth shut that's what we're gonna do Unless you wanna wind up in the wishin' well too. I know a secret down at Uncle Tom's cabin I know a secret that I just can't tell I know a secret down at Uncle Tom's cabin Know a secret that I just can't tell I know a secret down at Uncle Tom's cabin Know who put the bodies, know who put the bodies in the wishin' well Momento Mori IN MEMORIUM TO DANNY CASOLARO (english) by Arena of Vengeance 7:32pm Fri Aug 3 '01 IN MEMORIUM TO DANNY CASOLARO (english) by Arena of Never Forgotten Memories 12:16pm Wed Feb 20 '02 On August 9, 1991, Danny Casolaro had arranged to meet with a source regarding the trading of documents revolving around the INSLAW case. Casolaro secured room 517 at a motel in Martinsburg, Virginia and was found on August 10, 1991 deceased. Casolaro died from multiple large contusions, including one to the head, and wounds to the wrists, which included eight slashes on one wrist in which tendons were cut through to the bone, the slashes on the wrists were unhesitant which is rare in self-inflicted wounds. Casolaro's papers, notes and other personal records he had brought with him to Martinsburg were missing. authors note: Casolaro's main contention was that there existed 8 members of the Reagan administration that was operating according to their own rules, Casolaro called these 8 men 'The Octopus'. But there may be good guys at work, too. In the final "Chronology", we find: "At Casolaro's funeral, two unknown figures appear. One of them places a medal on Casolaro's casket and saluted, although Casolaro never served in the military." Your mission, gentle readers, if you care to accept it, is to finish the work Danny started. But along the way, just make sure it is the bad guys who commit "suicide". To long an article Tough Shit it holds lots of Info if you want it too. But small nothing posts of crap are better Right O Canada post! When a man sees his end he wants to know there has been some purpose to his life. - Marcus Aurelius Thus an Eternal Endless Infinite Cosmic Karmic Struggle for understanding and enlightenment! Exit now from Sweet Lady Libertys Divine Arena Of... The New Matriarchal Aquarian Millennium Reign Of The Great Reign Reigning. THUS YOU HAVE BEEN FOREWARNED We At Sweet Liberty's Arena Have Spoken!! No one loves the man whom he fears. ~Aristotle (384-322 BC) The Original post was to help others overcome their fears and to Fear Not and you hid It, Shame on you IMC! *** I Am an Arena Gladiator (english)*** Liberty's Arena Of Gladiators 11:46pm Thu Sep 26 '02 But if you target me to hunt me down and kill me-- Two can play that N of N. (Nasty of Nasties) What is all too ironically familiar is that all around the Globe people hate each other enough to kill one another in countless ways but none seem to have the guts but a few to kill one another in a one on one chivalrous manner in a "True Gladiatorial Arena of Let's just see how ironic it can really get", Get our Gladiatorial ironic drift! The Arena Gladiators Glad Dissertation on Force vs. Violence Death Devotees: Vengeance From The Grave (english) by Arena of Death 1:07pm Mon Aug 20 '01 The call against our enemies is already made (english) by Liberty's Arena of Truth and Justice 11:30am Tue Aug 7 '01 (To the Enemies of Sweet Lady Liberty) (REMEMBER THE FRENCH AND AMERICAN REVOLUTIONS,) they had to be terrorized by a greater terror than the terror that had brought them to their knees in the first place!! NAIL CAN ONLY DRIVE OUT NAIL !! Deadly force must be used against Terrorized brainwashing violence!! For it's our Liberty's Choice to fight and Die our way not yours! Turned Against their own People (english) by Arena of sorrows 6:30pm Tue Aug 7 '01 Murderers Liars Thieves Cowards Criminals (english) Arena of Truth Hurts there Cowards 7:42pm Tue Aug 5 '03 Is this the face of Terrorist War Criminal or what (english) Arena of naming Terrorist War Criminals 4:49pm Fri Aug 1 '03 (Modified on 12:08am Sat Aug 2 '03) Time has come for many military Revolts World wide and its High Time We the People Back This Coming Trend. Ambush scenario.. just a Scenario (english) by Arena of Scenarios 3:08pm Wed Aug 1 '01 Watch the Watchers Target the Targeters Control the Controllers Displace the Displacers Chase the Chasers Track the Trackers Hound the Hounders Hunt Down the Hunters Liquidate the Liquidators Enter The Catch 22 catch to safety & sainity (english) Arena 88's catch 22 death watch 12:08am Sat Aug 2 '03 A Burmese Gladiator Revolt begins now (english) Arena of Burmese Gladiators 1:27am Sat Aug 2 '03 Tactically take down the Tacticians of War and Greed Strategically pin point the strategists of evil and selfishness! The prophet asks again: Why are your garments red, like those of one treading the winepress? {Isa 63:2 NIV} The warrior replies, "I have trodden the winepress alone; from the nations no one was with me. I trampled them in my anger and trod them down in my wrath; their blood spattered my garments, and I stained all my clothing. For the day of vengeance was in my heart, and the year of my redemption has come." {Isa 63:3-4 NIV} Strange but true for it always seems the most intelligent are always at the cutting edge of not only dissent but reason. We are keeping a close Eye on you General (english) by Arena that keeps a close Eye on Generals 11:46am Thu Feb 21 '02 The ambushing of Henchmen (english) by Arena of Death 2:34pm Thu Aug 23 '01 The ambushing of Henchmen/ Just doing our Job Well it's in and out of the Underground! The Underground's Paraleipsis of Parallelism (english) by Out From The Underground 8:48am Mon Feb 4 '02 See the parallels in all countries in the coming future (english) Arena of coming Military Revolts World-Wide 8:52pm Sat Jul 26 '03 (Modified on 4:53am Mon Jul 28 '03) (335000) Hail to the Brave Filipino Made-A-Point-Niks (english) Arena of Glad Filipino Make-A-Point Niks 4:53am Mon Jul 28 '03 AMERICAN & BRITISH LIAR SCUM (english) Arena Of Bugs Bunny Truth 4:25am Wed Jun 25 '03 Be There and See The Distance Along The Future Event Horizon planned Within The Octopus's Garden Track In The Shade! Get our Track Yet! The Track Chase Hound Hunt Target & Liquidate Scenario along The Track Line has NOW ENTERED FULL TILT! BINGO Nice Connect The Dots POST (english) Arena Of BINGO DOTS CONNECT 5:46am Tue Aug 12 '03 After all the Arena might want some fat juicy targets ourselves... It's really going to come down to who survives and who should not....^ billion...well such as be man's fate , ours the sworn sacred obligations we must keep knowing that truth shines forth out from the grave and in seeing within it's shining need to overcome the facts in knowing who killed all these people!! Special Thanks To Jim Rare (Thanks again Jim!) Talk with ya soon!- Glad Zero May the Force Out From The Grave Be with You Signed Sadly and Tragically At the Swords Blades Edge! WE Bitter Over Bitter Gladiators Of the Society of the Sacred Sword "Alone of Angels Death has no love for gifts, Libation helps you not, nor sacrifice. He has no altar, and hears no hymns; From him alone Persuasion stands apart." Aeschylus (525-465 B.C.) "Niobe" @The Centrist Arena of Gladiators 2000-2003, are # Of the Society Of The Sacred Sword, a wholly-owned subsidiary of $ Grand Journey Enterprise Release LTD a privately-held, Investigative Research Source of Internet Conspiracy Theory%. Thus we are Resigned but never broken, As we calmly strode to the arena to meet our fate. They hid it gain at the main Imc- they do have something to hide! Seems you can dish it out but you can't take it. By the way portland dig and find The Big Moose Connect to set up drug dealing CIA style and Murder For Hire and the Sniper Set up case against Mohammad out there! There is a big centrist reason for this called free an innocent man about to go down and the main IMC hides it cause we know what their up to also!

Now To Putkins Russian Installed By Themselves & Of & Off Themselves Plagues & Curses

As The Interfax news agency quoted unidentified sources in the regional Health Ministry as saying some 250 people were killed. The figure could not be confirmed. Reporters said they had seen at least 100 bodies in the school gym.
Under a grove of trees outside the school, white sheets covered dead bodies, including those of children, on lines of stretchers. Grieving parents and loved ones knelt beside the dead, some of whom were awaiting identification. Nearby, anxious crowds gathered around lists of injured posted on the walls of the hospital buildings.
It was not clear where the tragic end to the siege would leave Putin's tough policy on Chechnya
For one & all to but come "Follow you down"!

Time for all of us to come out of our living graves!For The time has finally arrived for The Anagaronic-Revolution to begin!
With the Solidarity of souls out from the grave!


Within the Hall of Mirrors
Mirror,Mirror On The Wall

Tell The Tale To One And All

Let It Be Known Far And Wide

That Truth Be Cast From Deep Inside\

Then All Shall Come To Gaze And See
The Reflection Of Truth That None Can Flee
Forever Held WithinA Tale Of Tales
Within A Hope That Never Fails
And Thus The Dream Shall Come To Pass
In A StoryBook Tale That Reflects In Glass>

Good Morning Mr. Smith
Seeing into A Thousand points of light yet
within an Octapus's Garden Matrix-Vortex Shadows within the Shade!"

Bigger Code "Glow Orange Blastya" Test alert (english)

Arena of Glowing Orange Blasta Test 9:31pm Tue Aug 19,03
Enter The Arena Of Blastya Code Orange Glow Flow Chocking Fregation Alerts! BINGO,Here we Go! Blastya warnings given, we told of this days ago. Yawn, next one Even Bigger To shut Done What For Many Of What Reasons. ahhhhhhh This so Glowing Orange Great and getting Better To Cross over The Threshold in a a New Shape Shifter Paradigm Shift Of Shifts! Get IT Yet! There is no Exit General anymore Its Just Now Fade To Black

Enter now a paradigm shift th1reshold level (english)

Arena of paradigm shift threshold levels 0:29am Tue Aug 19 '03
Enter now and cross over into the Arena of paradigm shift threshold levels. Many Orange levels now to transverse into and through. Criss crossed in many new exciting cow milking delights across the time and space Vortex Matrix! Are you all getting any this YET! Boy Mr. Spock Humans are damn S L O W! But they will now have to criss cross over much quicker each up coming paradigm shift threshold level. Talk Ya during this Orange Test period it will get you all prepared to cross over into the Glowing Coming Oranging Flow to Orange Installment Period #11 and the crossing over The Rubicon, now don't look back like Lot's wife Did or you wont make it to the next paradigm shift threshold levels. See ya wouldn’t want to be any of ya! Remember our past post the other day with Harry One Two and Three and who made up the Flashes! Arena of Flash Mobsters vs. Anti Flash Mobsters (english) Arena of Winkie No Flash Winkies 7:09am Wed Aug 13 '03 Lets talk about who’s taking responsibility Harry-Two for who’s Numbered Flash Sets Ups in a Brown Bag It and Who really done it, and who’s taking the Credits and On Who Blaming Who over Who?s really Nailing it down in a bigger-Flash a coming There Mate!. other post tell of the where the who and the when. sorry but e know and you don't but your nor listening. And your just bloody offending us too. That’s Cor4rect for Big $$$$ There Batman and if you’ve been monitoring our Real Deal Speal Its about to get Worse out There In Spiderman’s Territory for the Upcoming Marsy Orange Glow Flow to War there Batman and Real real soon UN-to boot! Just another BOOM POP goes The Weasel within The Webs of deception! Well there is also another Diversion Planned There For Gotham there Batman, you know about that one we Suspect? Big Ben Goes Tic Toc Tic Toc towards another up coming threshold to but cross along a paradigm Shape Shifting Matrix VorteX TerminatriX! Laugh it off but we get the last laugh anyway and get to say back to you really the laughs on you and is You1 See ya across one Paradigm shape shifter Threshold crossing or another! Mr. Magoo Mangos and Lost In space Orangers about To Get TerminatriX-Peeled For the Up coming Step to The Right Fall Orange Glow Flow to the FRIGHT NIGHT right CODE Orange Installment Period #11. V676(&TR697rC 976RVC&^%RR6( 765v 765R9765rC C (&c 7rR(&(5c9c VC 697)VC6VTRVC06tc 0^VC6)vc^)&^V^FVB)6bv6)Bvon & vv9v96 Go BVb9bvbvv 69doGv96v9 976 967766vv76vt r%RVC%*crv No Exit now Exits are all closed off Fade to Black Hued in an Orange Glow a flowing in threshold level after new threshold level!(t) For the Shadow always knows Ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ah ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha

See theGloat Gloat gloatgloat a gloating goat (english) Arena of Gloating & goating 10:59pm Tue Aug 19 '03

No the gloating Goat lives within the Moat Right ollie!... connect the dots though to that gloating Goat! Isn't there an important meeting coming up soon? Why do so many of the bombs in Israel go off at times perfectly suited to the Israeli Zionists agenda? cause instead of moving them to a safe Palestine now at the Israel Jordanian Egytpian-saudi Arabian Border line Region and NOT Cage Them Like Rats with that Freaking Fence! But the cement guys and builder me up guys need settlement work and with none of that They had to what py then to build a big STUPID FREAKING FENCE LIKE THE BLOODY WALLS OF JERICO! Oh Israeli ... Ezekiel 14; 21-23 21 ¶ For thus saith the Lord GOD; How much more when I send my four sore judgments upon Jerusalem, the sword, and the famine, and the noisome beast, and the pestilence, Rev. 6.8 to cut off from it man and beast? 22 Yet, behold, therein shall be left a remnant that shall be brought forth, both sons and daughters: behold, they shall come forth unto you, and ye shall see their way and their doings: and ye shall be comforted concerning the evil that I have brought upon Jerusalem, even concerning all that I have brought upon it. 23 And they shall comfort you, when ye see their ways and their doings: and ye shall know that I have not done without cause all that I have done in it, saith the Lord GOD. The Jews have Not listened this is correct! The other side is getting desperate we also know this, The Plo are to Blame also. As the Christian reports came back to us from Israeli gladiators its just a horrid situation also for us Israeli Christians & Palestinian Christians. Since The Arenas strapping in & then boom Post we were all on Orange hued alert status! BINGO! hand the man a laurel! too the others we give you this... generational Mutilation instigation payback rock out negation Explosions knocken windows out loud horrid suffocation. we are not in the least laughing (Gazzoo post Chuckle Chuckle) Get it yet Knuckle headed Vet! you all brought this upon yourselves so go straight back to the Vet clinic hell you came out of .... I'm with you Vet. can i lick your arse some more there Sergeant Love you military guys minds so so precisely wrong There BOZO Vet! ahhhhhhhhhhhhhh BOZOVET.... The Next coming BOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOMMMMMMMMMM Will Be a REALLY BIG ORANGE A CRUSH AN ING THERE BIG BOY! I may have my opinions and allegiances but I would never celebrate anyone's death. How about The Arena is classified a celebration of Ezekiel Shiva Death devotion there Big Boy we get to slab, Tab, Bury ! A Twilights shadow Dancers divine Passion Plays of Passion Plays in a Grand Journey " Please Release Me Let Me Go" Memory of memories in The Divine call For Liberty’s Sweet Voice of assurance in Life and in Death..... Its Force Vs. Violence Its Me and You & JD Salinger in an eternal divine Catch 22 Matrix Vortex in both Time & space, Life & Death!  Vet, you got there Big Boy, a lot to but learnâ?? !Minchia! SLAB> TAB> Coroner Glads and Tabulators Glads and Funeral director Glads, Us Folks have been all Welcomed & now welcome you to a Divine Passion play Scenario of Deaths Meditative Looney tunes World of Worlds in a stage of Stages In the center of centers out from the Grave of graves. Why a Grave... Call It Murder 1! Its called Officer Friday and Book em, Murder 1 Its called Telly Savalis and Your Busted BabyIts called Hawaii Five 0 & Take em in Dano Its called true Justice there Vet! Its called They sadly ended up destroying themselves there Mr. Spock. Sadly Captain or Just IllogicallyYou don't get Us Yey-yevy either just like the Sergeant Big Boy Vet here of "yes sir, Major Ill tongue your Rectal for a good 8 to 10 hours or so today there Major...." Ahhhhhhhh Death Central LOONIE TUNES There Looney Vet, Get it yet! What was The road runner about there? Dying or not dying is an art and to sense danger or something in the pipeline its good to be careful and aware of coming round the road runner bend FAST AWAKE AND AWARE! We can't gloat yet there Vet But wait... Anyone who gloats over the killing of another human being ain't invited to my party. who said we even would want to be invited to your party there DR and Vet to start that shit with us is pure HORSESHIT THERE ARSEHOLE! Start trouble with us is fine with us there Arsehole Hell exists. Right here on the surface of our little planet. It's man's inhumanity to man. War. That’s right and death gloats at their Stupidity Evil & Greed! accusing the Jews as usual without much evidence there mate covering for USA British Interest are you! you are there Mate. People are getting killed and maimed. Relatives and friends are grieving.... and you make a joke of it. No Joke arsehole this is Death Central Calling! We have told you from the very fucking rotten Son of a bitching day that we stayed monitoring all you left wing arseholes along with all you right wing assholes for all these years and your incessant accusations against one another! It doesn't matter if they are Jewish or Palestinian or whatever, it's sad and horrible. Yes and we called it three weeks ago MORON! Its a Northwood me Text book Scenario!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!1 WAKE UP VET HELLLOOOOOOOOO OUT There There1 Is there anybody out there???????? JD Salinger! Catch now the arena Old Man in my own Catch 22. I may back the Palestinian's wish for a state of their own, but so do quite allot of good, decent Jews, including Reformed Jews and Orthodox rabbis. Now that statement is correct! A laurel on that statement, see we are fair DR! osy-mo-sis of each moses Please have a little decency and respect for human beings in all their forms and colors. Screw you arsehole We Arena Glads who are writing this back to you are human beings in all their forms and colors, we got Asian & African & European & Hispanic Gladiators We got glads of all sizes shapes and forms there VET INCLUDING AND ESPECIALLY YOU THERE VERNON! Hell exists. Right here on the surface of our little planet. It's man's inhumanity to man. War. Your right though on this last statement there Vet you get the Laurel at the end after ripping into us and we can still but give you our response and say To You There VET Come On Down For The price Is Right and we are fair enough to give you a laurel too for this last noble statement... GLOATTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTT over all your Deaths NO Death does not GLOAAAAAAAAAAAAAATTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTT Over all your Deaths! He sits in divine meditation clearing his mind of it all including and especially all their deaths. Then after meditation he goes on line to imc and right in their faces GloAAAAAAATTTTTSSSSSSSSSSSS! Fuck Off Vet arsehole! See he GloATS Big time in all there faces. Comment #3 got it, the others fail the test Arena of a laurel to #3. Dig deeper why his death in our past Mello Yellow Installment period #6 we warned you all of this in the coming future as usual, even used HIS NAME IN That One cause of what he was doing back then at The UN. Go back Go back to #6 Mellow Yellow but hidden amidst the5 of deception Being Not Being ( 2002 was slide through for us glads to the NOW) 2001-2002 Red White and Blue Posts 2002-2003 Violet Scarlet Yellow Green Black pink Brown Orange now hueing! Thats 11 Right There Vet We will line them up just for you there Vet July- Jan 2001 1.Red Batman & Robins Code Flaming Red PRE 9-11 Warning Arena posts 2.White The Wild Jokers Hints to Hoax Riddles masked in White AnthraX- Matrix vorteX Installment period #2 3.Blue Out from the Blue X-mas War in Afghanistan Big Baby Blue Installment Period #3 ( Then Dec 2001 went to the underground and the arena did not post if at all. 2002 Feb-Dec 4. Violent Violet Purple People pushing Quadruple Payback Installment Period #4 5.Scarlet Letter Hidden Unto The Underground Octopus’s Garden MatriX VorteX Installment Period #5 6.Yellow- Mello Yellow Glowing Bright Installment Period #6 7.Green & The green back payback- ENRON Scandal Fall Dollars $$$$$ Installment Period #7 8.Black Enter The Shadow Behind the Eight Ball Black Death Installment Period #8. Leading Up to GULF WAR II 2003 Went To the underground March-April 2003 after posting our 9.Pink Panther Pink StinK Spring 2003 Lysistrata Project You say you want a revolution Installment Period #9#9#9#9 10.Brown town Bugs bunny Lost in Space & The Lone Ranger & Tonto Brown DU DU BROWN OUT BROWN TOWN SUMMER 2003 Installment Period #10. ( still in it till next month but now we are all crossing over a threshold Barrier unto 11.Orange-( sept-Dec 2003) an Orange Crush Flush K4riss cross don’t look back in Anger over The Threshold Flow Orange Peeled Installment period #11 coming Up huing into it came with this call out to Glow Flow Orange Blastya Chocking Fregationâ?¦ 2004- The Final Frontier Arena Starship Posts 12. Installment Period 12? Jan- April 2004 post connect The Dots all you bright and brilliant IMC Arena Fans out There! See vet we’ve been at this a long Time Now! Life and Death are pretty much the way it is in our own destined and fated way. Gloating is when your puppet masters are Dead There Asehole like they would have us dead or deaden all our lives there arsehole! You both don’t understand Shit but you open up your foul mouths against Us! Death to you and yes we will gloat! ThusAt the height of America’s longest stretch of political, economic, and global prosperity and influence, why slander the idea of Empire? Brain J. white University of North Dakota Thus just as once was then, in the there & then, so the colonial/imperial paradigm did not die with the formal end of colonialism . . . Indeed, one could speak of a submerged imperial presence that lingers horridly on in the here & now Thus Thus "Death smiles at us all. So all a man can do is smile back." For we mortals are but shadows and dustSo â?¦ FEAR NOTBut listen! And understand! The Terminator is out there. It can't be bargained with! It can't be reasoned with! It doesn't feel pity, or remorse, or fear. And it absolutely will not stop, ever, until you are dead! Today, there is a war. Tomorrow, there is grass. After tomorrow, there are children playing. Life is stronger then Death in the long run. -- Dmitriy Solovyov Thus goes the Eternal Cosmic Karmic Wheel Of Birth, Life, Death, Re-Birth Birth, Life, Death, Re-Birth And thusFear Not as you now Enter Into Sweet Lady Liberty’s Divine Calling Out From The Heavens Above To Her Eternal Arena Of Shadow Dancing Death Devotee Gladiators We never gloat just tell it like it is concerning Murder death assassination Termination Liquidation, Murder Mercenaries For Hire, Terrorists, Freedom Fighters, Gang Mobsters, Mafia, Military Murderers and ect ect ect! As the blackness surrounds, each gladiator one by one regained consciousness in this earthly realm (and they wonder exactly when they had lost it), they found themselves here, on a desolate rock in the middle of nothingness, called planet earth, wondering where we truly are and what is going to happen. But we all learned in time, and then the battle for our lives truly begins. For the most part, these warrior gladiators were soldiers who have followed a lineage of many generations of warriors, covering most of Earth's greatest wartime periods. Welcome now into Sweet Lady Liberty’s Eternal Gladiatorial Arena Of The Society of Sacred Sword. Our Tale of Tales is a long Storybook Tales Of Adventure. FOR ON THROUGH THE ARENA LIES THE PORTHOLE TO STARGATE TO GUIDE YOU THROUGH UNTO THE TIME & SPACE CONTINUUM WINDOWWHICH IS FOREVER OPENING AND CLOSING ITSELF UNTO THE SPECTRAL LIGHT OF DIVINE TRANSFORMATIONS. THIS IS THE DESTINED OPERATION OF BOTH TIME & SPACE BUT KNOW AND UNDERSTAND THAT ONE DAY ALL MUST AT SOME PREDESTINED TIME PASS THROUGH THE STARGATE AND THROUGH WHICH ALL MUST RETURN AGAIN THUS WITHIN IS HELD FOR THOSE WHO ARE WORTHY A PERPETUAL DREAM STATE OF WONDERMENT & AMAZEMENT THROUH WHICH THEY WILL FIND ETERNAL BLISS BUT BEWARE TO THOSE WHO ARE NOT! FOR TO GO ON THROUGH IS TO FIND A NEVER ENDING NIGHTMARISH HELL THAT SEEMS TO GO ON FOREVER & EVER & FOR WHICH THERE IS NO RETURN THUS YOU HAVE BEEN FOREWARNED. As the blackness surrounds, each gladiator one by one regained consciousness in this earthly realm (and they wonder exactly when they had lost it), they found themselves here, on a desolate rock in the middle of nothingness, called planet earth, wondering where we truly are and what is going to happen. But we all learned in time, and then the battle for our lives truly begins. For the most part, these warrior gladiators were soldiers who have followed a lineage of many generations of warriors, covering most of Earth's greatest wartime periods. Welcome now intoSweet Lady Liberty’s Eternal Gladiatorial Arena Of The Society of Sacred Sword. Our Tale of Tales is a long Storybook Tales Of Adventure. Fellow Gladiators... I salute you. I Gladiator Zero now sit in the center of the Arena of the Sacred Sword and meditate, concentrating on and envisioning the life that I have lived so far and the accomplishments I have achieved through out my existence. I then drew myself up , each bit of my power and presence filling the Arena, and I state this, with dignity, honor and courage . My name is ...Zero, some call me No-Man "But I am not no-one. I am a noble warrior. I am a lead Gladiator." Once I would have rebelled, would have tried to escape. Now I am just weary to my very soul. I have very little to no fight in me left but I’ve found solstice in the knowledge that the biggest factor in battle is how large your heart. I looked down at my sacred sword my only possession, my only friend. Though my skill as a gladiator and as a warrior are important, it is not with my sword that I shall defeat evil, but with my mind and my heart my courage, resilience, by virtue of my survival and my refusal to be broken And a singular belief in the power of good to triumph over evil by following the path of truth and justice There was only one choice I could make. For as long as I could remember, I have lived as a warrior. I am a true master of my trade. For to us gladiators, pain is irrelevant. Death is but a temporary transformation we can forever overcome. I have lived as a warrior, and now I will die as one and in that it will last both an instant and an eternity. But always remember and never forget thatsThe Arena is not a game. The Arena is not a product. The Arena is not a secret. The Arena is a sacred public ritual and a Munus (a sacred obligation to the dead, a funeral rite) and we have been placed on this earth to perform it for the peoples of the world. So we both have our mission impossible to perform. I've seen many a gladiator enter here with much the same look of confusion you show now. It may seem perplexing that beings with such a fragile grip on their mortal coil would fight and die so valiantly, even when they had everything to lose. I personally brought forth a theory: that humans fight because they must. The desire to fight, to challenge, to compete, to affect the events and things surrounding them, is an innate part of all mankind. Humans seem to understand their own mortality. While some run from their impending death or attempt to live in denial of it, there have always been those who embrace death, and by doing so, often elude its grasp. Some of your greatest historical figures lived their lives by standing boldly in the shadow of the grim reaper. To paraphrase one of your prophets, those that embraced their lives lost them. Over time many other noble brave and valiant death devotee warriors joined me, each one renowned for their Strength, Toughness, Perception and well orchestrated strategies & tactics well planned in advance for every contingency. Soon after my theory gained acceptance, & others began to view us with fascination . We began to notice select individuals like us who not only survived, but constantly dominated in certain-death situations. These were often the unknown soldiers, the unsung heroes of their time. When they did die however, their deaths served to further the cause they fought for during their lives. We began documenting these brave, noble warriors to try to observe patterns. Unfortunately, as our glad-network grew, so did the interests of others in us and in our work. Thus, Liberty’s Eternal Gladiator Arena was brought forth out from the realm of shades and shadows. Thus, the greatest warriors have been brought here after their valiant service and near death experiences within and from without of their own homelands. We then came together to Battle ourselves to see who was the better than you best, they revolved around a basic round robin system, but a warriors truce was eventually forged. Thats who were are arseholes we have no time to Gloat, but in a matter of fact way just TOLD YA SO! Be There and See The Distance Along The Future Event Horizon planned Within The Octopus's Garden Track In The Shade! Get our Track Yet! The Track Chase Hound Hunt Target & Liquidate Scenario along The Track Line has NOW ENTERED FULL TILT! For Believing is but half the Battle Overcoming the other half of the Equation! @The Centrist Arena of Gladiators 2000-2003, are # Of the Society Of The Sacred Sword, a wholly-owned subsidiary of $ Grand Journey Enterprise Release LTD a privately-held, Investigative Research Source of Internet Conspiracy Theory%. Thus we are Resigned but never broken, As we calmly strode to the arena to meet our fate. May the Force Out From The Grave Be with You Signed Sadly and Tragically At the Swords Blades Edge! WE Bitter Over Bitter Gladiators Of the Society of the Sacred Sword "Alone of Angels Death has no love for gifts, Libation helps you not, nor sacrifice. He has no altar, and hears no hymns; From him alone Persuasion stands apart." And thus we have Freedom to Live For the Battlefield is Symbolic of The Field of Life Where every creature lives on the Death of another For our Life is bounded by Two Silences The Silence of Stars and That of Graves But they tell ya boy shut your mouth and don’t ya tell the secrets that ya see or you’ll too will be in the wishing well, wishing you didn’t tell or maybe just a hanging from a tree. Right liberal Doc in Plantation Land still fighting fellow whites for freedom & Justice For all Thanks liberal Doc.. Uncle Tom's Cabin Warrant Just for the record let's get the story straight Me and Uncle Tom were fishin' it was gettin' Pretty late Out on a cypress limb above the wishin' well Where they say is got no bottom say it take You down to Hell. Over in the bushes and off to the right Come two men talking; in the pale moonlight Sheriff John Brady and Deputy Hedge Haulin' two limp bodies down to the water's edge I know a secret down at Uncle Tom's cabin oh yea I know a secret that I just can't tell They didn't see me and Tom in the tree Neither one believin' what the other could see Tossed in the bodies let 'em sink on down To the bottom of the well Where'd they never be bound I know a secret down at Uncle Tom's cabin oh yea I know a secret that I just can't tell I know a secret down at Uncle Tom's cabin Know a secret that I just can't tell I know a secret down at Uncle Tom's cabin Know who put the bodies in the wishin' well Soon as they were gone me and Tom got down Prayin' real hard that we wouldn't make a sound Runnin; through the woods back to Uncle Tom' shack Where the full moon shines throught the roof tile cracks Oh my God Tom who re we gonna tell The sheriff belongs in a prison cell Keep your mouth shut that's what we're gonna do Unless you wanna wind up in the wishin' well too. I know a secret down at Uncle Tom's cabin I know a secret that I just can't tell I know a secret down at Uncle Tom's cabin Know a secret that I just can't tell I know a secret down at Uncle Tom's cabin Know who put the bodies, know who put the bodies in the wishin' well When I'm Gone 3 Doors Down There's another world inside of me that you may never see There's secrets in this life that I can't hide Well somewhere in this darkness there's a light that I can't find Well maybe it's too far away Or maybe I'm just blind Maybe I'm just blind So hold me when I'm here Right me when I'm wrong Hold me when I'm scared And love me when I'm gone Everything I am And everything in me Wants to be the one you wanted me to be I'll never let you down Even if I could I'd give up everything If only for your good So hold me when I'm here Right me when I'm wrong Hold me when I'm scared You won't always be there So love me when I'm gone Love me when I'm gone When your education x-ray cannot see under my skin I won't tell you a damn thing that I could not tell my friends Roaming through this darkness, I'm alive but I'm alone And part of me is fighting this But part of me is gone So hold me when I'm here Right me when I'm wrong Hold me when I'm scared And love me when I'm gone Everything I am And everything in me Wants to be the one you wanted me to be I'll never let you down Even if I could I'd give up everything If only for your good So hold me when I'm here Right me when I'm wrong Hold me when I'm scared You won't always be there So love me when I'm gone Love me when I'm gone Are you not now entertained? Is this not what you came here for! For The Shadow knows what lurks in the hearts of man. Striking story! But now, the people want to know how the story ends. Only famous deaths will do. And what could be more glorious than to challenge the Evil Puppet Master Rulers & Their Brainwashed Brain-dead Henchmen Terminator goons in the great Arena? So Can you still but hear A SWEET VOICE DIVINE CALLING FORTH FROM THE HEAVENS ABOVE GIVE ME LIBERTY OR GIVE ME DEATH THUS LIBERTY'S CALL IS DEDICATED IN HONOR TO OUR MOTHERS WHO'S VOICE DIVINE CONTINUES TO SHOW US THE WAY TO LIFE, LOVE AND LIBERTY! THUS THE MYSTERY OF LIBERTY'S VOICE DIVINE CALLING FROM ABOVE TO ALL TO ENTER THE DREAM AWAKENING AWAITING ALL TO BEGIN AGAIN TO AWAKEN TO LIBERTY'S VOICE DIVINE CALLING ALL TO ENTER THE DREAM AWAKENING WITHIN THE SLEEPING CASTLE OF DREAMS ALAS AWAKENING WITHIN THE SLEEPING CASTLE OF DREAMS WHERE ALL DREAMERS DREAMS COME TRUE THUS ONCE AGAIN THE TIME HAS ARRIVED TO ENTER INTO... ENTERING UPON THE DIVINE WINGS OF TIME THAT AWAITS AMIST THE INSPIRATIONAL WINDS OF CHANGE THAT BECKONS FORTH A VOICE DIVINE HEARD CALLING FROM THE HEAVENS ABOVE OPENING STARGATES WINDOW TO TIME O ONCE MORE SIGNALING THE RETURN OF LIBERTY'S SACRED SWORD INVITING ONCE AGAIN ALL TO COME AND JOIN IN THE NEXT STEP ALONG DESTINYS DIVINE PATH THAT CALLS FORTH TO ALL IN THE REIGN OF THE GREAT REIGN REIGNING Turning and turning in the widening gyre The falcon cannot hear the falconer; Things fall apart; the center cannot hold; Mere anarchy is loosed upon the world... --W. B. Yeats, "The Second Coming" LONG AGO THE Evil Puppet Masters FORCED AN ARENA IN OUR FACES AND THREW US IN THERE BEFORE ON Their Evil WHIMS NOW WE ARE GOING TO GO ONE STEP FURTHER THIS TIME IN THE HERE AND NOW TIME & SPACE MATRIX VORTEX AND INVITE YOU FIRST THIS CENTURY THERE BIG DADDY (O)â??s OLD GEIZZERS INTO A GLADIATOR ARENA FIRST THIS TIME IN MEMORY TO SPARTACUS! INTO IT Get ITâ?¦ Its Our CALL FIRST THIS TIME AND YOUR PICKED AS A GLADIATOR TOO THERE DADDY o right for the new Millennium. ON OUR Grand Journey Enterprise Release INVITATION 2000 years later in a grand Internationally Defined Show of Shows A Spectacle Of Spectacles of fun, frolic and vengeance out from the grave in a return payback of divine retribution. Gloat gloat Gloat there Ollie Goat!

again Told ya so, but noone is listening (english)

Arena Of God Then Just DIE 1:57am Wed Aug 20 '03
The Great Leftist Set Up & Backstab Final Abandonment author: Arena Of Green Gladiators 18.Aug.2003 09:18 Another warning Batman & Robin Post missed... IMC main page took it down, always fighting with you all before a BIG BOOM to keep up our Posts at that Necessary Time, why is that There IMC! But as you can see We Said COR4ectly... $4 Oclock Baghdad Time it hit.... 4 o clock Broen out now 4 oclock Baghdad Blast ya! We even got the Times Right! ARSEHOLES at IMC and the Worlds Screw You! we hit It once Again! Warned you and again like 9-11 like nanterre like the Bali Blast like like like like like and you snubbed us and shrugged us Off every fucking Time! and your hearts are still hard and your Know it all conceited minds won't conceed that we have The answetrs to the questions Not You Dumb Dumbs! Right Gazoo. OUR GAZOO POST also gave hints to hoax, Clues Dates Times and The where The When The How and The Whys! Our Harry's Flash Post also gave Clues, nobody cared! But your still not listening Oh well until The Next Bigger One a coming... see ya wouldn't want to be any of ya! Whe we Brought back out from the batcave Batman and Robin again didn't you all think about it after Telling you before! You all just don't care, or don't want to get it but YOU GOT IT ANYWAY juat as we again Stated! +++ The SNIPERS CASE++++ Muhammad, Malvo & Moose & The Sniper Case Arena Of Many Smoking Mirrors & Snipers Guns Now a sniper returns to West Virginia Another well staged CIA ploy just like the first one. The Great Leftist Set Up & Backstab Final Abandonment The Great Leftist Set Up & Backstab Final Abandonment (english) Arena of "I am an Arena Gladiator" 7:30am Mon Aug 18 '03 Enter The Arena Of Batman & Robin and The Arena Of Glad Gladiators BOOM POP goes The Weasel within The Webs of deception! Batman Whats going on now? Sounds as if The Arena is calling all to War for this coming Mars Closness to Earth. Mars Close To Earth Means Big Wars a looming Right Batman? Thats Cor4rect there Robin, the Arena knows what happening Under Under within The Shades Of The Shadow There Robin and also Knows of The Coming Orange Glow thats about To Blast Off in a Marsy Sort Of way There Robin, I'm Afraid Theres going to be More Bigger Trouble out West there Robin amd Gotham City is still all Numb from That Last Brown out Number there Robin, Big evil deep things are in the planning. When is it going to hit there Batman and Where? Come on Robin The Bat Phone is Ringing I have a feeling itâ??s the Arena and Heâ??s going to tell us just what your asking there Robin! Batman, this is the Arena Of Gladiators speaking How are You and Robin Doing? Fine Arena Glads Both of us are just fine, How about your Glad Gladiators Doing, we hear your in Wars all Around? Thatâ??s Cor4rect for Big $$$$ There Batman and if youâ??ve been monitoring our Real Deal Speal Its about to get Worse out There In Spidermanâ??s Territory for the Upcoming Marsy Orange Glow Flow to War there Batman and Real real soon to boot! Just another BOOM POP goes The Weasel within The Webs of deception! Well there is also another Diversion Planned There For Gotham there Batman, you know about that one we Suspect? That we do there Arena Glads and we are gladly getting on it right Away. Good To Here From You again Arena Keep in Touch! Wow Batman itâ??s going to be in Spidermans Territory do you think the Arena knows the precise day and time? Maybe There Robin but he did Hint Real real Soon to boot and Something Else gave it away there Robin can you Figure It Out? Ummm There Batman I need too think about this a little? No time Now there Robin The Other Diversion Here In Gotham The arena Mentioned is in Need of our attention, we will call Spiderman Tonight and Talk with him about It There Robin But Now To The Bat Mobile! Exit The Arena Of Batman And Robin and The Arena Fade To Bat-cave Black hued in the Orange trailing Exhaust of The Bat mobile! Big $$$$ hint was to say IMF WTO World Bank Big $$$$ Big Wigs. Get It...... There In Spidermanâ??s Territory for the Upcoming Marsy Orange Glow Flow to War there Batman and Real real soon to boot! Just another BOOM POP goes The Weasel within The Webs of deception!
Bingo we stated before they killed him for a (english) Arena of good for them but evil reasons 10:38pm Tue Aug 19 '03
Bingo we stated before they killed him for a reason. Good use of troops without any ties or families right their General Bingo, filmed the Units Of non unit foreign American troops boyz without Families used as fodder to go in first, we spoke much of this in the past! BINGO! You get the arena Laurel! Hit the Nail right on The Head Now Connect the dots .... Further To Those Foreign First without Families American troops Killed and used and trained to be used for fodder! Many African and Other nationality troops without Families Or Ties and were young Stupid and Expendable! Get It YeT! More On This coming Up! we stated It Long Ago back In 2001 on the use of these Special Expendable Troops seen always on Base always alone, always separated and always without ties or families!
Eternal Shadow Dancers Death Watch List (english) Arena Of Death Devotee Shadow Dances 1:14am Wed Aug 20 '03
Who wanted him dead Shadow list of Shadowers lists #1 Koffi himself's United Farse #2. Bush-Cheney's Americans Shadow Government #3. Blair's British Shadow Shadowers #4. Sharon's Israel Shadow Shadow shadowers #5. IMF-WTO World Bank Big $$$$ Money Shadowers #6. World Court false Justice Shadowers #7. Brazilian & Portuguese Shadow Shadowers ready to Expand on that list Arena Fans and the reasons behind each one wanting not only this to happen but to see him Terminated... To The Shadows with him...Undead-Dead vs. Dead Undead in an Eternal Shadow Dancers Death Watch.
Great Post For Du Du Brown Out Installment (english) Arena Of Du Du Brown Installment Period #10 6:12am Wed Aug 20
Enter The Arena Of Gethim's deep doggie DOO DOO POST about That sickening little prick known as Tony Blair! Fade into The Arena Of Verbatum as We Arena Gladiators Gladly salute you on a fine post! And It was ultimately about not having any integrity and credibility of the Prime Minister." Great Doo Doo PostUp for this Du Du Brown Out Brown Town Summer 2003 Installment Period #10. We Arena Gladiators Salute Gethim's deep doggie DOO DOO POST about That sickening little prick known as Tony Blair! Best thing for Britian is to get rid of his weasely nasty little arse! Bottom Line Blair Must Go and Get a Brit who can see them through this upcoming Orange Glow Alert Installment Period #11 after all this Summer 2003 DU DU is done. Get him gone before the Autumn sun reaches its equinoX Journey or the damage done to Brit Integrity will be blasted in the Paradigm shifted TRENCHANT Tourney. Have a nice day there Mate! Again we Gladiators Salute Gethim's noble post . May The Force Of Gethim's Integrity & Credibility Be with you Signed Sadly & Tragically At The Sword Blades Edge We Bitter Over Bitter Arena Gladiators Of The Society Of The Sacred Blade Time to Blade Through a Bunch Of Blairs incredulous Lies. Fade To Black hued in Orange Credibility

The Paradigm Threshold Traducian Cross-over (english) Arena Of Resistence to the PTTC 5:01pm Wed Aug 20 '03
Enter The arena Of Resistance to the (PTTC) Paradigm Threshold Traducian Cross-over. And fade into destiny’s divine call as each of us begins to cross over to the Shape Shifter Paradigm Threshold Traducian Cross-over within the Octopus's Garden MatriX VorteX within the Shades of the Shadows, where there is no eXit No escape only submittence to the rule of rules. This is a good thread Guido glad you posted it, we salute you, seems as if they got rid of all their Thorns in their side that were there from within, like we Gladiators always have stated Kill two Birds with one well placed Blastya! Getting the desired effect both ways and on both sides of this Evil Pente-Dragon Equation. Remember The Octopus works in unison with the Pente-Dragon. Well it looks as If The deception is going into as we stated before "The Crossing Over Through into the next Shape-Shifter Paradigm Threshold within the Octopusâ??s Garden MatriX VorteX deepening all within the shade of the shadows which none can look back from, only in fleeting memory. In the next 6 to 9 months it will become more ruthless and deceptive and the deeper ploys will be unleashed. Now going back to the bombing this was a direct assault by those who donâ??t want to destroy the UN but to use it for their purposes and distort it, control it, monopolize it and ultimately use it as a tool within their grand evil schemes of greed control and power, those who resist were put in Iraq not to help Iraq that was the ploy and disguise but they were put there to die together in mass to get the effect those others desired , and thus kill two or even three birds with one well placed well staged Stone. So people where do we stand from here? At the precipice of the Dragon Masters abyss. Thatâ??s why this IMC is so important and thatâ??s the reason why they want to now destroy it. IMC is run also by money and $$$$ interest, lets get that clear, these interest though seem to be the best outlet in the here and now more or less, That is why to sell out one inch, even if they threaten to kill ya is not worth it for they will kill you anyway after cutting a deal with them, and even if you live and they don’t kill you , you then will become as stated below. There is no such thing, at this date of the world’s history, as an independent press. You know it and I know it. There is not one of you who dares to write your honest opinions, and if you did, you know beforehand that it would never appear in print. I am paid weekly for keeping my honest opinions out of the paper I am connected with. Others of you are paid similar salaries for similar things, and any of you who would be so foolish as to write honest opinions would be out on the streets looking for another job. If I allowed my honest opinions to appear in one issue of my paper, before twenty-four hours my occupation would be gone. The business of the journalist is to destroy the truth, to lie outright, to pervert, to vilify, to fawn at the feet of mammon, and to sell the country for his daily bread. You know it and I know it, and what folly is this toasting an independent press. We are the tools and vassals of the rich men behind the scenes. We are the jumping jacks, they pull the strings and we dance. Our talents, our possibilities and our lives are all the property of other men. We are intellectual prostitutes. John Swinton New York Times editor in a speech before the New York Press Club 1953 We have Spoken1 Vorte-X-ed back out from the Underground- Matri-X Watch and Beware for the crossing over is occurring as we speak its happening to us all the question though remains who will be able to resist now the onslaught of The Pente-dragon’s Fury and his pet Octopus’s Frenzy Garden Traducianism. Following Blindly the call from within the Greater Traducian Body with which to become one with without choice or reason, all logical perceptions will be voided within The Webs of Deception Spun By The Octopus's Great Black Widow of endlessly spun webs within webs of lies, iniquities and deceit.. It will make the Traducianism of Hitler and "The One Body" of Nazi Germany look like child’s play. sadly now their is no Exit, no escape only submittence as we will all now begin to cross over that Shape Shifter Paradigm Threshold Traducian Cross-over within the Octopus's Garden MatriX VorteX within the Shades of the Shadows. We have Spoken! Signed Sadly & Tragically At The Sword Blades Edge We Bitter Over Bitter Gladiators Of The Society Of The Sacred Sword Now Fade To "Shape Shifter" Black within the Shades of Shadows

Enter the Arena of Passion in Peace & Harmony (english) Arena of Passion in peace and harmony 12:53pm Wed Aug 20 '03
It really is a non issue. Most Americans will go see it on Friday or Saturday night, enjoy the evening out at the cinema go home put the children to bed, make love to their wives and girlfriends and go to sleep, get up mow the grass and have Saturday lunch with the family, So Jews lighten Up will you! Let him just make the movie and we will then see it and judge it as a good flick or nor, all this other hub bub surrounding it is just overblown tragicomedy, hey we are 2,000 years into this thing, come On! And anyway most Westerners we already know the whole story anyway, grew up with the story, so there is nothing on film that is going to make that big of difference, and if its done wrong we will just say it was a dumb movie that wasted our 20 Bucks and still go home put The kids to bed, make love to the wife and go to sleep, get up mow the grass and have Saturday lunch with the family. Get it yet Jews, we westerners don't really think its a big deal, most of the normal ones anyway, don't get so upset or make such an issue of it, most Americans could care less about who nailed Christ, maybe some jerk weed Christian fanatics will but they are small in number and are not the mainstream, and others will keep them in line. again The Western routine one more time For you Jews to understand....Most Americans will go see it on Friday or Saturday night, enjoy the evening out at the cinema go home put the children to bed, make love to their wives and girlfriends and go to sleep, get up mow the grass and have Saturday or Sunday lunch with the family, and then think about washing their cars and then taking the wife and kids shopping, get it! So back off and let him finish it with his on creative right to do so and then we will all see and judge it. all together, whether it was a good movie or not. Just back off and lighten up cause your creating more of an issue over it right now than it should be created over it, here’s an Arena Promise, We NORMAL CHRISTIAN WESTERNERS will think nothing about the Jews in this film, cause its a well known deal amongst us and we are forgiving as we would like others to be forgiving to us, so don't worry about it, a Western Christian guarantee there Jews, lighten up and back off it, cause your making a mountain out of a molehill right now. Christ taught forgiveness, sadly which few people around the world truly practice. Again here is a Western Christian guarantee there Jews, one more time so you can get it through your heads about how most normal Western decadent Christians are, here we go we will spell it out for you one more time so you wont worry cause we know many of you are worry warts over this issue. One more time after the movie most Americans will go see it on Friday or Saturday night, enjoy the evening out at the cinema go home put the children to bed, make love to their wives and girlfriends and go to sleep, get up mow the grass and have Saturday or Sunday lunch with the family, and then think about washing their cars and then taking the wife and kids shopping, get it. Am I not right fellow Christian Americans as well as other Americans Christian or other wise. So bottom line lighten Up, and go and enjoy hopefully a god Movie about a time when, long ago. We don’t need to battle about that issue in the here and now, and knowing Mel he will be sensitive to your cultural concerns, so lighten up a bit, OK â?¦ Hey in peace and all goodness to all earths people go and enjoy yourselves at the cinema there people whether your Hindu, Muslim, Christian, Jew, Buddhist, Atheist, Pagan Or Whatever, cause all of you are Americans who will probably just like the Christian Westerners as well as the Jew will go see it on Friday or Saturday night, enjoy the evening out at the cinema go home put the children to bed, make love to their wives and girlfriends and go to sleep, get up mow the grass and have Saturday or Sunday lunch with the family, and then think about washing their cars and then taking the wife and kids shopping. People are people world wide. Happy passion watching and remember enter the passion filled arena cinema in both peace and harmony as all being one world citizens of planet earth.So go now and enjoy the movie together as Americans & citizens of the world in peace and in harmony. Happy trails.
We knew of this "By You all" a month ago (english) Arena Of sick of your cover story lies 12:54am Thu Aug 21 '03
And they just leisurely strolled that big bad boy right in there and let it blow, yeah right, more disinfo crap, please go test the morons intelligence who watch your mass media propaganda mind bending madness on TV. Shish! Enough, we have blown holes wide open on all your disinfo cover stories and here’s just another one, you guys never give up, just keep pumping the lie through until it sticks and people believe it as gospel truth. Push a lie long enough and the morons will begin to believe Right CIA intel wankers. Like 9-11, like the Bali blast, like so many others and now this. This was a remote controlled number and it was let in with ease and it happened just to find the head Un guys part of the building at a perfect time. Enough Lies!

what were they doing there in the firstplace (english) Arena Of Enough Western LIES 12:04am Thu Aug 21 '03
the United Nations DECLINED security protection from US forces. The UN as a rule does not like operating in militarized facilities or excessive military presence...same goes for in Iraq. Ok Ken if the Un operating in militarized facilities or excessive military presence what are they doing there in the dangerous first place. #2 Thats bullshit where were UN peacekeeping personel guarding the place putting up Fences at the perimeters, doing their peacekeeping warriors jobs just as they go and do and stick their UM warriors and their UN noses in countless countries throughout the world. Did they screw up and the Americans who are a big part of the Un you bet ya, both are lying through their blanks. Why cause they both wanted to screw up and get this TO HAPPEN. STaged All The WAY! They, the powers that Be The UN and USA wanted the incedent and made it happen. The UN sends its Military Boyz to protect interest especially their own all over the place, they seem to protect themselves just fine in many other places around the Globe why didn't they do so there, and if it was the USa that was supposed to handle the Security arrangments the UN should have said no Thank you and sent in UN forces of many different countries to Man The perimeter in a dangerous region and protect Themselves! NO THis smells rotten, we knew of the plans for this a month ago, and we are sitting here in The Nations Capital of DC. So if we knew Here they all had to know elsewhere, Koffe had to know, Bush had to know, come on people Wake Up, Ken your full of Poop Bottom Line! Aniother appoligist excuse to divert real attention from the real under under issues with this, a cover, a white snake washing if you will. Get real Ken, sounds like a big disinfo Campaign has now begun on this and you seem a part of it with those half baked 2 sentence contrived lines of false maybe. Shish get REAL and see further into The Real set up deal with this one. Enough those with ears let them hear the Real Deal truth about all this.

Bingo Enough Said or maybe theres more (english) Arena Of Truth vs.Lies 12:13am Thu Aug 21 '03

A real deal set up against Muslims and Arabs in general, done to mainly resubjegate their own European American and Israeli people to their knees with patriotic fervor themselves and use the Arabs as the proverbial scapegoat! like we always have stated Kill Two birds with one well placed Stone throw. Bingo you hit the nail on the head with this one. +++++ Brit\hish and Amerdi/cans were losing their foothold on the Hash & opium trade back to London and New York. Big behind the scenes Bucks that they were not wanting to lose. Cause those $$$$ fund a lot of their underground naughties that other monies would be traced to if used.

Careful with what you believe coming from all those Disinformation Agent Smiths out there in the Psychotronic Mind Control Arena of Brainwashing for...
One Must Try behind the hills"
Eight Great Dahlias stood beyond the Mountains
They set fire to the Sun in a black wood
beyond the Mountains,in a valley of Visions

The Fissions of Flowers
yields all power

In Memory & Memoriam to Gentleman Jim Reeves...


Anonymous said...


Добро пожаловать, уважаемый Гость, на портал! Этот портал посвящён созданию игр, в том числе и без программирования. На сайте можно скачать необходимые для этого инструменты (конструкторы игр, движки), изучить необходимую литературу (статьи, журналы, книги) и т.д. На нашем форуме вы всегда сможете спросить совет или поделиться своими наработками. Создавать игры так увлекательно - попробуйте сами и вы в этом убедитесь. Желаем вам приятного общения!

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Anonymous said...


На нашем сайте Вы можете по низким ценам купить игры от PlayStation 2 (PS2), консолей седьмого поколения (Xbox 360, Nintendo Wii, Playstation 3) и консолей прошлых поколений (PlayStation one, Dreamcast, Panasonic 3DO), а так же ROMs и многое другое.
У нас широкий ассортимент игр. Цены игр от 70р-100р на носителях CD и DVD5 и от 150р на DVD9.

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